The Food Was Not Undelicious: May 25-June 1, 2007!! Completed - Post #794

Set 'em outside on the patio for a bit while we nap: still green; and now they're an exotic pleasure destination for adventurous love bugs.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: you crack me up! i just imagine love bugs on a banana with mood music in the background......bow-chica-bow-bow

oh, and the ducks....:scared1: i have an irrational fear of anything with a beak and we're staying at SSR next april, so i'm hoping we get a room that's not on the bottom floor because i was planning on enjoying breakfast on my balcony and if ducks or any species of bird is involved...nevermind!!! we ate at casey's last trip and they were so bad there that i had to get a spare chair and put my feet up in it just to get through lunch!
What a very nice surprise! We got balloons and an autographed picture of Lilo and Stitch when we were at the Poly. It was so cute! And everything is better with cheese. I do mean everything! ;) Ok, on to some work now...:surfweb:
I'm not Thursday these stupid bananas were still as hard and green as they were when we bought them a week earlier; I don't get it. What gives with the Incredible Hulk Bananas in Florida???

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl:

Mmmmmm, the appetizer...Assiette de fromages de France - Imported Cheese Plate:

Ooooooh! That looks great to this cheese addict, mmmmmmmmm.....want some now :love:

Green Tea Plum Wine Slush and middle-aged lush

I have to admit that that looks very odd. Do you think the CM could have given you the wrong drink :confused:
We received the same thing (balloons and card) for our 10 year anniversary this past Dec, we stayed for 5 nights at the WL.

Next time you go to the Tea Stand in China try the Mango or Peach Tea Schnapps slushie...they are to die for!
I shouldn't mock the ducks - they were actually very well behaved and very friendly. You guys know how aggressive the ducks over at Casey's can be? These ducks were the total opposite. We really did feel like they were part of the local welcome wagon even though we know they were just looking for some freebies.

Independent contractor ducks are much better behaved than the union ones over at Casey's or at Wilderness to MontanaDisneyFan about the killer ducks they ran into. Probably part of Tony SopranoDuck's gang.
Add another Brenda tip to the file for Fall. Lunch at Chefs de France.
You MUST add your Publix adventure to your trip report. I absolutely love the opportunity the Winco's, Walmarts, etc. give for societal observation.
I hereby nominate Brenda as the :drinking1Disney Drinkers Anonymous :drinking1 poster child for 2007.
Green Tea Plum Wine Slush and middle-aged lush

Chef's de France! Yum!!! I'll take your quiche over Jay's crepe anyday! I'm sorry to dissent from the ranks, but I do like the French onion soup, too. Don't hate me. I love onions. :) I heard about the China tea stand - the kids want to try the bubble tea. You know, the tea with goo balls thrown in for good measure. I'll stick to the plum wine. Anyway, love the pic!!!

Looking forward to hearing about Jiko! :banana:
I have to admit that that looks very odd. Do you think the CM could have given you the wrong drink :confused:

Nope. That's it. The same thing happened to me in March. I loved the cooler at F&W, was so excited to hear about the stand, and became absolutely horrified by the actual drink.

And the worst part? I'm 99.5% certain we'll never see the original again. I'll be trying the schnapps in October!
Independent contractor ducks are much better behaved than the union ones over at Casey's or at Wilderness to MontanaDisneyFan about the killer ducks they ran into. Probably part of Tony SopranoDuck's gang.

:lmao: ZZUB also has encountered the Union ducks at WL! Something about paying for a picture or sleeping at the bottum of Bay Lake. :angel:
I can't remember enjoying a review more than this! Thanks for all the time and effort you invest in entertaining us...I'll have another helping, please!

Chefs de France sounds awesome...I think we ate there years ago and I would love to go back. That quiche looks yummy! I loved the American pronunciations of the French words. :rotfl2: I took French for a semester in college, and I think it's hilarious.

Thanks again for another exciting part of the dining report!

Middle aged lush - too funny! Now you know you can't tease us with the Publix comment, we want more. Another great, entertaining installment Brenda.:thumbsup2
Would that be the part about your expertly style do? (Not that I'm saying you have bad hair my friend) ;)

You are correct! And trust me...if you said I had bad hair you wouldn't be saying anything that I haven't said myself.

Just starting reading the new dining review and I can't wait until you get to Victoria and Albert's. We're going there in August (main dining room) and I know your opinion will be valuable.

In any case, welcome back, and, as always, I'm looking forward to more!

Well thanks for coming over to read - you will have lots to look at when I make it to the V&A review.

Nice!!! Good lunch, great surprise... You win!

I likes me a good quiche, too, and I'm not much of an egg person. That looks and sounds yummy, though.

Thanks for the food porn!


I'm really picky about quiche but they make it so well here that it's the only thing I ever order... so adventurous...that's me. If you like quiche I think you'd really enjoy the one they serve at Chef's.

:rotfl2: Funny funny funny! Loved it! Incredible Hulk bananas. I'm still laughing at that!

Cute duck!

Oh Cafe du Monde Chicory... the only coffee I'll drink. Love the stuff, and I'm not a big coffee drinker.

Darn it! Now I'm hungry!

Another Cafe du Monde drinker? Woohoo!! I've been hooked on the stuff ever since we visited NOLA a few years back.

Thanks for reading - glad you enjoyed the last installment.

Wow, I miss a couple of days and suddenly I have a lot of catching up to do! So here goes:

Brenda, after much consideration, I have to dub thee...Dining Deviant.

Why? It starts out with Food Porn. Next thing you know, we have Sundae Flashers and Food Fetishes (Mine is cream cheese. Plain on a bagel, ewww. Doctor it up into cheesecake? Yum.)

Dining Deviant... I like it!! I can always count on you, Lori! :thumbsup2

I think the Raglan Road review was reassuring, and I'll try it for the first time in October. But they have Evil Gaelic Restrooms. I think you deserve a free pass for making that mistake. I mean, sounds confusing enough when sober.

And I had to laugh about the Bucket o' Booze comments. I don't know how many times I've seen people bring those into the Adventurers Club, and usually someone in the cast will tease them about it. I have never had one of those buckets. They scare me a bit.

I do hope you enjoy RR - we've had a great experience both times that we've gone there. And as for those evil bathrooms... you're already prepared - you've read about my faux pas and now you know which door not to choose!

As for the buckets...I don't see how one person can drink all of it, but I think it would be a nice drink to share. Then Jay and I can both slurp to Grimace. "Your bucket leaks!!"

You also redeemed yourself with the Rosa Regale. I know you wanted the "traditional" sparkling wine, but Rose Regale is awesome with chocolate. It's not port, but still...yum.

Since I wasn't familiar with the Rosa prior to this trip it didn't sound as appealing to me as a drink option. But now...if I had to do it again I might just reconsider. It was quite tasty.

And you know you have to put Sterotype Central at Publix in your Shrubbery report. It sounds too good not to have any details! And Brenda, next time you buy bananas that green, buy an apple, too:

From the Food Network:

The fastest way is to put the bananas in a paper bag on the countertop with an apple. Why? Apples emit ethylene gases which cause certain fruits (like pears and bananas) to ripen faster. Starting with green bananas, paper-bagging them should give you ripe bananas in a day and perfect bread-ready bananas in a day and a half.

Well, I'll see what I can do about Stereotype Central...I don't want to offend anyone. :goodvibes

I did not know that about bananas. We buy them here at home when they're green and they ripen up in a day or two without any special treatment on our part. I still think those bananas might be the result of a strange experiment gone terribly wrong. ;)

And the Chefs lunch looked fab! I've done their lunch menu more than I've done their dinner, and I agree that lunch is just as good, but better on the wallet when paying OOP, not the DDP. Good call.

Whew. That should bring me up to speed.

We love Chefs for lunch - in part because I can order my quiche!

I love your food reports. can't wait to read more. Kim

Thanks Kim - glad you're enjoying them!

*drool* I want to have the cheese plate's babies! Or, you know, maybe just eat it, and make yummy noises.

Hi Crystal! You need to make an ADR for October and go get yourself some cheese my friend. you know something about our little magical offering that I need to know? Someone in particular I should thank, or should I just shout it out to world at large?

Thank you so much, we loved the autographed card and picture!!!

Mmmmmm, your lunch at Chefs looked yummy! I agree with you on the stinky cheese. I love me some good cheese, but really, who wants food that smells like stinky feet?:confused3 So no blue cheese for me either. Those all sounded great.

What a wonderful anniversary surprise!:love: Mickey and Minnie are really thoughtful that way!;)

Hi Lori! I don't know if our server ever had a guest get more excited about a plate of cheese before I sat down in his section. I saw that plate and started doing a little happy dance in my chair. "No blue cheese, no blue cheese!"

Yes, we were touched that the boss and first lady could take time out of their busy schedules to send us a card. Very sweet. :love:

Great update Brenda! Loved the pics of your Donald and Daisy. I've got my own set of Hulk Nanners right now that not even Cabo (our yellow lab for those who don't know) will eat and he loves bananas.

Hi Nancy! Thanks again for stopping by to read. Did you see Lori's tip about putting the bananas in a paper bag with an apple? If you try it let me know how it works.


The funny thing about cheese is...I don't really care for cheese. I do like it brown and crispy on top of mac and cheese or pizza. But gooey, not so much. And I really don't like swiss. I always have them replace it with something else on sandwiches.

BUT...what is it about WDW cheese???

I was at Le Cellier, and read their description of their cheese sampler, and HAD to have it. Even I was confused by that choice.

And do you know, it was FABULOUS!!!

If I had known cheese went beyond Kraft singles and cheap pizza toppings, I probably would have come over to the cheese camp a lot sooner.

They probably changed it since then, but it was a white cheddar with a sauteed apple topping, can't remember the middle one, but it had candied walnut brittle on top, and then that sweeter cheese that Giada De Laurentis always uses for dessert, it's on the tip of my tongue...

Well, anyway, it tasted like cheesecake and it had an orange topping on it.
And it, was delicious.

Man, between my non-foodie limited vocabulary and my seven child induced loss of brain cells, I am not on my game this morning.


Whew, I feel better now.

All that to say, something about WDW makes cheese taste better.

Cheese is awesome...I love it...certain types that is. And Marscapone...I love that stuff smeared on pears. That's usually what I have for dinner on the night that Jay works late...pear, marscapone cheese, wine...rinse and repeat! :lmao:

OMG that line made me choke on my coffee.:lmao:

I just have to say what a fantastic storyteller you are. Truly talented. :goodvibes

Thank you... no better way to make my day that someone telling me that they actually like my writing. Frustrated author here...willing to work in publishing field for less...will relocate...have booze will travel. ;)

slighty OT, what does oybolshoi mean? Just curious, Is it from Harry Potter? I googled it and came up with several HP references... I'm a huge Potter fan

Well, since you asked...

It's a marriage of two different Russian words... OY, which is the Russian language equivalent of Oh; and BOLSHOI, which is an adjective that means big, or large.

Rough meaning = Oh big. Make of that what you will. ;)

When I was taking Russian in college I would practice a lot at home and one night I said those two words one right after the other, realized they rhymed, thought pairing them together would be really funny and 13 years later here we are.

You probably got it back from some HP sites because I'm registered on some of them. I'm a huge HP fan, too!

slighty OT, what does oybolshoi mean?

Could it be a Jewish/Russian Ballet Company??? :rotfl2:
I love your reviews by the way.;) ;) :)

Thanks for reading and I must commend you on a really good guess! I actually asked my Russian professor once if the Bolshoi Ballet translated to "Big Ballet." She was very offended by my question...didn't have a sense of humor when it came to dance I suppose.

:lmao: you crack me up! i just imagine love bugs on a banana with mood music in the background......bow-chica-bow-bow

Oh that's too funny!! :rotfl2: And now I can just hear one lovebug saying to the other, "You look like you could use a massage." :lmao:

oh, and the ducks....:scared1: i have an irrational fear of anything with a beak and we're staying at SSR next april, so i'm hoping we get a room that's not on the bottom floor because i was planning on enjoying breakfast on my balcony and if ducks or any species of bird is involved...nevermind!!! we ate at casey's last trip and they were so bad there that i had to get a spare chair and put my feet up in it just to get through lunch!

I think the birds were worse than the ducks. The ducks were really very tame and very sweet - if you can make that kind of judgement about a duck. I didn't like the crows and the smaller birds that started dive-bombing around us once they figured out we were being nice to the ducks.

Our room was also right across from one of the many ponds around SSR and that probably encouraged easy duck / guest interaction. Depending on your room location you probably won't even need to be concerned.

You'll love SSR, Dawn - it's beautiful!

What a very nice surprise! We got balloons and an autographed picture of Lilo and Stitch when we were at the Poly. It was so cute! And everything is better with cheese. I do mean everything! ;) Ok, on to some work now...:surfweb:

Hi there DD! I love it - Lilo and Stitch sent you a picture!! Could you post it here so that we can see it?

Ooooooh! That looks great to this cheese addict, mmmmmmmmm.....want some now.

I have to admit that that looks very odd. Do you think the CM could have given you the wrong drink.

Good cheese...really it was! As for the drink, we went back and asked just to be sure and were told that we had the right slushie. Guess we'll have to try something different next time.

We received the same thing (balloons and card) for our 10 year anniversary this past Dec, we stayed for 5 nights at the WL.

Cool - I'm glad that so many people receive this. It probably sounds silly but I really felt like someone had sprinkled pixie dust on us.

Next time you go to the Tea Stand in China try the Mango or Peach Tea Schnapps slushie...they are to die for!

I will take that under advisement - thanks for the suggestions!

Independent contractor ducks are much better behaved than the union ones over at Casey's or at Wilderness to MontanaDisneyFan about the killer ducks they ran into. Probably part of Tony SopranoDuck's gang.

This is all news to me...apparently I need to do some research on the duck community at WDW. :rotfl2:
I am so glad that I found this thread. Brenda, it took me at least 10 minutes to make it all the way through your post on Raglan Rd. Once we got to your bathroom escapades all I could manage was 2 or 3 words at a time before the tears and uncontrollable laughter would take over. I would calm myself down and read a few more words and it would start right up again! Thank you so much for showing me Disney dining from a completely unique perspective! you know something about our little magical offering that I need to know? Someone in particular I should thank, or should I just shout it out to world at large?

It was Handsome Pete- I simply translated his request into Human language. (WDW really drops the ball when it comes to dealing with the special needs of those who only speak cat!)
Add another Brenda tip to the file for Fall. Lunch at Chefs de France. You MUST add your Publix adventure to your trip report. I absolutely love the opportunity the Winco's, Walmarts, etc. give for societal observation.

Thanks for stopping by to take a read! I think you'll really enjoy Chef's for lunch, especially during F&W this fall. :thumbsup2

Sheesh... you people and the Publix crowd... what am I going to do? ;)

I hereby nominate Brenda as the :drinking1Disney Drinkers Anonymous :drinking1 poster child for 2007.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: I just wish it was a more flattering picture.

Chef's de France! Yum!!! I'll take your quiche over Jay's crepe anyday! I'm sorry to dissent from the ranks, but I do like the French onion soup, too. Don't hate me. I love onions. :) I heard about the China tea stand - the kids want to try the bubble tea. You know, the tea with goo balls thrown in for good measure. I'll stick to the plum wine. Anyway, love the pic!!!

Looking forward to hearing about Jiko! Michelle

I love the quiche there, too! But you can keep the onion soup... Jay might join you, though. ;)

I'm with you - I'll stick with the plum wine because I have no desire to find a glob of gunk in the bottom of my tea when I'm finished drinking it. That would throw my gag reflex into overdrive!

Nope. That's it. The same thing happened to me in March. I loved the cooler at F&W, was so excited to hear about the stand, and became absolutely horrified by the actual drink.

And the worst part? I'm 99.5% certain we'll never see the original again. I'll be trying the schnapps in October!

Well thanks for the confirmation on the slushie - it really wasn't very good at all. I hope they bring the wine cooler back in October - that was an excellent beverage!

:lmao: ZZUB also has encountered the Union ducks at WL! Something about paying for a picture or sleeping at the bottum of Bay Lake. :angel:

Alright, alright... as soon as I finish at least one trip report I'll go see what everyone's been saying about the ducks. It sounds like I'm missing out on some feathery hilarity. :lmao:

I can't remember enjoying a review more than this! Thanks for all the time and effort you invest in entertaining us...I'll have another helping, please!


Thanks so much for reading and for the kind words - I'm glad you're enjoying everything so far!

I'm only on page 3 so far but hopping aboard the Brenda train!!!

Thank you - glad to have you here! The more the merrier! :goodvibes

Chefs de France sounds awesome...I think we ate there years ago and I would love to go back. That quiche looks yummy! I loved the American pronunciations of the French words. :rotfl2: I took French for a semester in college, and I think it's hilarious.

Thanks again for another exciting part of the dining report!


Hi Kiki! Glad you liked the Chefs review... I thought the Americanized pronounciation of the French words was funny, too. It's always been a joke in our house that we speak French... but the only French we really know is all food related! :lmao:

Middle aged lush - too funny! Now you know you can't tease us with the Publix comment, we want more. Another great, entertaining installment Brenda.:thumbsup2

Thanks Kathy! :goodvibes

I am so glad that I found this thread. Brenda, it took me at least 10 minutes to make it all the way through your post on Raglan Rd. Once we got to your bathroom escapades all I could manage was 2 or 3 words at a time before the tears and uncontrollable laughter would take over. I would calm myself down and read a few more words and it would start right up again! Thank you so much for showing me Disney dining from a completely unique perspective!

Hi there and thanks for reading! I'm glad you're enjoying everything so far - I know we do have a goofy way of vacationing at WDW, but it's so much fun that I always want to share it with everyone. Glad to have you here! :goodvibes
You'll love SSR, Dawn - it's beautiful!

yay!!!!!! :yay: i love hearing the good things people have to say about it b/c it gets me all excited about our trip! 10 months is too long to wait! :rolleyes:

you may have already said this in your TR and if so, i apologize. but what building were you guys in? i requested congress park so we'd be close to the walkways to DTD.


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