I've had to stop reading the forums...

Clifton Tesh

DIS Veteran
Dec 28, 2015
I've had to stop reading the forums...

More so, I have to be real cautious of which thread I read.

You see, I have never been to Walt Disney World, Disneyland, or anything Disney. I've never experienced the magic of "The greatest place on Earth". I have a trip scheduled for my honeymoon in April and the more I read, the more I started to doubt whether the $3000 I spent on a 7 day vacation was a good investment.

It seemed like every other thread was something talking about a closure or ticket price increase or character meet and greet being shut down, or something negative. People fussing about how the magic is not there any more and how their trips have been ruined by the lack of this M&G or there being too few CM's to handle the amount of people, or this that and the other.

And I really started questioning my decision to pay a bit less than a months salary to take a 7 day vacation to what is being made out to be "The not so happiest place on earth."

Then I started recognizing a pattern. The people that were bringing up all the negative are people who have been fortunate enough to have gone to Disney, not once, not twice, but many times. And while these people have expectations of what it should be like based on past experiences, I have never been, I do not have the same expectations these people do, and I am sure my first trip to Disney will be every bit as magical as your first trip was.

So, I have stopped reading the potentially negative threads, I have stopped reading the threads that turn negative, I have stopped reading them because I do not want the magic to be ruined before I ever make it to the parks.
You are going to have an amazing time. Enjoy every minute of the planning and your honeymoon
People hate change and complain loudly about it. Especially people who are really use to it being one way.
You will LOVE it and you will have a great time.
I am a local and go all the time and while I may not like some of the things that happen, I know they are for a reason and for a better or different experience for me later.
Haters are gonna hate so let them. lovers are gonna love and trust me, there are many of us here (me included) who have drank the Disney kool-aid and still enjoy everything, every single time.
I commend you in saying you will not allow negativity to stop you!
Your observations are correct. While I do think to have the best trip possible people should have some knowledge of crowd expectations, suggestions in how to plan your days, etc, the things that upset some people on the boards are things a first time visitor would never even notice. I occasionally check in on negative threads to see if any useful info appears, but most of the time I just move right along.

You will LOVE IT! It will be the happiest 7 days of your life!
I'm Skipping those threads too!!!! I was raised on Disneyland, and had my first trip to WDW as an adult. That was 2 years ago, and I LOVED it! I loved it so much that my hubby and I planned a secret trip for me and our oldest son as a 12th birthday present- sort of a passing the Disney torch/rite of passage thing. I've been getting more and more worried that I made a wrong choice lately, until I came to the same conclusion as you.

Disney is freaking magical. Period. You are going to have an amazing time. So are we! Will there be things that I wish were open? Yep! But there is SO MUCH that is open and running and fabulous!

So put on those Mickey ears, get a Dole Whip (trust me), and go have a blast!!!
I wish you a magical wedding, honeymoon and visit to the Happiest Place on Earth. It is wonderful and it is magical. I live in Orlando about half an hour away from Disney and I can tell you that after at least 2 to 3 visits a month (sometimes more) there is still excitement and wonder everytime I go. My kids are 13 and 14 and sometimes they wish we didn't go as much, but they get over it the minute we park the car and head to the entrance. :)

All the best!
Congratulations on so many milestones so close together! You are in for the best time of your life (for the rest of your life, too!).

Don't worry about the negatives you read here -- just go and make up your own mind. WDW is more than rides, parades, dining, and shopping -- these are just the parts that add up to something more than the whole. It's a magical place, at a magical time for you. Best wishes!
Thanks for the encouraging words guys and gals :)

I'm Skipping those threads too!!!! I was raised on Disneyland, and had my first trip to WDW as an adult. That was 2 years ago, and I LOVED it! I loved it so much that my hubby and I planned a secret trip for me and our oldest son as a 12th birthday present- sort of a passing the Disney torch/rite of passage thing. I've been getting more and more worried that I made a wrong choice lately, until I came to the same conclusion as you.

Disney is freaking magical. Period. You are going to have an amazing time. So are we! Will there be things that I wish were open? Yep! But there is SO MUCH that is open and running and fabulous!

So put on those Mickey ears, get a Dole Whip (trust me), and go have a blast!!!

As for the dole whip, I'm going to have to skip that part. I can't stand pineapple, I think it's the essence of all evil :p but I will be sure to enjoy everything that is pineapple free :D
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I'm a pineapple hater too! LOL Swing by the Main Street Ice Cream Shop and pick up something better. ;)

Like you said, some people are very fortunate to go multiple times and therefore have certain expectations. If Disney was a terrible as some people make it out to be, it would have shut down long ago. Relax and just prepare to enjoy yourself. You will have an amazing time!
You are going to have a fantastic trip - don't let anyone else convince you otherwise!! Disney is magical, and the thing to remember is that the only way to see magic anywhere is to keep your eyes open for it. Those looking for negativity will find it.
Just focus on how happy you are, and you'll be surrounded by happiness!! (As you should be on such an occasion!) I look forward to you coming back to the boards after your honeymoon to tell us all how wonderful and beyond expectations it was!!
I've been going since 1983, every other year for years, my son has grown up on Disney. For the past 3 years, I've gone twice a year and my 35 year old son still goes with me every other year. I love it, yes things have changed but change is not always bad. Is it more expensive, yes but so is gas, milk and everything else in the world. Has customer service gone down? Maybe but maybe it's just that people expect more now then they used to and love to complain and get free things. We took my ex-DIL about 4 years ago, it was her first trip since she was a teenager and went on a class trip. She was so surprised at how much fun it was when she took the time to not run from ride to ride, to enjoy sitting down for a meal and a drink and just slow down. She loved it so much they bought DVC. It is still clean, friendly, safe and fun. Go, don't over plan take some time to actually enjoy the place and you are going to have a ball.
Then I started recognizing a pattern. The people that were bringing up all the negative are people who have been fortunate enough to have gone to Disney, not once, not twice, but many times. And while these people have expectations of what it should be like based on past experiences, I have never been, I do not have the same expectations these people do, and I am sure my first trip to Disney will be every bit as magical as your first trip was.
BINGO! I have to admit that I am one of them and yes, I have posted on those threads.

Remember, YOU are the type of guest that WDW is targeting. YOU will have a fantastic time!
Don't worry, the DIS is full of Debbie Downers:D.

The best advice I can give is to not expect someone or something to make your vacation/honeymoon special or magical. It's best to focus on having fun while enjoying the experiences and time you get to spend with your significant other(s):love:. Sometimes we forget to do this when we "grow up". That is why Disney is great, you can be that kid again pirate::jester::crazy::sail:pixiedust::yay:. Oh, and I have been to WDW many times; the secret to keeping that "magic" going is knowing the "magic' is in you.

Congratulations, and here's wishing you a safe and fun Honeymoon.
Congratulations!!! You'll have a wonderful trip - no worries. As for people complaining, yes it does happen. I believe mainly because people who love WDW & have gone multiple times can see & feel the differences in The World. As a first time visitor, you won't have past visits to compare it to so you'll have a magical time I'm sure! It would be great if you posted a trip report about your first visit!
I dunno, I think there's still a lot more positive vibes on this board than negative. I've seen much more vitriolic forums in my time. :D What got me the first time I came around here was the pure VOLUME of information. Tips up the wazoo. I had trouble processing it all. But once you make your first trip, you 'get it'. But you are right in that some people go SO often that it can skew their viewpoint. We went in 2011, 2013, and will be going in 2016. Because there's a few years in between, there's less 'expectation' in terms of being 'wowed'. I think that if you go there too often, you're going to naturally get bored and want more out of the trip.
First off- Congrats on getting married!!!!

Secondly, please don't let people like this get you down. I know plenty of people who think Disney is a trip that isn't worth the price, but guess what... those people have never been! I think you will get there and realize why the tickets have gone up and why they are pricey to begin with. Keep in mind that Disney has A LOT of employees to pay! They have their own power plant for goodness sake! It isn't a cheap place to keep open, I'm sure.

Lastly, when you go you'll see that Disney knows how to take care of you! You'll get the best food, the best customer service, and the best atmosphere! I know people who aren't even into Disney that much and they LOVED their time there. Have a safe trip!! :)


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