Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

The worst is when I end up with only "B" team pants, bras and socks. It's like why do I even still own them? But there they are when I've exhausted the rest of my clean laundry. Sigh

Yes, I desperately need to go shopping to replace my B teams items, but I seem to be spending all of my money on race registration fees...speaking of race registrations, have you given anymore thought to Dopey??? :D
So the prices aren't that bad on eBay...I mean, still crazy, but not COMPLETELY insane...

...okay they're pretty insane. Only Italy??? :(
Okay, I'm not a makeup person at all, but ... omg.
I'm kinda angry now that my brother is flying through Switzerland on his way to Israel and not Italy like he did last time (I'm flying direct, so definitely no luck there).
Recap of my Sunday Long Run - 8 miles!!!

We went to the Chicago car show on Sunday morning (it's imperative you go to this thing the moment it opens and then get out an hour later because it becomes so least on weekends.) Kiddo loved being able to sit in a car without a carseat and press all the buttons without us yelling "noooo!" She was smitten with the idea of sun-roofs. I don't think she understands that if we ever got one we aren't going to be sticking our heads out of them while driving to see the sights.

So I spent an hour on my feet, but no biggie...that's most weekends.

When it was time for my Long Run I was well fed and well hydrated but I had a bit of a headache and I wasn't so super excited to run 8 miles. I said to my hubby "I really don't want to run right now" and god bless his response "GOOD! It means you'll feel even better when you are done" Thanks honey, I needed that. He also may have promised me pajama pants and couch sitting while watching Beyonce, etc. on the Grammy's.

So how did it go? Goal was 10:52 pace +/- each mile. I had an "idea" of where I'd be running in order to get the miles in and also getting a change of scenery, so this was not really my normal route at all. I told my hubby I'd check in with him along the way, if he'd be so kind to send me encouragement. I ended up texting him while running (something I can do at LR pace as long as I'm not like crossing a street) and in return he'd send me a funny or inspiration gif or pic. It really helped!
Edited to note that my texts were just like "Mile 1 done"
Nothing more.

Mile 1 was an insanely close to perfect 10:51! My second mile and most of the rest ended up being on sidewalks instead of the street just because I was in busier areas and most of my miles were straightaways with very limited amounts of turning. I'd go a few miles before turning, etc.
Mile 2, 3, 4 & 5 were pretty consistent
10:46, 10:41, 10:43, 10:42
I think this is due to me unconsciously turning my 10:50-ish into a 10:20/10:30 without notice sometimes. Not the whole time. I tend to naturally go back to the slower pace on my own or I'll see my watch and slow myself. It's both. I'd say I was pretty consistently seeing the 10:40 to 10:55 on my watch and that made me happy that I was hitting those times and feeling comfortable. I was pleasantly surprised.

Mile 6 and 7 has some "moments" though. I had been gradually climbing uphill (very gradually) but with the wind at my back or to my one side and then I got to a long street where we were at about the highest point in Chicago. And what I didn't realize was that the sidewalk would dip down to acommodate for driveways and then climb back up where the lawns stay high and then dip back down a little. It was fun looking at the huge houses on this street but this was hillier than I'm used to. It's good I've got this hilly area...I will come back to it on future runs. (and, no these are nothing compared to most people's hills I'm sure.) I will say I got jelly legs...weak knees...something on the way down a prolonged down at the end of the long strip and I was getting hit HARD with wind. It was not a fun feeling. I got stuck at a light and then when it was time to run again my legs took a while to get going again. I did walk up the super steep (to me) uphill back to higher flat ground because my knees and thighs were just weak feeling? It was weird. Once I got up top it was wind in the face and I soldiered through it but I felt a little bit pushing a bit harder than LR. My legs felt better after a few minutes of getting going again.
Mile 6 & 7 were exactly the same. 11:08 & 11:08
For a "hard mile" for me to only be 11:08 is a good feeling. My old LR was 11:10 and I'd often go higher during longer mileages.
My last mile I started zig zaggin back in the residential area and the wind was cut out of the equation. I did a 180 on pace and ended up with Mile 8 10:19

And then I was still over a mile from home Oops again!
I think I misjudged how diagonally the one big street was. Now I know it'll be a perfect route for a 9 mile run. I walked in the WINDY COLD WIND the whole way home. Oops.

Lessons learned...Bring water on my next run. I would have appreciated it since the wind did dry out my mouth something fierce at the end.
Sustained downhills are hard and feel weird!
And 8 miles isn't so scary anymore. (13.1 still kind of is...but only kind of.)

I also know roughly where the Grand Californian, the Matterhorn, the Disney castle, and the red hat ladies are in my neighborhood. At least on that route.

Tink Training Week #4 - Looking Ahead
Monday 2/13: Bachelor. Nick better snap out of his Eeyore "I'll never find love, boo-hoo" emo-self and remember that being on a beach with a bunch of hot ladies isn't so hard.
Start falling in love, that's what I came to see!
Tuesday 2/14: 3 miles at EA - Happy Valentines Treadmill!
Thursday 2/16: 6 miles Tempo (1.5 WU, 3 Tempo, 1.5 CD) grumble grumble 3 mi T...grumble
Sunday 2/19: 6 miles LR - sweeeet! OH's blind!!! D'oh. That's ok...I got dis.

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I just realized last week was supposed to be a blind tempo run and I totally spaced on that fact. I had ran it on the treadmill. Oops!
Thursdays are tricky for getting outside. Maybe as the weather gets nicer my next one (I see it coming on the sheet) I'll be able to get outdoors for that one.
Look at your bad self and your 8 mile run!! Woohoo!! Running in the wind and on hills is NO.JOKE. I hate running into the wind and especially not uphill, so nicely done on getting through that. And, heck yeah, you totally got dis!
Congrats on the great long run!

but I felt a little bit pushing a bit harder than LR.

Wind will do that to you. The key is trying not to fall into the trap. Just remember a 10:51 min/mile goal pace is fine being 11:30 min/mile + Wind. The real goal in the end is the effort. I had the same experience on Sunday and you can see my yo-yoing pace because of the wind.

Bachelor. Nick better snap out of his Eeyore "I'll never find love, boo-hoo" emo-self and remember that being on a beach with a bunch of hot ladies isn't so hard.

Right, I mean RIGHT!!! C'mon Nick....

grumble grumble 3 mi T...grumble


6 miles LR - sweeeet! OH's blind!!! D'oh. That's ok...I got dis.

I think I fell into the "let's get this over with" push trap during the windy parts. I'll try to keep it more even keeled on effort next time that happens! I'm kind of glad the wind hit at the end because it may have broken my spirit if it started at mile 2.
Way to go on your long run! I really really really dislike wind, it's my least favorite condition and the midwest gets a ton of it, so I'm totally impressed with your pace.
Congrats on the 8 miles! You rock!
Wind and hills are probably two of my least favorite things. Combining them ... that's definitely no fun. But you survived to tell the tale (and did it all faster than your old LR pace!!), which is pretty amazing!
Can I just give a shout out to all you challenge runners or people who train more days than me! I ran 8 at not race pace and today all I'm thinking is that I'm totally good not running today. I'm pretty creaky when I get up and then everything loosens back up but I'm pretty robotic those first few steps. I look pretty silly I'm sure easing myself up out of my chair.
You're doing great! I seem to be a lot more focused on "what should I do for a costume" than "hmmmm maybe I should start training for this 10k that is in three months".
Recap of my Sunday Long Run - 8 miles!!!

We went to the Chicago car show on Sunday morning (it's imperative you go to this thing the moment it opens and then get out an hour later because it becomes so least on weekends.) Kiddo loved being able to sit in a car without a carseat and press all the buttons without us yelling "noooo!" She was smitten with the idea of sun-roofs. I don't think she understands that if we ever got one we aren't going to be sticking our heads out of them while driving to see the sights.

So I spent an hour on my feet, but no biggie...that's most weekends.

When it was time for my Long Run I was well fed and well hydrated but I had a bit of a headache and I wasn't so super excited to run 8 miles. I said to my hubby "I really don't want to run right now" and god bless his response "GOOD! It means you'll feel even better when you are done" Thanks honey, I needed that. He also may have promised me pajama pants and couch sitting while watching Beyonce, etc. on the Grammy's.

So how did it go? Goal was 10:52 pace +/- each mile. I had an "idea" of where I'd be running in order to get the miles in and also getting a change of scenery, so this was not really my normal route at all. I told my hubby I'd check in with him along the way, if he'd be so kind to send me encouragement. I ended up texting him while running (something I can do at LR pace as long as I'm not like crossing a street) and in return he'd send me a funny or inspiration gif or pic. It really helped!
Edited to note that my texts were just like "Mile 1 done"
Nothing more.

Mile 1 was an insanely close to perfect 10:51! My second mile and most of the rest ended up being on sidewalks instead of the street just because I was in busier areas and most of my miles were straightaways with very limited amounts of turning. I'd go a few miles before turning, etc.
Mile 2, 3, 4 & 5 were pretty consistent
10:46, 10:41, 10:43, 10:42
I think this is due to me unconsciously turning my 10:50-ish into a 10:20/10:30 without notice sometimes. Not the whole time. I tend to naturally go back to the slower pace on my own or I'll see my watch and slow myself. It's both. I'd say I was pretty consistently seeing the 10:40 to 10:55 on my watch and that made me happy that I was hitting those times and feeling comfortable. I was pleasantly surprised.

Mile 6 and 7 has some "moments" though. I had been gradually climbing uphill (very gradually) but with the wind at my back or to my one side and then I got to a long street where we were at about the highest point in Chicago. And what I didn't realize was that the sidewalk would dip down to acommodate for driveways and then climb back up where the lawns stay high and then dip back down a little. It was fun looking at the huge houses on this street but this was hillier than I'm used to. It's good I've got this hilly area...I will come back to it on future runs. (and, no these are nothing compared to most people's hills I'm sure.) I will say I got jelly legs...weak knees...something on the way down a prolonged down at the end of the long strip and I was getting hit HARD with wind. It was not a fun feeling. I got stuck at a light and then when it was time to run again my legs took a while to get going again. I did walk up the super steep (to me) uphill back to higher flat ground because my knees and thighs were just weak feeling? It was weird. Once I got up top it was wind in the face and I soldiered through it but I felt a little bit pushing a bit harder than LR. My legs felt better after a few minutes of getting going again.
Mile 6 & 7 were exactly the same. 11:08 & 11:08
For a "hard mile" for me to only be 11:08 is a good feeling. My old LR was 11:10 and I'd often go higher during longer mileages.
My last mile I started zig zaggin back in the residential area and the wind was cut out of the equation. I did a 180 on pace and ended up with Mile 8 10:19

And then I was still over a mile from home Oops again!
I think I misjudged how diagonally the one big street was. Now I know it'll be a perfect route for a 9 mile run. I walked in the WINDY COLD WIND the whole way home. Oops.

Lessons learned...Bring water on my next run. I would have appreciated it since the wind did dry out my mouth something fierce at the end.
Sustained downhills are hard and feel weird!
And 8 miles isn't so scary anymore. (13.1 still kind of is...but only kind of.)

I also know roughly where the Grand Californian, the Matterhorn, the Disney castle, and the red hat ladies are in my neighborhood. At least on that route.

Tink Training Week #4 - Looking Ahead
Monday 2/13: Bachelor. Nick better snap out of his Eeyore "I'll never find love, boo-hoo" emo-self and remember that being on a beach with a bunch of hot ladies isn't so hard.
Start falling in love, that's what I came to see!
Tuesday 2/14: 3 miles at EA - Happy Valentines Treadmill!
Thursday 2/16: 6 miles Tempo (1.5 WU, 3 Tempo, 1.5 CD) grumble grumble 3 mi T...grumble
Sunday 2/19: 6 miles LR - sweeeet! OH's blind!!! D'oh. That's ok...I got dis.

Woo hoo!!! Yay for 8 miles! We're a couple blocks off the lake (north of you, of course!) and that wind can be super crazy!! I remember a Dopey training run where I was just laughing because it was ridiculous and I was thinking of how silly I looked fighting against it, trying to run.

I'm just so excited for your Tink trip. We visit Newport Beach at least once per year - family history/tradition - so I've fit in the DL half weekend and the Avengers half during a couple of those, but I would REALLY love to run Tink! Just never there at the right time, but some day! Can't wait for your report. :)
You're doing great! I seem to be a lot more focused on "what should I do for a costume" than "hmmmm maybe I should start training for this 10k that is in three months".

Also a great topic of focus! I don't wear actual costumes, but my running clothes are inspired by certain characters and I love sparkly soul headbands and bows from etsy. One of my favorite Dopey photos is all my race outfits lined up and folded in the drawer at BWI. :) Happy! didn't weigh in on Beyoncé?? :scratchin

I don't think I have ever laughed so hard during an awards show. Not sure that was the intention...
Look at your bad self and your 8 mile run!! Woohoo!! Running in the wind and on hills is NO.JOKE. I hate running into the wind and especially not uphill, so nicely done on getting through that. And, heck yeah, you totally got dis!

thanks!!! Hills are not my norm...I'm trying to ease them in but still have no shame in walking the tough buggers!

Way to go on your long run! I really really really dislike wind, it's my least favorite condition and the midwest gets a ton of it, so I'm totally impressed with your pace.

Thanks!!! I knew that it was too good to be true that it was in the 40's. That wind was trying to ruin my "nice weather" weekend.

Congrats on the 8 miles! You rock!
Wind and hills are probably two of my least favorite things. Combining them ... that's definitely no fun. But you survived to tell the tale (and did it all faster than your old LR pace!!), which is pretty amazing!

Thanks!! I'm still kinda shocked my last three miles weren't like 11:30ish. Now I know it'd be ok if they were. I'm happy about it so far. I'll bottle this feeling cause I'll have harder ones coming.

You're doing great! I seem to be a lot more focused on "what should I do for a costume" than "hmmmm maybe I should start training for this 10k that is in three months".

Costumes are fun focus on too!! and there's still plenty of time for 10k training! What's your thought on costumes so far?

Woo hoo!!! Yay for 8 miles! We're a couple blocks off the lake (north of you, of course!) and that wind can be super crazy!! I remember a Dopey training run where I was just laughing because it was ridiculous and I was thinking of how silly I looked fighting against it, trying to run.

I'm just so excited for your Tink trip. We visit Newport Beach at least once per year - family history/tradition - so I've fit in the DL half weekend and the Avengers half during a couple of those, but I would REALLY love to run Tink! Just never there at the right time, but some day! Can't wait for your report. :)

Chicago wind is a THING! I've honestly been in worse than yesterday's. Like hold onto a nearby trash can bad. That time was on Roosevelt and Michigan...eek!
And I still think about my dearly departed pink running hat lost to the 15k winds last October. Sigh

I'm so excited for Tink too! I really feel like I have the completing it in the bag. It's just now continued training so it doesn't suck or hurt. (At least as little as possible) :)

Also a great topic of focus! I don't wear actual costumes, but my running clothes are inspired by certain characters and I love sparkly soul headbands and bows from etsy. One of my favorite Dopey photos is all my race outfits lined up and folded in the drawer at BWI. :) Happy!

I wear accessories or color themes but never a full blown costume. Likely will be same this time. I'm going for a Sleeping Beauty castle inspired pink & blue thing...I'm like 99% sure. Not sure of all the stuff yet. Got the shirt and sweatyband though! didn't weigh in on Beyoncé?? :scratchin

I don't think I have ever laughed so hard during an awards show. Not sure that was the intention...

Haha!!! I actually missed most of Beyoncé because I was talking a kiddo into going back to bed. But I did see her chair thing! Yikes...I just wanted her not to fall! The gold outfit was very "extra"! Am I using this term correctly? Any cool kids want to weigh in?

I posted this pic on IG. But check out my valentine from my hubby.
That's a classy Tink right there! Digging the retro tomorrowland vibe and the purple! Love!
Cute mug!!! Nice Valentine's Day shopping by the husband right there.

Also, I looked exactly like Beyonce when I was pregnant with twins. Like exactly. I have that headdress tucked away in my closet as we speak waiting for the right moment to bring it out. I'm thinking perhaps the Tink run.

Also, also...


Cute mug!!! Nice Valentine's Day shopping by the husband right there.

Also, I looked exactly like Beyonce when I was pregnant with twins. Like exactly. I have that headdress tucked away in my closet as we speak waiting for the right moment to bring it out. I'm thinking perhaps the Tink run.

Also, also...



Bwahahaha...omg! You have to wear that to Tink. It will be so majestic! Imagine the pictures at sunrise near cars land with the sun shining off your head piece. Who needs pixie dust when you have STYLE?

And Good News...I SIGNED UP TODAY!!!!!

For Dunkin Donuts reward perks :)

Every Run!
@ZellyB Could you please post a picture of that? ;)

I love the mug!! I am such a sucker for coffee mugs and water bottles... Some (my hubby) might say I'm obsessed. Also, I want to follow along on IG (if that's not weird...).


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