Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Still need to send out a bat signal.
Still feed weird about that, but.... :confused3

I felt weird about it in the beginning but there are a lot of folks who are busy and sometimes miss the link in the old TR as they are just skimming to catch up. I'm nosy, so I read almost all the chatter on everyone's reports, so not much escapes me but others who don't have as much time on their hands appreciate the nudge. Nudge nudge wink wink.

What is this "erase" travel purchases?

The card gives you a certain amount of points based on what you spend and then you can go back and erase certain purchases. Say for 300,000 miles on the card you could erase a $300 hotel bill. The key is paying incrementally and not one giant fee because you'd need way too many points to write off a $6000 bill. I paid for our Mississippi River cruise in $100 & $200 increments for the first $1000 and was able to whittle away most of that so I reduced the price somewhat with credit card miles.
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I felt weird about it in the beginning but there are a lot of folks who are busy and sometimes miss the link in the old TR as they are just skimming to catch up. I'm nosy, so I read almost all the chatter on everyone's reports, so not much escapes me but others who don't have as much time on their hands appreciate the nudge. Nudge nudge wink wink.

Thank you; I couldn't have said it better myself! Sometimes, especially during the work week, the chatter gets away from me, and the weekend can sometimes have too few hours to read it all.
The other thing, is that TRs, not necessarily Disney TRs are scattered all over the DIS now, and I KNOW I don't have time to go a'hunting for them say, in the Cruise Forum, for friends who post there. A signal is just better.
Well, looky there.
I'm done all caught up!


If I missed anyone,
please let me know
and I'll fix that asap.

In the meantime,
I have a bunch of TRs
that I am woefully behind on.

This too must be rectified.

But then....

Chapter 2....
Coming to this TR, soon.

Welcome home! Looking forward to hearing all about it.
Sorry to hear about the day.
Hopefully it got better.

It didn't but that was so long ago that new dramas have overtaken that one!

oooohhhh..... I think I love you even more now.


I finally figured out what would've been best.
Just stay there for a month.

Then again,
there's that whole $$$ thing.

I think you could have basically crashed in other DISers rooms that whole time - there seemed to be enough people there that you could make it work.

Well, then I guess I'll have to show
it to you, right?


I hardly think so.
More driving, though.


Got it well before you leave though,
so that's good.

I suppose that's true. It created other dramas but at least I have it now.

Yes you are! :laughing:

Well it will all be down hill from here - I was going to try and win the prize but realised I'll probably be away for most of this TR so I think this is the pinnacle!

You have no idea where I'd lead you.

I'm pretty sure it involves a dungeon of some sorts....;)

Why right here, of course.




Don't play coy with me, little girl.

Alright I admit, it wasn't the same here without you.

I did! I'm here, aren't I???

I suppose so.
You ain't seen NUTHIN' yet. Wait til you see the TR. ;) 27 years of reminiscing.

Hey! That sounds like my last TR!

Hey, if Harry can perfect the Protectus, or Promiscuous, or Prosthetic, or whatever that thing is he conjures up,


I can learn do a disappearing act too.

Disappearing's easy.
It's the reappearing that's tricky.

OH WAIT!! I only have 14 days to get it right!!!

14 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gots news fer you.

It's less.

I hope you will bestow your excellency on a certain one... ;)

Shout-outs here, then there.

That I drove to Cleveland just for you.

I can take a pic but I might have to email it. Still don't know how to post pics on this stupid laptop

Sure. Email it to me and I'll post it for you.
You have my email, don't you?

What do you want to see?

The Vera Bra.
Vera much. :laughing:

Yep. Just some lingering mucus and clogged ears.

Glad to hear you're feeling (almost) better.

It depends on what you what you want me to wear (or not wear)

Sorry. Can't post photos.
Family board and all.

The bar was alright. I'm not really into blues music so I was bored. Plus I wasn't over my cold yet so I got tired pretty fast.

Too bad about the bar,
but you went for a good cause.

Yes it is the emoji. It's under my head as I type.

They were right! :laughing:
I felt weird about it in the beginning but there are a lot of folks who are busy and sometimes miss the link in the old TR as they are just skimming to catch up. I'm nosy, so I read almost all the chatter on everyone's reports, so not much escapes me but others who don't have as much time on their hands appreciate the nudge.

Good point. I'll get to it... eventually.

Nudge nudge wink wink.

Say no more! Say no more!
A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat!

The card gives you a certain amount of points based on what you spend and then you can go back and erase certain purchases. Say for 300,000 miles on the card you could erase a $300 hotel bill. The key is paying incrementally and not one giant fee because you'd need way too many points to write off a $6000 bill. I paid for our Mississippi River cruise in $100 & $200 increments for the first $1000 and was able to whittle away most of that so I reduced the price somewhat with credit card miles.

Ah! Got it now.
Interesting hook.
Thank you; I couldn't have said it better myself! Sometimes, especially during the work week, the chatter gets away from me, and the weekend can sometimes have too few hours to read it all.

I hear that!

The other thing, is that TRs, not necessarily Disney TRs are scattered all over the DIS now,

Oh? Here I thought they were pretty much
relegated to the TR thread or Community thread.

and I KNOW I don't have time to go a'hunting for them say, in the Cruise Forum, for friends who post there. A signal is just better.

Okay. Okay. Point taken.

Welcome home! Looking forward to hearing all about it.

Thanks, Mark!
Photos all uploaded to the laptop.
Editing and uploading to PBucket next.
Writing to follow...

This TR stuff is work!
It didn't but that was so long ago that new dramas have overtaken that one!

ooooohhhhh... new dramas!

I think you could have basically crashed in other DISers rooms that whole time - there seemed to be enough people there that you could make it work.

But there was that whole
"No vacation leave available" thing.

And then I come back and find out
1 person is off sick until October 13
and another's Grandmother passed away
and will be off for a week.

So much for days off.

Well it will all be down hill from here - I was going to try and win the prize but realised I'll probably be away for most of this TR so I think this is the pinnacle!

You still can.
When you come back, answer the bonus questions
or whatever. I'm pretty forgiving.

I'm pretty sure it involves a dungeon of some sorts....;)

You're taking the surprise out of it!

Alright I admit, it wasn't the same here without you.

That's better.
You can stay and play with the others.

I suppose so.

You supposes right!
Case and point, both my TRs are on the Cruise Forum and the DVC Trip Reports.

Well, there ya go!

Well this Fox in Crocs is also using crutches until the next xray on Friday.

Hoping your Foxy xrays reveal good news.
Or at least not bad news.

And after today I am pretty sure that the reason for crutches is to distract from the toe pain by slowly ramping up the torso pain.

Ugh. Sorry about that.
I spent... umm... I think it was 6 or 8 weeks
on crutches in grade 8.
Back then it was kinda fun.
Now... I don't think it'd be that great.

Some of us Princess-y types are just too delicate I guess...

Are they adjusted properly?
If they just handed them to you
and sent you on your way,
they're probably not correct.

Driving using my left foot is no picnic either.

Yikes! And probably scary too!


Nope, they are adjusted just fine, and no pressure in the armpit. I am just weak. Literally can barely raise my arms up.

And you're using crutches????


But I don't want to get any muscles, because then I'll have to help with the heavy lifting around the house.

Good plan. Stick to that.

So I'll just have to put up with the idea that currently I am my own heavy lifting. And that I am the definition of weak - I think my picture should be uploaded to the online dictionary soon.

So that's you!
Hello, Ponzie, well hello ponzie! Its so nice ot have you back where you belong! You're lookin swell, ponzie and we can tell ponzie your're still writing your still posting your still going strong..... ok so I admit it I am no bunny boy with the song lyrics but hey it's the thought that counts right> oh now don't roll your eyes it wasn't THAT bad (ok it is)
I will just revert to welcome back Ponzie!
we had a great time at the Mickey Halloween Party, it was pretty crowded but mostly at the trick or treat stations. We have a parade this year that is pretty cute and the headless horseman made an appearance. glad we went but to be honest it has gotten pretty pricey so might wait a few years to go again.
Just dropped in after a long day. Had to go on a field trip for work today so at 6:30 am we left our high school here next to Lake Elsinore and went up to the mountains. I am not a fan of the mountains (prefer the beach) spent the day watching kids do team bonding stuff and finally back down here on flat ground away from that stinking fresh air lol but it did make for a long day so glad to be home with the dis folks
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Okay I didn't miss much - you're back!

And oh man, I can't WAIT to hear all about it! :hyper:

No we just ran amok and yammered on about purses and shoes! Serves him right for abandoning us all with nothing to do and only speculations to make!
Whew! I actually got here at the semI beginning of your TR! Looking forward to hearing about all the adventures! :daisy:


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