Working on Weight Loss During Training

Hey, everyone!

Well, I told our very own Honeibee that I was going to be making my all-time favorite cookie recipe today and I made a commitment to myself out loud to her that I would not taste the batter or eat a single cookie. So far, so good. I put a piece of sugar free cinnamon gum in my mouth and just enjoyed the time mixing and baking with DS13. I literally did not even lick my fingers. I did, however, eat a piece of burnt chocolate chip off a cookie sheet that was headed for the sink. YUCK! Thanks, Judy, for your support and encouragement! :lovestruc

Made a london broil on the foreman grill tonight marinated in A1 and FF italian dressing. When it was almost done I topped with a can of sliced whole mushrooms and closed the lid to grill a bit more. It was absolutely delicious. Have I mentioned how much I am LOVING core?!?!?!

I made fat free sugar free chocolate pudding for dessert tonight -- DD18 is home from college for the weekend and I thought she might enjoy that when she gets back from visiting her former babysittees later tonight. Still not sure I want any pudding, but I may either dip a banana in some or some LF popcorn.

Any body else have any great desserts tonight?

Susie -- Thanks for the link. How are you as far as meeting that list? I am good on everything except bread (none right now since I am only eating core foods to jumpstart my weight loss) and I tend to eat strawberries rather than mixed berries. I was thrilled to see a lot of my favorites on there. :teeth: Thanks again for taking the time to share! :hug:

Hey, Jen -- great job yesterday!
Judy -- sorry your meal was disappointing. I can't find anyone around here to eat Indian with me. Wanna share? :teeth: OMG, I was so shocked the last time I ate it without looking up the WW points value of Naan (sp?) first! :eek:

Minnie -- You are doing so great on your food choices. Don't beat yourself up. It sounds like your portions were very controlled. :thumbsup2 How did you do surviving until lunch time today?

Oh, I went to costco tonight and stocked up on egg whites, olives, dill pickles, canned diced tomatoes and canned mushrooms. Interesting food choices, huh? ;)
Today's agenda for me includes a yard sale to raise Disney trip money so I can go with the kids in late January. They have two days off for a 4-day NON-holiday weekend -- Already got the Pirates and Princesses Party tix for the family so we gotta make this trip happen! I might even try EBAYing. (That makes me a little nervous though.) I did deposit a jar of change into the credit union to get us started, though -- $177!!!! It pays to save all those pennies and dimes!

Judy – Love the stairs image. My hubby used to make a WDW analogy for me when I got sidetracked and wanted to throw in the towel. He’d say, “Wendy, if you took the wrong exit in Jacksonville on your way to WDW, would you drive all the way back to Savannah before you turned yourself around? No!” Now, when he thinks I’m straying from the healthy path, he’ll ask if I’m headed to Savannah.

Sunny – Good luck with DD’s BD. I love celebrating with my kids. Maybe you can take her out to a restaurant that serves great grilled foods – Chili’s is one of my favs.

Jen – Congrats on the 2 LB loss! YAHHHHHHOOOOOOEYYYY indeed!

Carrie – My whole family “encouraged” me to lose weight. I’ve always been round and they were always saying “Why don’t you lose weight? You’d be so much [prettier, more popular, etc.]?” Never lost weight, but definitely got the feeling I wasn’t quite good enough as I was. Sigh. I try to put all that behind me now and focus on being healthier. The marathons really help – What a great esteem-builder, huh?

Susie – Good for you for choosing the half and making solid progress towards your goals!

Pat – Two days without ice cream is a GIANT step in the right direction. Go you!

NCRedding – Congrats on the weight loss AND the exercise challenge! Serious progress there! That’s gotta make you feel good! And on the MT Dew thing – my first healthy change was switching from diet sodas to unsweet tea. I haven’t quite mastered the switch to just water…

Kristi – No worries, girl! It’s a new day and what you do TODAY is all that matters. My nutritionist says we should congratulate ourselves at least three times a day on what we’re doing to improve our health – no matter how small those changes may be. All of us are building on small changes. You only had one piece of cake – One piece. On many days that would be a victory for me, because I have a hard time stopping. You’re here, you’re trying – that’s something!

Cam – Ohmigosh! You are a superwoman!!!!!! Good for you for resisting temptation at your event and then coming home to a healthy meal. (I would tend to binge at home because I felt sorry for myself for “missing out” – You have a wonderful attitude!)

Have a great day everyone!
getnthinr said:
Today's agenda for me includes a yard sale to raise Disney trip money so I can go with the kids in late January. They have two days off for a 4-day NON-holiday weekend -- Already got the Pirates and Princesses Party tix for the family so we gotta make this trip happen! I might even try EBAYing. (That makes me a little nervous though.) I did deposit a jar of change into the credit union to get us started, though -- $177!!!! It pays to save all those pennies and dimes!

Kristi – No worries, girl! It’s a new day and what you do TODAY is all that matters. My nutritionist says we should congratulate ourselves at least three times a day on what we’re doing to improve our health – no matter how small those changes may be. All of us are building on small changes. You only had one piece of cake – One piece. On many days that would be a victory for me, because I have a hard time stopping. You’re here, you’re trying – that’s something!

Thanks, Wendy! :goodvibes

I have been eBaying for quite awhile. Mostly stuff around the house. And I usually buy Halloween costumes in November to resell the next year. I learned a ton of info on the budget board - search there for the ebay threads and you will learn so much!

I did so well on Ebay last summer/Sept., that I paid for a last minute MNSSHP trip for my birthday! :woohoo:

I did much better yesterday. Except for that light chocolate chip ice cream in front of the tv. But you know what? That is infinitely better than what I have been doing! ;)
Cam - Thanks so much for asking :goodvibes

I managed to make it through to lunch and then ordered a grilled chicken strawberry salad so I did well. Then DF and I went to the movies (1st time in forever just the 2 of us) and I have to admit to eating movie theatre popcorn but that was supper and I had nothing else not even a snack in the afternoon. So all in all I think I can call it an on plan day.

On track so far today. I've had 2 Kashi frozen waffles and plan on having the leftover salad from lunch yesterday for today's lunch.

Does anyone know the leanest type of steak? We normally grill out on Saturdays so I want to still do this but want to make a good choice.

WISHing an OP day for eveyrone :wizard:
Minnie -- You did so great on your food yestereday! :thumbsup2 I bet that made you feel so good! :goodvibes:

Wendy -- I am lovin' the Savannah analogy. Thanks! :teeth:

BTW, Minnie, our Acme had london broil on sale, so I grilled that with mushrooms on top. I think it is pretty lean.

Okay, guys, I am still avoiding the cookies like they were poison (well, except that I fed them to all the cross-country team and their parents this morning - oops! ;) )

Just had leftover london broil and mushrooms sauteed in my daily portion of olive oil and then poured egg beater over the top for a core steak & eggs lunch. YUM. All I'd had up till 1:15 was a banana, water & a diet soda. Was starving.

My race packet came for the full. I am racer number 9543. Now I just have to stay focused on dropping one box of margarine worth of weight at a time. :teeth:

Keep up the great work, WISH buddies!
OMG, Cam! I don't have your will power. I would have been eating the dough and a cookie or two. Wow! I'm impressed. As for the list of runners foods - yes, I do eat a lot of those. As a matter of fact, I ate Mexican chicken and Mexican black beans for dinner last night. Very good! However, I need to incorporate more of the items into my diet. For the berries, I'm like you. I prefer strawberries. I'm not a blueberry or raspberry fan but I need to become one with all the healthy benefits they provide.

Minnie- I always have to have that movie popcorn. There is none better! Good for you for staying on plan!

Judy and getnthinr - I LOVE your analogies. So far, I've been doing pretty well....much, much better than I had been. However, I still need to improve and I'm getting a lot of good tips here.

Krisit - it's a struggle for me every day. Sounds like yesterday was a better day for you. Maybe today will be even better. :thumbsup2 I've also learned that depriving yourself can weaken your efforts. Having some light ice cream isn't so bad. My problem is that I eat too much of a good thing. If I could just take some smaller bites, I would be better off. Now, what Cam did - making a batch of cookies without tasting the dough or eating a cookie afterwards........well, I don't have that kind of will power yet. Ugh! That takes strength! :teeth:

getnthinr - good luck on your savings effort. These trips aren't cheap by any means. Good luck on trying ebay. I guess I need to so that sometime.

Have a great day!
Minnie - Sirloin is lean. Anything from the rear end/rump/loin will be leaner than the front end/shoulder area.

Cam - You are doing SO AWESOME!! Way to go. You will definately meet your goals. The London Broil sounds fabulous. Did you slice it before cooking, or cooking the chunk? I use my Foreman in the winter a lot!!

I ahd a family reunion today, so I wasn't on plan the greatest. But I did better than I used to. It was potluck, so you never know what you are going to get. I ran 6 miles in the dark this morning, drove 3 hours to the reunion, sat around and talked with people and then drove 3 hours home. I ate some carbs, but I allow that on my long run days.

Tomorrow is a new day and week! Stay on Plan!!!
I'd like to jump on board!

I started at 303, but got down to 223 (yes, 80 pounds!) However in the past two months, I was put on a new medication, as well as fought off a bout of bronchitis that really slowed me down and now I'm back up at 240.

I did the half last year (part of my weight loss success) and though I've been lightly training, it's time for me to strap down for this years half and re-dedicate myself. It's a bit hard to get my feet off of the ground, due to having gained some weight recently, but I know that once I get started, I should stay motivated.

Height - 5'11. That means that even when I was 303, people didn't believe me. I'm a size 14/16, even at 240.

Long-term Goal - Ultimately, I want to get to 190. Since, even now, I'm down sixty from my original, I am half way there.

Progress so far - Just starting out again. I know that this week will be the hardest.

Training for: WDW Half Marathon

Trying to lose - Trying to be 230 by Thanksgiving and 220 by the marathon.

My struggles - My super - high metabolism boyfriend who is very supportive, but needs to have large quantities of frozen pizza in the house. He's agreed to keep it out for the next two weeks, just till I get on board. I also have a very busy job, (as everyone does) and it's very hard to eat right when your business meetings always take place at the southern comfort food place down the street. I also have an innate magnetism to baked goods! :)

My plan - Get to the gym at least 5 times a week again. Do strength training, and run/walk. At first, I will aim to add more fresh fruits and vegetables to my diet and will be able to add more constraints by next week.

I'll be trying to learn from all of your strengths, so I'll be reading all of your posts too! :)

Carrie-- My daughter is the "bad child". As early as 3 she refused to eat anything that she didn't feel like eating at the time (even foods she liked). After many battles, I gave up and fed her what she wanted. That included almost a solid year of spagettios for breakfast. But along with being picky, she never finishes something just for the sake of finishing. She will leave half of a candy bar because she no longer wanted it. (must have been switched at birth :confused3 ). When she was little and I'd let her pick something at the checkout, sometimes she'd pick tic-tacs or gum (again, can't come from my genes :rotfl: ). I say she is naturally thin and can eat whatever she wants, but it's really because all she wants is what her body needs. Very puzzling indeed!

Poor DS(6) is just like me :sad2: If there's sweets in the house he can't concentrate on anything else. That's all the more reason I have to get myself in control and get the food inventory in control.

My update. I was having a fantastic Thursday following my fantastic Wednesday. Then, Dx brought me a giant chunky (the 4 in one kind). My first thought was, "I'll save it for Sat to have after my LR when I've earned the pionts (16)". But then I stayed up too late, and it got the best of me.

Then Friday, DS woke up sick and I stayed home with him. That completely changed all my plans, so I felt it needed to change my eating as well :confused3 Grrr. I ate junk all day and didn't enjoy one bite.

Saturday was DD's birthday celebration and I did pretty good. At core until dinner, then ate small portions and had cake and ice cream. Way too many points but at least not out of control.

Today's been great, all core, 14 miler and I'm going to be NOW!

Hi Tina, welcome! Congrats on a fantastic weight loss.

I'm 5'7" and have a lot of muscle. People are always amazed at how much I way for my size. When I go to the dr's office they always slide the big chunk to 100 and then slowly inch up while I roll my eyes. Then there's that look of surprize, you can't weigh that much can you? And the big chunk slides over...

I much prefer to tell people my size rather than my weight. It's the size that counts anyway.

tinagirl: Welcome onboard. Congrats on your weight loss, and doing the 1/2 marathon last year. I may start stalking your posts, since our weights and goals are very similar--I'll try not to freak you out though. I too have always weighed more than I looked, although lately that trend isn't as strong as it once was. I am 5'10" and trying to reach 180.

Yesterday was a TOUGH day for me. It was cold and rainy, and I didn't have any thing planned (we skipped church--I won't do that again). DD was out of town, and DH was watching football. All I wanted to do was bake brownies and eat the whole pan. I didn't though. I managed to eat like a healthy person would. But, boy, was I glad when it was bedtime!

Looking back, I realize my mistake, I didn't eat enough protein early on, so I will do better with that next weekend.

Good luck today, everyone.
Cam - I can't believe you didn't eat ANY of those cookies or batter! :thumbsup2 You are AMAZING! I thought of you often this weekend and wondered how you did. I really like that cinnamon gum trick.

Wendy - Oh I love your DH's analogy better than mine! He's very clever! :teeth:

Didn't do so good this weekend. Raked leaves aaaaaaaalllll day yesterday. Then of course had to reward ourselves with......Mexican. :rolleyes:

So I didn't lose any weight this weekend. The good news is I didn't gain any either. I think the LR on Saturday cancelled out the Mexican on Sunday. At least, that's what I'm banking on.

At Cam's suggestion I am going to give Core a try this week. Let's see how that goes. Are heuvos rancheros Core? ;)
UGHHHHH - I ate a piece of b-day cake this morning. UGHHHH.... it was leftover from the party this weekend and I brought it to work thinking I could get rid of it. THEN I EAT IT! I am such a nimrod. I was all core this morning! So from this point on I am back on track. It is now 9:45 am!

DD3 is home sick with DH. I will relieve him at noon so he can go to work. Lets hope I can stay away from the junk!

Tinagirl.... WELCOME. You are doing an amazing job at weight loss!!

Judy - Ohhhhh Mexican!!! DH and I spent yesterday afternoon raking, tho I only did it for an hour, he did the rest. Do you think there are any Core tortillas out there??
Good morning, everyone!
I am so glad to see all the supportive people here. I am so relieved to hear that others share the same struggles that I do, and are willing to confess to it! ;) I am lucky that there are 2 people in my office who are pretty conscientious about what they eat at lunch and we share tips and recipes.

There are two other people who always talk about how to lose weight and how to eat right, but one of them is sitting there eating salad greens w/”triple scoop” – a scoop of chicken salad, a scoop of tuna salad, and a scoop of egg salad. She has given up eating sandwiches and feels the salad is much healthier. Another eats a club sandwich every day with chips, and that is the better choice for her than the cheesesteak and fries she really wants. It is hard sometimes to sit at the kitchen table without the sight of those lunch choices totally triggering cravings.

I am really trying to be good, telling myself that no one else here is training for a distance event and therefore, they don’t have to make the sacrifices that are absolutely necessary for me right now. If I want my body to do what it is going to have to do on January 7, I HAVE to keep a commitment to my body to get it into the best possible shape I can here and now. I guess we can’t ask something from our bodies without giving something in return, right?

Okay, that is going to be my philosophy for the week.

So, it sounds like everyone made some awesome choices and changes this weekend.

NCRedding – you are doing so great! Congratulations for staying on track! I bet you feel like you survived a huge challenge, right?

Tina -- :welcome: You are so amazing! Look at how far you have come. I hope you are really, really proud of yourself. I know it is always better to look forward than back, but I hope you give yourself credit for how far you’ve come and for getting back on track again! I am so glad your DBF is going to cooperate on the pizza thing to help you get past those challenges. What a sweetie!

Hey, Sunny! Great job at DD’s birthday celebration! It is so easy to mindlessly eat in those celebration situations, so give yourself a huge pat on the back. :thumbsup2 Oh, and tell Dx that next time, a small chunky will be such as greatly appreciated! And buying it for you on the day of your LR will be even more appreciated! :teeth:

Jen – Great job on avoiding the cake for so long. Don’t worry, you’re already back on track and you’ll do fine!

Judy – I thought of you every time I almost mindlessly grabbed a cookie this weekend. I feel like I made a commitment to you and to myself. Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words -- you gave me faith that I could do something nice for my family and friends and Andrew's cross-country team without indulging, and I really appreciate that. :hug: I am glad you had your mexican before starting core. I hope it was better than the Indian disappointment the other night. :rolleyes: Good luck with core -- I think you are going to love it!

How awesome for all of us to have as many people as possible on this support team. There is always someone around to give us a boost when we need it! Aren’t WISHers the best!?!? :lovestruc

Well, thanks to you guys (and the accountability I feel now) I made it through another weekend, though not as unscathed as last weekend. But I know I did the best I could in the circumstances. I did 12 miles Saturday afternoon/ evening on the treadmill and ate a 5 point marathon bar ½ way through my workout and had to count those non-core points. However, I earned at least 11 points so I feel like it was a “wash”.

Yesterday, at the birthday party (all day event at our best friends’ house), they had mini hot dogs wrapped in croissants and all sorts of hors d’euvres and chips & hummus and . . . . well, you get the picture, right? I actually brought an apple and ate that instead of tasting any of that stuff and then put gum in my mouth and used that as an excuse every time someone offered me food. :rolleyes: There were no core choices for dinner (pasta in vodka sauce, ground beef patties (baked) and chicken in some kind of herb sauce with oil and artichokes. I ate a lot of the chicken and artichokes and nothing else (well, a bite of DH’s beef patty – not eating it was not a sacrifice ;) ). As soon as we got in the car last night, I reached for emergency provisions – a banana. And that held me until I got home and made whole wheat pasta. Thank God.

I know that on core we have those 35 extra points a week so that we can deal with just those kinds of situations, but I have no restraint. Once I allow myself to eat something, it is hard to stop. By going cold-turkey, it is actually easier for me stay on plan than if I splurge once in a while.

Tomorrow night is my second core weigh in, and then I have a doctor’s appointment to talk about some breathing issues I’m having during training as well as the reappearance of some irregular heartbeats (praying to God my vtach isn’t reoccurring – the 4th surgery has “held” since 1/6/05 and I just can’t bear the thought of dealing with a heart condition again). I wish I'd lost more pounds since I last saw my doctor, but I am hoping he’ll be pleased with the fact that I haven’t gained.

Geez, I do ramble, don’t I? Sorry guys! Thanks so much for the support!

ETA: Jen -- I hope DD is feeling better! :goodvibes: :sunny:
Thanks Cam. DD will be all right. She has pink eye and a nasty cold. When she gets a cold, it is usually bad because she has asthma. Kind of sad for a 3 year old.

I looked at the cake again and the smell was enough to make me gag. Yah!! I seriously could be happy with just the frosting, but then it gives me a tummy ache.

Cam - You have me craving some beef with mushrooms now! You are doing awesome. I hope your weighin brings you low numbers. Also, I am praying that you don't have any more heart issues. Keep us posted!
Tinagirl – Welcome to the thread and congrats on the loss!

NCRedding – I find weekends and evenings tough too. Just to easy to pop into the kitchen and snack on crap. Great job on avoiding those brownies!

Judy – I know this isn’t a substitute but I did find ww tortilla’s at the grocery store and plan on DS making fahitas tonight with them (he has a school project). I’m not sure if they count as core though?

Jen – Hoping your DD feels better!

Cam - Awesome job at that party that was impressive! :wizard: for your doctors appointment :grouphug:

As for me well Sunday was a bit of a miss. Not too high on the calorie scale but way too many carbs. My sciatic has really been giving me troubles so I've been taking the perscription which upsets my stomach so chicken noodle soup, crackers, and sf ff pudding was yesterdays menu :guilty:

Today's menu (and what really occured)

B - Yogurt
S - none
L - chicken noodle soup (soup exploded in microwave so just had ww crackers and peanut butter) :guilty:
S - unsure
D - ww fahitas with grilled chicken and light cheese, salad
D - sf ff pudding if needed

WISing everyone an on plan day :wizard:
HI all! Thanks for your kind words.

Sunny - lol. DD must be an alien.

Sunny & Wendy - None of my family eats when they're stressed. Oh, and did I mention that I have always been told I take after my two overweight aunts? :rolleyes: That's ok, I know they meant well. ;)

Cam - I try to do gum too. I do all different candy flavors and it helps.

:cheer2: :cheer2: TO everyone doing so well! So many sotries of amazing will power!

OK, so Friday I was at a crop and did not do well. :( Saturday, I ran 12 miles and did VERY well! I was so proud of myself. Unfortunately, I was a bottomless pit yesterday. :confused3 I've been avoiding this place, but I'm glad I came in. I am feeling stronger now. I did ok with breakfast and really well with lunch. Now to make it through the rest of my day that does not end until 10 pm.

Goo dluck this weeke everyone!
I'm hungary!

I don't have any core foods with me and I have another hour before I leave for the Y. Ugh.
Oh, Sunny, I am so sorry I didnt' see this earlier. How are you doing? Were you able to find something acceptable to you to eat? I have taken to stashing fruit in my office -- right now I have an apple, a pear and 2 bananas! :teeth: You might want to get some 94% FF popcorn for your desk drawer for mid-afternoon cravings. I also rely on coffee with skim milk and sweet 'n low or sugar free gum or diet soda.

I hope everyone is having a good day! :thumbsup2
Cam: Good luck with the weigh-in, and hope that all is good news with the doctor!

Jen: Good for you on the cake. Hope your DD is better.

Minnie: Hope your sciatic is feeling better. Hate the meds are making you feel off.

Carrie: Great job on the run. Hope your bottomless pit feeling is over.

Sunny: Hope you made it through OK with those BIG hunger issues.

Today was a much better day, although when I stepped on the scale, I wanted to cry--til I talked it thru in my mine-I ate many restaurant meals, and high sodium foods over the weekend, so I tried to drink plenty of water today to get that weight gone--we'll see tomorrow, hopefully!


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