Disboutiquers Part 29 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

what a great deal on the fleece! came out super cute! Congrats on the new serger!

Here is what I've worked on so far this week:


the butterfly dress is super cute! I had eyed that pattern but didn't jump on that sale quick enough.

I am a long-time lurker, sporadic poster. I finished my first ever peasant dress! This will be for my 3 year old for BBB on December 30. The whole trip is a surprise, so I couldn't try it on. But it's exactly the length of her night gowns, so I think it will fit.


this came out so cute! I know your little princess will LOVE wearing it on her surprise trip!

Grrr! I haven't started on my 8 dog shirts yet and wanted to today, but instead I need to take our 17 year old cat to the vet (I have totally procrastinated since money is so tight, but he's throwing up too much for my taste) and then I want to go grocery shopping before pay day so the lines aren't too long (only the military folks may understand that one).

And then dd wants a Germany outfit for her Christmas show -- does anyone know where I can get an applique for the flag? It would be easy to do by hand since it's stripes, but I'm not sure what thread colors to use where the black meets the red and the red meets the gold. I think Heather's Mickey heads would be too whimsical for this.

Hi! I hope your kitty is doing better and that you've made some progress on those 8 birthday shirts!

The little guy I made that shirt for spent Sunday evening in the ER. He leaned on the glass fireplace and ended up with second degree burns on both hands! He's 3. My daughter was applying lotion after his bath and he just randomly leaned on the glass. She had to take him yesterday to the children's burn unit in DC where they broke the blisters and medicated them and wrapped them again. The wraps have to stay on a week, but they were able to leave his thumbs and fingers out enough that he can use them. Never a dull moment!

Oh no! Praying his hands heal quickly!

I am sure that this has been asked 100 times but I can't seem to find an answer and thought maybe someone here could help. We are taking DS2 to Disney next week and my quilter MIL has agreed to make him a signature quilt as a keepsake of his first visit. I have read that the characters have an easier time signing with a fatter pen. The first pen we tried was one of the micron pens but it is just so skinny. We have also considered a sharpie but I don't want the ink to run. Has anyone made a quilt like this and found a marker that not only shows up but is permanent and easy for the characters to sign with? Thank you so much for your help - I really, really appreciate it!

In addition to using fabric markers and freezer paper on the back to stabilize the pre-cut squares, I remember that Nini also suggested using MASKING tape to tape off your seam allowances, otherwise some of the characters might use the entire square to sign and then when you go to sew them together some parts of the signatures will be cut off/hidden in the seam allowances.

Just wanted to share a Muppet themed dress I made for a United Way silent auction at work as well as chime in with answers on some of the questions on design sizes and thread and applique fabric:


These are all 4x4 designs on a size 4 Simply Sweet done with a variety of fabrics - Big Bird is a knit, Grover's nose is furry and the rest are cotton or cotton/poly blends. The thread is both Coates and Gutermann (because that's what the Fabricland closest to me sells).


that dress is just darling! Great job!

Well, our kids and their families are back home now after a wonderful TG together. I did get a chance to have my DGD try on her Chirstmas outfit and she loved it! She didn't want to take it off and wore it all day on Thanksgiving. On the opposite side of the spectrum, my DGS wouldn't even try his shirt on! I was hoping to see how this one fit since I have material to make him a couple more for Christmas gifts, but he wanted nothing to do with it! Oh well. Here are a few pics:


Glad your granddaughter liked her skirt set so much. It's cute so I can see why! And I LOVED the Christmas Mater shirt. Hopefully your DGS will warm up to it!

Well, I'm giddy because I actually get to go fabric shopping tomorrow and start on my friend's dresses for her trip! They will be leaving the day after Christmas but I have to be done by the 15th since that's when DH gets off of work and we head out to start our Christmas travels. She only wants 5 dresses, so I SHOULD have enough time (if I don't procrastinate too much!).

I can't get the quoting down, but everyone's creations are fabulous!!!

QUESTION: I am making 2 patchwork twirl skirts (Carla C's pattern) for my daughters. I wanted to start working on them today at work. (I'm extremely lucky that I have down-time and can do whatever I want.) But I forgot to wash the fabric.:confused3 If I cut the pieces without washing, is it going to be a big deal? Or should I just suck it up and wait?
I can't get the quoting down, but everyone's creations are fabulous!!!

QUESTION: I am making 2 patchwork twirl skirts (Carla C's pattern) for my daughters. I wanted to start working on them today at work. (I'm extremely lucky that I have down-time and can do whatever I want.) But I forgot to wash the fabric.:confused3 If I cut the pieces without washing, is it going to be a big deal? Or should I just suck it up and wait?

I would wait to wash for a patchwork twirl but I wash everything as soon as it comes in the door so I am always ready to start something.
Thanks. I hid it in my car, because it's all for a surprise trip. And the outfits are going to be from Santa. Oh well, I'll wash it tonight.
Well, I'm giddy because I actually get to go fabric shopping tomorrow and start on my friend's dresses for her trip! They will be leaving the day after Christmas but I have to be done by the 15th since that's when DH gets off of work and we head out to start our Christmas travels. She only wants 5 dresses, so I SHOULD have enough time (if I don't procrastinate too much!).


It sounds like you have a few fun projects for the next couple of weeks! Please share the pictures when you are done!


We are loving Boardwalk!!!

I am glad that you are having a great time. Thanks for sharing the picture of the outfits in action! Your models are so cute!

QUESTION: I am making 2 patchwork twirl skirts (Carla C's pattern) for my daughters. I wanted to start working on them today at work. (I'm extremely lucky that I have down-time and can do whatever I want.) But I forgot to wash the fabric.:confused3 If I cut the pieces without washing, is it going to be a big deal? Or should I just suck it up and wait?

I honestly haven't found it to be a big deal if I don't prewash the fabric. I don't always remember to prewash all my fabric so I often ended up with some prewashed pieces and unwashed pieces in my patchwork twirls. It has never caused me any problems. I do wash my creations before I mail them though.
Disney52303 said:
We are loving Boardwalk!!!

That was YOU at AK today! I saw your Rosetta bag and Chase's shirt, but my boys were being so crazy, I didn't have a chance to strike up a conversation. Hope you all have a great trip!
5 shirts done this evening! Yeah! I do remember how to use my embroidery machine. :) pics tomorrow when I hopefully get another 5 done. :)
I can't get the quoting down, but everyone's creations are fabulous!!!

QUESTION: I am making 2 patchwork twirl skirts (Carla C's pattern) for my daughters. I wanted to start working on them today at work. (I'm extremely lucky that I have down-time and can do whatever I want.) But I forgot to wash the fabric.:confused3 If I cut the pieces without washing, is it going to be a big deal? Or should I just suck it up and wait?

I very rarely pre wash anything and never really had a problem.
I wanted to come on and update everybody what's going on with my husband. He had his biopsy on Friday morning. It was quite early and we were home by around 10:00. By 11:30, we'd already had a call from DH's surgeon moving up the surgery by 2 weeks. We haven't been told the results of the biopsy but are quite scared that they are something very bad. The various doctors have mentioned a concern about the possibility of this being a very rare and deadly form of thyroid cancer so am I very anxious to find out the biopsy results. Not knowing one way or the other is very hard. No matter what it is, my DH will be having surgery very early on Tuesday morning.
dianemom2 said:
I wanted to come on and update everybody what's going on with my husband. He had his biopsy on Friday morning. It was quite early and we were home by around 10:00. By 11:30, we'd already had a call from DH's surgeon moving up the surgery by 2 weeks. We haven't been told the results of the biopsy but are quite scared that they are something very bad. The various doctors have mentioned a concern about the possibility of this being a very rare and deadly form of thyroid cancer so am I very anxious to find out the biopsy results. Not knowing one way or the other is very hard. No matter what it is, my DH will be having surgery very early on Tuesday morning.

So sorry to hear this, its very nerve wracking not knowing. I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers.

Sorry, I haven't posted. I get so far behind and then need my computer to catch up, which ends up taking eternity. I have loved so many things that have been posted. I will try to do better.
5 shirts done this evening! Yeah! I do remember how to use my embroidery machine. :) pics tomorrow when I hopefully get another 5 done. :)

Great! I can't wait to see the pictures!

I wanted to come on and update everybody what's going on with my husband. He had his biopsy on Friday morning. It was quite early and we were home by around 10:00. By 11:30, we'd already had a call from DH's surgeon moving up the surgery by 2 weeks. We haven't been told the results of the biopsy but are quite scared that they are something very bad. The various doctors have mentioned a concern about the possibility of this being a very rare and deadly form of thyroid cancer so am I very anxious to find out the biopsy results. Not knowing one way or the other is very hard. No matter what it is, my DH will be having surgery very early on Tuesday morning.

This sounds very scary and the waiting must not be easy. I will be praying for your family, especially on Tuesday morning. I hope it is something benign.
I've been absent for a couple of days and don't have time to properly quote all the gorgeous work, but I did want to post after reading about Diane's dh....

DIANE: I am keeping your dh and family in my thoughts and prayers. If it is a bad cancer I hope the surgery gets everything and I truly wish your dh great success with the surgery and a pain free and speedy recovery. :hug: Please know I am thinking of you.
Hi Everyone,

First time posting here in this thread as I don't know how to sew. Anyways I bought some of that disney fabric that you can make super quick sun dresses where its smocked/elastic on top. I got them sewn together for the dress but I would like to add some ties on each shoulder to help it stay up a little better. What should I buy to make those ties? I hope you know what I am talking about.

Thanks for any help that you can offer me :)
Hi Everyone,

First time posting here in this thread as I don't know how to sew. Anyways I bought some of that disney fabric that you can make super quick sun dresses where its smocked/elastic on top. I got them sewn together for the dress but I would like to add some ties on each shoulder to help it stay up a little better. What should I buy to make those ties? I hope you know what I am talking about.

Thanks for any help that you can offer me :)

Most people use ribbon. You can use grosgrain or satin ribbon. (Satin seems to come untied a little more often) You can knot one end and stitch the other to the dress.
I wanted to come on and update everybody what's going on with my husband. He had his biopsy on Friday morning. It was quite early and we were home by around 10:00. By 11:30, we'd already had a call from DH's surgeon moving up the surgery by 2 weeks. We haven't been told the results of the biopsy but are quite scared that they are something very bad. The various doctors have mentioned a concern about the possibility of this being a very rare and deadly form of thyroid cancer so am I very anxious to find out the biopsy results. Not knowing one way or the other is very hard. No matter what it is, my DH will be having surgery very early on Tuesday morning.

Please know you and your DH are in our thought and prayers. I can't imagine how scary this must be for both of you, I'm so sorry your going through it and will pray that the surgery is successful and recovery is swift.

Hi Everyone,

First time posting here in this thread as I don't know how to sew. Anyways I bought some of that disney fabric that you can make super quick sun dresses where its smocked/elastic on top. I got them sewn together for the dress but I would like to add some ties on each shoulder to help it stay up a little better. What should I buy to make those ties? I hope you know what I am talking about.

Thanks for any help that you can offer me :)

I used a matching ribbon, attached it in the center from (wrong side) and tied it around the neck.

Misty ~ Your shirts look great!
Hi everyone,

We're still here at WDW, but the room wifi is so bad I haven't been able to upload anymore pictures. I'll have a bunch to share after we're home.

We didn't have time for pictures or to chat, but I briefly got to meet THE Heather Sue today! We're at the same park tomorrow too, so hoping to have more time to chat!

Off to do laundry. :)


How fun to be able to meet Heather!

My hoodies i have been working on.....



Looks great!

Love everything you made. I especially love the last one with the piping and ties!


We are loving Boardwalk!!!

Looks great, have a fun trip!!

I wanted to come on and update everybody what's going on with my husband. He had his biopsy on Friday morning. It was quite early and we were home by around 10:00. By 11:30, we'd already had a call from DH's surgeon moving up the surgery by 2 weeks. We haven't been told the results of the biopsy but are quite scared that they are something very bad. The various doctors have mentioned a concern about the possibility of this being a very rare and deadly form of thyroid cancer so am I very anxious to find out the biopsy results. Not knowing one way or the other is very hard. No matter what it is, my DH will be having surgery very early on Tuesday morning.

:hug::hug:I will definately be praying for both of you on Tuesday. Hopefully this will bring answers to you sooner as well as relief after the surgery is completed.

Hi Everyone,

First time posting here in this thread as I don't know how to sew. Anyways I bought some of that disney fabric that you can make super quick sun dresses where its smocked/elastic on top. I got them sewn together for the dress but I would like to add some ties on each shoulder to help it stay up a little better. What should I buy to make those ties? I hope you know what I am talking about.

Thanks for any help that you can offer me :)

Welcome. I was going to suggest ribbon as well. Do you have a sewing machine or would you be doing this by hand? If you have a sewing machine this would be a great start for you to learn how to sew!

I promised pics....here ya go! Still have 11 more shirts, and two hoodies to go.




Great job. I love the scarf and the Christmas shirts!!
I wanted to come on and update everybody what's going on with my husband. He had his biopsy on Friday morning. It was quite early and we were home by around 10:00. By 11:30, we'd already had a call from DH's surgeon moving up the surgery by 2 weeks. We haven't been told the results of the biopsy but are quite scared that they are something very bad. The various doctors have mentioned a concern about the possibility of this being a very rare and deadly form of thyroid cancer so am I very anxious to find out the biopsy results. Not knowing one way or the other is very hard. No matter what it is, my DH will be having surgery very early on Tuesday morning.

That's so scary. You and your husband will be in my prayers.

I promised pics....here ya go! Still have 11 more shirts, and two hoodies to go.




I LOVE the Christmas shirts!


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