Yahoo! Thanks Tantor!!!!


<font color=green>DIS Veteran</font><br><font colo
Apr 28, 2001
I always come here to get the answers for milesource trivia. Yesterday, I won 3rd place for 500 points!

So thank you Tantor, who posted the answers on 1/10. And thanks you to everyone else who takes the time to post these.:bounce: :bounce:
Nice to hear someone got some points from my posting!!
I won a few times last year so to me it's wonderful when anyone posts the answers.
I also appreciate it when people put answers out there, and congrats on winning points!! Way to go!!

Unfortunately, 3 of the last 5 days, when I get my e-mail from Milesource, one of the answers I've gotten from here has been listed as incorrect. I don't know if it is a problem with Milesource or not, but as much as I appreciate the effort, I'm going to go research my own answers from now on.

Please, don't take this as an insult, it's just that if an answer is incorrect, we don't even get into the drawing to win the points. If I'm going to be excluded from the drawing, I would rather it be through my own bad answer, rather than as a result of my own laziness in not looking up the answer myself.
That's okay. No problem.
Although a couple of days ago I did have the right answert and they said it was wrong but they put the same thing as the correct answer. Very weird. I hope that gets corrected!!
Me too Tantor - the e-mail from 1/10 said that $50,000 was incorrect, but then said the correct answer was $50,000 - very weird!!

But I also had an incorrect yesterday (Delaware), the animal with fingerprints (howler monkey) and largest egg (ostrich). They say all of those are incorrect also, so I don't know.
How cool that you won points in the drawing! It gives me hope that someday I will win some big points. And I will be here checking for the answers, Tantor - THANKS!! A wrong answer now and again isn't bad....;)
I've been researching the answers that Milesource claims are wrong, and so far, Tantor's answers have been correct, and Milesource has been incorrect. Tantor, I apologize if you thought I was picking on you - I wasn't, I just wanted to make sure that people knew there might be a problem. However, I'm coming to believe that it is Milesource's problem and not yours!

Mattsmom, congrats again on winning!! I have a question - on the e-mail from Milesource with the results of the trivia drawing, did they tell you that Delaware was incorrect for the First State? That's what my e-mail said - it said that Connecticut was the first state.

I'm really curious as to whether they are sending out bad e-mails, or if they really aren't checking what people send in...
maybe they don't want to give away any points. Hmmmm.....
I don't know Tantor, it just seems odd to me - but they are still giving away the points, but I just don't understand what is going on.

For example, Mattsmom and I send in the same answers, she wins 500 (which is great!!) and I'm told one of my answers is incorrect...that's why I'm wondering what her daily e-mail said. If her e-mail also says that Delaware is incorrect, then it is obviously just a matter of the e-mails being messed up, and people are still getting into the drawings. But if her e-mail says that Delaware is correct, then it seems as though they are using two different criteria to stick people into the drawing.

It has piqued my curiosity, that's for sure!! LOL!
For example, Mattsmom and I send in the same answers, she wins 500 (which is great!!) and I'm told one of my answers is incorrect...that's why I'm wondering what her daily e-mail said. If her e-mail also says that Delaware is incorrect, then it is obviously just a matter of the e-mails being messed up, and people are still getting into the drawings. But if her e-mail says that Delaware is correct, then it seems as though they are using two different criteria to stick people into the drawing

I sorry, I'm bad, I really don't know! I don't usually read my e-mails from milesource. I noticed the extra points yesterday. Looked at the e-mail from Friday's trivia. It said I won! Then I deleted it.:( After seeing your post, I did look at yesterday's (Sat.), it said I had Delware wrong also. Delware is correct.
You're not bad!!!

I swear, I'm not trying to cause a stink - I'm just a little suspicious when Milesource is repeatedly saying that correct answers are incorrect.
O.K. I'm going to confuse the issue more???? DH does milesource too. He had the e-mail!

Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 09:35:38 -0500
From: "Susan Roberts" <> |
Subject: The trivia answers for 01/10/2003

Thanks for playing Flight Tower Trivia

To find out how you did, check your personal scorecard below. And
take a look at today's lucky winners.


Let's see how you did:

How much did 1999s Blair Witch Project cost to produce?
Your answer $50,000 was incorrect. The correct answer is $50,000

What is the date of the last live Beatles concert?
Your answer August 29, 1966 is correct. Good job.

Who was on the cover of the first issue of Rolling Stone magazine?
Your answer John Lennon is correct. Good job.


We're happy to announce our three Daily Winners!

FIRST PLACE - 1000 AwardMiles to Laxmi from Allen
SECOND PLACE - 250 AwardMiles to Marilyn from Mountain View
THIRD PLACE - 500 AwardMiles to Diane from round rock

Look at the first question. It says he got it wrong. I had the same answer! I'm Diane from round rock!!!!

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: Something is VERY messed up at milesource! I'll take the points though!:D
Am I the only one here who has just quit doing Milesource? I can't bring myself to do it anymore. Something is always wrong with the site (the quizzes won't work, the window thingy popping up all the time, etc, etc.) Plus, the prizes they offer just aren't that useful. Maybe it's just me...

I still do Milesource, but on a very limited basis! They are a little screwy right now! LOL Once I cash out, I think that might be it...I don't ever shop through them and it takes forever to accumulate any miles if you don' I think I will stick to My Points for shopping online...

Thank you everyone who supplies answers daily or links or anything...I appreciate you all! :)
Following last week when Milesource kept telling me answers were wrong, I went and checked some things out on the Internet. Granted, you must take much of what you read there with a grain of salt, but here's what I found:

On the question of fingerprints of the howler monkey vs. the koala, I found this.

And on the largest egg, I found this (look for the heading titled "Largest Eggs").

So are Tantor's answers right and Milesource is wrong? Who knows?

- Mike
I was also wondering - why does the 3rd prize winner receive more points than the 2nd prize winner (in Milesource trivia).


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