Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Thought I would check in on what ol' pkondzi has been up to and lo, he has started a new TR. Thought I might chime in again, and see if I can keep up this time...

Montague!!! Where you been????

How've you been? How's A+?

And :welcome: to the TR!

Those aren't long johns. At least not when we were kids. Baggy, itchy, uncomfortable:

You would be correct.
Your photo is far more realistic.

Whoa, that picture wasn't nearly so big when I pasted it!

Life size.

I have already had the pleasure.

You are (I believe) the only one.

Still wondering what she's doin' with a guy like you...:rolleyes1

I caught her in a moment of weakness.
Plus she was looking the other way
when I conked her on the head and....
whoops! Wasn't supposed to mention that.

Okay, so Elle is in International Studies and was getting an early start on homework...
DS just survived frosh week for Engineering. Better go check my card (he has an AU card on mine). I might have a few foreign currency transactions too... No WONDER he was out until 4:00 am every night!

:laughing: Well, that does 'splain some things.

5:15. Which means you have to get up at "Oh my God o'clock"

15 minute delay

No, they don't actually stamp them anymore do they?

After all, you've been awake since OMG'clock
Hmm, later in the afternoon, you're hungry, and you'll want an evening show.
12 and 6


Dude, I think I already did...

Oh. Right.
So you did.

Is that line missing a comma? It is? Don't tell Ruby...


You remember where the Bank(e)r comes from....

So IT WAS YOU!!!!!!
Party while Ponzi's gone !!!


Oh man we got caught!

I see all.... I know all.

That should be "I'm a know-it-all."

Did you see a couple of mermaids from across the pond??


Hope you're having an awesome time!

I'll write about it
and let you decide for yourself. :)


Lies! All lies!

I have photographic proof!

I forgot this question. No stamp and you look constipated.

Noted... sort of.

Carrie, there's a chance I'll miss this when
adding up the scores.
Let me know if I do, okay?

I have an Eeyore suit.

Now that I have to see!
Post a photo!
(In it or not... but I've gotta see that!)

Was it Mickey?

Well... technically, I suppose so.
But.... not who I meant.

At first I read that as your Vera Bra. :rotfl2:I need to stop skimming.

:laughing: That I'd need to see too!
Eep! He caught us!!!! We're good little mermaids. Honest!

Are you sure?
Do I have to come down there and put you over my knee?


Anyways, hello there friend!


Hey! How are y'all? (As they say here). I was pretty sure I checked in a page ago, but I guess not.

Nope! :welcome: to the TR, Tammie!

I'm supposed to be asleep right now, have had about 3 hours sleep every night this week, due to waking up and having trouble going back.

Ugh. I feel your pain.

Tonight I am getting a glorious 1 1/2 and the dog woke up, very anxious to go out. She had stomach issues earlier , so I believed her. Being in an apartment, I had to get dressed to take her outside on a leash. Guess what? Not even a tinkle.:mad: I went back to bed, and fell asleep, at which point the dog woke me up again:mad: I put her back K on the bed , told her to lay down! Fell asleep for about 15 min, and she did it again! :headache: I have now slept almost an hour and the alarm will ring in 4 1/2.

So? Is she feeling better?
Letting you sleep?

Jim is snoring so loud I am thinking it won't happen soon. Won't get to sleep in on the weekend, but at least maybe I will get a nap. Oh she just tried it again. Grrrr! Our bed us really tall and she is really small, so when she gets down, she can't get back up unless I get up and get her. I tried one of those doggie ladders but she freaked out and wouldn't try it.

You know what time it is?
Time for Jim to take the dog out!
Naw. Seems more likely you saw Mickey . . .

Well, I would've loved to have seen you...
But, no.

but I am guessing that isn't' the right answer either!

You would be correct in your incorrectness.

Well, my first thought was Mickey at Fantasmic, but no, you were posting at 8:37, so not possible.

Someone's watching everything!

How about that little tramp, Tink? Were you flirting with Tink again?

:laughing: Oh, you are so close!

I"m guessing you saw your Fantasy Fling, Ariel.


Funny, today I'm wearing the Skechers I wore on our first trip. They don't make them the same anymore, alas. I hate memory foam. For our last trip, I got a great pair of Teva sandals. The only problem was, I didn't have an opportunity to break them in ahead of time, since right before Spring Break in Illinois isn't exactly sandal weather. So, they did give me a small blister. Now, they are totally broken in and awesome, however.

I also like Bagallinis. I have a small brown one from our first trip, when we also used a backpack. Then, I picked up a bigger knockoff at Sears for our last trip. The funny thing is, I didn't realize it was a knockoff until months later, when I was looking at the Bagallini website, and was like, hey, that's my bag!

Yup, this is my style of running amok...

Oddly enough... not really mine.


Ha! I just wear the same shoes that I wear at home when I go to WDW.

I do too.
Except this time mine were falling apart
and needed to be replaced.
Unfortunately, it was right before my trip.

I do know that I'm bringing my Dooney Diamond 60th Anniversary purse that I just got the week before the 60th ended at Disneyland. It's a bright blue. Now I know what color I will do my nails!

Good Lord....
When I titled this "Hi-Lo",
I had no idea it would be this low!

Disappointing the English ladies, were you? :rotfl2:

:laughing: No. That was scheduled to happen later.

Just checking in to join the fun! We have been at WDW since Sunday and have had a great week. We leave on Sunday, sadly, then back to the real world.

:wave: :welcome: to the TR!
Did you get the PM I sent you?
My best result of running amok was in these:

New Balance is what I wound up with,
after a few false-starts.

Now the puppy has eaten part of the right insole. *not impressed*

Well, that sucks.
Did the puppy get a "bad dog"?

But they are still too good to get rid of, so I will buy another pair before my next trip, because I figure it will be at least 12 months away.

Just don't wait until just before your trip!
Trust me on this.

Good guess!
But, nope.

I heard that Epcot is PACKED today!!! Hope you were able to have fun anyway.

When in Disney, it is difficult to not have fun.

I'm sick. I guess it's good I didn't go with you. It would not have been fun!

Aw, poor thing.
Well, if you'd been here,
I would've taken care of you.
Brought you hot tea.
Tucked you in.
Put a cool cloth on your head.
Rubbed Vicks on your chest.

You know. All the things a mom does.

Hope you're feeling better now?

Hope he was able to toast all of us with a Grey Goose slushie!

I'll let you know...

I can tell you....
That I thought about all my readers a lot.

A lot.

Finally checking in- just as your trip is ending. Can't wait to hear all about it!

:welcome: to the TR!
Details coming up in a few days, I think.

Just got here...just before you fly back from part I of your trips.

:welcome! to the TR!
And now I'm back from part two, too!

Looking forward to hearing all about them!

And so you shall.

I'd add more, but currently in mourning since my football team lost :sad:

Sorry to hear that...
Mine just did too....
But it was almost the same as a win.

Details if you want 'em.

I'd imagine right about now you're boarding a flight bound for home. Sad day.

Oddly enough... it wasn't too bad!
I knew that I was going to spend
some quality time with Ruby.
And that we were leaving on another
adventure right away.

And I had a couple of surprises in store...


Oh! Here, here.

:welcome: to the TR!

I loved my Saucony Guide 5s. So when they started to wear out, I bought new ones, which were now the Guide 6. And they were different! Nowhere near as good as my old ones.

Well, that sucks.
"Look. I like these. Keep making them. End of story."

But then I found a pair of Teva sandals on sale, and they're my new favorites. Haven't tried them at Disney yet, but I tried them at a local theme park and they were worked well :-)

Teva sandals you say?
Do they make 'em for boys?

Looks like @pkondz has finished disappointing the English ladies and is on his way home.


Time to clean the amok out of the place!

I wasn't quite all the way home yet.

I imagine the mermaids are having a hard time dealing with all this news...


I frequently have that affect on women.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We get nothing before you go again? I wasn't bad.

Not a thing!
Well,,,,, other than the blisters thingy.

(Noticed the Neboism?)

Are you taking me next time?

But you have to wear what I tell you to wear.

I'm better but still sick.

Oh, poop.
Better now?

Had to cancel our anniversary plans on Saturday.

Oh, that's too bad.

Doing it next Saturday instead. Going to Mongolian BBQ way on the East side. Also going to Big Fun (a vintage toy store) over there to try and sell all my old toys that were in my grandparents basement. It's a great store, especially for people who grew up in the 80's.

I saw that you'd already done this,
so I'll reserve commenting until then.

Tuesday night if I feel good enough we're going to a bar to hear my friend play. She plays bass in a blusey type band. Not really my kind of music but whatever.

Don't think you mentioned this, though.
How was that?

Gotta go visit the mother too this week. Not a good time to have a cold. Not even sure how I got it. I do have a vitamin D deficiency so maybe that's part of it?

But it's a virus,
so it's gotta come from somewhere, right?

1. 5:15am

2. both on time

3. Yes; stamped
{Bonus points if you know the expression on my face.} "Phew" look!

4. All Star Music

5. Epcot

6. to :2 minutes
from the park: 5 minutes


Can't wait to hear about your trip!!! :)

And :welcome: to the TR!

Welcome home! And good bye.. Nice of you to stop by, but which shoes did you wear?

Thanks! and... Thanks!
And, New Balance.

Ouch at the time.
Better now that they're broken in.

I guess you should have been more encouraging on the shoe portion of the discussion. Tsk tsk.

Silly me.
Too distracted to liste........... Squirrel!!

Enjoy Banff - I'll try to order up some good weather for you.

Thanks for the order!

Of course it didn't!!!

This is the correct answer.

OUCH! o_O Sorry to hear that. Should have tried the Sketchers.

Too sketchy.

I have a feeling that anything
I wore would've had the same result.

Just too new.
Yeah, I thought this might be the way it played out. I'm still worried about mine too. I'm taking them, but will likely end up wearing my tennies the whole time.

The important lesson learned?

Make sure they're well broken in first.
I think I would've been better off with
my ugly, worn out ones.

I really don't give a crap if I look like a Dweeb, no time to waste at Disney. (I really miss my ultra-dweeby, but oh-so-broken-in Crocs.)

I'm with you on this.
Comfort over style.
At least at Disney.

Although, when it comes to style....

Oh, gotta save that for.... chapter 3, I think.

Did it slow you down?

(This is a duh, no brainer, but you asked us to ask...)

Good girl.

Slow day in Banff????


I wouldn't know. I was nowhere near Banff.

All I can say is...

So, who's on first?

What's on second?

I'm sure it didn't slow you down. Were you doing wheelies with a scooter?:rolleyes:

No scooters here! Ain't got the time!

It actually seems to be a snow day in Banff!! (I guess they heard @pkondz was coming)

I don't know if snow in Banff at this time of year during your vacation is a good thing or bad thing?

Wow. That is a ton of snow.
So glad we weren't there!

Welcome home! oh and have a nice trip to Banff

Thanks! and.... Thanks!

playing hookey today *shhhh* going to Mickey's Halloween party tonight with lil miss Scarlett and those people she lives with so going to rest up.

Did you have fun?
Did Scarlett?

And I won't tell a sole.

(going with the whole "shoe" motif.)

hopefully ponzie will bring us an update today.

Well, considering today I'm doing shout-outs
and catching up...


But the real question is.......did you at least remember to pack real scissors?

As a matter of fact....


Now that is a true reader of the Was that on page 52 of 192?

Caught me by surprise too....

As did this post!
:welcome: to the TR!

If not then he is not going to be happy using his teeth.

Nope. Had scissors this time.

I learnded from last time.

Must be time for more shoes. Since the breaking of the big toe, and the first aid tape splint that is now attached to the toe making my foot look like it has been possessed by Barney Rubble, I will be purchasing some of these beauties for back to work for a few weeks:

This is an acceptable reason for wearing crocs.
Even with socks.

My fashion loving daughters have temporarily threatened to disown me, but after seeing me try to use crutches, even they have to admit I need all the help I can get.

I'm thinking Crocs? or crutches?

Pretty sure Crocs win that one.

I LOVE Love love Crocs!!! I don't care what they look like! I even wear them with socks when at Disney so that my ankles don't swell.


With socks????

Well.... okay.
If it helps.
But under no circumstances
are you allowed sandals and socks!

No, no, no!

Ladies, Your host derided me for my pink Crocs.

Excuse me?
I believe there's more to that little ditty...

Although, it may have been simply that I was wearing socks with my Crocs.

... there ya go.

And, well, ok, fine. I was on a Hog with my Crocs in my socks. (Not with a fox) .

Nor whilst eating lox with hot jocks.

I don't give a bleeping crap what they look like. Comfort above ALL else at Disney. No time to waste for suffering.

Actually... I agree with you.

But no socks and sandals.



(Although, I did JUST pack my moleskin and bandaids because even with carefully planned footwear, $hiT happens.)

Tell me about it.

Besides, I'm rather cute in my Crocs in Sox- like a fox. No, I've only had one cocktail before my Senegalese Yassa dinner.

:lmao: Are you sure???

I will henceforth think of myself as a Fox In Crocs at work starting tomorrow!

Of course we missed you!

Awww... Thanks!

Sorry about the weather - I may have ordered the wrong season for your Banff excursion... :o

The weather was gorgeous where we were.

I'd heard it was lousy in Banff.
Good thing we weren't there.

I can't speak for others, but I for one did miss you.

Thanks Liesa! :hug:

Glad there are tales to tell.

There are!
Some great. Some not so great. Some.... lousy.

Waiting with coffee breath. No wait, wrong breath, I mean baited breath. Wait! That sounds gross too... like fish. Nevermind, I have a sudden urge to go get some gum now. ;)

And herring lies the problem. Salmontics.

I mean herein lies the problem. Semantics!
Oh.... fish.

Well I for one have missed your witty banter.

Thanks, Alsion! :goodvibes

But now I are back to talk good!

We have quite a bit of running amok on your TR.


So chop chop! Let's get that writing going! We want to know! :hyper:

:laughing: I'm trying!
Gotta do the shout-outs first,
and catch up on TRs (yours included!)

:goodvibes Thanks!

Welcome back! Now get crack -a - lackin!

:laughing: Okay!

Can't wait to hear all about your adventures.

Soon! Got stuff to share!

Of course I missed you!

Aw, thanks Carrie.

It's been a little slow around here.

It has? It didn't look like it.

How much more vacation do you have?

Well... I'm typing this on my break at work.
Does that tell you?

You may need it for all the replies and several chapters.

Ain't gonna get it.

I'm feeling better.


Went out to Mongolian BBQ yesterday. It was good.

I like Mongolian BBQ.
Good stuff.

I took a bunch of my old toys and stuffed animals to Big Fun and got $80.

Not bad!
Is that more or less what you were expecting?

Did some shopping (I got a poop pillow!). Then had some drinks. It was a good time.

I had the same reaction as others.

"Poop" pillow?

My DDs think it's the emoji. Are they right?
Wow, I've been MIA for a while around here and here you've gone on another trip and are back!!

Hi Kathy! :welcome: to the TR!

Whew...gotta catch up!!! I can't wait to hear all about it though!

Coming up soon!

Welcome Back!

Thanks, Tammie! :)

It was a little slow around here, but we tried.

I didn't think it was slow.
Then again, my eyes may have glazed over
during the shoes and bags discussion.

We were all worried you were frozen in a block of ice up there in Banff and we might not hear from you until the Spring thaw.

Good thing we weren't there!

Glad to see you started your new TR, and that you are home now,

Yep! All set and ready to go!

And :welcome: to the TR!

can't wait to hear about both legs of your trip.

Won't be too long. (I hope.)

Hope everything worked out with your credit card issue.

Chapter 2. Promise.

--------------5:15 am

-------------both on time

---------------not stamped

---------------All Star Movies


--------------3 minutes, 5 minutes

Of course I'm going say Welcome Back!!


Hope you had wonderful trips, first Disney time:smickey: and then Ruby time:lovestruc

Yes and no and yes and no...
I think that's the order.

Of course you have been missed here and other DIS places!

Awwww... thanks again!

I can't wait to hear of these tales (tails?) as soon as you get to them.

As soon as I can!
I can't wait to tell you of some things.
I'm dreading telling of others.

You may be one big (but enjoyable) distraction for the next two weeks as I try to get myself and hubby ready to go.

I'll be sure to have at least one
chapter up before then!

I still think I'm a little in denial that after wishing for a trip for so long that it is really happening. I don't know if I'm ready or not, what have I not done that I should have? I know if I had to throw a suitcase together and go on the seat of my pant, I would be at the happiest place and would just wing it but that sounds scary.:scared:

Nah. Even unprepared at Disney,
is still being at Disney.

I'm can be such a procrastinator.

I put the "pro" in procrastinator.

I still have two more weeks! Right?


One good thing is last Friday was my last time working my day off (I have FR/SUN off but have worked ALOT of Fridays this year for 8hrs overtime$$) So hopefully the next two off before we leave will get me motivated.

That should help.
I know having some time off helped me!

I also have all day Sat before we fly out on Sunday for last minute details (plus daughter is coming home to see us off that weekend) Wow I just counted..9 more working days and then 17 days off!!:woohoo:


Then there's the back home things to worry about too. Mainly the critters. My 21 yr old son will be home but between work and school, his schedule and time home varies. I just pray that he remembers to give himself time before he runs out the door to feed the 10yr old black lab and his sister's guinea pig (we are the caregivers while she's in college). She will never forgive him if anything happens to the little guy.

Never forget the pig.
They're little... but gotta remember them.
Yeah, I thought I was all done back in August but no I got another call needing a new CC number last week and mind you this happend on 4/27 of this year!

I know of at least two places that are
going to want the new number.

Plus I still need to check on the balance.

All in good time...

You granted them and disappeared... just like the wizard. That's pretty cool; I need to learn that trick!

It took years to develop that.
Don't rush it.

Thanks for fixing it!

You're welcome!
Sorry I missed it in the first place!


Thanks! :goodvibes

Okay, you got $80 and went and blew it on a WHAT!?!?!? I don't think we even want to know what that is (or what it's stuffed with). Are you SURE you're feeling better?

:laughing: I had the same reaction!
I just came back to this, and now I'm confused.

Uh, oh.
pkondz does not like it when pretty
red heads are confused.

You mentioned going to Banff, but why would you fly into Edmonton when that's a 4 hour drive? If you flew into Calgary, it's only a little over an hour to Banff...but because you specifically said you were flying into YEG, that must mean you went to Jasper instead! Am I right? Do I win a prize?

Or perhaps I just couldn't get a flight
into Calgary on such short notice.
Or maybe it's something completely different.
Or maybe you're completely right.

Tell you what.
If it turns out you're right,
ask me again.

If you're wrong....
shall I deduct points?

Actually the fraud department called, "Did you make a purchase in the amount of $250 at Walmart yesterday?"
Me, "Fran did you place an online order with Walmart yesterday?"
Lady on the phone, "Ma'am this was an in store purchase in Little Rock, Arkansas."
Me, "Uh, no. That wasn't us."

Good service.
I wonder if mine would've done the same eventually.
I just happened to stumble upon it quickly.

We have our Citibank Advantage for American Airlines miles, our Disney Chase Visa (which I redeemed about $400 for our F&W trip), should cover the kiosks, our Driver's Edge for Ford dollars towards a new vehicle and American Express whoses points are good for most anything. Oh yeah and Capital One where you can "erase" travel purchases.

Lotta cards.
I purged a few a while back.
Now I just have two.
And really only just use one.

What is this "erase" travel purchases?

And we ate them all!

Which was your fave?
I'm guessing the Caramilk?

Well....we're waiting :rolleyes1

Sheesh! First things first!
Including catching up on your TRs, lady!

I was wondering when that was going to happen again!

Necessary weevil.
Looking forward to reading about your adventures!

Well, hi there, stranger! :wave:
:welcome: to the TR!

Instead of trying to win the contest, I think I will read at a leisurely pace and drop in a comment here and there.

Are you sure? Got a good prize (I think.)

Do whatever you'd like, of course.
I'm just glad you're here.

I never guess the right times for your travel but I do think you passed customs...

With flying colours!

Your expression? A look of confusion that the border guard mistook for constipation.

I shall note this.

Happy Monday!

<sigh> And it's first day back at work day.

I prefer being on vacation.
Well, looky there.
I'm done all caught up!


If I missed anyone,
please let me know
and I'll fix that asap.

In the meantime,
I have a bunch of TRs
that I am woefully behind on.

This too must be rectified.

But then....

Chapter 2....
Coming to this TR, soon.
I believe you!
You've been in planning mode
for what, now?
27 years?

You ain't seen NUTHIN' yet. Wait til you see the TR. ;) 27 years of reminiscing.

It took years to develop that.
Don't rush it.

Hey, if Harry can perfect the Protectus, or Promiscuous, or Prosthetic, or whatever that thing is he conjures up, I can learn do a disappearing act too.

OH WAIT!! I only have 14 days to get it right!!!

14 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime,
I have a bunch of TRs
that I am woefully behind on.

I hope you will bestow your excellency on a certain one... ;)
I have photographic proof!
Of what?

Carrie, there's a chance I'll miss this when
adding up the scores.
Let me know if I do, okay?
If I even remember....

Now that I have to see!
Post a photo!
(In it or not... but I've gotta see that!)
I can take a pic but I might have to email it. Still don't know how to post pics on this stupid laptop

That I'd need to see too!
What do you want to see?

Hope you're feeling better now?
Yep. Just some lingering mucus and clogged ears.

But you have to wear what I tell you to wear.
It depends on what you what you want me to wear (or not wear)

Don't think you mentioned this, though.
How was that?
The bar was alright. I'm not really into blues music so I was bored. Plus I wasn't over my cold yet so I got tired pretty fast.

"Poop" pillow?

My DDs think it's the emoji. Are they right?
Yes it is the emoji. It's under my head as I type.


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