Yesterday's DIS Unplugged show

Yeah, that segment at the end especially was rough. I didn't like the point about "we own a travel agency so we know how it you feel rebooking travel." For those of us who don't do these things often, changing travel plans can be a huge ordeal as we don't know the right number to call, what to ask for, etc. It would be like a mechanic telling you that they fully understand how difficult it was for you to change your flat tire... yeah, they have done it but it's also way easier when you are familiar with it.

The hosts don't deserve criticisms for personal tastes or spending habits but the defensiveness over pretty normal responses was not enjoyable to listen to.
Not sure if it was just me, but yesterday's show came off as super negative. Again, very little WDW talk, and felt like alot of of time/talk about DCL again it seemed. I also really didn't like everyone getting snippy/defensive and then complaining about the comments they received about last week's show. Reality is, when you have children, and fly in from other locations, the DCL vs WDW trip decision is quite different. I think that is what many folks were pointing out, it is not an apples to apples comparison. I am sorry, but everyone seemed unhappy and miserable to be on the show except for Deni maybe( John also had a few positive comments to make).
I agree. I get that they made the choices that led them to where they are today and they should be proud, but it doesn’t mean that they aren’t out of touch with an average Disney goer. It’s usually not so bad because we typically get a mix of voices but it was really stark this week.
A cruise canceling its sailing is actually a really big deal and the Disney was generous but it doesn’t make things better for a lot of people. Some people have to move vacation days and there are people who have jobs that won’t let them move their days around. We were going to go while my kids had February break. Now what do we do? Taking them out of school isn’t just an easy choice for everyone.

it’s their show so at the end of the day it’s only thief opinion that matters, but they so often refuse to believe anything effects people differently than them.

lots of eye rolls from me this week.
Yeah, I agree they probably should have been a little more contrite (and a little less defiant) and admitted that on the show a couple of weeks ago maybe they did not take into consideration the possibility of flying in from where ever with the whole family in tow -many including young children - and then getting turned away at the port because of a positive test by one asymptomatic family member. And what a nightmare scenario that becomes trying to tell your kids - after arriving at the port and seeing the ship - that they cannot go on the cruise. Then there is the logistics of what they do until their flight back home. So I can totally understand people not wanting to put themselves in a position where that scenario can happen to them. That scenario is not in play for the team, so I can understand them overlooking it...initially. I don't consider them to be "entitled" either. I'll never vilfy or begrudge anyone's success when they've worked hard for it. So I don't think that had anything to do with it. consider. It was just an aspect they didn't consider.

Additionally, if Covid wasn't a thing and that scenario wasn't in play, then the basis of their argument of DCL (or other cruise line) vs WDW holds a lot more water than it does as long as that scenario is still possible. Pete is 100% correct that the price difference, which was once very significant, has narrowed tremendously. .

DITTO - nobody called them entitled. Nor criticized Kevin‘s Louis Vuitton nor their travels nor lack of kids. Diverse perspectives are fun/great to hear - especially when we can glimpse the special and frequent travel the three of them get to experience. And it’s nice when the convo and topics acknowledge and allow for other experiences, situations and opinions.

Perhaps I missed some posts but I did not see anybody begrudge them for their accomplishments or hard-earned success. And if it did happen in a couple posts I missed out of the whole thread perhaps they give them too much power to get sooo worked up rather than tune in more thoughtfully to the majority of the points actually made.

It was really people commenting about the question posed to the audience. If you do not want a response then do not ask a question.

People pointed out what came across as the lack of recognition of anyone else’s situation in that episode by the incredulous question about why people wouldn’t be choosing the cruise and the trend of the 3 owners to focus more on people like them. Despite what many other long time clients like me or others who posted their “why I’m not cruising” reasons experience or feel.

After the show in question two weeks ago I posted to that thread too and commented that the 3 of them have been less apt to look at things from the point of view of their listeners/clients and/or come across as out of touch.

John, to his credit replied to me in the thread in a civil way, unlike the behavior shown by them on Tuesdays show. I thanked him for responding. He made his points which I respectfully disagreed with in a repost. Pointing out that Dis execs could benefit as Deni suggested from having to experience the current guest experience themselves and on another topic how I felt surprised that the large number of things wrong with Genie plus were not on John and Pete’s radar and they were clearly missing and or somehow not listening to the vast majority of people unhappy with it, even those posting on their own boards. Not to mention they were not listening to Deni nor Elaine who have shared challenges.

The response on the Tuesday show was sad, unfortunate and overblown. Perhaps it was a bad social media day?!? Or it demonstrates a lack of self reflection or acknowledgment of what was ACTUALLY being communicated by the majority of posters and them completely missing the point. People were answering their question.

And the answer to every disagreement with them or call out of something doesn’t have to be don’t listen, don’t go, etc…. I have never previously posted about a show reaction. It’s tone deaf for some of their clients and listeners - To use a phrase they often use about Disney.
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I agree with some of what is said here; Pete, John, and Kevin can't completely relate to what it's like to travel with young children (that are yours). There is no way that I would have flown my family to a cruise port with the possibility of testing positive for Covid, and what a nightmare that would be. Even if you can get a 100% refund, the logistical difficulties from testing positive would be awful.

I'm afraid I have to disagree with some feeling that they are entitled. I, too, own a successful business. Friends and relatives have made plenty of comments over the years about how lucky I am and how I don't understand their struggles. I usually smile and bite my tongue. However, sometimes it gets to me. Like Pete and John, I started my business from scratch in my home. I worked long hours and sacrificed a lot to make it work. I put my house on the line and lay awake many nights fearing failure as I had a wife and two small kids to support. Because of hard work and a lot of luck, I can now enjoy the fruits of my labor. I don't think that what the team said about how they travel is entitled. A bit tone deaf? Yes.
I don't entirely blame them because the last thread was pretty negative and it's hard not to react to that.

Quoting myself because I went back and read large chunks of the original thread, and I need to take back what I said. My memory was faulty and it truly was just answers to their question about cruising. I didn’t see anyone call them entitled.

It leaves me scratching my head where Tuesday’s rant came from.
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Quoting myself because I went back and read large chunks of the original thread, and I need to take back what I said. My memory was faulty and it truly was just answers to their question about cruising. I didn’t see anyone call them entitled.

It leaves me scratching my head where Tuesday’s rant came from.

Thanks, yeah me too… perhaps it was a bad social media day for them but it does feel like comments taken out of context. Or a feeling of “here they go again“ on a familiar topic to them? Or a couple negative things posted that I missed?

We are told as parents we have to say 20 positive things to make up for one negative thing we say to kids. Probably true on social media with adults!
oh for the love of Mickey Ears!!! They are a business and are seeing a changing demographic of people who are using their business, therefore the content that they make, their opinions and views etc will be tailored to the people who ARE their customers right now. If you don't identify with the content they are currently making, and the views and opinions, then you are not their target audience... simples!!

They are obviously seeing an increase in business to cruise booking and a decrease in business of the family holiday to WDW. The same with the DVC content, they are obviously seeing an increase in business to that side as well.

Big respect to John and Pete for being able to see the changes in the market and being able to adapt to those changes!
oh for the love of Mickey Ears!!! They are a business and are seeing a changing demographic of people who are using their business, therefore the content that they make, their opinions and views etc will be tailored to the people who ARE their customers right now. If you don't identify with the content they are currently making, and the views and opinions, then you are not their target audience... simples!!

They are obviously seeing an increase in business to cruise booking and a decrease in business of the family holiday to WDW. The same with the DVC content, they are obviously seeing an increase in business to that side as well.

Big respect to John and Pete for being able to see the changes in the market and being able to adapt to those changes!

Huh? Their whole point was why AREN'T people booking cruises instead of going to WDW....not that SO MANY people are booking them, so we need to switch gears. So, I am confused by this take.

The port issue and testing has been discussed...but for all the talk of WDW being overpriced bc of lesser experiences (and this might be valid)....can we please acknowledge how less of an experience DCL is now?
  • Potential to miss ports b/c of COVID numbers and/or islands shutting down to cruise ships.
  • Kids club (which is a HUGE thing for families) is severely limited and must be reserved. The free flowing nature of programs that kids want to do/not want to do there is what made it great. That is not happening now. Seems like they availability is getting better but still not the same as it was pre-pandemic.
  • Nursery is completely closed.
  • Potential to be ISOLATED for days on a cruise ship b/c you contract COVID and/or QUARANTINED b/c you were a close contact.
  • I believe the pools have some restrictions as well...but I could be wrong on this one.
And all of that for the same high price of a DCL cruise. We LOVE DCL and have done upwards of 5 cruises but until the product is back to normal, this would be rather boring for us. The kids love the Kids Club and to not be able to attend any program they want at any time would be a no go for us.

But if your desire is to be on an empty-ish ship and don't care about kids club and other programming because you kind of do your own thing anyway, I get the appeal right now (who wouldn't want less people on a ship!). Just not sure why this has become so heated. For families right now, this is going to be a less ideal time to cruise DCL in my opinion.
I felt that, given the context of discussions on DisBoards last week and the week before, that the conversation on this week's show was a little over-reactionary. I re-read through one thread (Answer to Pete's question) and from my perspective it seems most people simply answered the question of why they aren't cruising. There were a couple exceptions to that though and I can certainly understand being defensive of a product/business that they worked their tail off for.

I have no idea of the comments on YouTube (nor do I want to) and so I feel their comments this week may have been more in reaction to other comment boards/outlets, or at least I'm guessing so.
  • Kids club (which is a HUGE thing for families) is severely limited and must be reserved. The free flowing nature of programs that kids want to do/not want to do there is what made it great. That is not happening now. Seems like they availability is getting better but still not the same as it was pre-pandemic.
  • Nursery is completely closed.

Disclaimer: I am not a parent.

I think everyone is talking so much about the first hurdle of even getting on the ship that this aspect is being overlooked.

I know most kids have a pretty predictable routine at home. It also means you know when they have the most energy, mood, tiredness, etc. I think that all goes out the window on vacation. I think it would be hard to predict days/weeks in advance when your kids is going to feel extroverted (brave) and excited to play with other children.

Also, initially the slots were as short as 1.5-2.5 hours, is that still true? That's even worse, your kid is having the time of their life in the club and you have to extract them.

Does the parks not make more sense then for now for vacation with your kids because it's more fluid? I know when I have children in my care, my whole day is just an entirely different orbit, it's a fun orbit, but .... wow it's all over the place.
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I am in agreement with the majority on this thread. I felt the reaction at the end was an over-reaction. I am a big fan of the show and while cruising doesn't have the draw to my family as WDW does, I can see how it will in the future and I felt the discussion of how DCL handled the Wish cancellations was very relevant as it is a reflection on the company that hasn't seemed to handle anything very well at present.

I am also baffled how the show from 2 weeks ago asked the question of why people aren't cruising, and in the 40-minute conversation, it did not occur to anyone that getting turned away at the port is an enormous risk to take for a family. If that would have come up once during the show, this thread would be moot. However, it did not, which does point to a certain blind spot on the part of the hosts.

That said, I think Pete just got a little riled up after Kevin brought up being entitled, etc, and I got the impression Pete didn't really read the thread in question, so it didn't bother me at all. John was great throughout, Deni is fantastic and empathetic. I don't agree with Kevin, and that is ok, as I am sure he doesn't agree with me on many points.

Love the show, don't always like it when they spend so much time on DCL because, for me, it is not that interesting. Same for ABD. However, I understand the show is a marketing arm for them so whatever they need to do is fine.
I got the impression Pete didn't really read the thread in question, so it didn't bother me at all.

I think you absolutely hit the nail on the head. Pete spent 25 minutes asking a question. He then ranted about the answers when it seems to me he hadn’t bothered to read them or he would know many given were valid.

You are kind to give him a pass. :)
I keep trying to understand the logic that DCL cruise is less than a WDW vacation? Maybe it's the dates I can go, but for a family of 4, a 7 night DCL cruise usually prices up at twice of what I pay to go to WDW? :confused3
I don't believe anyone on that thread called them entitled. Pointing out that someone's perspective is completely different from the majority of the audience is NOT calling that person entitled.

Pete asked the question. Posters answered.

And, there was the very real issue of some of the team seeming to snicker at the idea of people getting turned away for positive tests--like anyone has 100% control over that.

I skipped through most of this week's episode. I find that happens when certain hosts are on the show. I heard the rant though.
The problem is the views/opinions expressed on the show vary wildly by who is on the show this week. How do I know if I’m in the target audience before tuning in?

I agree with this. I have even listening since the Bob Varley days and honestly, the podcasters and show have changed so much over the years I never know what to expect. I do know one thing though. I LOVE off the rails and any of the shows where Craig, Deni and Ryno host!
...but until the product is back to normal, this would be rather boring for us...

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

What so many fail to realize, we ae not yet back to normal. Any vacation requires planning, but Disney has taken that to a new level.

Try planning a vacation, any vacation, with a relative from a different area. My sister's family is in New York, we are in North Carolina. My wife works for the school, so cannot take off on school days. My sister's kids have different school vacations than we do. When we finally narrow down a trip on a few of the days that everyone can take off, now comes the booking of everything. Oh, did I mention that my oldest daughter is a first responder, and must submit her "Vacation Time", in seniority order, in December for the following year.

All of that really has nothing to do with Disney. But if you are wondering why we would choose not to do a cruise right now, add on top of all of that one thing, uncertainty.

Airlines are canceling flights for various reasons. Fights are breaking out on flights. Many people do not want to fly with the current requirements.

Deal with all of that, and now still risk being blocked from boarding the ship. Thanks, but no thanks.
I enjoy watching their shows and we have no interest in cruising right now. I didn't find anything they said offensive to me and I rather enjoy when they are critical of Disney parks and the leadership. I feel that when they voice their opinions about these things, that it may get out there more easily. I also enjoy when they compare the two businesses and voice what they believe DCL is doing better than the parks.
I don't think that being a Florida Resident makes you bias. Not everything is close we are a big state. If you are driving down from the Tallahassee to Miami takes 8+ hours to get there. I am a 4 to 5 hours drive from Disney World. So just keep that in mind. I know many who drive down from Pensacola to Orlando, It's a long trip. And sometimes people choose to fly to different parts of the state

And I won't go on a Disney Cruise due to the price. $4000 is a lot of money
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empathy, perspective taking, are important in discussions/conversations. our dis community answered the questions on these threads appropriately and kindly (i don't do youtube so no clue what went on there).
and for the millionth time, the show/podcast needs one actual parent of a younger or teen child/children to show all perspectives in order to have a well rounded group. when discussing the cruise trips we only heard pete's or eileen (sorry if name is incorrect) etc. None brought kids in tow, etc. Let's bring them on to hear their journey too, that would make for a better show for sure with all interests.
sometimes ryno has wonderful contributions about not having a lot of money with his immediate family growing up on trips and brings that to the table, always remembering how that impacted trips but of course it's not recent. Maybe that would be a nice thing too, a family with a budget, bring them on to discuss.
So many people have hit the nail on the head here. I wasn't going to post again but I feel like I can better summarize my feelings after reading what others have to say. To me it has nothing to do with entitlement, or them trying to push their business. Their experience is their experience, and they've worked hard for that, and they have a business to run. My problem was when a whole show was dedicated to asking why people aren't cruising....and we answered.... some of them didn't like the response they got, and had a tone/reaction that made me feel like I was crazy for sharing my answer/opinion. It was the tone deafness and defensiveness that bothered me. These weren't unsolicited answers. We were asked. I hope some members of the panel really stop for a second and read over some comments with an open mind, and see some of the experiences and feelings people are having right now, regarding why they don't want to cruise at the moment. That might even help their business target some of us in different ways!


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