Sistah Twistah - A January Dining Review- Updated- 6/25 - COMPLETE!!!

Shira's lack of sleep is catching up and her legs are insisting something is VERY wrong here.

Been there, done that. Went to bed at eight at night and awoke to make a pre-park opening breakfast.

This was a really interesting cake! I was hesitant at first because to me ginger does not belong in anything like cake. Nope. No way. Stir fry- sure. Sushi- definitely. Cake?? Nope.

I would love to try this! I love ginger - anything.

But Goofy hung on to me and I really felt the most amazing few seconds of absolute joy, returning to a carefree childhood where everything else disappears...

Goofy is awesome! One of my favorite WDW memories is playing hide-and -seek with Goofy in the area by splash mountain that leads to the restrooms in MK. When my co-workers harangue me about my frequent trips to WDW, I tell them I go to see my boyfriend, Goofy, because I "like my men tall and dumb."

Thanks for sharing your reviews!
That pic with Goofy is so sweet! :love: I had a great interaction with goofy when I was there two years ago. I was wearing my hair in braided pigtails and Goofy grabbed me out of line for a pic with each of us holding out our "ears"!
Sounds like you and your sister had a rough evening! Maybe it was finally the jetlag catching up with you? Glad you were able to find a table and get some good food to get you back on your feet.
Wow, he grabbed you out of the line?? :D That's so cute!!
My evening wasn't as rough as hers! I'm so glad we survived :scared:

Turkish Delight is a gummy candy similar to a gum drop, but covered in powdered sugar instead of granulated. Sometimes there are nuts in it. Cadbury also makes a Turkish Delight-filled chocolate bar.
The bones of Nine Dragons (the walls and much of the decor) are familiar to me from that trip. The furniture is totally different. I remember it being more ornate. I also remember we were literally the only people in there.
Ok, I'll have to go and find myself some Turkish Delight :)
And memories like that are so cool. It's like being part of history!

I could do a carnivore trip too..that would be awesome..thanks so much for the great photos and reviews...
I'd love to go on a carnivore trip with you! And thanks so much for (still) being here :flower3:

Really enjoying your reviews! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for reading along! It wouldn't be as fun without you guys :love1:

Just joining and LOVE your report!!! Following along!
Thank you!!! Welcome!!! :flower1:

Just found the TR - joining in -
still need to read more.
Welcome and thank you for joining!! :D

I love the way you write!! Loving your reviews!!
Thank you so much!!!! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know people are reading along and enjoying the reviews :cloud9: So glad you're here!

Been there, done that. Went to bed at eight at night and awoke to make a pre-park opening breakfast.
I guess it would be worth it if we'd manage to get up early and spend a full day at the parks. Alas, mornings are not her thing and we never really managed a pre-park opening anything.. :(
I'm sad and a little shocked to say we never once made the welcome show at the MK :guilty:

I would love to try this! I love ginger - anything.
Ah, another ginger lover. Well, I'm not a big fan but the cake was yummy :teeth:

Goofy is awesome! One of my favorite WDW memories is playing hide-and -seek with Goofy in the area by splash mountain that leads to the restrooms in MK. When my co-workers harangue me about my frequent trips to WDW, I tell them I go to see my boyfriend, Goofy, because I "like my men tall and dumb."

Thanks for sharing your reviews!
Goofy IS awesome! I never realized it until this past trip! (I thought it was just this specific CM but maybe it's just a Goofy thing! He's definitely my favorite from now on!)
LOL at the "tall and dumb" comment! :rotfl:My (tall) boyfriend would be jealous!
We need to put together a list of answers for family/friends/co-workers who don't get us ::yes::
Thank you for being here. It's an honor- I'm loving your and Mikka's dining review!!

I guess it's not really the losing money part. It's just strange they would allow something like that as a rule. It's different than letting people eat or drink as much as they'd like if they pay for it knowingly.
Thanks for being here :-)
For some reason, I stopped getting updates to this thread....but I'm back! Great updates!
"A few" instead of just one because there are steps to follow before you can accept a disappointment like that.
Bite 1- "Yum! Oh, wait. Not that yum. What is that flavor/texture/smell?"
Bite 2- "No way- it was probably just a bad piece. The next'll be better."
Bite 3- "Noooo!!! It can't be!! It has to be good!!! How will I go on??"
*Two courses later*
Bite 4- "Nope, still not good." *sigh*

This had me chuckling. Oh so true

The spatzle reminded me of Passover food (why would we do that to ourselves more than once a year??)

One of the things I love about living here is the abundance and variety of foods for Passover. Especially being a kitniyot eater. I remember I brought a bunch of snacks with me when I visited my family for Passover a few years ago. They were very pleased.


Gorgeous! Also want to wish a belated :bday: to Shira.

Aaaaand Elite Black Coffee (also called Turkish coffee) which my ex husband used to drink and my boyfriend drinks and basically all the manly men of Israel drink :D (Or should I say 8-) )
I love the smell but I'd never drink it. (Just keep it in my freezer for my BF :rolleyes: )

I never would have expected to see that in Disney World.
I actually can't even stand the smell of coffee. Back when I lived with my parents and my dad would ask for a cup of black coffee, I would bring it to him with an outstretched arm.

And one last picture, because this is my absolute favorite moment of this trip and even though it's now my profile picture, it deserves full size recognition :-)


Still loving this photo. You're right, it does deserve to be shared full size.
Can't wait for my own hugs with the characters.
Joining the party late, great reviews so far! I'm sad that you didn't love Biergarten, but at the same time I can see how that type of food doesn't appeal to everyone (my mother is 1/2 German, so I grow up eating German food), but I agree the interior is amazing. My kids also loved the dancing. That ginger cake at Nine Dragons looked GOOD and might be worth checking out on our next trip (especially since Chinese food is generic enough to appeal to my mother).
Thank you for being here. It's an honor- I'm loving your and Mikka's dining review!!

Not sure about "It's an honor..." :o
Come over and comment on our thread. Mikka is of that generation that thrives on positive feedback. She feels all lonely when no one talks back to her. (And when is your next update???)
One of the things I love about living here is the abundance and variety of foods for Passover. Especially being a kitniyot eater. I remember I brought a bunch of snacks with me when I visited my family for Passover a few years ago. They were very pleased.
Nowadays aside from the tin foil covering all the counters and the use of different dishes (and the matza of course), it barely feels like Passover! We've got cakes, cookies, rolls, pasta, soup nuts.. And my family doesn't eat kitniyot but they do eat things that aren't in the shape of kitniyot. So basically anything that says "only for kitniyot eaters" because it's made in the same factory or uses a certain oil or whatever- we do eat. So that's most of the stuff :)
I can live without rice and beans for a week ;)

Gorgeous! Also want to wish a belated :bday: to Shira.
Thank you! I'll be sure to tell her! (She has a huge math test today so I'm sure this will cheer her up :D

I never would have expected to see that in Disney World.
I actually can't even stand the smell of coffee. Back when I lived with my parents and my dad would ask for a cup of black coffee, I would bring it to him with an outstretched arm.
Really, that bad? :scared:
Well, I can't stand coffee flavor in anything, not even Ben & Jerry's, but I don't mind the smell. Black coffee smell I even like! I think it just triggers memories or something.

Can't wait for my own hugs with the characters.
SO SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!! party:

Joining the party late, great reviews so far! I'm sad that you didn't love Biergarten, but at the same time I can see how that type of food doesn't appeal to everyone (my mother is 1/2 German, so I grow up eating German food), but I agree the interior is amazing. My kids also loved the dancing. That ginger cake at Nine Dragons looked GOOD and might be worth checking out on our next trip (especially since Chinese food is generic enough to appeal to my mother).
Hey!! Welcome!!! I'm so happy you're here! :flower1:
During the Biergarten show there was one family that got up to dance. I think a mom and her two kids. Other than that, no one. But it looked like they had fun! :-) I wish I was braver. I love to dance!
And the Nine Dragons food was really good- I'm sure your mom would like it if she likes Chinese! (Def check out the cake if you like ginger!)

Not sure about "It's an honor..." :o
Come over and comment on our thread. Mikka is of that generation that thrives on positive feedback. She feels all lonely when no one talks back to her. (And when is your next update???)
It's an honor because I've been following your thread and I know it wasn't your first dining report. And I'm a newbie so I feel honored having you here :D
And I did comment a few times and got responses from both of you, I believe :-) I have to catch up on my reading! (And my writing! Hopefully today!)
An Update! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Today is our Animal Kingdom day! This was my second visit to the park and Shira's first. We left it for a Friday so that we had a shorter day and could "rest" on the Sabbath :rolleyes:
Thursday night when we somehow managed to get back from Epcot, I started thinking very seriously of getting a wheelchair for Shira. Her legs were just so messed up. Possibly due to jet lag and to the fact that she's a high school student and is used to spending 80% of her time sitting down. I, on the other hand, am used to standing up most of the day and jet lag doesn't affect me that much. Plus I'm a Disney freak and there was no way I was gonna stay at the resort. Thank goodness Shira was feeling better that morning and also wore flip flops to help with the pain. So no wheelchair but yes to some of the best characters!
Pocahontas! Chip and Dale! Flik! Turk! (Tur KEE Na!) and my favorite... TARZAN!!!!! We trekked all the way up to who knows where on a train in the rain because I wasn't leaving without meeting my hunk! And it was SO worth it! :cloud9:
AK (1).jpg

He was SO in character! He really blew me away!!

Anyway, it was raining. A lot. But that wasn't gonna stop us from getting our food!

Today we dine at......
Flame Tree Barbecue!!!!

On our list of yummy foods that we simply HAD to try before leaving the World, were Flame Tree's onion rings. That combined with the fact that they serve ribs made Flame Tree an obvious choice for us.

Well, it was raining. And I guess everyone figured they'd eat while it rained and walk around later. So the tables were really full! It took us a while to find an empty, sheltered spot and even though we were a soggy mess, it felt good to sit down and enjoy our food.
Also, one little thing that really stuck with me is the fact that they gave out aluminum foil sheets to cover your food when you picked it up at the counter. And they weren't stingy- they made us feel it was fine even though we took a few to cover everything we got. So at least our food stayed dry :beach:

We both ordered the rack of ribs and onion rings and then one of us got a drink and the other got a lime mousse to split. (This was considered 2 QS meals on the DDP and we once again bumped into a CM that did not know how to exchange the drinks/snacks but did managed to in the end.)

10 Flame Tree BBQ (3).jpg

Full Slab of St. Louis Ribs - $19.99

"accompanied by our special recipe, Slowly-baked Beans, refreshing Coleslaw, and Jalapeño Cornbread"

Yum! The ribs were much better than the ones we had at Cosmic Ray's. They were possibly fresher since this was very early in the day and Cosmic Ray's was almost at closing time. The seasoning was better and the meat was more moist. (Ok, I just found another page of notes on this meal and apparently the second half of my ribs was pretty dry. Hmph.)
I loved the beans!!!! I would have bought a can of them if they sold them there.. :-) Shira thought they were just ok (maybe too sweet) and ended up giving them to me. (Yes!!!)
She didn't try the cornbread but I did. At first I didn't really like it but it grew on me and though I didn't finish it, I did end up liking it.

As for the onion rings....

10 Flame Tree BBQ (1).jpg

Onion Ring Basket - $3.99

These were delicious!!!! Totally worth the hype and we were so glad we got to try them! The portion was HUGE and we totally could have split one.
As a side note: I can't believe I keep writing stuff like that. "We could have split one"??? When other DISers write things like that on their reviews I go "Pshaw! The fools! Noobs! I could have finished all of that and gotten another one!" :snooty:
But here I am, writing the same thing :sad2: Unbelievable.
My sincere and humble apologies to all DISers whom I mentally made fun of for not finishing their food or saying the portions were too big.

So the onion ring portions were huge. Yes, we could have split one. Neither of us finished anything on our plates (except the beans which I almost licked clean)
Oh, and I don't remember getting any coleslaw, BTW o_O

I keep thinking something was off with my lap band because on any other day back home I would have finished everything on my plate, no doubt about it. It has mood swings (like me!) so maybe the flight and change of time zone left it stressed. And maybe I was feeling jumpy because I felt I was wasting precious park time on trying to eat. Whatever the reason- this is not typical behavior for me...

Last but not least (actually it was least):

10 Flame Tree BBQ (2).jpg

Lime Mousse - $4.59

This was only ok. The tartness was kind of nice after such a full and fairly heavy meal but I might be making this up because all I wrote was "not very good, nothing special" and "meh" and I really don't remember it at all. Also, apparently the bottom was soggy.
So let's pretend the tartness was good but agree that it was nothing special and I wouldn't order it again. (Gimme more onion rings instead! [said the girl who didn't finish them])

All in all this was a good meal and certainly worth the QS credit!!
And Shira added to my notepad: "Big Plus: Moist Towelettes" - so- cool! Apparently we got moist towelettes!

And now, since I'm already here, let's wrap up our Animal Kingdom day with two snacks we tried there (both on out "must try" list):

11 Ice cream sandwich.jpg

Ice Cream Sandwich - ??

Ok, this was somewhere on our way out and I have no idea where we got it or how much it cost (DDP snack, baby!)
Shira says the ice cream was good. The cookie was chocolaty and fudgy. Too thick for her taste and she didn't finish it but I helped her out because what are sisters for? :rolleyes:

(If anyone knows where we got this, please chime in!)

The second snack, the one I chose was of course:

11 Jalapeno Pretzel.jpg

Hello jalapeno cheese pretzel!!! (And water!)

Once again, sorry- no idea where I got it- just know it was a cart somewhere 8-)
Look at that smile! There aren't many things that can do that to a girl. (One of them being cheese!)
My notes are short. It wasn't too hot which is good because I was worried about the jalapenos. It was big, filling. And... it could have used more cheese....
(Ha ha DeeDee, very funny. We know you love cheese, that's enough now. Sheesh.

Next up.... Friday night dinner at Pop once again!!
Hey everyone, :banana:
It's me.
the one
the only
the legendary.........
SHIRA!!!!! :welcome: thank you!! thank you all!
I must say I am very excited to be here. I've been silently following along, ocasionally correcting my sister when she lied to you :rolleyes2
Just kidding :D she's the best, I know :love: (they say it runs in the family :love1:)
so how've you all been doing?
I decided to join because DeeDee kept telling me I must see the pictures enlarged, and I could'nt do that without an account,
soooo I opened one,
and saw the picures
and cried
because I need a picnic burger and corn dog nuggets and onion rings and baisically anything WDW can offer.
I might kill my sister for making me see these beautiful, beautiful pictures. But until then I decided to drop by, say hello to you lovely people :cloud9:

I gotta say before I go, that :disrocks:
keep doing what you do best, (and that is eating and making me so, so jelous) and enjoy the rest of this wounderfull review!

I love you DeeDee :smickey:

Bye :mickeybar:drive:
Last edited:
Wow, she did good! This is gorgeous!

Somehow through the haze we found ourselves in China for the second or third time that day. After making sure we didn't need a reservation, we decided, to hell with it! and stumbled into Nine Dragons. Our second TS meal of the day.

We needed to sit. We needed to be served. We needed tall glasses of ice water and hot food.
We needed..... Basically we needed a table service restaurant. :teeth:
Food fixes EVERYTHING. ::yes::

Shira went for the pot stickers. Except... Umm....

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


Soup - $3.98

Ok, I'm not entirely sure what type of soup I ate. On their current menu there's a hot and sour chicken soup. But I think what I had was called 'chicken dumpling consomme' or something like that. (At least that's what I wrote in my tiny pad..) I Googled it and it seems they did have something like that on their menu. Possibly with pork dumplings but I'm not sure that's what this was.
Either way it was delicious, just a little bit spicy and just what I needed. And there were two dumplings, by the way :-)
Looks like Wonton Soup to me! Which is pretty standard fare in Chinese restaurants in the US, so maybe?

My steak was medium rare and made to perfection.
Mmmmm... My favorite food. :cloud9:

For dessert we split the banana cheesecake eggrolls which serve two and are no longer on the Nine Dragons menu (gasp!)


Banana Cheesecake Eggrolls - $10.98

"Drizzled with caramel sauce and served with your choice of ice cream"
How sad that this is no longer on the menu! It sounds amazeballs to me! :eek:

Which is why, no matter how high prices are raised, I'll probably always go back to my happy place. (If you're reading this, Disney execs., that doesn't mean you have to keep raising prices on us!!!!)
Yes! THIS!!! ::yes::


Goofy hugged me for a really long time! Like a few seconds! (Which is a really long time compared to other characters!)
I hugged him for a second and was about to pull away but he held on and hugged me really tight. This is not normal- everyone else kind of just hugged.. y'know.. cause they had to.. and then posed for the pictures...
But Goofy hung on to me and I really felt the most amazing few seconds of absolute joy, returning to a carefree childhood where everything else disappears...

Maybe he just liked my cleavage (sorry- is that allowed on the DIS? :blush: ) but I like to think it was pure pixie dust and he really felt I needed that hug.
Pure, absolute magic.
YAAASSS! Goofy always give the BEST hugs!!! :lovestruc

So at least our food stayed dry :beach:
Because priorities. :thumbsup2

Yum! The ribs were much better than the ones we had at Cosmic Ray's. They were possibly fresher since this was very early in the day and Cosmic Ray's was almost at closing time. The seasoning was better and the meat was more moist. (Ok, I just found another page of notes on this meal and apparently the second half of my ribs was pretty dry. Hmph.)
If ya'll like ribs, the new Harambe Market in AK has some pretty good ones, too! They have these great African seasonings instead of traditional barbecue sauce. I loved them!

These looks absolutely AMAZING right now. Why doesn't the DIS have a "drooling" emoji???

My sincere and humble apologies to all DISers whom I mentally made fun of for not finishing their food or saying the portions were too big.
I can honestly say you will never find any such statements on my Dining Reports! :D
Oh gosh! So glad Shira's legs were better that day. I'm sure sitting on an airplane for what probably felt like 3 days didn't help.

As a side note: I can't believe I keep writing stuff like that. "We could have split one"??? When other DISers write things like that on their reviews I go "Pshaw! The fools! Noobs! I could have finished all of that and gotten another one!" :snooty:
But here I am, writing the same thing :sad2: Unbelievable.

HAHA.. I always think the same thing "well you didn't try hard enough to finish that.." but really, portions there are sometimes so big that you can't help but admit defeat.


Onion Ring Basket - $3.99

I don't love onion rings, but these look amazing. My fiance would love the ribs, too. And gimme all the cornbread. We'll have to try it sometime, I have been switching between Y&Y and Tusker House the last few trips!


Ice Cream Sandwich - ??

Ok, this was somewhere on our way out and I have no idea where we got it or how much it cost (DDP snack, baby!)
Shira says the ice cream was good. The cookie was chocolaty and fudgy. Too thick for her taste and she didn't finish it but I helped her out because what are sisters for? :rolleyes:

HOLY MOLY! We had the sandwich @ the Plaza with the sugar cookies.. and I've had the regular ol chocolate chip.. but this looks delicious. And my, what a good looking ice cream sandwich model! Hahaha.

Once again, sorry- no idea where I got it- just know it was a cart somewhere 8-)
Look at that smile! There aren't many things that can do that to a girl. (One of them being cheese!)
My notes are short. It wasn't too hot which is good because I was worried about the jalapenos. It was big, filling. And... it could have used more cheese....
(Ha ha DeeDee, very funny. We know you love cheese, that's enough now. Sheesh.

Cheese. Cheese does that. You can always use more cheese!
Still haven't tried that one, but we did the sweet cream cheese once and it was good!
So, good news guys!!!
Shira joined our ranks and is now an official DISer, here to contradict anything I write on the rest of this dining report!
Easier she do it here directly than on WhatsApp and then have me amend my statements :D
You can see her post, right up there ^^^ Welcome, @speiser.girl !
And you're right- :disrocks:

Oh, those onion rings look amazing!
They were SO good!!!! Hot and fresh, and surprisingly crispy!

Hey everyone, :banana:
It's me.
the one
the only
the legendary.........
SHIRA!!!!! :welcome: thank you!! thank you all!
I must say I am very excited to be here. I've been silently following along, ocasionally correcting my sister when she lied to you :rolleyes2
Just kidding :D she's the best, I know :love: (they say it runs in the family :love1:)
so how've you all been doing?
I decided to join because DeeDee kept telling me I must see the pictures enlarged, and I could'nt do that without an account,
soooo I opened one,
and saw the picures
and cried
because I need a picnic burger and corn dog nuggets and onion rings and baisically anything WDW can offer.
I might kill my sister for making me see these beautiful, beautiful pictures. But until then I decided to drop by, say hello to you lovely people :cloud9:

I gotta say before I go, that :disrocks:
keep doing what you do best, (and that is eating and making me so, so jelous) and enjoy the rest of this wounderfull review!

I love you DeeDee :smickey:

Bye :mickeybar:drive:
Hi Shira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the most amazing board (and most amazing forum!) in the world!!!
So glad you're finally here and can drool along with us! :flower1:

Wow, she did good! This is gorgeous!
She's a very talented photographer! :)

Food fixes EVERYTHING. ::yes::
It does!! :D

Looks like Wonton Soup to me! Which is pretty standard fare in Chinese restaurants in the US, so maybe?
Yep, it was definitely some kind of wonton soup. But they called it something else on the menu and when I asked before ordering, the guy was like, "yes, wonton" and I'm like, "OH, GOOD! (why didn't you say so??)"

Mmmmm... My favorite food. :cloud9:
One of the main food groups :goodvibes

How sad that this is no longer on the menu! It sounds amazeballs to me! :eek:
Yeah, I don't know why :confused3

YAAASSS! Goofy always give the BEST hugs!!! :lovestruc
I'll know that from now on!!! :bitelip:

Because priorities. :thumbsup2

If ya'll like ribs, the new Harambe Market in AK has some pretty good ones, too! They have these great African seasonings instead of traditional barbecue sauce. I loved them!
Thanks! I'll have to check that out next time. I remember them from your review- they sounded good! (Too many choices!!!)

I can honestly say you will never find any such statements on my Dining Reports! :D

Oh gosh! So glad Shira's legs were better that day. I'm sure sitting on an airplane for what probably felt like 3 days didn't help.
Hi!! Yes, I'm sure the flights didn't help! We were cramped for way too long :faint:

HAHA.. I always think the same thing "well you didn't try hard enough to finish that.." but really, portions there are sometimes so big that you can't help but admit defeat.
First time in my life I admit defeat against a food portion :sad2:

I don't love onion rings, but these look amazing. My fiance would love the ribs, too. And gimme all the cornbread. We'll have to try it sometime, I have been switching between Y&Y and Tusker House the last few trips!
I've never been to either but had Y&Y on my list. We just never got around to it.. If you want a nice, inexpensive QS meal, I think it's great :-)

HOLY MOLY! We had the sandwich @ the Plaza with the sugar cookies.. and I've had the regular ol chocolate chip.. but this looks delicious. And my, what a good looking ice cream sandwich model! Hahaha.
I remember your sandwich! :-) I even sent a picture to Shira and I think that's what got her to put it on her list! (Even though they ended up being different)

Cheese. Cheese does that. You can always use more cheese!
Still haven't tried that one, but we did the sweet cream cheese once and it was good!
That's on my list for next time. But I really recommend the jalapeno one! It was delicious! :thumbsup2
As for the onion rings....


As a side note: I can't believe I keep writing stuff like that. "We could have split one"??? When other DISers write things like that on their reviews I go "Pshaw! The fools! Noobs! I could have finished all of that and gotten another one!" :snooty:
But here I am, writing the same thing :sad2: Unbelievable.

That's exactly my reaction too! I always look at the posted pictures and think "That's a huge portion???? Doesn't look like it to me. I could finish that off by myself easily" and then I think "What is the matter with me? I'm such a pig!".
I can't help it, I just love food too much.
But pictures can be deceiving.
We'll see what happens once I get down there.

Hey everyone, :banana:
It's me.
the one
the only
the legendary.........

:wave2: Shira and :welcome: ! Glad to see you here. Finally!!!! It's about time
you girls are so cute, I want to adopt you both!!! great report so far!!!:flower1:
Thank you so much for being here!!!!! I don't know about Shira, but I'm highly un-adoptable :laughing: Instead, why don't you just join in on our next trip?? :thumbsup2 (Whenever that may be......)

That's exactly my reaction too! I always look at the posted pictures and think "That's a huge portion???? Doesn't look like it to me. I could finish that off by myself easily" and then I think "What is the matter with me? I'm such a pig!".
I can't help it, I just love food too much.
But pictures can be deceiving.
We'll see what happens once I get down there.
LOL! Nooooo, you're not a pig! It's Disney food and that deserves special attention! (And licking plates clean!)
I can't wait to read your experiences :D
:wave2: Shira and :welcome: ! Glad to see you here. Finally!!!! It's about time
I agree! It's about time! (But there she goes, disappearing again :sad2: )
LOL! Nooooo, you're not a pig! It's Disney food and that deserves special attention! (And licking plates clean!)
I can't wait to read your experiences :D

Thanks. LOL at the licking plates clean. I do engage in that habit when home alone (and sometimes at my parents' house). I can just imagine my mom's mortification if I actually did that in public.


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