Disboutiquers Part 29 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

I am back with another update. The last 24 hours has been so crazy that my head is spinning. Yesterday we got a call around 2 pm telling us that surgery was canceled because further testing was needed. That had us convinced that Neal had the terrible, terminal thyroid cancer because they typically don't operate on people with that cancer. It doesn't prolong the patient's life so why cause them additional pain? Anyhow, they told us that the dr would call us at 5 to explain things. That was a terrible time while we tried to wait. The dr called at 6 pm to explain that they had ruled out anaplastic thyroid cancer (the terrible thyroid cancer) and needed to do some more testing on the biopsy samples. We were told we wouldn't hear anything more for another 2 or 3 days. Well, the doctor just called us about 5 minutes ago and said that the further testing shows that the tumor is a benign hurthle cell neoplasm. We are beyond relieved and happy! They will still test everything after surgery just to be absolutely sure. I want to thank everybody for all their good thoughts and prayers!

That is really great news! I can't imagine having to wait it out for so long between calls. I hope the surgery goes smoothly and wish for a quick recovery.

Oh Diane! That is WONDERFUL news! HURRAY HURRAY!!! Praying now that he has an easy recovery after the surgery.

So, I tried to sew up a super simple project. I've been needing/wanting some fleece pj pants for me. Made pj pants at least a dozen (or more) times. Easy, right?

yes, easy to SCREW UP! LOL. I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out where I went astray. For some odd reason I managed to get the outseam showing on just ONE leg. And I TRIED to turn them this way and that when sewing and have them match up but never could get it to work. So every other seam is inside, but then one random seam is exposed on the side. I lucked out that my serger thread happened to match the project. Since they are just pj pants I'll just wear them anyway, so it's not a really big deal but talk about taking your sewing ego down a peg or two! HA!


Whenever I think something is easy I end up screwing it up worse than ever. So frustrating. I would totally wear the messed up seamed pants. Remember my 3rd time wasn't the charm stupid safari Minnie shirt? Yeah, I wear that. What a mess that thing was. I did salvage it by doing another minnie on felt and sewing it over the least-screwed up one, which worked for photos, and might have stopped a bullet it was so thick!
Hi Everyone!! I love seeing all the holiday cheer come out in those adorable outfits!!!

Well, last week instead of going to Disney, I had my gallbladder out on Friday. Woo hoo....no comparison to Disney. But its over and hopefully my body will be better than new. Right now I have lots and lots of nausea, which is discouraging, because that is one of my pre surgery symptoms!!! I also hope they will recommend a nutritionist for me as I am truely afraid to eat!! I've lost a ton of weight and want to keep it off too!!! I have a gurgly cough now, and it hurts to cough so I squeeze a stuffed animal and try not to cough so it doesnt hurt!! lol...

I have been getting some questions about how my cousin Steve is - thank you for keeping him in your prayers. He got a gtube on Thursday, and was discharged from the hospital at noon today - went straight to the radiologist who put on his radiation tattoos and that will start on Monday. He meets with the oncologist on Wednesday....whew!!! This is moving fast, but we are encouraged that his surgeon at HUP in Philly does this surgery (his will be in Feb or march) 80-100 times/year!!!! the norm for most places is 3x/year!!

QUestion - someone was super busy, and unable to do the eye spy bags for Shawn Broolkyn's big give - would anyone be able to fill in for her? Would also love some tie dye shirts as they are one of mom's favorite things!!!

Thanks so much, Wendy:goodvibes

I hope you will continue to feel better Wendy. I hope the nausea will go away quickly and maybe you can plan a trip to Disney World when you feel better! I hope you can get a nutritionist to help you with your dietary needs.

Thank you for the update on Steve. It sounds like he will be in good hands for the surgery. Please know that his family is in my prayers.

I am back with another update. The last 24 hours has been so crazy that my head is spinning. Yesterday we got a call around 2 pm telling us that surgery was canceled because further testing was needed. That had us convinced that Neal had the terrible, terminal thyroid cancer because they typically don't operate on people with that cancer. It doesn't prolong the patient's life so why cause them additional pain? Anyhow, they told us that the dr would call us at 5 to explain things. That was a terrible time while we tried to wait. The dr called at 6 pm to explain that they had ruled out anaplastic thyroid cancer (the terrible thyroid cancer) and needed to do some more testing on the biopsy samples. We were told we wouldn't hear anything more for another 2 or 3 days. Well, the doctor just called us about 5 minutes ago and said that the further testing shows that the tumor is a benign hurthle cell neoplasm. We are beyond relieved and happy! They will still test everything after surgery just to be absolutely sure. I want to thank everybody for all their good thoughts and prayers!

Thank you for the update Diane. I am sure it was a very stressful time for all of you. I am relieved to hear that it is benign. I hope your husband will have a speedy recovery after his surgery and the final tests come back clear.

So, I tried to sew up a super simple project. I've been needing/wanting some fleece pj pants for me. Made pj pants at least a dozen (or more) times. Easy, right?

yes, easy to SCREW UP! LOL. I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out where I went astray. For some odd reason I managed to get the outseam showing on just ONE leg. And I TRIED to turn them this way and that when sewing and have them match up but never could get it to work. So every other seam is inside, but then one random seam is exposed on the side. I lucked out that my serger thread happened to match the project. Since they are just pj pants I'll just wear them anyway, so it's not a really big deal but talk about taking your sewing ego down a peg or two! HA!


Well, you can always call that seam a design feature! In some ways it is comforting to know that I am not the only one who does goofy things like that.
I am back with another update. The last 24 hours has been so crazy that my head is spinning. Yesterday we got a call around 2 pm telling us that surgery was canceled because further testing was needed. That had us convinced that Neal had the terrible, terminal thyroid cancer because they typically don't operate on people with that cancer. It doesn't prolong the patient's life so why cause them additional pain? Anyhow, they told us that the dr would call us at 5 to explain things. That was a terrible time while we tried to wait. The dr called at 6 pm to explain that they had ruled out anaplastic thyroid cancer (the terrible thyroid cancer) and needed to do some more testing on the biopsy samples. We were told we wouldn't hear anything more for another 2 or 3 days. Well, the doctor just called us about 5 minutes ago and said that the further testing shows that the tumor is a benign hurthle cell neoplasm. We are beyond relieved and happy! They will still test everything after surgery just to be absolutely sure. I want to thank everybody for all their good thoughts and prayers!
I am so relieved to hear the tumor is benign. I know you, yourself, have been through an ordeal with cancer and I so hated to see you have to go through it again with your dh. I am beyond elated for your dh and family .:hug:
I am back with another update. The last 24 hours has been so crazy that my head is spinning. Yesterday we got a call around 2 pm telling us that surgery was canceled because further testing was needed. That had us convinced that Neal had the terrible, terminal thyroid cancer because they typically don't operate on people with that cancer. It doesn't prolong the patient's life so why cause them additional pain? Anyhow, they told us that the dr would call us at 5 to explain things. That was a terrible time while we tried to wait. The dr called at 6 pm to explain that they had ruled out anaplastic thyroid cancer (the terrible thyroid cancer) and needed to do some more testing on the biopsy samples. We were told we wouldn't hear anything more for another 2 or 3 days. Well, the doctor just called us about 5 minutes ago and said that the further testing shows that the tumor is a benign hurthle cell neoplasm. We are beyond relieved and happy! They will still test everything after surgery just to be absolutely sure. I want to thank everybody for all their good thoughts and prayers!

That is good news. I'll be praying for the surgery to go well.
Thanks everybody! The surgery has been re-scheduled for a week from tomorrow. I am anxious to get past it and have my husband back to his old self. I'm hoping to do some sewing today. I need the creative outlet!

BTW, I got my scrap box from the Fat Quarter Shop. It had some nice pieces of fabric in it. Most things were 1/4 to 1/2 yard pieces. There were a few larger pieces and several very small pieces. Now I will have to figure out what to do with the pieces. I love a challenge like that!

Also, I don't know if any of your kids are American Girl fans or not. There is a special offer today only on Marie Grace and Cecile plus the canopy bed. You can get each doll and the bed for $50 apiece. That is something like 60% off. You have to use this link:

And put in the code JILLOFFER when you check out.
Dianne,I'm so glad the news on your hubby is good! Now just to get past the surgery and on to the recovery!
Enjoy your sewing! My prayers are with you!

Wendy,hope you feel better soon and are quickly back to your "old" self!
Thanks everybody! The surgery has been re-scheduled for a week from tomorrow. I am anxious to get past it and have my husband back to his old self. I'm hoping to do some sewing today. I need the creative outlet!

BTW, I got my scrap box from the Fat Quarter Shop. It had some nice pieces of fabric in it. Most things were 1/4 to 1/2 yard pieces. There were a few larger pieces and several very small pieces. Now I will have to figure out what to do with the pieces. I love a challenge like that!

Also, I don't know if any of your kids are American Girl fans or not. There is a special offer today only on Marie Grace and Cecile plus the canopy bed. You can get each doll and the bed for $50 apiece. That is something like 60% off. You have to use this link:

And put in the code JILLOFFER when you check out.

I hope you're able to get some cool stuff done with the scrap box. I ordered one too. Can't beat 25% off for black friday or cyber monday (I don't remember) but I got lots of great stuff too. I had ordered a box once before and built up a great stash. I am shocked how much fabric was in there. I have lots of ideas, ut no time to do them!
Hi Everyone!! I love seeing all the holiday cheer come out in those adorable outfits!!!

Well, last week instead of going to Disney, I had my gallbladder out on Friday. Woo hoo....no comparison to Disney. But its over and hopefully my body will be better than new. Right now I have lots and lots of nausea, which is discouraging, because that is one of my pre surgery symptoms!!! I also hope they will recommend a nutritionist for me as I am truely afraid to eat!! I've lost a ton of weight and want to keep it off too!!! I have a gurgly cough now, and it hurts to cough so I squeeze a stuffed animal and try not to cough so it doesnt hurt!! lol...

I have been getting some questions about how my cousin Steve is - thank you for keeping him in your prayers. He got a gtube on Thursday, and was discharged from the hospital at noon today - went straight to the radiologist who put on his radiation tattoos and that will start on Monday. He meets with the oncologist on Wednesday....whew!!! This is moving fast, but we are encouraged that his surgeon at HUP in Philly does this surgery (his will be in Feb or march) 80-100 times/year!!!! the norm for most places is 3x/year!!

QUestion - someone was super busy, and unable to do the eye spy bags for Shawn Broolkyn's big give - would anyone be able to fill in for her? Would also love some tie dye shirts as they are one of mom's favorite things!!!

Thanks so much, Wendy:goodvibes

I am glad your surgery went well, prayers for a speedy recovery and if you want to continue on the road to weight loss check out myfitnesspal.com Its free and has helped me tremendously!

I am back with another update. The last 24 hours has been so crazy that my head is spinning. Yesterday we got a call around 2 pm telling us that surgery was canceled because further testing was needed. That had us convinced that Neal had the terrible, terminal thyroid cancer because they typically don't operate on people with that cancer. It doesn't prolong the patient's life so why cause them additional pain? Anyhow, they told us that the dr would call us at 5 to explain things. That was a terrible time while we tried to wait. The dr called at 6 pm to explain that they had ruled out anaplastic thyroid cancer (the terrible thyroid cancer) and needed to do some more testing on the biopsy samples. We were told we wouldn't hear anything more for another 2 or 3 days. Well, the doctor just called us about 5 minutes ago and said that the further testing shows that the tumor is a benign hurthle cell neoplasm. We are beyond relieved and happy! They will still test everything after surgery just to be absolutely sure. I want to thank everybody for all their good thoughts and prayers!

I am so happy for your family, prayers that the surgery is routine and easy for all involved!

Oh Diane! That is WONDERFUL news! HURRAY HURRAY!!! Praying now that he has an easy recovery after the surgery.

So, I tried to sew up a super simple project. I've been needing/wanting some fleece pj pants for me. Made pj pants at least a dozen (or more) times. Easy, right?

yes, easy to SCREW UP! LOL. I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out where I went astray. For some odd reason I managed to get the outseam showing on just ONE leg. And I TRIED to turn them this way and that when sewing and have them match up but never could get it to work. So every other seam is inside, but then one random seam is exposed on the side. I lucked out that my serger thread happened to match the project. Since they are just pj pants I'll just wear them anyway, so it's not a really big deal but talk about taking your sewing ego down a peg or two! HA!


Hahahah! Just when we think we know what we're doing......
I am happy to say that I finished sewing most of what needs to be mailed.

These are the Christmas jammies that I made for my grandson using easy fits and a bowling shirt. If you remember I lengthened the arm of the easy fits using the bottom part of the raglan pattern. The arms look like two different lengths in that picture but they aren't.


A matching nightgown for my grandaughter


I also made outfits for Christmas day.

A bowling shirt for my grandson paired with pants from Target.

My first Lauren dress for his sister.

Now I have a set of Christmas jammies for my grandson that lives closer to home but I'm not sure which pattern to use for him, he is 6 months old. I also have 4 adult aprons, 2 kids aprons and maybe a matching chef hat or two. I also would like to make my Mom a ruffled tree skirt but I can't find any fabric I like. I may have to table that project for next year when I can buy the fabric earlier so I can have more choices of fabric.
So, I tried to sew up a super simple project. I've been needing/wanting some fleece pj pants for me. Made pj pants at least a dozen (or more) times. Easy, right?

yes, easy to SCREW UP! LOL. I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out where I went astray. For some odd reason I managed to get the outseam showing on just ONE leg. And I TRIED to turn them this way and that when sewing and have them match up but never could get it to work. So every other seam is inside, but then one random seam is exposed on the side. I lucked out that my serger thread happened to match the project. Since they are just pj pants I'll just wear them anyway, so it's not a really big deal but talk about taking your sewing ego down a peg or two! HA!


My first pair of jammie pants I made for myself I didn't look close enough at the fabric. It didn't look like it was a one directional fabric so I cut my two pieces in different directions. After I sewed it up I realized it was one direction but the pictures on it were slightly rotated, which is why I thought I could use it both ways. So now I have one leg for me to look at and one leg for everyone else to look at :lmao: I still wear them around the house, I'm actually wearing them right now!

I am happy to say that I finished sewing most of what needs to be mailed.

These are the Christmas jammies that I made for my grandson using easy fits and a bowling shirt. If you remember I lengthened the arm of the easy fits using the bottom part of the raglan pattern. The arms look like two different lengths in that picture but they aren't.


A matching nightgown for my grandaughter


I also made outfits for Christmas day.

A bowling shirt for my grandson paired with pants from Target.

My first Lauren dress for his sister.

Now I have a set of Christmas jammies for my grandson that lives closer to home but I'm not sure which pattern to use for him, he is 6 months old. I also have 4 adult aprons, 2 kids aprons and maybe a matching chef hat or two. I also would like to make my Mom a ruffled tree skirt but I can't find any fabric I like. I may have to table that project for next year when I can buy the fabric earlier so I can have more choices of fabric.

Nice job! I love how the bowling shirt turned out using long sleeves, I may have to try that sometime.

Question time...So everything I'm making for the extended family is being sewn. For my step-niece I'm making a purse for her. Well I just found out my neice and nephew will be coming for Christmas, usually I just send gift cards but thought since they are coming here I should add them to the sewing trend. My neice I will just make her a purse too but I'm clueless for my nephew, he's 14. The only thing I can think of to make for him would be to embroider something on a shirt. I don't know what to embroider and my embroidery machine is a Christmas gist from my parents so I would have to beg them to let me open it early, it's sitting under the tree right now calling my name to open it already. So after all that, what would you make for a 14 year old boy???
Seems like a slew of people are new 770 owners. Enjoy.

Don't forget to check out the machine's integrated designs. Like this teddy.


Wendy -- Hope you're feeling better soon. You've been feeling out of sorts way too long.

Diane -- So glad to hear some good news about your husband. Let it continue!
Question time...So everything I'm making for the extended family is being sewn. For my step-niece I'm making a purse for her. Well I just found out my neice and nephew will be coming for Christmas, usually I just send gift cards but thought since they are coming here I should add them to the sewing trend. My neice I will just make her a purse too but I'm clueless for my nephew, he's 14. The only thing I can think of to make for him would be to embroider something on a shirt. I don't know what to embroider and my embroidery machine is a Christmas gist from my parents so I would have to beg them to let me open it early, it's sitting under the tree right now calling my name to open it already. So after all that, what would you make for a 14 year old boy???

Maybe like one of those drawstring bags? I got some mesh fabric at Joann fabrics I am going to make swimming bags for my boys, cotton on one side, mesh on the other so it airs out a little. They are handy and I think a 14 year old could use it. Or, a pillowcase or a fleece throw blanket for snuggling up on the couch. 14 is a tough age.
My first pair of jammie pants I made for myself I didn't look close enough at the fabric. It didn't look like it was a one directional fabric so I cut my two pieces in different directions. After I sewed it up I realized it was one direction but the pictures on it were slightly rotated, which is why I thought I could use it both ways. So now I have one leg for me to look at and one leg for everyone else to look at :lmao: I still wear them around the house, I'm actually wearing them right now!

Nice job! I love how the bowling shirt turned out using long sleeves, I may have to try that sometime.

Question time...So everything I'm making for the extended family is being sewn. For my step-niece I'm making a purse for her. Well I just found out my neice and nephew will be coming for Christmas, usually I just send gift cards but thought since they are coming here I should add them to the sewing trend. My neice I will just make her a purse too but I'm clueless for my nephew, he's 14. The only thing I can think of to make for him would be to embroider something on a shirt. I don't know what to embroider and my embroidery machine is a Christmas gist from my parents so I would have to beg them to let me open it early, it's sitting under the tree right now calling my name to open it already. So after all that, what would you make for a 14 year old boy???

Sew him a wallet and put an Itunes gift card in it.
I hope you're able to get some cool stuff done with the scrap box. I ordered one too. Can't beat 25% off for black friday or cyber monday (I don't remember) but I got lots of great stuff too. I had ordered a box once before and built up a great stash. I am shocked how much fabric was in there. I have lots of ideas, ut no time to do them!
I have so many other projects that I need to finish before I get to the scrap box. It will probably be summer before I look into it again. :rotfl2:

These are the Christmas jammies that I made for my grandson using easy fits and a bowling shirt. If you remember I lengthened the arm of the easy fits using the bottom part of the raglan pattern. The arms look like two different lengths in that picture but they aren't.


A matching nightgown for my grandaughter


I also made outfits for Christmas day.

A bowling shirt for my grandson paired with pants from Target.

My first Lauren dress for his sister.
Everything turned out really cute! I like the jammies and the nightie. They look very cozy. The lengthened sleeves on the bowling shirt look great. How did you like the Lauren dress pattern? I haven't bought it yet because I have so many other new dress patterns but I think it is very cute.

I'm clueless for my nephew, he's 14. The only thing I can think of to make for him would be to embroider something on a shirt. I don't know what to embroider and my embroidery machine is a Christmas gist from my parents so I would have to beg them to let me open it early, it's sitting under the tree right now calling my name to open it already. So after all that, what would you make for a 14 year old boy???
How about a scarf made out of polar fleece with a pocket in it for an ipod or a cell phone? I've seen those for boys and they are very cute! You could also do a travel bag for him. He is getting to the age where he will need a travel bag for his razor and shaving cream, etc.

Don't forget to check out the machine's integrated designs. Like this teddy.

That is a very cute doll outfit! I never think of the integrated designs on my machine.

Sew him a wallet and put an Itunes gift card in it.
Cute idea!

I just finished both of these today. I sewed a bowling shirt and a dress for my niece and nephew to wear on our cruise next summer. Here is the front:

Here is the back:

I increased the size on the bowling shirt so that it would be a size 10. I think that the width will be right for my nephew but I think it is going to be too long. I might have to shorten it.
Thanks everybody! The surgery has been re-scheduled for a week from tomorrow. I am anxious to get past it and have my husband back to his old self. I'm hoping to do some sewing today. I need the creative outlet!

I am glad the surgery is rescheduled in such a short timeframe. I will be praying for a speedy recovery!

I am happy to say that I finished sewing most of what needs to be mailed.

These are the Christmas jammies that I made for my grandson using easy fits and a bowling shirt. If you remember I lengthened the arm of the easy fits using the bottom part of the raglan pattern. The arms look like two different lengths in that picture but they aren't.


A matching nightgown for my grandaughter


I also made outfits for Christmas day.

A bowling shirt for my grandson paired with pants from Target.

My first Lauren dress for his sister.

Now I have a set of Christmas jammies for my grandson that lives closer to home but I'm not sure which pattern to use for him, he is 6 months old. I also have 4 adult aprons, 2 kids aprons and maybe a matching chef hat or two. I also would like to make my Mom a ruffled tree skirt but I can't find any fabric I like. I may have to table that project for next year when I can buy the fabric earlier so I can have more choices of fabric.

Looks like you have been busy. The PJ's look so comfy. The shirt and the dress look beautiful. I am sure your grandchildren will like their new clothes.

Maybe you can do a jon-jon for your 6-month old grandson?

Question time...So everything I'm making for the extended family is being sewn. For my step-niece I'm making a purse for her. Well I just found out my neice and nephew will be coming for Christmas, usually I just send gift cards but thought since they are coming here I should add them to the sewing trend. My neice I will just make her a purse too but I'm clueless for my nephew, he's 14. The only thing I can think of to make for him would be to embroider something on a shirt. I don't know what to embroider and my embroidery machine is a Christmas gist from my parents so I would have to beg them to let me open it early, it's sitting under the tree right now calling my name to open it already. So after all that, what would you make for a 14 year old boy???

How about a pair of Easy Fits?

Seems like a slew of people are new 770 owners. Enjoy.

Don't forget to check out the machine's integrated designs. Like this teddy.


That set turned out really cute! Great job!

I just finished both of these today. I sewed a bowling shirt and a dress for my niece and nephew to wear on our cruise next summer. Here is the front:

Here is the back:

I increased the size on the bowling shirt so that it would be a size 10. I think that the width will be right for my nephew but I think it is going to be too long. I might have to shorten it.

I really like how you added the embroidery on the front of the bowling shirt. I am sure your niece and nephew will like their new outfits!
I am happy to say that I finished sewing most of what needs to be mailed.

These are the Christmas jammies that I made for my grandson using easy fits and a bowling shirt. If you remember I lengthened the arm of the easy fits using the bottom part of the raglan pattern. The arms look like two different lengths in that picture but they aren't.


A matching nightgown for my grandaughter


I also made outfits for Christmas day.

A bowling shirt for my grandson paired with pants from Target.

My first Lauren dress for his sister.

Now I have a set of Christmas jammies for my grandson that lives closer to home but I'm not sure which pattern to use for him, he is 6 months old. I also have 4 adult aprons, 2 kids aprons and maybe a matching chef hat or two. I also would like to make my Mom a ruffled tree skirt but I can't find any fabric I like. I may have to table that project for next year when I can buy the fabric earlier so I can have more choices of fabric.

Love everything!

Question time...So everything I'm making for the extended family is being sewn. For my step-niece I'm making a purse for her. Well I just found out my neice and nephew will be coming for Christmas, usually I just send gift cards but thought since they are coming here I should add them to the sewing trend. My neice I will just make her a purse too but I'm clueless for my nephew, he's 14. The only thing I can think of to make for him would be to embroider something on a shirt. I don't know what to embroider and my embroidery machine is a Christmas gist from my parents so I would have to beg them to let me open it early, it's sitting under the tree right now calling my name to open it already. So after all that, what would you make for a 14 year old boy???

I second the easy fit pants. My DS is almost 13, and he loves lounging around in the pairs I have made for him.

I just finished both of these today. I sewed a bowling shirt and a dress for my niece and nephew to wear on our cruise next summer. Here is the front:

Here is the back:

I increased the size on the bowling shirt so that it would be a size 10. I think that the width will be right for my nephew but I think it is going to be too long. I might have to shorten it.

They turned out beautiful! They are going to look great on your cruise.

Chiara - love all the things you have made, especially the Peri and Tink set.

So, I guess I should share my shirts I made for myself. pardon the cruddy pics and hopefully I will get better one's once we are there and I actually wear them. Both of these shirts are shown pre-hemmed.
And the dress I just had to make once the idea popped into my head. i just did a quick rolled hem until Know how long I want it and I am undecided about maybe adding a ruffle to the bottom. I will be making a cape to match with red lining and a sparkly light pink outside and another (for the copy of this dress I will make wiht slight changes) with red polka dots outside. Both will have an MM embroidered on the collar and the pink one will have an applique of Minnie on the back of cape.
Wow, you have been busy. Your shirts are great. Love to see things for adults.


We are loving Boardwalk!!!

Hi Everyone,

First time posting here in this thread as I don't know how to sew. Anyways I bought some of that disney fabric that you can make super quick sun dresses where its smocked/elastic on top. I got them sewn together for the dress but I would like to add some ties on each shoulder to help it stay up a little better. What should I buy to make those ties? I hope you know what I am talking about.

Thanks for any help that you can offer me :)
Welcome! I see you got lots of replies. I think the grossgrain ribbon will work well.

I promised pics....here ya go! Still have 11 more shirts, and two hoodies to go.
Great job on your shirts.
Wendy - glad things went well with your surgery and that things are moving along for your cousin. :)

I am happy to say that I finished sewing most of what needs to be mailed.

These are the Christmas jammies that I made for my grandson using easy fits and a bowling shirt. If you remember I lengthened the arm of the easy fits using the bottom part of the raglan pattern. The arms look like two different lengths in that picture but they aren't.

Now I have a set of Christmas jammies for my grandson that lives closer to home but I'm not sure which pattern to use for him, he is 6 months old. I also have 4 adult aprons, 2 kids aprons and maybe a matching chef hat or two. I also would like to make my Mom a ruffled tree skirt but I can't find any fabric I like. I may have to table that project for next year when I can buy the fabric earlier so I can have more choices of fabric.
Love the coordinating PJs. Nice job on extending the sleeves on the bowling shirt. The Christmas bowling shirt looks really nice and that Christmas dress is gorgeous!

Question time...So everything I'm making for the extended family is being sewn. For my step-niece I'm making a purse for her. Well I just found out my neice and nephew will be coming for Christmas, usually I just send gift cards but thought since they are coming here I should add them to the sewing trend. My neice I will just make her a purse too but I'm clueless for my nephew, he's 14. The only thing I can think of to make for him would be to embroider something on a shirt. I don't know what to embroider and my embroidery machine is a Christmas gist from my parents so I would have to beg them to let me open it early, it's sitting under the tree right now calling my name to open it already. So after all that, what would you make for a 14 year old boy???
Boys are soooo hard to make things for but I like the suggestion of the sling backpack or the toiletry bag. The wallet would be a good gift too.

I just finished both of these today. I sewed a bowling shirt and a dress for my niece and nephew to wear on our cruise next summer. Here is the front:

Here is the back:

I increased the size on the bowling shirt so that it would be a size 10. I think that the width will be right for my nephew but I think it is going to be too long. I might have to shorten it.
I am so happy to hear that your DHs tumor is benign. What a blessing.
Great job on the bowling shirt and the dress. I really liked how you added the embroidery to the red part of the bowling shirt. The ship designs look nice too. I think the shirt came out nice. You should measure your nephew because that length might be perfect for him, you might want to wait a few months since you know how fast boys grow!
I am happy to say that I finished sewing most of what needs to be mailed.

These are the Christmas jammies that I made for my grandson using easy fits and a bowling shirt. If you remember I lengthened the arm of the easy fits using the bottom part of the raglan pattern. The arms look like two different lengths in that picture but they aren't.


A matching nightgown for my grandaughter


I also made outfits for Christmas day.

A bowling shirt for my grandson paired with pants from Target.

My first Lauren dress for his sister.

Now I have a set of Christmas jammies for my grandson that lives closer to home but I'm not sure which pattern to use for him, he is 6 months old. I also have 4 adult aprons, 2 kids aprons and maybe a matching chef hat or two. I also would like to make my Mom a ruffled tree skirt but I can't find any fabric I like. I may have to table that project for next year when I can buy the fabric earlier so I can have more choices of fabric.
I love the pj's! I really like the extended arm on the bowling shirt -- may have to do some for my ds one of these days. I think your grnadkids will be very happy :)

Question time...So everything I'm making for the extended family is being sewn. For my step-niece I'm making a purse for her. Well I just found out my neice and nephew will be coming for Christmas, usually I just send gift cards but thought since they are coming here I should add them to the sewing trend. My neice I will just make her a purse too but I'm clueless for my nephew, he's 14. The only thing I can think of to make for him would be to embroider something on a shirt. I don't know what to embroider and my embroidery machine is a Christmas gist from my parents so I would have to beg them to let me open it early, it's sitting under the tree right now calling my name to open it already. So after all that, what would you make for a 14 year old boy???
I was thinking along the lines of a holder for something -- like an ipad holder or kindle holder, but you'd have to know what gadget he has. I also think a toiletry bag would be great and loved the suggestion for the easy fit pj bottoms. My ds is almost 11 (in reality not really close to a 14 y/o mentality despite beginning to get an attitude) and he loves easy fit pj bottoms.

Seems like a slew of people are new 770 owners. Enjoy.

Don't forget to check out the machine's integrated designs. Like this teddy.

Your headless girl and her Xmas outfit look great! I have used a couple of the built in designs for AG clothes as well.

I just finished both of these today. I sewed a bowling shirt and a dress for my niece and nephew to wear on our cruise next summer. Here is the front:

Here is the back:

I increased the size on the bowling shirt so that it would be a size 10. I think that the width will be right for my nephew but I think it is going to be too long. I might have to shorten it.
They look great! If this is for your nephew that you make the shorts for (which I'm quite sure it is) he actually may appreciate the slightly longer length to the bowling shirt. I tend to like them longer anyway, so I would just leave it as is.

Glad to hear your dh's surgery is scheduled for real now and while any surgery is stressful, I think this one will be so much easier on the both of you knowing the tumor is not cancerous.

WENDY: Hope you are recovering well :)

Not sure if I posted about our old cat on here -- he is 17 y/o and started losing weight and vomiting more than the usual a lot he always has. He is hyperthyroid. Vet is treating with food first but 3 days into the diet he completely stopped eating so we all became very worried. I ran out and got some wet food and he gobbled that up (He's never eaten wet in his life) so we had to buy cans of food that are over $2 each after having spent $25 on a bag of dry :sad2:

I only have two of the possibly now 9 dog shirts done. I will hopefully get two more done today and then post pics. I wish people would be more gracious about rsvp'ing in a timely matter. One girl could not come and dd had two on her waiting list. Sent an invite to her #1 choice on the waiting list and the #2 girl came up to me and asked why she wasn't invited. She was so sad. Never mind I asked dd not to discuss her party at school!!! In all fairness, the girls who got the invites may have been the ones talking about it. Anyway, I told dh and dh is a former colleague of the girl's mother so he said to invite her. I already ran out and picked up a 9th Webkinz but need to run out and get a 9th shirt. And stupid me volunteered to help dd's teacher with Advent calendars today. Why do I always over extend myself?

It's St Nicholas' Day? Does anyone celebrate? We grew up with the tradition but I think we are the only ones in our area now that do it. My dd has a Christmas report to do on Germany so it works out to be a good tradition for us to do.
I am happy to say that I finished sewing most of what needs to be mailed.

These are the Christmas jammies that I made for my grandson using easy fits and a bowling shirt. If you remember I lengthened the arm of the easy fits using the bottom part of the raglan pattern. The arms look like two different lengths in that picture but they aren't.


A matching nightgown for my grandaughter


I also made outfits for Christmas day.

A bowling shirt for my grandson paired with pants from Target.

My first Lauren dress for his sister.

Now I have a set of Christmas jammies for my grandson that lives closer to home but I'm not sure which pattern to use for him, he is 6 months old. I also have 4 adult aprons, 2 kids aprons and maybe a matching chef hat or two. I also would like to make my Mom a ruffled tree skirt but I can't find any fabric I like. I may have to table that project for next year when I can buy the fabric earlier so I can have more choices of fabric.

Everything looks so nice, your grandkids are going to be well dressed for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Seems like a slew of people are new 770 owners. Enjoy.

Don't forget to check out the machine's integrated designs. Like this teddy.


Wendy -- Hope you're feeling better soon. You've been feeling out of sorts way too long.

Diane -- So glad to hear some good news about your husband. Let it continue!

That is a very cute outfit.

I have so many other projects that I need to finish before I get to the scrap box. It will probably be summer before I look into it again. :rotfl2:

Everything turned out really cute! I like the jammies and the nightie. They look very cozy. The lengthened sleeves on the bowling shirt look great. How did you like the Lauren dress pattern? I haven't bought it yet because I have so many other new dress patterns but I think it is very cute.

How about a scarf made out of polar fleece with a pocket in it for an ipod or a cell phone? I've seen those for boys and they are very cute! You could also do a travel bag for him. He is getting to the age where he will need a travel bag for his razor and shaving cream, etc.

That is a very cute doll outfit! I never think of the integrated designs on my machine.

Cute idea!

I just finished both of these today. I sewed a bowling shirt and a dress for my niece and nephew to wear on our cruise next summer. Here is the front:

Here is the back:

I increased the size on the bowling shirt so that it would be a size 10. I think that the width will be right for my nephew but I think it is going to be too long. I might have to shorten it.

Those are adorable outfits.
I ran out and got some wet food and he gobbled that up (He's never eaten wet in his life) so we had to buy cans of food that are over $2 each after having spent $25 on a bag of dry :sad2:

Maybe if you tried mixing the wet with the dry it would last longer.


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