Wk of Sep 24--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi guys - can I come back please, been hiding over on the DL thread alone as so busy with work I couldn't keep up with the weekly thread, but I'll try harder now I promise!!

Looks like everyone's progressing with their training with leaps and bounds - Dave was that you with the 8 miler as well as the 45 mins, aaah, I remember your first run on the treadmill not so long ago!... and well done Nancy for entering that 5k, we'll get you in the half yet.

Kevin. Intermediate might be a good plan, I used the beginners plan for DL (despite it being my about my 16th half) as I'd had so much time off after the full and while I got round the race in 2.28 with no pain and never really feeling like I was exerting myself I mentally didn't feel as prepared as normal as the weekday runs were a lot shorter than I would normally do. I've got another race in 6 weeks which I want to do in 2.06 (yeh right, I'm at least 10lb heavier than last year when I did 2.08!!!) so I'm going to look at intermediate for that and decide whether that might kick me up a gear. I've got to get some speed work in - interesting as I'm also going to have to seriously slash my carbs to get the weight off!!!!

In other news, I spent yesterday on the phone to an immigration lawyer trying to find a way to come and join you all on your side of the world (things you do to try and get a Minnie medal - I can't justify 18 hours on a plane for 15k so I figured, well if I lived nearby......), but sadly the US is closed to us so I'll just have to make do with Goofy 2008 instead! Helen
solotraveler said:
Ooh, I'd like opinions on these too... I need to do something different than last year.

Speaking of something different..... is anyone doing Hal Higdon's Intermediate I training plan? (Or is willing to take a peek at it at www.halhigdon.com ?) I happened on it and I'm thinking about switching from my modified MfM to this. It's a bit more agressive but with a couple of teensy modifications it would be a great Goofy plan. Opinions most definately welcome!!

Kevin :earsboy:


As Krista said, I'm using Hal Higdon's Intermediate I program, but I modified it slightly as Lynne did to make the "short" LRs on Saturday approx half the distance on Sunday. For example, this past weekend I ran 5 miles on Saturday followed by 11 on Sunday. I've been trying to do the runs approx 24 hours apart to simulate the Goofy weekend, but sometimes this is hard to do. I've been meaning to get on here and ask what kind of training plans all you other Goofies are doing, but I hadn't gotten a chance.
Let me know if you want to see a copy of what I'm doing and I can e-mail it to you.

Everyone else--how are you all doing? I haven't posted on here forever, really no excuse, just busy. I hate to do a drive-by post and I'll have to catch up with everyone and do a real post soon.

Hope everyone is doing well and that training this past weekend went well.

Mel-- Why in the world would they start a race in those conditions?!? :confused3 Sounds like an accident waiting to happen.....

Nancy-- Welcome Back!!

Tammy-- :welcome:

HM Hunters-- :welcome:

monte-- Great job with the race!! :thumbsup2

Judy-- I ordered the Full Tilt Trail Lite. I got a bigger one because, when one trains in Michigan, one needs to carry extra "stuff": gloves, a hat, handwarmers, sunglasses, etc, etc and I wanted to have adaquate room. In response to your other thread, I didn't even know there was a report!! (Found it....will read this evening...) I stayed at the Yacht Club for the 2006 marathon and LOVED it, so I changed my reservation (again) to stay there a couple months ago.

Steven-- Bingo! Exactly what I am thinking of doing. The more I look over it, the more I like it... longer distances, runs of distance as opposed to time, 2 20 milers and easily "Goofy-ifable" with the back to back Saturday and Sunday runs with very little tweaking... Going to have to sleep on it....

Kevin :earsboy:
Hi everybody. :wave2: I'm just sitting here icing my ankle and enjoying ( :rolleyes: ) my post run meal of a Healthy Choice pizza. I did 4 miles in 45 minutes, I ave 11:03, but I don't know my splits as my Garmin lap indicator is messed up again. Hines did the first 2.70 miles with me, I dropped him off at home and finished up by myself. The run felt great, my ankle is still sore and swollen and I was limping during my walk breaks (I did 5/1), but despite that, just getting out there and getting my steps in felt awesome.

Christa--I can gladly post the pic of my knees if you like. :p

Helen--Great to see you again!! I was thinking about you the other day, how nice it was to talk to you and Mel while waiting in line at Trails End. I wish you could join us, but I understand!

Tammy--Welcome!! (Sorry I can't post the welcome smiley, for some reason when we use the laptop without the mouse, we can access the "more" smilies. :confused3 )

Monica--Great job on your half marathon! Was it still snowy or did it melt away?

I better get off here, we have a million things to do this week, just wanted to check in.
Krista - Thank Heaven we didn't have snow during the marathon...Boulder is alittle lower than we, so it was still spring time.
Kevin (and others) I am trying the Higdon's Intermediate II program..but I am modifying it to where I am pretty much only doing the B2B long runs on the weekend. I just dont have time during the week to get in a 10 mile run...I am lucky if I get time to do 4-6 miles on a weekday. I may scale back to Intermediate I, but I am already clearing 18 every 3rd week. This week I'm going after 20 if I can get away from work. Why am I going that far right now? Most of the people I train with are doing New York and they are clearing 20's right now.

Judy - loved the trip report! Sounds like you had an excellent time, and I am insanely jealous that you were just at the World. I use a Runlite with anywhere from 2-4 bottles depending on how far I am going. I also have 2 small pouches and one large pouch, again choosing my pouches depending on how far I am going. At the DL 1/2 I carried 2 bottles (didnt need them, but had them in case my wife needed water in between stops) and a large pouch with the camera and sport beans. I agree with the others who said you need to experiment and determine what will work for you.

Monte - good job on your race. Sounded like an Albuquerque race, with miles and miles between anyone cheering you on and precious few water stations and porta-potties.

Good job to all of those who got their steps in! And welcome to those new people! Post often, so we can all be inspired by you!

Training is going slow since I got back. I did do 8 miles Saturday and then was able to do 4.25 miles today. It was soooooo much easier running in California than in Florida from my perspective. Although it is a little cooler here now or that is what the weatherman says.

For those interested, I finally got my race report up on the DL thread as well.

Helen - welcome back. Wish you could get over here but maybe I will have to invest in airline stocks until then. ;)

monte - good job on the race. Glad there wasn't any snow to deal with.

Nancy - glad to hear you are doing the Komen. It was great meeting with you at DL and hopefully we can see you at the RFTC. Lynnda will also be going slow for that race.

Kevin - I am doing Galloway's method with a long walk every other week on the day before my long run. I am planning on taking the half easy and if I can get in a front corral I may be able to jump up and be carried the first part if it is like past years. :teeth:

Lynne - Did I count 4 half ironmans and 2 full ironmans in a 7 month period. You are putting me to shame when I think I have a hard time going out for short runs during the week. :thumbsup2

Judy - good trip report so far. It sounds like you had a good time out here.

Hopefully I can continue to catch up on everyone and actually get back to a regular routine now.

Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes. I look forward to tapping into your wealth of knowledge as I begin this journey into running.

Don't pay attention to the "grumpy look." I am posting my "tool belt" trail runner look in the hopes of helping you out Judy.
I like the smaller bottles for the variety of being able to take what you want without being burdened with everything.

I carry my waist pack in front and all low with water bottle I use on left (left handed you know and spares in the back. I don't like it at my waist. It rests below the hip bone in front. Camera and phone to the right side. Loaded!

Tonight was a 3 bottle stroll. What can I say? I gotta have my stuff!
:teeth: I'm a Penguin!

From the waddleon.com Web site:
You might be a penguin if...
you have to politely (for the third time) tell the men in the police car moving behind you that No you do not wish a ride.
you wear your jog bra on top of your singlet. This is especially true if you are male.
during a race, you keep turning around to see if there is still anybody behind you.
the rest of the pack is out of sight before you've run 100 yards.
you meet both the hare AND the tortoise running back towards you doing their cool-down after a race.
the only reason you don't drop out of a race is that you're embarrassed that the police in the car behind you (closing the course) will see you.
as you're rounding the corner onto Main Street and the finish line, you overhear the announcer on a microphone to the crowd of 500 saying "we are ASSURED the young lady IS coming in!" (Oh well, at least I was young).
you recognize all the regular runners on your favorite route from behind.
you get passed on the uphill by a runner pushing a double baby jog stroller.
you shoot a 24-shot roll of film during a marathon.
you make arrangements for a late checkout at the hotel.
you are more worried about the porta-potty lines than the start line.
your support crew talks about meeting you for supper, not lunch.
you have to memorize the route because you know that you will lose the back of the pack.
the truck picking up the cones is pressing on your behind. (Don't laugh—this actually happened to me!)
as you pass a course volunteer they ask you, "How many are behind you yet?" and you say "Behind me? Behind? Gosh ... I think two ... Unless they turned around!"
the awards ceremony is over before you cross the finish line.
It's late, I've gotta get some sleep. More tomorrow...
Goofies - I know i have beat this into the ground, but I thought i'd share my training program for last year. Goofy was my first marathon and i was well prepared and had no trouble finishing. I used that 3 day per week program but changed 3 of my mid week tempo runs to be 1/2 the distance of the long run and did them back to back (wed/thurs) the program was featured in rw last year and was great to allow for cross training if you are an adhd athlete like me or lynn. I;ll be glad to find a link if anyone is interested.
MelRhoads said:
the phone gets wet and sweaty though (insert yuck smile here)

Take it from me (GU phone lady), put your phone in a plastic baggie!

Cingular will not replace a phone under warranty if it's been exposed to "liquids"

I kindof did Higdon's Intermediate I plan last year. I was a bit of a rebel and just ran when I felt like it, but my schedule most closely followed that one.
(ETA: My goal was 4:30 and I finished 4:33 so I'd say it worked pretty good)

Have I told you my really great news? I don't remember, I've bored anyone and everyone within ear shot or screen shot...

I have positive confirmation from my Epidural dr and my PT that the only theory that makes sense of my overnight excrutiating sciatica is an adverse reaction to the Levaquin. The newer FDA warning (Aug 06) includes "periphral neuropathies" (that's nerve pain outside of the spinal cord).

The shot dr took my idea and refined it. Her theory is I already had the lumbar stenosis (as she put it "it's yours, you own it") but it was asymptomatic-- causing me no pain. The Levaquin inflamed my sciatic nerves causing them the severe pain I had for 4 months.

This makes more sense for two reasons:
1) I had NO pain, and woke up unable to get out of be one morning, coincedently on the 12th day of Levaquin (not to mention the tendonitis I developed in my L elbow two days prior).
2) Lumbar stenosis makes walking difficult and people need to take many sitting breaks to relieve the pain. SITTING IS WHAT CAUSES MY PAIN! My legs feel the best while in motion and the pain accummulates when they are idle.

This is good news for two reasons:
1) I'm not insane (well, at least not on this account)
2) There's a good chance my nerves will heal themselves and I'll go back to asymptamatic lumbar stenosis. (They've all said there's little correlation between the severity seen on an MRI and a patient's pain level).

The stenosis itself and joint facet inflamation also could have been inflamed by the Levaquin and *might* go back down some :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

As much as I am sad I lost my summer and most of my fitness, this might have been a blessing in disguise. Without the peripheral neurophathies, the neurosurgeons never would have ordered the MRIs, I wouldn't have known I have a degenerated spine and I would have continue to push it to the max.

At least now I know I am a fragile princess :rotfl2: And I shall live as such, with the exception of doing all exercises I'm allowed to do.

The shot has done wonders. I have almost no radicular (radiating nerve) pain and only boney back pain when I sit or stand too long.

I've been cleared to walk as much as I want and even use some upper body weight machines with LIGHT weights. :banana: Those guns will be mine again in no time :lmao:

Next BIG piece of news.......

I'm doing Applefest (This Saturday).

Applefest Half Marathon is NOT open to walkers. They close the course at 3 hours. But, I've looked at past years results and some people have come in as late as 3:14, so I'm going to give it a shot.

WCS: I can't make the distance and hitch a ride with the other drop outs,
2nd WCS I walk it in after they shut off the matts-- I still get the satisfaction of doing the course.

Last Saturday I got out on the bike path for the first time since April (yes, many tears ensued). I did 10 miles at an avg pace of 14:23. That wasn't taxing at all. THere's a chance I just might cross those matts!

Kristi-- will you be there?

Once again, I have to exercise my bragging rights twice removed, if you go to the Applefest site you will see my friend's son, Lowell Ladd breaking the finish ribbon (dressed in blue, glasses). On the results page they have little mini movies and have him listed as the winner for 2003 (1:10:33, and it's a very hilly course, AND just 25 sec short of breaking the course record). It's just past the table of past year's results.

AppleFest Half

Lily-- Man you look determined! I'd move right out of the way if I saw you coming sportin' that 'tude :rotfl2: In fact, I hope to be with you when we hit those rogue pedastrians flittering back and forth across the course in MGM. They'll take one look at that face and get out of the way :rotfl: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

plutosmyfav said:
Kristi-- will you be there?

DARN IT!!!! :furious:

Chad is running, as well as my friend Stacey. But I take Zack to swim lessons at the Nashua Y at 9:50 am.

I was debating going to either the start or the finish, and still hit the class. Chad thinks the roads are blocked off so that I wouldn't be able to leave early, or arrive late. So, we decided I just wouldn't go this time. :sad2: And Zack missed one class while we were in CA, so I hate to miss another class.

I also wanted to ask you about the race, but thought you couldn't do it. So I said nothing earlier since I didn't want to rub salt in the wound, you know?

Maybe we can meet at the Rainforest sometime this fall or something? Our own little mini-meet!

AND - what awesome news in your post! I am so happy to hear some good news from you!!! :banana:
Lily, I saw alot of those fanny packs on Sunday, they are very compact and light weight. Nice.
Kristi-- yes the roads are blocked. You would have to park at their designated site and use their bus service. It probably wouldn't work out too well!

The Rainforest would be nice, or the new Fresh City.

ANd thanks for the well wishes. The other Neurosurgeons haven't commented on my theory because I haven't been back to them. The epidural dr agreed with me that it would be a huge mistake to have the lamenactomy/fusion if the Levaquin theory is correct.

chimera said:
Denny...good luck on your race as well. Are you and Kathy doing the same one?

No, but I think that Tiger Lily 03 and friends/family will be at my race on Oct 8, The Towpath Marathon. Is that right, Tiger Lily?
If so, it'll be nice to know a fellow team member will be there.
Hi everyone -

I'm in a bad mood today. I didn't sleep well last night and it was hot in our room so I turned on the fan at 3:00am and didn't hear the alarm go off at 4:15 so I overslept and did not train. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. I hate when that happens! :furious:

Hi Helen
- Great to see you here! :wave2: Are you saying you want to move to the US? And they won't let you??? I can't believe that! Why would that be? Pardon my ignorance here, but I don't understand. :confused3

Kevin - I was considering that AmphiPod too but I I'm also considering the Full-Tilt Velocity. But what I'm really doing is over thinking this. I need to just order one and be done with it. :rolleyes: We loved the YC, so I can see why you are switching.

Paul - Glad you enjoyed the TR. :teeth: I'm not very good at things like that, so it wasn't all that witty. I was checking out the RunLites too! Geez, I don't know what the heck to get. I wish there was a store near me that had them all in stock so I could go try them on. There isn't, I've already been calling around.

Bill - Thank you for reading my TR. We had a FABULOUS time!! :banana:

Lily - Thank you so much for the pictures! :thumbsup2 What determination! What grit! What color coordination! See, the RunLite belt is so versatile. Maybe that's what I should get. :confused3

Sunny - Oh thank goodness some good news from you! :goodvibes I thought of you during my first ever 5K this past Sunday. I don't know why but all the sudden GRANITE popped into my head and motivated me.

Do we know where Cam is? Did I miss something while I was away?? :rolleyes1
Sunny, good luck on your half this Saturday...should be beautiful this time of year. Have fun! :cool1:
Sunny - Yeah!! :cool1: :banana: I'm so glad you finally got some answers and some relief!

Tammy & HMHunters - Welcome to the WISH Boards. You'll find tons of great info here!

MelR - Sorry you had to drop out of your race. I'd like to take a look at your Goofy program, if you don't mind.

Krista - I won't be doing RFFT this year. I'll be at BWV from Sunday-Friday. Strictly a fun r-n-r trip.

As for waistpacks/water bottles - I forgot to pack mine when I went to DL for the 1/2. I bought one at the Expo. It was at the Asics booth. It worked out great for the race! It has a pouch (about the size of a small cd player) and on either side is a water bottle. Bottles hold about 20 oz. each. What I liked was that the water bottles sat at my hip bones and did not bounce when I was doing my run intervals. I hate when the bottles bounce! Totally throws me off. Also, the pouch held my cell phone, tissues, iPod, and JellyBellys. It also had a small zippered pocket for money and ID. I carried my camera. It didn't feel too heavy either. I put Gatorade in one bottle and water in the other. Finished the Gatorade, but used the water stops for water. Still, I liked the thought that I actually had the other bottle of water if I needed it.

I've slacked off since returning home from DL. Had to catch up with work and school and then try to get ahead since I leave Sunday for WDW. Gonna try to get some short runs (2-3 miles) while at BWV and then get back to full swing when I return.



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