Disboutiquers Part 29 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

for those wanting to build a fabric stash, the Fat Quarter Shop has 25% off until thursday. They offer a grab bag of fabric, 12 lbs/20-25 yards assorted which is included in the sale. It ends up about $40 plus shipping for all that, it's good quality quilting fabric, and when I the grab bag one once before it really gave me lots of options. Most were at least 1/4 to 1/2 yard prints, end of bolt, but also solids, a couple licensed character scraps and a few larger pieces. I thought it was a great deal and really built up my fabric stash, and at a great price. There were only a few things I would probably not use, but hang onto just in case. Anyway, thought it would mention it.

My Brother pe 770 came in today, I am so excited. :banana: I can just stare at the box though, it is my Christmas present. My hubby knows how excited i will be Christmas morning because i will get to play with it, so he is making me wait, oh the torture, lol. I need to read all the tips and things to buy. I do have the 4 x 4 brother but got hoop envy really really fast, so i know a little. I love the swim suit cover ups that you made, I am new to posting so i will get better at keeping up with everyone.

And I used the Disney fabric for my grandson's vest.

Great job!!

How exciting that you are getting the embroidery machine that you've wanted. Congratulations! I see a few other people picked it up for that great price too. I've never seen it for such a good price! I use both rayon and polyester. I know that some people prefer one over the other but I don't really have a preference. I asked the Marathon rep at the Sewing Expo in October and they said that there really isn't much difference between them either.

I gave my niece the Goofy/Chanukah dress when they were here on Friday. She didn't love it. LOL! My SIL and BIL did love it though and said she would definitely be wearing it. My niece didn't love it because the sleeves were a little bit long on her. I'd purposely made them a big long because she is growing very quickly and has outgrown a bunch of stuff that I made her over the summer. Once we pointed out how we could turn up the cuffs, then she liked the dress. I have a shirt that I bought to make my nephew a matching Chanukah t-shirt and another one to make a Goofy t-shirt. I just need to get some time in my sewing room.

My DH and I went to see a head and neck cancer specialist at Georgetown University Hospital yesterday. DH will have a biopsy done one day next week and we will get the results the following week. He will definitely have to get his thyroid removed, probably in mid-December but we are not exactly sure of the timing. They determines that while my husband's case is considered urgent, there is no need to rush into emergency surgery before getting biopsy results. Anyhow, the dr yesterday said that due to a few other symptoms that DH is having, he is leaning towards the large mass in the thyroid being caused by some kind of auto-immune disorder. But that the other likely cause is a very aggressive type of thyroid cancer. We won't know until we get the biopsy results so we are in for a couple of tense weeks.

Thank you! Glad your niece came around and now likes it, it turned out great and I love the ideas of the pinofores to easily and quickly change the entire look! Continued prayers for both you and your DH, I hope everything turns out to be nothing serious.

Please post pictures of your casserole carriers when you are done! The alcohol we got included a small bottle of rum which I actually wanted. We go through 1/4 cup of rum a year to make Christmas cake cookes and we were getting low. We are good for another 5 years or so before we need to buy any alcohol now! :lmao:

Congratulations on getting the embroidery machine! I am sure you will like it very much. I use rayon as I had some poor results with polyester in the past (it could be the brand I used though) Also, I thought I read somewhere that you could iron an embroidery done in rayon but not polyester thread, but I am not 100% sure.

Thank you, I have the fabric in the wash now and will get them started soon. I will be sure to post pictures when I'm done! Also thanks on the embroidery machine, I ended up going with the rayon thread.

Well, our kids and their families are back home now after a wonderful TG together. I did get a chance to have my DGD try on her Chirstmas outfit and she loved it! She didn't want to take it off and wore it all day on Thanksgiving. On the opposite side of the spectrum, my DGS wouldn't even try his shirt on! I was hoping to see how this one fit since I have material to make him a couple more for Christmas gifts, but he wanted nothing to do with it! Oh well. Here are a few pics:





The Christmas dress looks great on your granddaughter! Too bad your grandson didn't want to wear it, it looks great and I'm sure he'll come around soon.


And the kids at the resort yesterday:

The weather swings from quite cold morning and night to hot right now, but it's all good!


Looks great, love seeing the outfits in action!! Looks like you are having a great time.

Looks great, hope it did well at the auction!

I'd wear that shirt if it was my size! But I love Mater.
He'll get into it, I'm sure.

Well, this Friday I have a new side-by-side fridge coming, purchased through Black Friday sales! We didn't loose much food - we were coming up on grocery day and it really was just the freezer...the refridgerator part stayed cool.

Yesterday I spent the majority of the day with my mom at an urgent care place. She had fallen and was in a lot of pain and stressing about if she had broken or fractured in anyway, her hip. No broken bones, just pulled/strained muscles and what will amount to some bruising.

So I didn't have a lot of time to sew, although I did get a project ready to applique. And as soon as I put it together, I thought of an easier way. :rotfl:

Sorry to hear about her falling but glad nothing is broken and she can heal quickly.


And here is a picture of all 4 pool robes that I made:

I am pretty sure that I will be making these again. I really liked how this turned out.

Love the towels, what a great gift idea.

I won't be around for a while since we're leaving tomorrow morning for Disney for 9 days!!:cool1: I'll have fun catching up when I get back. Meanwhile, I wish everyone happy sewing and to those getting those new embroidery machines, have fun playing with them!!:thumbsup2

The little guy I made that shirt for spent Sunday evening in the ER. He leaned on the glass fireplace and ended up with second degree burns on both hands! He's 3. My daughter was applying lotion after his bath and he just randomly leaned on the glass. She had to take him yesterday to the children's burn unit in DC where they broke the blisters and medicated them and wrapped them again. The wraps have to stay on a week, but they were able to leave his thumbs and fingers out enough that he can use them. Never a dull moment!

Have fun on your trip!!! Ouch about your grandson, that must have hurt. Hope he heals fast.

My new PE770 came today!!!! I originally agreed to not opening it until Christmas but it is so tempting sitting here in front of me. I just ordered the thread yesterday, I ended up going through marathon and gettin the 50 most popular colors to start. I also still need to get some stabablizers and stuff before I can get started. I plan on sewing some of my Christmas gifts today to keep me preoccupied from opening the box.
My Brother pe 770 came in today, I am so excited. :banana: I can just stare at the box though, it is my Christmas present. My hubby knows how excited i will be Christmas morning because i will get to play with it, so he is making me wait, oh the torture, lol. I need to read all the tips and things to buy. I do have the 4 x 4 brother but got hoop envy really really fast, so i know a little. I love the swim suit cover ups that you made, I am new to posting so i will get better at keeping up with everyone.

Mine came today too!!! I have to wait too, I did ask if I could just open the box enough to get the book out so I could start reading up on that so maybe this evening I will do that!!
Just an FYI the instruction book is available to download on the brother site. I have it in my IBooks. For those of you who want to look at the instructions but have to wait until christmas to open their new 770.
I can post these here because the family have received them now. These are the pool robes I made for the latest Big Give.

And here is a picture of all 4 pool robes that I made:

I am pretty sure that I will be making these again. I really liked how this turned out.

I really like how the robes turned out. They are so practical too!

I won't be around for a while since we're leaving tomorrow morning for Disney for 9 days!!:cool1: I'll have fun catching up when I get back. Meanwhile, I wish everyone happy sewing and to those getting those new embroidery machines, have fun playing with them!!:thumbsup2

The little guy I made that shirt for spent Sunday evening in the ER. He leaned on the glass fireplace and ended up with second degree burns on both hands! He's 3. My daughter was applying lotion after his bath and he just randomly leaned on the glass. She had to take him yesterday to the children's burn unit in DC where they broke the blisters and medicated them and wrapped them again. The wraps have to stay on a week, but they were able to leave his thumbs and fingers out enough that he can use them. Never a dull moment!

I hope you will have a fantastic trip! Poor thing on getting his hands burned. I hope he will heal quickly and there won't be any permanent scarring or damage!

For Christmas Mom asked for a quilt program. She wants to be able to design quilts, try out different layouts, print out copies of her designs etc. She has not looked at which program she wants, she just asked for one. Any tips or suggestions? There are TONS out there and I do not know which ones are good and which are not. Also working on a budget. I thought someone here would have some suggestions. Thanks in advance.

I don't know anything about quilt programs but I thought I will quote this so others may see it.

I am sure that this has been asked 100 times but I can't seem to find an answer and thought maybe someone here could help. We are taking DS2 to Disney next week and my quilter MIL has agreed to make him a signature quilt as a keepsake of his first visit. I have read that the characters have an easier time signing with a fatter pen. The first pen we tried was one of the micron pens but it is just so skinny. We have also considered a sharpie but I don't want the ink to run. Has anyone made a quilt like this and found a marker that not only shows up but is permanent and easy for the characters to sign with? Thank you so much for your help - I really, really appreciate it!

I would suggest fabric markers and heat setting the signatures when you get back to the hotel in the evening. I have a slightly different take on my signature quilt as I collected the signatures, digitized them, and embroidered them onto blocks. It took a while to do that but I was very pleased with the end results.

My Brother pe 770 came in today, I am so excited. :banana: I can just stare at the box though, it is my Christmas present. My hubby knows how excited i will be Christmas morning because i will get to play with it, so he is making me wait, oh the torture, lol. I need to read all the tips and things to buy. I do have the 4 x 4 brother but got hoop envy really really fast, so i know a little. I love the swim suit cover ups that you made, I am new to posting so i will get better at keeping up with everyone.

Congratulations on the arrival of your machine. I am sure you will enjoy it very much. I can't wait to see what you make with it!

My new PE770 came today!!!! I originally agreed to not opening it until Christmas but it is so tempting sitting here in front of me. I just ordered the thread yesterday, I ended up going through marathon and gettin the 50 most popular colors to start. I also still need to get some stabablizers and stuff before I can get started. I plan on sewing some of my Christmas gifts today to keep me preoccupied from opening the box.

Congrats on your new machine too! Please share pictures of the Christmas gifts you make!
For Christmas Mom asked for a quilt program. She wants to be able to design quilts, try out different layouts, print out copies of her designs etc. She has not looked at which program she wants, she just asked for one. Any tips or suggestions? There are TONS out there and I do not know which ones are good and which are not. Also working on a budget. I thought someone here would have some suggestions. Thanks in advance.
Sorry that I can't help out. I've never really done quilts and I didn't know that there was such a thing as a quilting program. Maybe you can get some advice at Sewing Pattern Review. They have lots of sewing machine reviews and a pretty active forum over there. Maybe they'll have some information on quilting programs too.

I am sure that this has been asked 100 times but I can't seem to find an answer and thought maybe someone here could help. We are taking DS2 to Disney next week and my quilter MIL has agreed to make him a signature quilt as a keepsake of his first visit. I have read that the characters have an easier time signing with a fatter pen. The first pen we tried was one of the micron pens but it is just so skinny. We have also considered a sharpie but I don't want the ink to run. Has anyone made a quilt like this and found a marker that not only shows up but is permanent and easy for the characters to sign with? Thank you so much for your help - I really, really appreciate it!
I see that you've been advised to buy fabric markers. They work great and you can get them in lots of colors. You should cut your squares before you leave for Disney and then iron freezer paper to the back of each square. That will help make it more stable for the characters to sign. I little clip board really helps too. I'm not a quilter, I just remember all these tips from somebody who used to post on here frequently.

My Brother pe 770 came in today, I am so excited. :banana: I can just stare at the box though, it is my Christmas present.
Hooray for the PE770 arriving. So sad that you can't open it and use it yet though!

My new PE770 came today!!!! I originally agreed to not opening it until Christmas but it is so tempting sitting here in front of me. I just ordered the thread yesterday, I ended up going through marathon and gettin the 50 most popular colors to start. I also still need to get some stabablizers and stuff before I can get started. I plan on sewing some of my Christmas gifts today to keep me preoccupied from opening the box.
Hooray for your PE 770 arriving too! That's the great thing about Amazon. Everything always arrives so quickly!!!
Soooooooo guess whoishappy.

I ordered the pe770 on Thursday night or was it Friday? It shipped Saturday. Arrived in Canada yesterday am and was in my hands at 2 pm this afternoon. Definitely takes the cake for fastest shipping ever! It said it would arrive between dec 4 and 10 and then after the purchase it said dec 10. Aren't I glad I didn't pay for expedited shipping!

I can't wait to get it going but that won't happenuntil the weekend. I have yet to order thread?
I am a long-time lurker, sporadic poster. I finished my first ever peasant dress! This will be for my 3 year old for BBB on December 30. The whole trip is a surprise, so I couldn't try it on. But it's exactly the length of her night gowns, so I think it will fit.

I am a long-time lurker, sporadic poster. I finished my first ever peasant dress! This will be for my 3 year old for BBB on December 30. The whole trip is a surprise, so I couldn't try it on. But it's exactly the length of her night gowns, so I think it will fit.


The dress is adorable and BBB is sooooo much fun.
ban26ana said:
I am a long-time lurker, sporadic poster. I finished my first ever peasant dress! This will be for my 3 year old for BBB on December 30. The whole trip is a surprise, so I couldn't try it on. But it's exactly the length of her night gowns, so I think it will fit.

Very cute!!

Congrats to everybody on their new pe770's. jealous! I know I am not quite ready to tackle that yet though..

So sorry to see about the little guy with the burned hands, that happened to me in preschool on a regular wood fireplace. My hands were fine after the healing.

Love the bowling shirts I can't wait to try to make some for my little guys. I think the pool robes are great and I never would have thought of making robes with towels but they would work great for the jaunt to the hot tub here at home.

Hope everybody had a great thanksgiving!

My next project is curtains for the playroom. They are pinned and thankfully only pinned as I did one panel upside down!

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Just wanted to share a Muppet themed dress I made for a United Way silent auction at work as well as chime in with answers on some of the questions on design sizes and thread and applique fabric:


These are all 4x4 designs on a size 4 Simply Sweet done with a variety of fabrics - Big Bird is a knit, Grover's nose is furry and the rest are cotton or cotton/poly blends. The thread is both Coates and Gutermann (because that's what the Fabricland closest to me sells).

That is adorable! I hope it did well at the auction.
Add me to the 770 list!! I bought mine today!!
I can post these here because the family have received them now. These are the pool robes I made for the latest Big Give.

And here is a picture of all 4 pool robes that I made:

I am pretty sure that I will be making these again. I really liked how this turned out.
Beautiful work again Diane :)

Judy Looks awesome!!! Did you do the empire waist or the natural waist and is the applique on the chest 4x4?

I am currently piecing together my first Simply Sweet. It's been going well, Aside from great confusion with the flipping of the bodice 4 different ways lol. Bodice is done, I just need to assemble the skirt. I'm really happy with how it looks so far! I am making a size 6 and altho i won't be doing an appliquee on this one I don't think. I'm thinking about the next one which will be appliqueed.
I don't add one of the lining pieces and that makes it easier. I do agree though that the instructions are a little confusing. I sometimes have to really think about what I'm doing.

I am a long-time lurker, sporadic poster. I finished my first ever peasant dress! This will be for my 3 year old for BBB on December 30. The whole trip is a surprise, so I couldn't try it on. But it's exactly the length of her night gowns, so I think it will fit.

Super cute! I hope you post pics from the World once it's being worn.

Grrr! I haven't started on my 8 dog shirts yet and wanted to today, but instead I need to take our 17 year old cat to the vet (I have totally procrastinated since money is so tight, but he's throwing up too much for my taste) and then I want to go grocery shopping before pay day so the lines aren't too long (only the military folks may understand that one).

And then dd wants a Germany outfit for her Christmas show -- does anyone know where I can get an applique for the flag? It would be easy to do by hand since it's stripes, but I'm not sure what thread colors to use where the black meets the red and the red meets the gold. I think Heather's Mickey heads would be too whimsical for this.
So far behind again thanks to the Thanksgiving holiday.

Hi, I have been lurking and reading this thread for ages. I'm finally ready to come out of hiding. :) I am currently making over my work space and just ordered the brother cs6000 that gets such good reviews. Can I post a picture of my craft room when I get it ready? I would love to show it off to somebody, and we don't really have any friends or family closeby. (My husband is in the marine corp.). My first project is actually going to be curtains for our kitchen so not disney. But I would still like to post a pic anyway if that's ok. Everyone here has inspired me to get going on learning to sew and it is a goal I have had for a looong time, so thank you!! I know I will never be able to keep up with the flow of conversation bc you all move way to fast for me. But I thought i would introduce myself anyway and jump right in.
Welcome! Feel free to post anything you make. We love to see all kinds of sewing/craft inspiration.

Here's last night's work:

Dh and the boys will wear these while dd wears her Snow White costume in MK one day and DHS another. The boys have the logo on the front and back.


Close-up, though the fabric isn't photographing well. It's textured and shiny like a real badge. I think dh actually likes this one! Yay!

I'm going to stitch out SW on a shirt for me now. I have another skirt planned to go with it, but I don't know if I'll have time to make it yet. My awesome MIL is taking my kids Wed. night and most of Thursday so I can have a full day to sew, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

I'm so far behind that your family has probably already worn these but I wanted to say that those shirts came out great.

I can't take the credit the credit for this .... I bought this panel on Etsy (someone on this thread posted about it)

and a friend of mine at work made me this wall hanging


She did a great job on it! I plan on hanging it on the wall in my spare bedroom/sewing room when ever I finally get my DD to clear out all her stuff. She moved out 2 years ago and hasn't made much progress
That wall hanging came out so nice. What a great use of the panel you got.

The first project was a T-shirt made using the Easy Cap Sleeve Tee pattern from youcanmakethis. It ended up being too big. The next time I will just use my size from off the rack T-shirts. I decided to add the embroidery just for the fun of it. It also shows what a 4x4 embroidery would look like on an adult sized top.

Some of you may recall that I talked about making something for Chinese New Year last year. I finally found a pattern that could work. I am not entirely happy with how this turned out but I suppose it will do for 1 day a year. The top is too short and my mid-section shows if I am not being careful. I had the fabric for a long time and I finally worked up the courage to cut into it.

Finally, a pair of oven mitts for my office Christmas gift exchange. The pattern is courtsey of youcanmakethis.

Thanks for looking :)
I LOVE the Chinese New Year shirt you made. The mitts came out really cute, I like how you used the Canadian fabric!

Having fun at Disney - Wanted to show the girls in action last night at MVMCP.
Looks like you guys are having a good time. Love seeing everyone all dressed up in their customs enjoying WDW.

I just ordered 85 t-shirts for my daughters' bat mitzvah this spring. After I put in the order my older daughter asked me why I didn't just make them myself with my embroidery machine. I don't think that I could stay sane trying to stitch out 85 of the same t-shirt!!!
Yikes! when I first read this I thought you were going to stitch them out. I think my head got dizzy and I missed the second 1/2 of your quote. I am so impressed that you have so much done for the bat mitzyah already. Also, I really like the pool robes you made for the give. Just wanted to say that I've been thinking about your DH.

Finally got Halloween Pics off my camera. You've already seen Alexa's Macaw but here is Ben's cowboy. He decided he didn't want a vest so all I had to make were chaps.


I am still fainting over the Macaw costume :worship: Ben looks so grown up in his cowboy costume. The chaps look great.

I finally finished the dress that I've been working on. I altered the pattern to make it with long sleeves. I am not sure how exact the sleeve length is because I haven't seen my niece yet and went with measurement that my SIL sent to me. I made one dress with two pinafores so that the dress could be worn all winter long, not just for the holidays.

Here is a Chanukah dress:

And with a quick change of pinafores, it is a Goofy dress:
It is amazing that the two different versions of the pinafore make this dress look totally different. I love how you did the menorah.
I lost the quote but I absolutely LOVE the sailboat dress that you made. Your stash is so varied but I think it is great that you are using up some of your fabrics. Your niece must be loving life!!!

My latest project has been jammies. I made DS a pair of the easy pants off of you can make this. com, and he loves them. I love that pattern, super quick and easy. Here are the jammie bottoms I made for him. On a side note, please excuse the carpet, for some reason in the pictures, it looks disgustingly gross and dirty, in reality they are not like that, I hope

Here are the pants, kinda hard to see, but have dogs all over them:


Now it is time to clear off the kitchen table of sewing stuff and get in the cooking mode. I hope everyone has a terrific thanksgiving.

those jammies look so comfy. Great job.

princessmickey - hope everything goes well in your final phase of the job offer. :cool1:

So I am several pages behind yet again, though I plan to catch up tonight. Here are a few recent things I don't think I've posted. I am sorry for the large photos, I didn't resize as I was trying to hurry (both kids are in the showers as I type)

I have a good chunk of our Christmas items made and will try and post this weekend. I have a Thanksgiving shirt for DS stitched out and just need to do DD's tonight. Phew.
How fun, love those furry pants and the Belle dress is beautiful. You have been busy!

I love seeing new pics posted. Great work everybody and again so inspirational! I am finishing up a fleece jumper and pants set for DD. It was not quite the easy sew it was supposed to be....My MIL volunteered to take the stitches out since I was of the opinion of just scraping them. I created a new hem but found out I cut them slightly too short so a ruffle bottom was born. It is not 100% perfect but I think pretty darn good for winging it and using my newly found gathering skills..(tiny tiny bit of skills)
So cute!

:hug: Thanks everyone for the thoughts about silly ol me and my stinkin gallbladder!!! I am constantly nauseaus now and the Dr phoned me in an anti nausea medication today so I'll start taking it tomorrow. The Pre admissions nurse had my interview with me today, and she was super concerned about my nutritional status ( which is TERRIBLE right now) and is worried that I will be dehydrated as I cant drink too much of anything let alone eat anything. So hopefully the new medication will help ASAP!!

But especially I am thankful that you guys are thinking of Steve and Sue and the kids. This weekend I cranked out a bunch of shirts. Im not sure Sue is ready for hers yet, this kinda puts things in reality, but, the rest of the family was ready to show their love and support. Heather helped me with the design and I love how it turned out!!!!!

Hi Wendy, I hope the doctors are able to help you and get your appetite improves. The shirts you made came out so nice. I've been thinking about Steve and his family. I love when you share the updates on the kids, you can tell that they have giving hearts and come from a very loving family. I will continue to pray for Steve.

Goteamwood - love the picture of the boys in their Thanksgiving shirts!

A couple years ago, I told many of you on this board about my Dad having cancer and how my boys walked with him to the mailbox everyday. A lot of you mailed Daddy cards, postcards, or packages. Yesterday, Daddy passed away. I just wanted to thank all of you who sent Daddy something. You made him a happy man each time there was something in his mailbox. It made for a lot of special memories with my boys. Thank you again.

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. It is so nice to hear that the people on this board had a part in creating some wonderful memories for you and your boys.

I'm trying to catch up again after not checking in for a couple of days. Everything looks wonderful.
I decided to use Disney Christmas fabric for my grandkids' Christmas outfits this year just because it's fun. But now it turns out they will get to wear them to see the Christmas decorations when we go to WDW on Monday
I used the Disney fabric for the appliques on my granddaughter's shirt and the bottom ruffle on her skirt.

And I used the Disney fabric for my grandson's vest.
Those came out so nice. I love coordinating outfits. Hope you are having fun on your trip.

Well, our kids and their families are back home now after a wonderful TG together. I did get a chance to have my DGD try on her Chirstmas outfit and she loved it! She didn't want to take it off and wore it all day on Thanksgiving. On the opposite side of the spectrum, my DGS wouldn't even try his shirt on! I was hoping to see how this one fit since I have material to make him a couple more for Christmas gifts, but he wanted nothing to do with it! Oh well. Here are a few pics:
Sounds like a fun visit. I'm glad your DGD liked her outfit. It came out really nice and looks even better on such a cute model. As for your DGS - boys!!!! I have a feeling he will be happy to wear it when the time comes, he probably just didn't want to take time to try on clothes.

I am a long-time lurker, sporadic poster. I finished my first ever peasant dress! This will be for my 3 year old for BBB on December 30. The whole trip is a surprise, so I couldn't try it on. But it's exactly the length of her night gowns, so I think it will fit.

The Rapunzel dress is so pretty. A surprise trip sounds so exciting.

Congratulations to all the new owners of an embroidery machine. Judy should get a commission on all the sales from Amazon. I'm not sure what Amazon's return policy is but you might want to double check that the machine can be returned after Christmas in case it doesn't work for some reason. That being said, Amazon is really good about customer service/returns.
I can't remember what day I made it to in posting the girls dresses in action at WDW. Should I go back and post them all again so I don't miss a day?
for those wanting to build a fabric stash, the Fat Quarter Shop has 25% off until thursday. They offer a grab bag of fabric, 12 lbs/20-25 yards assorted which is included in the sale. It ends up about $40 plus shipping for all that, it's good quality quilting fabric, and when I the grab bag one once before it really gave me lots of options. Most were at least 1/4 to 1/2 yard prints, end of bolt, but also solids, a couple licensed character scraps and a few larger pieces. I thought it was a great deal and really built up my fabric stash, and at a great price. There were only a few things I would probably not use, but hang onto just in case. Anyway, thought it would mention it.


Boo they don't shop to Canada. Anyone know of anything else similar that will?
nannye said:
Boo they don't shop to Canada. Anyone know of anything else similar that will?

Oh, sorry. Didn't think of that. I have seen grab bag/stash builder scraps on etsy and eBay but I think the fqs quality is top notch.
Boo they don't shop to Canada. Anyone know of anything else similar that will?

Here's a specific site in Canada and then a list of a number of Canadian sites:


I've never actually ordered from any of them but I do like to look at what they have from time to time. My stash of fabric is more than large enough from lots of years of sewing (and perhaps a slight problem of not being able to throw remnants of fabric and trim out because you never know what you might be able to use it for...):rolleyes1
I picked up a few remnants of fleece to use with the Carla C Raglan Hoodie pattern I picked up on sale at YMCT the last time they had a sale. I got this Hulk fleece, enough of it to make 3 of the hoodies, one for my 5.5 year old nephew and one for each of my 3 year olds for $6. I also got the dark green, I had the black. For under $10 I got enough fleece to make 3 of these! Win!

This is the one for my nephew, who is a large kindergartener, modeled by one of my 3 year olds who wears about 3-4 sizes smaller than the nephew, hence the comically large shirt.

The pattern was super easy and went together really fast, I should have no problem whipping up the others in time for Christmas. I always see fleece in the remnant rack and never knew what to do with it, now I will have to keep a lookout, since we do have a fair number of cold months around here.
I picked up a few remnants of fleece to use with the Carla C Raglan Hoodie pattern I picked up on sale at YMCT the last time they had a sale. I got this Hulk fleece, enough of it to make 3 of the hoodies, one for my 5.5 year old nephew and one for each of my 3 year olds for $6. I also got the dark green, I had the black. For under $10 I got enough fleece to make 3 of these! Win!

This is the one for my nephew, who is a large kindergartener, modeled by one of my 3 year olds who wears about 3-4 sizes smaller than the nephew, hence the comically large shirt.

The pattern was super easy and went together really fast, I should have no problem whipping up the others in time for Christmas. I always see fleece in the remnant rack and never knew what to do with it, now I will have to keep a lookout, since we do have a fair number of cold months around here.


QuestionI am trying to make Christmas jammies for my grandson using easy fits and a bowling shirt. I want to make the sleeves long. Has anyone done this? I am not sure if I just extend the length or if I need to taper the sleeve or something. If anyone has any idea how to do this I would love to hear your thoughts, ideas and experiences.
I picked up a few remnants of fleece to use with the Carla C Raglan Hoodie pattern I picked up on sale at YMCT the last time they had a sale. I got this Hulk fleece, enough of it to make 3 of the hoodies, one for my 5.5 year old nephew and one for each of my 3 year olds for $6. I also got the dark green, I had the black. For under $10 I got enough fleece to make 3 of these! Win!

This is the one for my nephew, who is a large kindergartener, modeled by one of my 3 year olds who wears about 3-4 sizes smaller than the nephew, hence the comically large shirt.

The pattern was super easy and went together really fast, I should have no problem whipping up the others in time for Christmas. I always see fleece in the remnant rack and never knew what to do with it, now I will have to keep a lookout, since we do have a fair number of cold months around here.
That came out great. I have that pattern but have never made it. The fleece sounds like a good idea. maybe some PJ shirts for my DD, my son would be a sweat ball in a fleece shirt.

I can't remember what day I made it to in posting the girls dresses in action at WDW. Should I go back and post them all again so I don't miss a day?
I think the last we saw was from Thanksgiving? The red/white dot dresses.


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