Shaping up for 2.0

Didn't get a chance to post my weigh in yesturday but all is good! Down another 2 pounds. :) Been a crazy week and ended up eating out several times because we were away from home for a few days so I was not sure how I did with choices but I guess I did okay. So that means since February 21st I have lost 11.5 pounds! I think have of it has to do with my major cut back in the dairy section! lol. We are buying about half the milk we used to! How is everyone else doing out there?????
Haven't read through this whole thread, but I'll hop on board now, if it's not too late!

I've been up and down the scales nearly my whole life, but last year was just HORRIFIC for me - too many deaths in my family, family crises, etc. - it was just a nightmare! I was constantly at the fridge and/or ordering take-out. I think I packed on around 40 lbs. just last year alone. :eek:

Anyway, when I saw the pics of myself from the TSM party weekend, I was MORTIFIED! I didn't even recognize myself! I really, REALLY wanted to untag the facebook pics, but I purposely didn't so I could look at them as I go, and know I'll never be back there again.

Anyway, I started out the year, knowing this would be the one to get my 'old' self back, and so far, so good. It's actually been easy - dare I say that?? I cook just about every meal now, and even Jimmy's lost a few pounds, although he didn't really need to, the slime! :rolleyes1 I started making changes on 1/12, and am down around 25 lbs. so far. :yay:

One of my goals is to no longer be recognized on 2.0! Forget about the person you all met in December - she's gone. Bye bye :wave2:

(So, does that mean I can't go on the cruise if I don't lose the weight?? LOL)
Haven't read through this whole thread, but I'll hop on board now, if it's not too late!

I've been up and down the scales nearly my whole life, but last year was just HORRIFIC for me - too many deaths in my family, family crises, etc. - it was just a nightmare! I was constantly at the fridge and/or ordering take-out. I think I packed on around 40 lbs. just last year alone. :eek:

Anyway, when I saw the pics of myself from the TSM party weekend, I was MORTIFIED! I didn't even recognize myself! I really, REALLY wanted to untag the facebook pics, but I purposely didn't so I could look at them as I go, and know I'll never be back there again.

Anyway, I started out the year, knowing this would be the one to get my 'old' self back, and so far, so good. It's actually been easy - dare I say that?? I cook just about every meal now, and even Jimmy's lost a few pounds, although he didn't really need to, the slime! :rolleyes1 I started making changes on 1/12, and am down around 25 lbs. so far. :yay:

One of my goals is to no longer be recognized on 2.0! Forget about the person you all met in December - she's gone. Bye bye :wave2:

(So, does that mean I can't go on the cruise if I don't lose the weight?? LOL)

I can be persuaded to forget what she looked like, but not her friendliness.
Haven't read through this whole thread, but I'll hop on board now, if it's not too late!

I've been up and down the scales nearly my whole life, but last year was just HORRIFIC for me - too many deaths in my family, family crises, etc. - it was just a nightmare! I was constantly at the fridge and/or ordering take-out. I think I packed on around 40 lbs. just last year alone. :eek:

Anyway, when I saw the pics of myself from the TSM party weekend, I was MORTIFIED! I didn't even recognize myself! I really, REALLY wanted to untag the facebook pics, but I purposely didn't so I could look at them as I go, and know I'll never be back there again.

Anyway, I started out the year, knowing this would be the one to get my 'old' self back, and so far, so good. It's actually been easy - dare I say that?? I cook just about every meal now, and even Jimmy's lost a few pounds, although he didn't really need to, the slime! :rolleyes1 I started making changes on 1/12, and am down around 25 lbs. so far. :yay:

One of my goals is to no longer be recognized on 2.0! Forget about the person you all met in December - she's gone. Bye bye :wave2:

(So, does that mean I can't go on the cruise if I don't lose the weight?? LOL)

Welcome Plutes!!!! Great to see people still joining this thread. 25 lbs is great!!!! Can't wait to hear all about the progress you make! popcorn:: (there is no butter on that popcorn by the way) :lmao: I have been chugging along.... got the eating down part that is not a struggle at all the exersise part seems to be such a chore! :sad1:
Hi all...can I jump onboard here? I have 18 pounds that I want to shed before the cruise. I've been watching what I eat for a couple of weeks, with no sucess yet...I lost 4 lbs, then gained it back the next week..ugggg. I know one of my issues is lattes..I must give them up, except for a once a week treat. I also need to start getting some exercise...I have a co-worker that is willing to walk with me during that's a start. I too, am only going to weigh myself once a week....on Mondays, I think. Wish me luck and good luck to everyone else.
Hi all...can I jump onboard here? I have 18 pounds that I want to shed before the cruise. I've been watching what I eat for a couple of weeks, with no sucess yet...I lost 4 lbs, then gained it back the next week..ugggg. I know one of my issues is lattes..I must give them up, except for a once a week treat. I also need to start getting some exercise...I have a co-worker that is willing to walk with me during that's a start. I too, am only going to weigh myself once a week....on Mondays, I think. Wish me luck and good luck to everyone else.

Good Luck! and Welcome!!!! I too have started the only once a week weigh in and I do it on Mondays as well! I found weighing myself more than that has to much fluctuation. Either the number has gone up then I am all discouraged or if it goes down I seem to slack off. So once a week has been working great for me so far. I also took measurements and even when the scale don't move too much I lost inches in it's place. 2 1/2 off my waist alone. That got me into fitting that pair a jeans that were to tight to wear that I had tucked away. Look forward to hearing updates from you. :)
Ok, today is weigh day....I now have 17 Pounds to shed. Somehow I lost 1 pound over the weekend, which surprises me since it was Easter, and I ate pretty much what I wanted..including candy. So, today, I will walk at lunch time, I will not have a latte and will eat a modest lunch. I have a co worker / friend that will back me up. Good luck to everyone else this week.
Welcome Plutes!!!! Great to see people still joining this thread. 25 lbs is great!!!! Can't wait to hear all about the progress you make! popcorn:: (there is no butter on that popcorn by the way) :lmao: I have been chugging along.... got the eating down part that is not a struggle at all the exersise part seems to be such a chore! :sad1:

Thanks for the welcome! :flower3:

I'm with you about the exercise - haven't managed that one yet! I used to rely on my treadmill, but now my condo has decided that they're not allowed! UGH! So, I've been trying to walk as much as I can. My parents live about a mile or so away, so whenever I go over there, I try to walk it. It's so difficult when the weather doesn't cooperate, though! I'm not actually stressing about the exercising too much yet. I haven't hit my first plateau yet. When that happens, I'll have to step it up.

The cooking thing for me was the biggest change. I've always DESPISED cooking, but now that I'm forcing myself to do it everyday, at least I get to buy all kinds of cooking gadgets for myself - THAT'S fun!! :rotfl: Although, the credit card is crying for mercy!!

Tomorrow night is my weigh in, so we'll see if my next post has a :thumbsup2 or a :sad1:!

Keep up the great work, everyone!!
Ok, today is weigh day....I now have 17 Pounds to shed. Somehow I lost 1 pound over the weekend, which surprises me since it was Easter, and I ate pretty much what I wanted..including candy. So, today, I will walk at lunch time, I will not have a latte and will eat a modest lunch. I have a co worker / friend that will back me up. Good luck to everyone else this week.

Good for you!! :thumbsup2

It helps so much when people around you are onboard, also, doesn't it?? My boss joined weight watchers about a week after I did, so we're CONSTANTLY talking about low-point foods and recipes, etc. It makes a BIG difference!!

I'm a little nervous after Easter myself! I didn't do too badly, except for that one <large> piece of bread. That's what happens when your husband FINALLY decides to break out the bread machine, though! :sad2:
Ok, today is weigh day....I now have 17 Pounds to shed. Somehow I lost 1 pound over the weekend, which surprises me since it was Easter, and I ate pretty much what I wanted..including candy. So, today, I will walk at lunch time, I will not have a latte and will eat a modest lunch. I have a co worker / friend that will back me up. Good luck to everyone else this week.

Congrats on the pound!!!! :cheer2: Today is Monday which is weigh in day for me as well. I am down only half a pound but still pleasently surprised. I was having lunch at my Baba's house yesturday. Didn't take too much then as i was eating I just stopped and thought I am full so why am I still eating???? :confused3 So I stopped and never had no desserts (didn't bother me not really a fan of dessert anyhow....weird I know.) So I was so proud....Proud until in inhaled half a bowl of Cheeze Puff cheese snacks!!!! I must say I thought it would be difficult to not be checking my weight throughout the week but I am liking it much better. There is not the stress of the fluctuating numbers! I hope to focus on my exercise this week a little more. Good luck to all!!!!
Good for you!! :thumbsup2

It helps so much when people around you are onboard, also, doesn't it?? My boss joined weight watchers about a week after I did, so we're CONSTANTLY talking about low-point foods and recipes, etc. It makes a BIG difference!!

I'm a little nervous after Easter myself! I didn't do too badly, except for that one <large> piece of bread. That's what happens when your husband FINALLY decides to break out the bread machine, though! :sad2:

Thanks, it's only a pound, but it is a start. Yes, it does help to talk to others who are on the same quest as you are. So....good luck to all of us to be leaner before the cruise. :thumbsup2
4 miles today. I'm doing a 5 mile race this Sunday with one of my Soldiers. It should be fun. :thumbsup2
Is it too late to join in?

I lost 25 lbs last year on WW and 5 of those have snuck back on! I am a pretty healthy eater but I do like my wine and tequila. To lose wright I have to drop below 1200 calories and frankly, I am tired of being hungry.

The only option it to exercise more.:scared1::scared1:.
Exercise and I are not friends.
I understand the health benefits soo...
I have joined a health club and have an appointment with a personal trainer tomorrow.
My goal is to be healther and not concentrate on the scale.

Wish me luck!!:hippie:
Is it too late to join in?

My goal is to be healther and not concentrate on the scale.

Wish me luck!!:hippie:

Absolutely! You are with us all the way!

You goal is a great one. Luck will come you way, but mostly it is you doing the right thing! :thumbsup2
I am still walking, had a bit of a slow down with my knee issues, but I am working through them.

Today is National Start Walking Day! A great day to get motivated to get more movement in your life.
Well, I weighed in last night....

I'm down another 3 lbs!! :banana:

So far, so good - I'm still dreading that first plateau, though - it's bound to hit me any week now!

I just set another 'mini-goal' for myself - to be down another 10 lbs. before I go to Vegas in about a month and a half! Of course, with a long weekend in Disney before that, it should be interesting! LOL

Tracey, thanks for the heads up about National Start Walking Day - hopefully, that'll get me out there tonight, in this AWESOME spring weather! :)

Keep up the great work everyone...loving this thread!!


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