Has anyone heard rumors of changes to DDP 2009

I would love to see the choice of appetizer or dessert (to keep cost increase minimized) as well as tips included next year.

We do use at least one TS a day as it is easier for DD for allergy.

Denise in MI
You wonb't hear us complain about too much food because we noticed the portions had gone down in size compared to our last regular ddp experience.:thumbsup2

We noticed the same thing in May. We were not on the DDP, just ordering off of the menu. Never were we really full. We did not eat desert, but did order appetizers. Disney reads some of these Threads, when people were complaining about too much food, well guess what? The food is cut back. We don't have a child's plate to eat off of. Someday maybe people will learn to not say or type everything that enters their brain.
We noticed the same thing in May. We were not on the DDP, just ordering off of the menu. Never were we really full. We did not eat desert, but did order appetizers. Disney reads some of these Threads, when people were complaining about too much food, well guess what? The food is cut back. We don't have a child's plate to eat off of. Someday maybe people will learn to not say or type everything that enters their brain.

This is why I never quite got the complaining--you got your money's worth, if it was too much food and you could do it less expensively on your own then do so, but don't penalize the rest of us. The other thing many don't get, maybe WDW didn't get it either is that satisfied people don't complain and ususually they don't take the time to write at all. So you can tell me you got 20% of the people purchasing it complaining about it but that means you have 80% that are satisfied. Doesn't matter you still have 20,000+ letters to answer so it makes it feel like a big deal! I'll bet many of those complaining about the all inclusive tip were those that nitpick to make an excuse not to tip and figured they'd save 18% on the DDP if they asked for the tip to not be included. If your server gets an auto grat and you don't like the service complain then and there--they can't improve if they don't think they are doing anything incorrectly.
I'm all for looking at it realistically. They figured easier turn around time if they took away the appetizer and figured they could save $$ if the tip was not included--increasing profitability. It backfired a bit because the revisit clause was put into the contract and servers are not being tipped appropriately overall--many must be dipping into that 3% auto grat paid by Disney. Solution raise the price by $10. give back the appetizer with a more limited menu--expect lots of soups and salads that can be made on the cheap--reinclude the tip, cut portion sizes to make up for that and look now no one complains, servers are happy, customers are happy and WDW makes a still good profit. Raise the prices on the menu to look like DDP is a bargain and now everyone purchases a dining package with their package and WDW has all that $$ ahead of time to do whatever it wants with it, rather than waiting for you to come and spend you have already spent--and because it is all paid for you have more money to spend for other stuff like souveniers and all the shopping everyone asked for in leiu of the clubs at DTD;) .

As a business their first concern is making profit, keeping customers happy makes money, answering complaint letters costs money.

I hope they make the changes and that the plans work for a majority of customers. Personally, if it is all inclusive I think it is better for everyone. I don't feel either of the current plans meet my needs so I'm not using them, but the reworked plans do work for me (if they come to fruition) and for this trip a few days from now, I have my ADR's and if the food is anywhere near as bad as Jiko was in April, if portions are not a fair size, if service is nearly as bad as April and if I am unhappy I can cancel them all and eat off site. Not being toggeld to a not all inclusive plan has its advantages.
I think they need to do something as few seem happy with this new plan for 2008! I would be happy to see choice of appie or dessrt, tip included( that's the one I really want) and an increase in price, not that I waant to pay more just being realistic .So with my plan a family of 4 could share 2 appies and 2 desserts, less food for the complainers and the family gets the choice of paying extra tip for good service ! We gave extra almost everytime even buffets in 2007 . I hated paying the tip oop !!
didn't read all these posts, so maybe my info has been posted already but here it goes anyhow:

Just went away to an amusement park this weekend, and talked with a concierge that just got done with his internship at Disney. He worked in the food/beverage capacity while there, so I would like to take his word on the changes. He told me that Disney HAS been listening to the complaints about the DDP, and will be changing in '09. He claims they will add back in the appitizer and tips, but it will come at a higher cost. He also said something about the snacks, but I didn't pay much mind to that since that is not a selling point for us. He said Disney lost a lot of money this year on lack of sign-ups for the Dining Plan, and resteraunt capacities were down. He also said Universal's Meal Deal is making them nervous which was a surprise to me (I don't think it's even close to Disney's plan??).

I don't think he was lying or bull-crapping me since HE brought up the conversation when he saw my Disney Visa card. He immediately asked when my last visit was, and asked if we did the DDP. This of course opened up a chance for me to vent about the stupid changes they made this year!!!
Haven't read the whole thread as yet but I find at some places it way too much food at least for myself & DH. But we are not big big eaters. It was enough to keep us full. Just my two cents ! If it worth anything these days. Won't get you much gas if any :rotfl: :rotfl:
didn't read all these posts, so maybe my info has been posted already but here it goes anyhow:

Just went away to an amusement park this weekend, and talked with a concierge that just got done with his internship at Disney. He worked in the food/beverage capacity while there, so I would like to take his word on the changes. He told me that Disney HAS been listening to the complaints about the DDP, and will be changing in '09. He claims they will add back in the appitizer and tips, but it will come at a higher cost. He also said something about the snacks, but I didn't pay much mind to that since that is not a selling point for us. He said Disney lost a lot of money this year on lack of sign-ups for the Dining Plan, and resteraunt capacities were down. He also said Universal's Meal Deal is making them nervous which was a surprise to me (I don't think it's even close to Disney's plan??).

I don't think he was lying or bull-crapping me since HE brought up the conversation when he saw my Disney Visa card. He immediately asked when my last visit was, and asked if we did the DDP. This of course opened up a chance for me to vent about the stupid changes they made this year!!!

I hope this is true. I would like to see it go back to the way it was.
I agree as well with wanting the tip back in. It is so nice to pay for everything in advance. What a pain to have to worry about carrying all the extra and then figuring and leaving it. Adding the appy back in would be nice as well. I just find the tip being left out is a big inconvenience.
I'd love for them to add the tip back in as part of the package with the option of selecting either 10, 15, 18 or 20% at the end. Then we could tip based on service but still have an all inclusive package.
didn't read all these posts, so maybe my info has been posted already but here it goes anyhow:

Just went away to an amusement park this weekend, and talked with a concierge that just got done with his internship at Disney. He worked in the food/beverage capacity while there, so I would like to take his word on the changes. He told me that Disney HAS been listening to the complaints about the DDP, and will be changing in '09. He claims they will add back in the appitizer and tips, but it will come at a higher cost. He also said something about the snacks, but I didn't pay much mind to that since that is not a selling point for us. He said Disney lost a lot of money this year on lack of sign-ups for the Dining Plan, and resteraunt capacities were down. He also said Universal's Meal Deal is making them nervous which was a surprise to me (I don't think it's even close to Disney's plan??).

I don't think he was lying or bull-crapping me since HE brought up the conversation when he saw my Disney Visa card. He immediately asked when my last visit was, and asked if we did the DDP. This of course opened up a chance for me to vent about the stupid changes they made this year!!!

I do hope this is TRUE! I also hope complainers have learned to keep their mouths shut or Disney has learned to ignore them. Think about the population that doesn't complain about anything, me (except their current changes) they just didn't make any sense. Made the trip harder on everyone.
People are smart and most people tend to maximize the DDP. I don't know anyone that wastes credits on bottled water. We all get the high end ice creams or treats. My thought is- why use a credit for JUST a rice crispy treat when I can use it for a treat that is covered in 4 toppings?! :goodvibes

I don't think it is "wasting" to use my snack credit for water. That's what it is for! The snack option wouldn't be cost effective for me if I had to constantly pay OOP for drinks as we wouldn't use 28 credits for food snacks in 8 days.

And I'm of the opinion that it's better to use up the credits FIRST and then pay OOP for anything else. We used our snack credits for everything from a candy bar ($1) to bottles of water ($2.25) to stuffed pretzels and pastries (over $3). We never paid OOP for snacks and still had to use up 2 on the way to the airport on a candy bar and some nilla wafers! :)

Had we paid OOP early in the week for the random soda or bottle of water, etc, we'd have had way too many credits left at the end.

On our last DDP we did what you suggest, we "banked" our snack credits to use for things with the highest value and I ended up with 12/28 left on our last morning. We had a suitcase full of snacks to bring home. While that was fun, it didn't offset the extra $25+ we spend on OOP snacks. JMO.....

One of the reasons we upgraded to DxDP was so that we wouldn't have to spend as much OOP on snacks as on our last trip. DH and I share a snack and drink a couple of times a day to the tune of an extra $70 on our last trip. On DxDP, we each get 2 snacks so we won't have to spend that OOP.

My guess is that those using DxDDP are mostly purchasing it for convenience. Those using the regular DDP are more looking for a deal. I always got the feeling the "too much food" complaints had a hidden meaning that had little to do with how much food they received. ;)

Yes, we upgraded to DxDP for convenience but also because we don't eat CS and were spending almost $400 OOP to eat in all the TS restaurants we wanted to. I don't eat fast food at home and I certainly don't want Disney fast food so the DxDP works for us. Yes, it is a lot of food but we do a lot of early lunches and very late dinners - both signature and 1 TS - with a shared CS in the middle. It is normal for us to go 8 hours between meals so we are usually starving.

It appears that Disney may be instituting the "DDP Light" come next January. It would consist of two counter service meals and no table service meals. How would this option work for you?

I think this would be a great option for people who don't want to "waste time" in TS restaurants. I think this would be especially popular if the price is good. I know a lot of people don't like the DDP because gratuity is not included so the value isn't as good. Doing all CS would eliminate the need for a tip.
didn't read all these posts, so maybe my info has been posted already but here it goes anyhow:

Just went away to an amusement park this weekend, and talked with a concierge that just got done with his internship at Disney. He worked in the food/beverage capacity while there, so I would like to take his word on the changes. He told me that Disney HAS been listening to the complaints about the DDP, and will be changing in '09. He claims they will add back in the appitizer and tips, but it will come at a higher cost. He also said something about the snacks, but I didn't pay much mind to that since that is not a selling point for us. He said Disney lost a lot of money this year on lack of sign-ups for the Dining Plan, and resteraunt capacities were down. He also said Universal's Meal Deal is making them nervous which was a surprise to me (I don't think it's even close to Disney's plan??).

I don't think he was lying or bull-crapping me since HE brought up the conversation when he saw my Disney Visa card. He immediately asked when my last visit was, and asked if we did the DDP. This of course opened up a chance for me to vent about the stupid changes they made this year!!!

Maybe the Universal thing has to do with being able to be purchased by all guests not just those staying on site? Also the perceived value of all you care to eat versus a single meal credit? Personally I don't get it either since Disney's food is far tastier than Universal, but if it is generating revenue and keeping restaurants full at Universal then I guess it keeps Disney on its toes. Though I would also agree the plans are so different I couldn't even really compare them.
I hope this is true about the changes. I am willing to pay more if it is all included. I think $50 per adult per night on the dining plan is reasonable with everything included.
I hope this is true about the changes. I am willing to pay more if it is all included. I think $50 per adult per night on the dining plan is reasonable with everything included.

I donno about that. $50 per adult, per night for the basic plan is pretty high. We'd do much better using the DDE at that rate. That would be a huge price jump too, from $38 to $50?? Yousa.
I donno about that. $50 per adult, per night for the basic plan is pretty high. We'd do much better using the DDE at that rate. That would be a huge price jump too, from $38 to $50?? Yousa.

But that $38 isn't $38 all inclusive, if you want an app now you have to pay OOP $6-$8 and of course tip on the full price of the meal, not the price of the DDP=$6+ so I think it would be a good deal condsidering the rise in food costs over the past year as well. Now, if you don't eat an app and dessert then going back to OOP with the DDE may be better for you.
I would not purchase the DDP Light plan. I can't see eating two meals a day of burgers/fries, pizza or sandwiches for 8-10 days.

We did the DDP in 07 and again in 08...in 2007, we never walked away hungry...in 08 we did...since they (it seems) decreased the amount of food and deleted the app, we were almost always hungry or ended up getting 2nd or 3rd helpings of bread (Le Cellier, Coral Reef) to help fill us up.

I hated having to deal with the tip. In fact, we tipped more OOP in 07 for the extra good service and pretty much just stuck to the recommended 18% amount in 08.

Now, let me propose my wish list for DDP:
- Appetizer included or at a minimum at least choose between app & des
- tip included
- Increased by about $5-10/day (honestly, $10 is pushing it)
- Ability to order the DDP on the days you want it and not the entire stay. We like to stay for 8-10 days but having the DDP on all these days is really expensive. Yes, I could break up my ressie (DVC) into 2, but then would have to re-pack and change rooms. We generally don't have time to eat the meals on check-in/check-out day.

(Yeah, I know my last wish will never happen, but it would be nice...):goodvibes
We did DxDP for our first trip and loved it (other than having to pay oop for tips). We did not find that there was too much food. We spaced our meals out pretty well and had a few 2 credit dining experiences. I loved being able to try anything on the menu, including appetizers and desserts. In fact, we all ordered something different and tried each other's dishes. It was a positive experience for us. Every credit was used, even snack (our leftovers were done away with at Goofy's and brought home with us).

Now I'm just waiting for the plan for next year to be announced; we intend to return to the World next fall. Regardless of what they decide, we'll probably stick with a dining plan for convenience (I like the prepaid aspect of it), but it'd be really nice to not have to worry about tips.
I donno about that. $50 per adult, per night for the basic plan is pretty high. We'd do much better using the DDE at that rate. That would be a huge price jump too, from $38 to $50?? Yousa.

I thought it was $40, not $38. My bad.

Considering that $10 is tip on a $50 meal and an appetizer is generally $6 - $11, I think $50 is fair. You are still making out.


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