Ot Need To Vent 1st Bump in the Road What Do I Do?

The OP has the vision of how the vacation should be and now believes that her children are going to be very disappointed at this change. We are going in 3 days with our 2 young grandsons and 2 adult daughters. We are going into this with our eyes wide open about changing plans on a daily basis! I, too, believe that comparing 'doing your job' as a maternity nurse and a CSR are comparing apples and oranges. They WERE doing their job. It just wasn't what you wanted to hear. Perhaps if you, the parent, took it better and explained it calmly and rationally to the kids that one of the plans had to change, but we are STILL going to Disney and having a fantastic time, you might be surprised what a non-issue it is.
It sounds like you have had some tough, personal issues and surely had to adapt. In the grand scheme, it's really a disappointment to YOU, not nearly as much to your kids. You will still have many, many, precious moments to cherish.
See I would have been happier getting the supervisor bc it would have been another shot at maybe getting my reservation changed, I think I would have been nice instead to see if there was nay magic she could work, just a thought.

Good luck.
normally i would have but for some reason I had already come to terms with what was going on in my head and if i though a supervisor could changes thing sure but rules are rules. right.

So the bottom line is that you are unhappy because you got a supervisor instead of an automated phone survey ? THAT is your bad Disney experience ?
more shocked and stupified, at first i thought she was coming back on then i realized what was going on when there was a slightly different voice, asking my issue.


Somehow I doubt it.......

you wouldn' t if you had you dh goin on in your ear about what was goin on and trying to give the low down on that. beside the music was terrible loud and i kept taking the phone away wondering why i was on hold for a survey. now in retrospect like i said last night pobably doen not really make a difference was just looking to vent but everyone found to take this opportunity to gang up on someone i hope it felt good, because contrary to popular belief I have tough skin.
I love it too for the cold buffet. DD loves deli meats and cheeses and I loved her finally getting a meal choice that wasn't fried. Plus the Ariel there was the sweetest Ariel ever - just a real doll.

We enjoyed Akershaus more than CRT. Lunch was great. The cold buffet was an appetizer and then a hot meal. DD (and I) love Ariel and it was so special for DD to talk with her (as a princess). Next time we will bypass CRT and do Akerhaus and 1900 PF Dinner in its place...2 credits for 2 resturants rather than 1.
Just one thing that no one has mentioned (at least that I read)...I think one of the biggest reasons (maybe THE reason) they cannot/ do not allow lap children is due to Fire Marshall Occupancy limits. Yes it would be nice to just pull up another chair or put a child on your lap...and it seems very realistic to do so, but there are rules that all resturants have to comply with in order to remain in business. Now I do not know what the occupancy of CRT is, but it is just a thought that really takes the "passion" out of the adding one more part of the discussion.

that was mentioned during the phone conversation after i asked about sitting on the lap she said " cand fire code" that is when i ased about the 4 top and a 5 top she agian said "no can't see that in my system, anything else"
that was mentioned during the phone conversation after i asked about sitting on the lap she said " cand fire code" that is when i ased about the 4 top and a 5 top she agian said "no can't see that in my system, anything else"

And yet you're still angry with Disney because you couldn't get your way and you were given a supervisor - who dared to ask what the problem was.......
Actually I am going to go out on a limb here and support the ops comparison of nursing to Customer service. I am a nurse and spend large amount of shifts placating upset family members as well as tending to my patients.In fact we don't call them patients where I work we call them clients and have to go thru annual customer service training in addition to our annual nursing competencies.
The OP has the vision of how the vacation should be and now believes that her children are going to be very disappointed at this change. We are going in 3 days with our 2 young grandsons and 2 adult daughters. We are going into this with our eyes wide open about changing plans on a daily basis! I, too, believe that comparing 'doing your job' as a maternity nurse and a CSR are comparing apples and oranges. They WERE doing their job. It just wasn't what you wanted to hear. Perhaps if you, the parent, took it better and explained it calmly and rationally to the kids that one of the plans had to change, but we are STILL going to Disney and having a fantastic time, you might be surprised what a non-issue it is.
It sounds like you have had some tough, personal issues and surely had to adapt. In the grand scheme, it's really a disappointment to YOU, not nearly as much to your kids. You will still have many, many, precious moments to cherish.
you are 100 percent right I have a vision in my head, and we have made changes for every other day and switched dining plans and park days to accomadate the family this is the only one that was set in stone, with two children born a year apart with in two days of eachother it is very difficult to not offend on or the other, when we do the birthdays. I know you are all saying they are just kids, but everyone remembers when they are 4/5 years of age how come we celebrated on her birthday and not mine. they are great kids but everything is a competition between them i do not want to be the one blamed for the therapy bills later for this reason maybe some other reasons but not the playing favorites
Actually I am going to go out on a limb here and support the ops comparison of nursing to Customer service. I am a nurse and spend large amount of shifts placating upset family members as well as tending to my patients.In fact we don't call them patients where I work we call them clients and have to go thru annual customer service training in addition to our annual nursing competencies.

i have to laugh because that is so true. so when it comes to being nice and bowing down and no mater what the patient or their family is always right and so on we do that for a living.
No one is trying to make you feel stupid. However, I read your first post several times before I ever posted and didn't get "the CM was not nice" from it. I got "I didn't get my way and threw a tantrum." Reread your title and ask yourself "would the average reader infer that Disney did something wrong?" Honestly, I would have expected a "Disney lost my reservation" or "My hotel room was filthy" from the title instead of "I can't add guests to my reservation at the most popular restaurants!" Anyway, I won't pick on you anymore and I hope you watch your tone in future posts.

Yes, I'm sorry, that's how your post sounded - like you were stomping your foot as you wrote it. I think most of the responses have been extremely kind, expressing their understanding of your frustration, but really, you simply expected/demanded the impossible, and Disney did nothing wrong. If you'd posted to say you were disappointed, instead of angry and mistreated, you would have gotten tons of sympathy.

But, like the previous posters said, keep calling. I called for a reservation for 8 at CRT well into the 180 day window and was surprised at how many options I had. I hope it works out for you.
you are 100 percent right I have a vision in my head, and we have made changes for every other day and switched dining plans and park days to accomadate the family this is the only one that was set in stone, with two children born a year apart with in two days of eachother it is very difficult to not offend on or the other, when we do the birthdays. I know you are all saying they are just kids, but everyone remembers when they are 4/5 years of age how come we celebrated on her birthday and not mine. they are great kids but everything is a competition between them i do not want to be the one blamed for the therapy bills later for this reason maybe some other reasons but not the playing favorites

Hey I hear you...sibling rivlary is wicked sometimes.Both my brothers were born one day and 2 years apart..they always would fight about birthdays.Plus My dd's bday is December 26th..so we always feel bad since no one will come to her party if we try and have it on her bday ,or even on the weekend surrounding it.
you are 100 percent right I have a vision in my head, and we have made changes for every other day and switched dining plans and park days to accomadate the family this is the only one that was set in stone, with two children born a year apart with in two days of eachother it is very difficult to not offend on or the other, when we do the birthdays. I know you are all saying they are just kids, but everyone remembers when they are 4/5 years of age how come we celebrated on her birthday and not mine. they are great kids but everything is a competition between them i do not want to be the one blamed for the therapy bills later for this reason maybe some other reasons but not the playing favorites

What??? Missing CRT is going to put your kids in therapy? Maybe you need to rethink your vacation if it is putting this much pressure on you and your kids:sad2: .
If the birthday is the problem, couldn't you celebrate your DD's birthday at CRT, and celebrate the other girl's birthday at a different meal?
My 3 adult kids STILL say 'you liked so and so best'! In jest now, but I heard it all through their childhood and I FELL for it hook, line and sinker. My two daughters are 16 months apart. Trust me, I thought I was scarring them for life too at times. They are the closest sisters ever. Could you step back just alittle and see that it's just small blip on the radar. Once they realize how prolific the characters are in the parks, missing that one event won't matter. Trust the pros on this board (I'm still learning even though we've been to WDW so many times I can't count in the past 28 years).
I know you are all saying they are just kids, but everyone remembers when they are 4/5 years of age how come we celebrated on her birthday and not mine. they are great kids but everything is a competition between them i do not want to be the one blamed for the therapy bills later for this reason maybe some other reasons but not the playing favorites

wow. talk about blowing things out of perspective. You expect therapy because one daughter went to dinner at CRT ? If they remember one not being there for lunch, you help them remember the whole story, "Remember, I made reservations 6 months in advance and you decided at the last minute to join us."

Clearly, if this is going to cause this many problems, then you need to cancel your lunch at CRT. I think you are getting your knickers in a twist over nothing. You tried to add one, you couldn't. If it is so important to your SIL, give her the number for Disney Dining. Make it her problem, not yours. Don't let her put this one on you... she clearly already has done that. If it was that important to her, she would have planned in advance.

Honestly, you are marching down a path where your entire special trip is going to be ruined by a SIL who didn't get up early enough to make rope drop and your entire family stood in line all day. Or she did something else and you bent over backwards to accommodate her and it ruined your plans. Or she'll get there and not have a credit card and can't pay for everything. We've all heard these tales of woe.

Let her take responsibility for her actions and you take responsibility for your actions. simple easy. You still have your magical vacation.

What??? Missing CRT is going to put your kids in therapy? Maybe you need to rethink your vacation if it is putting this much pressure on you and your kids:sad2: .
no no the only one who will miss the crt will be the neice but if i change the ressie to a different day then it falls on one kids bday and not the other so that is why that particular day to celebrate was chosen to avoid that issue.
I wish you and your family a wonderful vacation. I hope this doesn't stress you out too much, enjoy your lunch at CRT, its all about you guys and your dd's special day. Try to add in the rest of the group, but if it can't be done then it can't. .
If you think the kids are old enough to be negatively affected by it being on one kid's b'day and not the other's, then they are definitely old enough to understand that you are going on that specific day NOT to celebrate a birthday, but so that everyone can be included! There is your solution right there.

no no the only one who will miss the crt will be the neice but if i change the ressie to a different day then it falls on one kids bday and not the other so that is why that particular day to celebrate was chosen to avoid that issue.
wow. talk about blowing things out of perspective. You expect therapy because one daughter went to dinner at CRT ? If they remember one not being there for lunch, you help them remember the whole story, "Remember, I made reservations 6 months in advance and you decided at the last minute to join us."

Clearly, if this is going to cause this many problems, then you need to cancel your lunch at CRT. I think you are getting your knickers in a twist over nothing. You tried to add one, you couldn't. If it is so important to your SIL, give her the number for Disney Dining. Make it her problem, not yours. Don't let her put this one on you... she clearly already has done that. If it was that important to her, she would have planned in advance.

Honestly, you are marching down a path where your entire special trip is going to be ruined by a SIL who didn't get up early enough to make rope drop and your entire family stood in line all day. Or she did something else and you bent over backwards to accommodate her and it ruined your plans. Or she'll get there and not have a credit card and can't pay for everything. We've all heard these tales of woe.

Let her take responsibility for her actions and you take responsibility for your actions. simple easy. You still have your magical vacation.

trust me I would really like to say that to the family because I was fine with it being just my own family this time. that is kind of what i was looking for maybe i should change the name of the thread to help with suggestions because I am an adult and after just typing away got over the whole issue pretty easy it was everyone else who kept bring up the situation rather then just saying hey that happened to me and if you keep trying it will work out or just tell the sil to make her own ressie.

but no everyone took the oportunity to say tell me how wrong i am completely missing the point of venting.
no no the only one who will miss the crt will be the neice but if i change the ressie to a different day then it falls on one kids bday and not the other so that is why that particular day to celebrate was chosen to avoid that issue.

You mean you could have all eaten together on a different day, but it was on one child's birthday, so you turned it down in order to not offend the other child? :confused3
My 3 adult kids STILL say 'you liked so and so best'! In jest now, but I heard it all through their childhood and I FELL for it hook, line and sinker. My two daughters are 16 months apart. Trust me, I thought I was scarring them for life too at times. They are the closest sisters ever. Could you step back just alittle and see that it's just small blip on the radar. Once they realize how prolific the characters are in the parks, missing that one event won't matter. Trust the pros on this board (I'm still learning even though we've been to WDW so many times I can't count in the past 28 years).

I have been many times but without kids and on top of it for some reason my girls are freaking out about the step mother "evil" so I am leary about the park fare even though we have ressies at the end of the trip. because everyone ahs mentioned her. my youngest will even press the skip button on the dvds for all the evil characters and say we don't like bad we only like the pricesses because they are good. Now do you all see why I am loosing my mind.


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