Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Late to the party…

But then I’ve been off traveling as well.
(likely story, right?)

Welcome back...
Or should that be: I'm so sorry you had to come back.
But selfishly, that sorrow means we get a new Pkondz TR to read.
Lucky us!

Let’s see if I can at least get the questions answered before you actually get Chapter-2 up
(and it’s serves me right if I miss out)

1. What time is my flight out of Winnipeg?
Hint: I connect in Toronto and plan to (hopefully)
hit a park the same day.

2. Two flights. Winnipeg/Toronto, Toronto/MCO.
On time? Delayed? One of each?
Delayed in Toronto
(and… may I not get that point)

3. I'll be clearing customs in Toronto.
This is always fun.... 50/50. Does my passport
get stamped?
Bonus points if you know the expression on my face.
You looked constipated…
No stamp for you.

4. When I finally arrive at the resort...
Where is it? (Yes it's on property.)
Hint: I'm squeezing pennies, remember?

5. So I get there. I go to a park. Which one?
Magic Kingdom

6. I don't know if I'll do a transportation game or not.
But just in case... how long do I wait for transportation
to and from the park.
4 min going
3 min returning

Because you’re not me.
Our first bus wait times this trip were a combined 37 min (with a lot of standing and a driving rain storm)
The second one was no better (and included even more standing)
I didn’t give them a third chance and left the driving to myself from then on.
Hello, Ponzie, well hello ponzie! Its so nice ot have you back where you belong! You're lookin swell, ponzie and we can tell ponzie your're still writing your still posting your still going strong.....

Love it! :laughing:

ok so I admit it I am no bunny boy with the song lyrics but hey it's the thought that counts right> oh now don't roll your eyes it wasn't THAT bad (ok it is)

I wasn't it! I really loved it!
So much so, that I Googled
quotes from Hello Dolly...

And quickly came to the realization
that either I've never seen it,
or it was so long ago as makes no difference!

I will just revert to welcome back Ponzie!

Thanks! (But I prefer the earlier version you did.)

we had a great time at the Mickey Halloween Party, it was pretty crowded but mostly at the trick or treat stations.

Glad you had fun!
I remember the treat stations as not being busy at all.
Times change.

We have a parade this year that is pretty cute and the headless horseman made an appearance.

Loved the parade and the horseman.
I've heard that there's been rain this year
and he doesn't come out if the street's wet.

glad we went but to be honest it has gotten pretty pricey so might wait a few years to go again.

How much is it now?
Well, guess it doesn't matter since
I don't remember how much
it was then.

Just dropped in after a long day. Had to go on a field trip for work today so at 6:30 am we left our high school here next to Lake Elsinore and went up to the mountains. I am not a fan of the mountains (prefer the beach) spent the day watching kids do team bonding stuff and finally back down here on flat ground away from that stinking fresh air lol but it did make for a long day so glad to be home with the dis folks

But isn't it still better than being inside all day?
But I get that it would make for a long day.
Seriously?! No bat signal?! Ugh and now you're on page 10? :faint:

Nope. At least not yet.
I've been trying to figure out a way
to send one without having to comb
through 200+ pages to get all the names.

Will be back to catch up!

I am going to do my fortune teller bit here....
Hmmm.... I foresee.... that you'll be back...
within 2 posts!!!
Okay I didn't miss much - you're back!

I am! And so are you! In two posts! I was right!
I'm psychotic!

Psychic! I mean psychic!

No... probably psychotic.

And oh man, I can't WAIT to hear all about it! :hyper:

Coming up soon!
And :welcome: to the TR Alicia!

No we just ran amok and yammered on about purses and shoes!

It's true. They did.
Almost got the thread shut down
from a surfeit of estrogen.

Serves him right for abandoning us all with nothing to do and only speculations to make!

This is true.
I should not leave the harem unattended for so long.
I hold myself responsible for their behaviour.
Mermaids will do what mermaids do.

Whew! I actually got here at the semI beginning of your TR!

You did! It's not really started yet! :welcome: to the TR!

Looking forward to hearing about all the adventures! :daisy:

Coming up soon!
Slowly catching up on everyone's TRs.
Late to the party…

Oh, hi! No one noticed you were missing, so don't worry!


But then I’ve been off traveling as well.
(likely story, right?)

It's as good a story as any.
Probably better than some.

Welcome back...

Thanks! And :welcome: to the TR!

Or should that be: I'm so sorry you had to come back.

That would be more appropriate.

But selfishly, that sorrow means we get a new Pkondz TR to read.
Lucky us!

Aw, shucks.

Let’s see if I can at least get the questions answered before you actually get Chapter-2 up
(and it’s serves me right if I miss out)

No worries.
Still catching up on things.


Delayed in Toronto
(and… may I not get that point)

You looked constipated…
No stamp for you.


Magic Kingdom

4 min going
3 min returning


Because you’re not me.
Our first bus wait times this trip were a combined 37 min (with a lot of standing and a driving rain storm)
The second one was no better (and included even more standing)
I didn’t give them a third chance and left the driving to myself from then on.

Too bad.
The one thing I really prize about a Disney
vacation is not having to drive.
Montague!!! Where you been????
Under a rock...
How've you been? How's A+?
We've been fine. Has been a great summer of camping and other travel adventures. We bought a new (to us) trailer in the fall, so gave it a good workout starting in the spring. Life sure gets busy sometimes!

A+ is doing great. She is really happy with her class (and class size) this year. But she has added teaching math for the first time in a lot of years (she is normally language/history/geography) so is stressing a lot over lesson plans.

Both kids are now in post-secondary - one finishing up this semester and the other one just starting.

So IT WAS YOU!!!!!!
Well, no, not really because I'm not in that business anymore. But I still have connections...

No, can't be that. They used magic to make the car fly, remember? Now the rest of us could probably use the ability to conjure up Petroleum though... Spectro Petrolum!!! or Fillerupus!!!
Too bad.
The one thing I really prize about a Disney
vacation is not having to drive.
Different priorities...
I have to drive down there anyway so I already have the vehicle on hand.
I also don't mind driving and am rather good at dealing with maps, directions and such, and WDW isn't that hard to navigate. Mostly, what makes me nuts is the massive number of folks on the buses and the absolute chaos that the proliferation of ECVs has created (I understand it, but lord those things are a curse). Basically I've just about officially given up on DisBuses
WAIT! Do you mean the Lake Elsinore like in Riverside Co? Near Hemet? I grew up there! Went sailing on Elsinore many times! Which mountains did you go to? Not Idyllwild perhaps? Do tell!
yep that lake elsinore and yep idyllwild mtns. a place called thousand pines camp. have lived here since 91. after my first husband died it was a place I could afford to live with my two little ones. met lance because he lived across the street. (sorry to babble on here) are you from here or did you visit the lake? we used to come out here in the 70's for spring break and a few weeks in the summer.
yep that lake elsinore and yep idyllwild mtns. a place called thousand pines camp. have lived here since 91. after my first husband died it was a place I could afford to live with my two little ones. met lance because he lived across the street. (sorry to babble on here) are you from here or did you visit the lake? we used to come out here in the 70's for spring break and a few weeks in the summer.

Sorry, Ponzi- minor diversionary hijack here...

I lived in Hemet from 1970 until 1987 or so. I loved growing up in that gorgeous little valley. I knew all of my classmates, we woke up to the scent of the orange groves, and beautiful weather all year long. Back then, there were no gangs, no graffiti, there was one theater and a drive-in; but that all changed about the time I left. My parents and sisters also packed it in and checked out. It was a lost cause. But it was a wonderful place to have grown up. I had a ton of friends who'd come down to Hemet from Idyllwild every day, others would come from Anza or Moreno Valley.

I had a boyfriend who had a small catamaran and we'd go to Elsinore to sail and hang out. Watched my first car fire there- Saw a brand new Cadillac burn up and the tires all exploded.

Anyway, yep, that's my hometown, but no longer the quaint little sleepy town it once was.
Love it! :laughing:

I wasn't it! I really loved it!
So much so, that I Googled
quotes from Hello Dolly...

And quickly came to the realization
that either I've never seen it,
or it was so long ago as makes no difference!

Thanks! (But I prefer the earlier version you did.)

Glad you had fun!
I remember the treat stations as not being busy at all.
Times change.

Loved the parade and the horseman.
I've heard that there's been rain this year
and he doesn't come out if the street's wet.

we had a bit of drizzle. but I am sure they would keep the horse in due to their safety (don't want them to slip) I believe they take all the horses in when it rains which the last few years is rare.

How much is it now?
89.00 yeah it has gone way up in price the last few years

But isn't it still better than being inside all day?
But I get that it would make for a long day.
yeah it is but I would have preferred the beach lol.
Sorry, Ponzi- minor diversionary hijack here...

I lived in Hemet from 1970 until 1987 or so. I loved growing up in that gorgeous little valley. I knew all of my classmates, we woke up to the scent of the orange groves, and beautiful weather all year long. Back then, there were no gangs, no graffiti, there was one theater and a drive-in; but that all changed about the time I left. My parents and sisters also packed it in and checked out. It was a lost cause. But it was a wonderful place to have grown up. I had a ton of friends who'd come down to Hemet from Idyllwild every day, others would come from Anza or Moreno Valley.

I had a boyfriend who had a small catamaran and we'd go to Elsinore to sail and hang out. Watched my first car fire there- Saw a brand new Cadillac burn up and the tires all exploded.

Anyway, yep, that's my hometown, but no longer the quaint little sleepy town it once was.
hemet has gotten HUGE, some areas are really nice some, well not so much. just like here in the elsinore area
Case and point, both my TRs are on the Cruise Forum and the DVC Trip Reports.
Is there a board for dvc trip reports? that would be great I just can't seem to find it. Heading to SSR in Jan and would love to have some tr info (haven't been there since 09) can you shoot me the link please and thank you
Anyway, yep, that's my hometown, but no longer the quaint little sleepy town it once was.

Funny I'm reading a TR right now where the gal talks about her husband's family living there, (she's from the TriState Area of New Jersey) and she was going on about how he lived out in the boonies. I was thinking like Nuevo (if you are familiar with that place), that's boonies. If you have stoplights, you can't qualify as boonies!

Is there a board for dvc trip reports? that would be great I just can't seem to find it.

Find the DVC Member forum, and there is a sub forum called DVC Mousellaneous, under that is the forum for DVC Trip Reports. There really aren't many for SSR, BUT.....if you click on the link in my signature "The 75% all new trip" We did stay 5 nights at SSR after our 4 night cruise on the Dream. I don't know how helpful it will be, we stayed in a one bedroom in Congress Springs. It worked out very well for us as we had a lot of ADRs at Disney Springs and also had a lot of plans to visit the resorts, so we could just use the walkway to Disney Springs and catch a bus to a resort!
Funny I'm reading a TR right now where the gal talks about her husband's family living there, (she's from the TriState Area of New Jersey) and she was going on about how he lived out in the boonies. I was thinking like Nuevo (if you are familiar with that place), that's boonies. If you have stoplights, you can't qualify as boonies!

Yes, I DO know Nuevo. When I was a little kid, there was some land owner who would host a winter camp for Barnum and Bailey's elephants. It was on the way from Hemet to the freeway that went towards San Diego.


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