A Daily Lesson in Parenting and Manners: A TR by a real life Wicked Stepmom!

Surely, Cammie, you were fixin' to wear them out...

not that I have a dog in this fight...

<cheering the Texan in you>
Another fabulous chapter, LOVED it!:thumbsup2

congratulations on getter the book:woohoo:
Surely, Cammie, you were fixin' to wear them out...

not that I have a dog in this fight...

<cheering the Texan in you>

I don't tend to be "fixin" unless it's a done deal in my head...fixin is NOT a threat word...it's a "you better duck cuz it's fixin to happen" word!

The journey continues!
I am still enjoying everyone, and it is getting me even more excited everytime I read a new chapter since we have our "Spring Break" AKV trip coming up in the beginning of April!

I just wanted to post and say that I love your trip report! I'm a stepdaughter and find this hilerious, as my stepmom does some of the same things (more with my brother though:rolleyes1 ).! I can't wait to read the rest!
Great update! Mulan was on the Disney Channel the other night. And yes I did sit down to watch it. Loved the Texas accent. My friends love to make me say four and daddy. LOL
Hello Miss Cammie!
I am late subscriber but have enjoyed reading all of the installments! I just love what you do with your children! I don't like to use the word step myself....and all the work you are putting into helping them you will reap (and they will too) tenfold! Awesome report and very refreshing to hear that manners aren't totally dead here in America!!!! :goodvibes
It's like being there with you when I read your reports!!! There is nothing better than hearing a Texas accent (I'm stuck in Alaska for another 4 months, then back to Oklahoma :banana: )...makes me miss home!!!! Cant wait to read more!!!
I had a roommate in college from Mississippi who said that all the time. I don't think you could get much more Yankee than me as I'm from MN but I sure do find my ownself loving me some CampbellScot trip reporting, southern charm and proper parenting in action.

I just read through the whole thing in the last two days and you sound like an amazing (step)mother to those children. They are lucky to have you, as is Jay, even with all the neurosis. ;)

Keep it coming...and keep up the good fight.

What Yankee from MN!?!?!?! I am originally at CT Yankee! I found that when I moved to DC for college I was far enough south that I started talking "south" - not as bad as talking Texas though.
MN Yankee??

Probably should have stated instead "you don't get any farther away from the South..." than any more Yankee...


And there's nothing wrong with talking Texas, says the guy with the Fargo movie accent...
What Yankee from MN!?!?!?! I am originally at CT Yankee! I found that when I moved to DC for college I was far enough south that I started talking "south" - not as bad as talking Texas though.

Rhode Island Yankee here. I have lived in the South for the past 15 years, 8 of them in Texas. My mom said she knew I had been in Texas too long when she phoned one evening as we were getting ready to go out to dinner. The conversation went like this:
Mom: "Hi, what are you up to?"
Me: "Well, we're fixin' to go out to dinner."
Mom: "Michelle, are you fixing dinner or going out to dinner??" :confused3
Hi Miss Cammie! This is the best TR I've ever read. You just cost me 4 hrs of my night :) I've laughed, I've cried, I can't wait to read more!:surfweb:
After lurking here for about a month, I just had to jump in and say...

...Your TR is awesome!
Now please for the love of all things sacred in this world, write more! :rotfl: :rotfl:
From a born and raised in Texas girl to another.....Write On!!!!!!! The is one of the best trip reports Ever!!!!!! (I am the one that saw yall in Magic Kingdom the night of the P & P Party. I only remember this because you were dressed like Snow White and all 4 of you looked adorable.) Keep up with the fantastic writing 'cus us down here in the South needs something to do while we are at work.......:lmao:
Rhode Island Yankee here. I have lived in the South for the past 15 years, 8 of them in Texas. My mom said she knew I had been in Texas too long when she phoned one evening as we were getting ready to go out to dinner. The conversation went like this:
Mom: "Hi, what are you up to?"
Me: "Well, we're fixin' to go out to dinner."
Mom: "Michelle, are you fixing dinner or going out to dinner??" :confused3

:rotfl: When I still had some of the "southern" in my language I would get picked on by people. My BFF's husband is from Georgia and he used to say Y'all in such a manner that we would pick on him all the time. He got pissed when I slipped "y'all" into a sentance and no one even noticed it. I say I was talking south with a bit of New England charm. :rolleyes1

I guess I got back above the Mason-Dixon line quickly enough to not have "fixin'" too integrated into my vocab. :laughing:

Yup, but I never considered anyone further west than NY as a Yankee.
another wonderful chapter! i get so excited when i see a new chapter added! i just put my girls down for nap and decided to see if there was a new installment and :cool1: i'm doing the happy dance!!!
Miss Cammie,
You are my hero! :worship: I am loving this whole report and can't wait for more! I am thinking that I must actually be a step mommie because the things you say to your steps, come out of my mouth too! Though I do remember pregnancy and delivery. . .so maybe not! When will the book be coming out?!


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