What Disney Snack Do You Wish You Never Bought (and Ate)?

The Cream Cheese stuffed pretzel...couldn't even finish it!

The Carrot Cake Cookie - after hearing SO much about it I was looking so forward to it. Disappointed to find it had raisins in it! BLECH! :( The overall flavor was OK, but given the rave reviews, I thought it was going to be much better!
I wish I could go back in time and trade in all my snack credits for chocolate covered pineapple at the confectionary! So good! And a Dole Whip.
Mine was a drink in Epcot - at the Japan Pavillion they used to have a Frozen drink with Ginger and Vodka in it - the ginger was so overpowering I had to toss it 1/2 way through.
Zebra Domes - thought I'd love them but the consistency & texture is just blah, mushy

Carrot cake cookie - another I couldn't wait to try but I was disappointed. I'll stick with the cupcakes.

DH loves the Turkey leg but I just can't do it. I can't even watch him eat it
...Although in defense of the school bread, it used to be a lot better. When I first had it back in 2008, it WAS really good. The next few trips after that, it just seemed to decline. Bread was drier, stiffer, less sweet. Haven't had it in the past couple trips.

THIS!!! I remember loving School Bread (or whatever you want to call it) the first few times I had it - then when I went about two years ago, I was shocked at how different it tasted. They must have changed an ingredient or two (maybe stopped using real butter or something?) because what they're selling now is only a shadow of what was once an amazing pastry.

(I really miss School Bread.) :worried:
Dole whip. After eating one of those bitter tasting desserts, I wish to NEVER have another one. Plus every time we walk by that place it always smells like vomit or something foul. :sad2:
The only two thing I have ate and regretted are the cookies and hot chocolate they give out at MVMCP and the cheese soup from Le Cellier that they also have at F&W.

With the cookies and hot chocolate, it was good at first but after while I felt queasy. I don;t blame the snacks, but can;t even think about them without getting that feeling again.

With the soup, it was just gross. I like beer, I like cheddar cheese and I like bacon, but together they were just horrible. And I had been waiting a few years to try it too.

I am highly disappointed in the cinnamon buns at Gaston's. They are edible, but I thought the ones at MSB were MUCH better (even though everyone claims they are the same. Maybe they aren't as fresh?)

But I haven't tried most of the stuff mentioned here either...

I am highly disappointed in the cinnamon buns at Gaston's. They are edible, but I thought the ones at MSB were MUCH better (even though everyone claims they are the same. Maybe they aren't as fresh?)

But I haven't tried most of the stuff mentioned here either...[/QUOTE]

They are not the same! The cinnamon rolls at Gaston's are with maple frosting - Yuck!!! :sad2:

I am highly disappointed in the cinnamon buns at Gaston's. They are edible, but I thought the ones at MSB were MUCH better (even though everyone claims they are the same. Maybe they aren't as fresh?)

But I haven't tried most of the stuff mentioned here either...

They are not the same! The cinnamon rolls at Gaston's are with maple frosting - Yuck!!! :sad2:

So, I guess Gaston was French Canadian? :confused3

By the way, where is the drumbeat of posters complaining that this topic has nothing to do with Theme Park Strategies? Oh, wait... that's only apropos for FP+ threads! :rotfl2:
My biggest regret is the turkey leg! I used to be fine eating them but one day at DHS and woooo did I regret it! I was sick the entire next day. I do have a lot of stomach issues but yuck never again! I cringe when I see them now!
The Citrus Swirl in Adventureland in MK it was bitter and had a nasty aftertaste, the Cheesecake brownie at Boardwalk Bakery I dunno if I expected more cheeesake or a different brownie but I ate two bites and trashed it and the cake pops at Big Top store.

Now my three favorites of all time are The Strawberry Cupcake at Boardwalk Bakery, The Peppermint Cupcake at Boardwalk Bakery, and Cheese Danish that was at Main Street Bakery, it was the best cheese Danish I have had anywhere as there was more cheese then Danish and that's the part I love. (Does anyone have any idea if they may still care this anywhere on Disney property?)

I did like the Cream Cheese Pretzel back when it first came out but it has declined over the years. :(

I also like the carrot cake cookie, I was sad that someone tipped over our stroller in the parking area of Fantasmic and it was laying on the ground. I had only eaten about a 1/4 at that time. (I had put in a merchandise bag on top of the stroller) *I do not blame whoever may have tipped the stroller nor was our vacation ruined but yes I was a little bummed.
Dole whip. After eating one of those bitter tasting desserts, I wish to NEVER have another one. Plus every time we walk by that place it always smells like vomit or something foul. :sad2:

Bitter? are you sure you received a Dole Whip? There is nothing in a dole whip that would make it bitter... It's sweet, it's sour...but bitter? (pineapples, sugar, milk - nothing is bitter in that list)

Plus, there are no thrill rides in the area, so I dunno where you're getting the puke smell from.

http://www.diffen.com/difference/Bitter_vs_Sour <-----this
I immediately regretted the butterfinger cupcake at Starring Rolls. It was really really dry.
The most highly recommended ones that I did not like were zebra domes and school bread. They just weren't for me, nothing wrong with them.

The worst dessert was a smore in Le Cellier, many years ago. It was two uncooked marshmallows on a stick with chocolate drizzled on them and a graham cracker consistency between. It was more a chocolate covered marshmallow than a smore. Now the smores at 50's PTC! Those are yummy!!!!
Lefse in Norway. Blech.

Dole whip. Yup, bitter. Pineapple is very bitter to me, but at least I tried it.

Not wdw but butterbeer.

The gingerbread shingles at GF at Christmas. Went right in the trash after one bite. So gross.
Caramel popcorn. We LOVE caramel popcorn but Disney's version tastes AWFUL! Tastes burnt!
Hmm, I can't agree with you there. I like the caramel popcorn (without nuts) and I always buy a bag or two when I go in the stores. I had a cupcake from the POFQ food court that wasn't great. I thought the corn dog nuggets from Casey's Corner would be better than they were. Also, the funnel cake I got in AK might've been ok if it wasn't such a HUGE serving. Way too much for one person.
I had a brownie with pink and red valentines sprinkles on for dessert at POR's food court, and it was very underwhelming. Wish I had chosen the magic cookie bar.
I would have to go with the cake pop from Goofy's Candy Co! I thought it would be great but the majority of it was marshmallow, not the normal cake pop I am use to! Hoping they fix this for the future but until then it's a big disappointment and waste of money. :guilty:


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