Wk of Sep 7 - WISH Walking/Running Club

I am here to report some actual, bonafide, training! Hard to imagine, huh? :headache:

I had the best 5 Mile run OF MY ENTIRE LIFE and it wasn't easy. I'll mention the stats which should speak for themselves:

Miles: 5
Time: 39:56
Pace: 7:59

Splits: 8:12, 8:18, 7:52, 7:54, 7:39

I pushed each mile, up hills and down out and back. I was (and still am) one tired puppy.

Have a most excellent evening!


I took it easy today, since the hip is still tweaked. Felt good while running, but of course it's sore now that I'm sitting here.

6.5 miles at a cruising speed of 9:40 a mile. :rotfl2:

Gotta go roll on the tennis ball to keep the IT band loose.
Tracy - Hope you feel better. Being sick is NO fun!!
Cecilia- Hope your sugery goes well. Try and take it easy.
Debra - Glad your back. I am with you on the "why do I work" and then I realize oh yeah Disney in Sept (EEC) Disney in Oct (TOT13k) NASCAR race and trip to Keys in Nov, and Disney AGAIN in Jan - YIKES I better keep on working and liking my job too!
Jen - Welcome - you are doing great - your time is better than me and I have been running for 1 1/2 years
Mel - I just wanted to say thanks for your time every week starting the thread. Wow you have been doing it for 3 1/2 - and I have been here for 2 1/2 of that (not non stop since I had a year layoff) Thanks for being the one who started this thread every week because it gave me the encouragement to stick with this running thing. Even when I don't post on here that often (which is alot - I tend to read and then never find "time" to post) I still think about my WISH team mates and the encouragement we all give each other. So thank you!!
MLA1977 - Good luck with your running and getting your DBF to take you to WDW again!!
Shan - Sorry to hear about your ankle - hope that feels better real soon. Congrats on getting out and getting a run in. Sorry to hear you are still having problems with the surgery - hope its better soon.

As for me - my shins are being a real pain - literally!! I got out Monday night and walked to the beach and back with my DH - it was 2 miles even though I had 5 scheduled it was all that I felt like doing. The waves were HUGE - since Ike was south of us. Unfortunately on Friday a surfer died off our beach. He ended being the boyfriend of a co-workers daughter. Yesterday I did 2.9 miles on the TM. I didn't want to push myself too much - I remembered reading once that it was no use doing "garbage miles" - to keep going just to get the miles in. So I figured instead of hurting my shins anymore (the pain did go away but it came back right before 3 miles) I figured at least I am getting something in - today I am supposed to have a rest day and I most likely will do that. Hope eveyone is good and has a great Wednesday!!
HOward - COngrats! That's aweseome!

Tricia - SO sorry about the surfer. How sad. Hope your shins are better soon. RICE!

I had a good run last night. 3.75 in 40 min. 10:36. That's aweseome fo rme on a week night! Plus, dh did not go, so I had to motivate to get myself out alone. The weather was great, though, so I did not let myself be lazy when it's the weather I dreamed of all summer.
Just got back from my morning run. Knee held up! And my ankle felt fine :woohoo: I'm icing them right now just to be safe.
I ran 3 miles with a decent pace considering my walking breaks. Neighbor even joined me for the first two miles. I don't think she is gonna run with me much longer as I get further into my training, but I think I might can talk her into some short runs here and there.

Oh, I wore my minnie dot runningskirt today with some compression shorts underneath. After I dropped off my neighbor and continued on I looked down and noticed my skirt had fallen down almost below my butt. :lmao: I wish I would have waited to buy it, cause now they make them with the shorts built in. Think if I pin it I will get chafed in those spots? I wanted to wear this skirt to the Half.

Have a good day WISHers. :goodvibes
Howard - great numbers! I could only wish.
Shan - I would love to see that Minnie skirt. Any pics?
Tricia - I'm still working on DBF. He did however share the free dining email with me. Hmmm - Christmas time maybe? I'll probably start making ADRs just to be safe.

As for me, I got on the treadmill last night. It was painful. I probably shouldn't have started after 10pm. I'll probably hop on again tonight, but then try to wake up early tomorrow to get my run in then. Apparently my sweet furball who wakes me up for breakfast forgot about the deal that I made with her. If she wakes me up early enough, she gets an early breakfast after I run. Nope. Not anymore. I woke up this morning with the space heater behind my derriere. At least she helped with the chill in the air.
(PSSSST.... I have the princess half on the back burner....)

Take care, Tracy

Princess Half! Princess Half! Princess Half!

I figure we need to do the inaugural so we can report to the other WISHers, right? Hope you can make it!
It's starting to get chilly in the mornings and the evenings. I'll have to start picking up long sleeved shirts and maybe a jacket. Brrr!!

Debra - My PT session went well. He did some ART and stretching and everything seems to be working again :) He mentioned that part of the problem was my balance and that was affecting my knee alignment when I run - as in I have little control over which which way it's landing.

Tricia - Ouch! Have you tried using ice on your shins before you run? My chiro suggested freezing dixie cups, peeling back the paper and then rolling/pressing the ice along my shins. I do that before and after and I don't have much pain there anymore.

Tracy - I'll check out your video when I get home. Would you believe that YouTube is blocked here but Facebook is okay... go figure!

Jeff - Airfare from Toronto to Orlando is in the same price range. Unfortunately, most of it is taxes and fuel surcharges. I still haven't booked for January yet.
mla1977, here it is -

My fav running skirt is a SkirtSports style that they no longer have. The shorts underneath had a gripper built in so they didn't budge. Yesterday I was taking off my IT band wrap and the velcro stuck to the leg. I had to pull it off and when I did it then stuck to the skirt! I like totally trashed my fav skirt! It really pulled the fabric. RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headache:
It's starting to get chilly in the mornings and the evenings. I'll have to start picking up long sleeved shirts and maybe a jacket. Brrr!!

Debra - My PT session went well. He did some ART and stretching and everything seems to be working again :) He mentioned that part of the problem was my balance and that was affecting my knee alignment when I run - as in I have little control over which which way it's landing.

Tricia - Ouch! Have you tried using ice on your shins before you run? My chiro suggested freezing dixie cups, peeling back the paper and then rolling/pressing the ice along my shins. I do that before and after and I don't have much pain there anymore.

Tracy - I'll check out your video when I get home. Would you believe that YouTube is blocked here but Facebook is okay... go figure!

Jeff - Airfare from Toronto to Orlando is in the same price range. Unfortunately, most of it is taxes and fuel surcharges. I still haven't booked for January yet.

Thanks I will have to try that out. I have been good about icing the shins AFTER my runs but never before.

Aren't you lucky that its getting chilly - its still hot here :eek: and probably won't start getting chilly until oh maybe November if we are lucky. Yuck its even hot in here at work - the whole week I think the a/c died!!! As far as where you are you are lucky Facebook is okay - they just did a big internet banning here - we could go on Facebook, You tube or Myspace before but they cut even more sites off. Luckly they didn't cut Disboards out - but I better get off before my lunch break ends so I don't get in trouble!!! LOL
Quick drive-by, since I need to shower and get to sleep (the first full week is always the hardest!).

Walked for .8 miles (I know, it's not far enough!) today, but I'm still coughing up yucky stuff, so I needed to walk back to the house to use my inhaler. :rolleyes: My feet hurt like a millions needles were being stuck in them--my feet are not used to the standing all day again yet. Today, heels. Tomorrow, loafers again.

DH walked with me, but we need to get training. I'm hoping tomorrow is better. The high barometric pressure is making it hard to breathe. :)

I'll post more tomorrow, WISH friends. :)

Duckie - sorry you had a bummer of a walk. I hope tomorrow's better.

Shan - sorry to hear you're still having problems from your surgery. I hope things start to feel better for you.

Carrie - nice run!

Howard - Great job! :worship: :worship: I don't think I could even dream of running that fast.

TNT - I feel your pain with the shins. I get shin splints every so often (weird thing is I usually get them when I'm walking, not running - even on concrete)
Hope they feel better soon.

mla - good luck with your BF and getting to Disney. How's the TKD going? Where do you train? What belt level are you (I know you mentioned it before, but I forget)?

AS for me, I had an awesome r/w tonight. And I actually felt good afterward.
I did a r3/w2 intervals for 7 sets. I finished 3 miles in 37:48 (about a 12:36 mpm pace). For me that's great! Anything under 13mpm pace right now and I am thrilled! :cool1:

I hope tomorrow goes just as well (I'll need a run tmorrow - My boss scheduled a 6 hour meeting at work :scared1: )

Happy training!

Duckie - :grouphug: Hope you're feeling beteer soon!

Terri - Way to go!!! That's awesome!!!
Terri - I train at Destolfos in Conshy. I'm a red belt and have been for a while. I work too many hours so I haven't made it to class much in the past year.

Duckie - Hope you feel better soon!

Tricia - Cute skirts. My BFF and her mom are considering joining me or at least honoring me by running a half on the same day. I would love it if they join me. She commented that I didn't even need to dress like a princess for the race. That led to a discussion on the skirts. Needless to say, a light blue skirt from there may be purshased later in the year...
Well, I've been reading about everyones accomplishment over the summer, but have not been posting. I have tried to keep up 25 miles a week since the Minnie marathon and have been successful for the most part. I have found a local 15K (October 18) and am going to concentrate on preparing for it.

Question...Has or does anyone use the amphipod runlite 2+ hydration belt? I have been thinking about purchasing one.
I don't know about the amphipods, but that got me thinking about my fuel belt. I wondered the other day about the plastic on the bottles when I read that article in the new Runner's World. No where on the bottles does it say what the plastic is...
Total drive-by....

Went out planning to do 3 miles. My shins were killing me. Stopped at mile 1 and stretched as well as one can stretch those pesky shins. Started the second mile and they still were pretty bad. Decided to cut it short at 2 miles.

Keep up the great work everyone! :cheer2:
:wizard: for all the team members sick, or nursing owies. Hang in there, it will better for you soon.

:thumbsup2 for everyone who's logging their miles and getting in their training.
Hello my fellow WISHers...

I'm feeling almost back to my normal seld (If there is a normal me:confused3 )

I got in 4 miles today after work, gettin home and feeding the dog. Not too bad not too much coughing. I did however find out the the parks in my County will be closed every Tuesday starting on October 1st due to budget cuts. :sad2: :sad1: I am not happy about this as Tuesday is a training day. This includes two of the parks I go to, Brian Piccolo Park and Vista View Park (aka Mount Trashmore). Now, I'll have to think of something else.

Duckie: Hope your feeling better soon,

Debra: Hope everything settles in with the job soon and you can get back to important things like posting on Dis WISH boards!!.

Hey to my DL friends: JEFF, Pat, Susie, Steve, Jim, Marcia, Michelle and LynnG.

I Just got my ASI photo that I oredered. I got the one with me wearing my MEDALSSSSS!! It will definately keep me motivated.

Love to ALL, Tracy


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