Wk of Mar 4--WISH Walking/Running Club

Stacey Hello; I'm replying to your running shoe differentiation question. I also log the date of my shoes, but sometimes I hit the local sporting goods store and buy a really funky colored pair of laces for the old shoes.

My 9 year old daughter has also partially unlaced some of my old shoes and added a few decorative beads from one of her many craft kits; she loves decorating my old shoes and it's kind of neat as a think of her everytime I lace them up.

Of course all my really old retired shoes are still around; they are my good friends with great stories; I can't part with them. They just get reassigned to lawn-mowing duty, taking out the trash duty, painting a room duty, muddy-day-at-kids'-soccer-game duty, etc. :)

Scott adn I just signed up for the Mackinaw Memorial Bridge Race It's May 26. It's the 50th Anniversary of teh bridge, so this would eb a great year to put it on your schedule! ;) The site says it's 5.4 miles, but my Garmin said 5.06. Except for a little bitty hill at teh end, the last half is all down hill! :D
Hey team... Remember me?? Yes, I have been quiet this past week. So I went on my retreat and rested my foot. It feels much better... until I attempted to run. Well, I shouldn't say it hurts, everything hurts. I haven't ran since last Monday, so tonight I hit the treadmill. My shins hurt, but legs hurt, everything was off. My foot is tender, but so is everything else. It was just a horrible 35 minutes. I ended up walking a great deal of it!!

While I was gone I didn't run at all. We had a mighty wicked snow storm, so the roads were impossible to run on. The hotel didn't have a gym, so I was stuck. I went to the tiny pool on Friday and did some short laps. Well the pool the temp of a hot tub. It was like Noodle Soup... who was it that used to talk about that??? So I ended up water walking because I couldn't do laps. That was all I did all weekend... NOTHING. Now with my stonker tonight on the TM... oh woe is me!!

CONGRATS TO ALL THE RACERS THIS WEEKEND. I thoroughly enjoyed all the race reports!!!

Waist Packs... I have the Amphipod like Stephanie described. The water bottle feels great on my back. It has a small pocket in it that holds gels and other small items. I squeezed my camera in there, but it was really hard to get out. I think I will buy the belt attachment pouch.

Sunny - I am so jealous. DH got me a 301 and I still can't use it. With all the snow we have gotten in the last 2 weeks, the roads are still too chunky to run on!

Kristi - GREAT Running times. Weird about the slow mile. Sometimes when I am doing laps and take a gel break my mile gets really slow. But if you didn't slow down... then I dunno!
Quick question for ya'll Disney Marathon vets--DH and I didn't put any time down on our entry form (for corral placement) b/c we didn't have any proof of time when we sent in our forms. Now that I have an official time (and DH is planning on having one prior to Jan) can we take them to the Expo and have our corral placement changed??

Jen--sorry to hear that your run was so bad. Hopefully the pain (except for your foot) is just from not running in a while. I still think you might have someone look at your foot. Sorry to hear that the hotel exercise facilities were pretty much non-existant--ick on the "noodle soup" pool

Martha--Welcome back! Sounds like you had a yummy trip!

And, since I"ve been so crazy with training and all lately, here's a late "WELCOME" to all the new teammates--I wasn't ignoring you on purpose--just was obsessing over other things!;)

I went to our Women Can Run clinic tonight, just for support--pretty sore today--need all the rest I can get! My race recovery schedule has me doing an "easy" mile tomorrow--we'll see how that goes. But once I'm feeling better, to be read:can walk up and down stairs w/o grimacing:rotfl: , I need to get in my Minnie training!

Thanks for all the well wishes and congrats! It means a lot!!
Mike (Goofyguy):

I'm pretty sure your T-Rex avatar is running faster than my T-Rex avatar!

I'm new the DIS/WISH boards; didn't intend to copy your graphic. :confused3

Sounds like fun helping out all the kids with track. My oldest daughter (9 yrs) will be starting spring cross country in April for the first time; sort of a casual introduction to running for intermediate school kids (grades 3-5).

Take care,

I have one, but I can't remember the brand name. I love it.

I'm sitting in a restaurant right now so I will check when I get home.

I have a Camelbak Flashflo and love it. It has a bladder in it that holds 1 ltr plus. It has additional pockets for the cellphone, Gu, sunglasses, etc. I like having a hose so I drink while running.

Two things I like most about it....1. The design prevents sloshing of the water. There is no air in the bladder and there is a double belt so the bladder can be quickly tightened as you use the water. No bouncing, no water moving around, etc.

2. The bladder can be removed for those runs you just need a fanny pack for. I do that when I know there will be plenty of water.

Here is a review: http://walking.about.com/od/prpack/gr/camelbakflash.htm
Stephanie - You can take proof of time to the expo to be put in the proper corral.

Training Report

I ran 5 last night, although slower than I would like, there was no knee pain :cool1: :cool1:

My pirate: DS wanted to go with me on bike, so he rode bike while I ran, we had so much fun!! I was thrilled to find a new way to spend time with him since I am so busy trying to finish school right now and I miss my DS's so much.

Did not get to run today, but hopefully tomorrow night?

Thanks so much for everyone's input on the Amphipods.

Mike/GoofyGuy - Sounds like you're in for some good speedwork keeping up with the kids. Good luck!

Angie - Glad your knee is doing alright.

Sunny - Good job on getting your runs in. Hope the weather cooperates.

Martha - Glad you had fun and welcome back.

Jen - I'm sorry you had such a tough time. WTG getting in as much as you could.

I got my 7 miles in today. Not only was the wind kick'n chicken, but I saw a lady flying a weiner dog kite. Only, it turned out to be a real dog :rotfl2: . Seriously folks... How is it that the wind knows when you are running up a hill and then chooses to smack you right in the face?

Have a great one everybody!
Just a quick question:

Does anyone have any recommendations on hydration belts, etc?

I'm looking for something light and unobtrusive. I'm not a big drinker when I run but should probably start doing a better job since in theory it is supposed to start getting warmer (not this week though).

Thanks for any input.
Mike- I use the "Ultimate Direction Solitaire" water bottle carrier. It has a full size water bottle, and it also has a zipper pouch on it that I use to hold my gels. Melissa recommended it, and I really like it. I've used it for a long time now. I was so glad I had it at Disney since it was sooo hot. Here's a picture of it below. OK, it's just an excuse to post a picture of me finishing the marathon.

Dave - great pic! Which reminds me...while going through some race pictures to get together for Chad's race album, I came across a pic of you! I snapped you going by somewhere (MGM maybe?). I hadn't met you yet, but I saw the WISH shirt! :rotfl: I'll get the picture to you, I promise.

I bought a new fanny pack with a water bottle. It's a Nathan brand. Actually, all of our fanny packs are Nathan brand. I think it's kind of neat that it's called 'Nathan' since that's the name of our nephew that died last summer in the car accident. He was the star athlete of his high school (nicknamed Superman), so I feel it's very fitting to walk/run with a pack with his name on it. So, when we race, we have Nate with us in some weird way.

This is the non-water bottle one Chad & I both have for racing. It fits a small camera & essentials nicely. No bouncing either - love this!

I just bought this one with the water bottle for training - it's been too cold for me to try it outside though. At the gym, I just bring water bottles.
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Rest day for me on Sunday, and yesterday I ran 4 miles on the TM at 9:31 mpm pace. I've still been super busy at work, but I guess that's a good thing. But it cuts my posts way down. I'm still keeping up with everyone, but I just don't have as much time to post.

Cam- Thanks for your concern about my pushing too much. My shins have been doing OK lately. Oh, and I didn't do my 13.1 mile LR on Saturday solely for fun (although it was fun). It was part of my training for the Flying Pig 1/2 marathon. I'm sortof following Galloway's training plan, and they have you build up to 14-15 miles for the 1/2. This week is a "step down" week, and I'm going to cut back on the mileage of my LR.

Sunny- Major congratulations to you on completing week 6 of your marathon training. That is awesome! Your pace is getting back down there, and you were able to run outside too. Yahoo!!! Glad the neurontin is kicking in.

Mike/Goofyguy- Nice job covering your 10.6 miles on a hilly course. Wow, and then you did another 3 miles with the track team, and one in 6:40!!! That would have blown out my legs for sure (as if I could even do it). Great job! Boy, that sounds like a great running program for the kids. I wonder if my princesses school has that?

Kevin- Good to "see" you here. Nice job on the TM run, and wow, I can't believe you found a brand new pair of shoes. That would be like Christmas. How are things going on the job front?

Martha- Welcome back from New Orleans. Your trip sounds yummy! Nice job on getting your 55 minutes in outside!

SilverSteve- I just wanted to give you my Welcome! Welcome to the team!

Hi Jen :wave2: - Oooh, sorry your TM run was not good. Sounds like you have a lot of aches and pains.

Stephanie- Yes, just bring the official printout of your marathon finishing time to the Disney Expo, and you can get your corral changed. It's pretty easy. Colleen suggested I do it last year, and I'm so glad I did. Otherwise I probably would have been running by myself instead of with Colleen, Melissa, and eventually Steve.

Cecilia- How are you doing? Sorry, to hear about your injury.

Angie- Glad you didn't have any knee pain on your run. My princess, DD9 princess:, would ride her bike along side me when I first started to run, and it was the best.

Kristi- Oooh, another picture, yippeee! Yes, I'd love to have it. Thanks.
I'm still in recovery/rest mode so this week will be nice and relaxing. :rotfl:

Mike - I use a Fuel Belt that can hold any water bottle you want. I haven't had any problems with it other than wearing it out over a couple of years. I will be getting another one soon.

TxAng - I have a small camera case that fits on my Fuel Belt. Although during both of the Disney marathons, I have wound up carrying the camera the entire race. It fits nicely in my palm and doesn't bother me.

Goofyguy - Great job on the running. Those times were excellent.

Kevin - Glad you were able to do something on the TM. I hope that it is nice enough for you to get outside for your next run.

Jen - Sorry to hear that everything hurts. Be careful overdoing it now or something might get more damaged and you will have to take more time off.

Stephanie - You can also send Disney the proof of time before the races and they will place you in the right corral. Just use the email address on the marathon site.

Angie - Glad you were able to get out and that DS had a good time with you as you ran.

Martha - Good to hear that you had fun in New Orleans. The culinary tour sounds like a good one to go on.

Morning team! Well, day 2 after the marathon and I'm feeling pretty good. Just a little foot pain--due to a monster blister between 2 toes--and the expected sore quads. I'm going to do a little xtraining today--gliding harmony again--really need the stretching! Then my post-race training has me jogging a really easy mile--might do it at home or outside later today. I'm so glad that I have the Minnie coming up (that and I have to put a bathing suit on in 4 weeks) to keep me excited about training.

Cam--I really felt you with me marathon morning after I spilled the coffee! At least I only spilled a little!:rotfl: Got most of it in my mouth!

Sunny--great job on your training! Glad to hear that the Neurontin is working for you:thumbsup2

Dave--Getting pretty speedy! Love the picture!

ANgie--Fun having your DS with you on your run! DD came with me to the running clinic last night and walked about a mile with one of my friends. She had a blast! How cool to have our kids inspired to be healthy with us!

bill--I'm right there with you on rest and recovery! Have fun!

Mike--WTG on the miles with that kick'n chick'n wind! LOL about the weiner dog kite!:lmao:

Time to get ready for the gym! Gonna sport my finisher's t-shirt today!!! Yeah, I'm fishing for the compliments, but hey, us athletes deserve it, right???;)
Quick question for ya'll Disney Marathon vets--DH and I didn't put any time down on our entry form (for corral placement) b/c we didn't have any proof of time when we sent in our forms. Now that I have an official time (and DH is planning on having one prior to Jan) can we take them to the Expo and have our corral placement changed??

Yes. You can take your proof of time to Runner Relations at the Expo, and they will change your corral placement. It is very easy to do. By the way, on the topic of what you can change at the Expo, I bought DH a Goofy championchip for Christmas last year. We simply took the chip to the Expo with us, and a Race staff member added his personal chip to the computer. That was super easy to do also. I'm hoping that I find a similar gift under the Christmas tree this year. ;)

No training to report for me. DH and I had a cocktail reception and formal dinner after work. Tonight the schedule calls for XT, but I am going to make up the run that I missed yesterday.

If I clean my closets, do you think I might find brand new running shoes like Kevin? :rotfl: That's even better than finding a $20 bill in your jeans that you forgot about.
Good morning team!! I have good news--I ran 3 miles on the TM last night and no IT band pain!! :cool1: :cool1: My IT band seems to like the 3/3 intervals, so I think I'm going to keep doing that for the next 2-3 weeks and maybe bump up the intervals closer to April. Hopefully I can run the Pig at 5/1, which is where I was for all the marathon training, but you know what, I'll be happy to complete the half without any pain. Oh, and I tried walking on the TM backwards last night--that is SO hard!!!! I only did it for the length of one song, so about 4 minutes; I put the incline on 2% and the speed on 1.1 mphs and I still had to hang on for dear life!!! But I really felt it working my hamstrings, so if that's what it takes to heal my IT band, that's what I'll do!! I'm heading to the Community Center tonight for cross training and weight lifting. Oh, and I wore another pair of my 4-inch heels yesterday and I felt zero pain when running last night. ;)

I have a lot to catch up on, I will try to do my best!

Kevin/DaddyBeast--:welcome: :welcome: :welcome: ! I'm so glad you are here! I'm also glad that Stephen and I aren't the only husband/wife team on the boards anymore. I, too, downloaded Fergielicious (spelling???) after the marathon, even though I pretty much hate the song. Have you listened to the lyrics? :eek: :eek: :eek: But it has a great beat and now a special memory, so on my iPod it is! By the way, I gotta ask, where did your screen name from????

Stephanie--CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You were flying!!!!! Wow!!! I loved your race report and the pictures, reading what you said about your kids cheering for you made me cry! Great report! Now get some rest!

Martha--It sounds like you had a great time in New Orleans! I would love to go there someday. The culinary tour sounds awesome, Stephen and I are both amateur foodies--it sounds like something we would love to do.

Mel-- CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You were flying too!! It sounds like a great course! I'm glad that you had a much better time on this half than in Disney.

Angie--I thought about you on Sunday night when I was watching Extreme Home Makeover or whatever it's called--with Ty Pennington. One of the girls was wearing a fuchsia hard hat!! :cutie: I'm glad that your knee is feeling better and you were able to spend some time with the pirate: 's

Stacey--To keep my shoes straight, I put my Road ID on the newer pair and I also keep the newer ones in their box and just put my older ones on the shelf in my closet. I'm going to have to start donating my old running shoes, I have so many!!

Kristi--I hate training too! But I sure love to race!!!!! Actually, I take that back, once I get going, then I love it, but the hard part is getting my feet going!! That's why I have to run as soon as I get home or on Saturday's as soon as I get up or I won't do it. By the way, do you walk only or do you walk/run? Either way, you are fast!!!! :drive:

Bill-- CONGRATULATIONS!!!! on your half! Wow!! It sounds like everybody had a great time! The real question is: have you painted the baby's room yet?? :scratchin

Mike/Optimator--I use the Amphipod with the water bottle holder too. Your run on Saturday made me :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Kevin/Solo--Maybe you have a shoe fairy! pixiedust:

Jen--Did you ever go to the doctor for you feet? I'm sorry the run was not fun, but at least you got out there and tried. Not too many people do that.

Okay, there are lots of people that I missed, so I'll just say hi to everyone else! :wave2: I'd love to chat more, but I'm starting to accumulate piles of paper, I think today is going to be a busy day! I'll check back in later!
Oh, and I wore another pair of my 4-inch heels yesterday and I felt zero pain when running last night. ;)
Wow, I'm impressed you can run in those 4-inch heels Krista. Do they have a special shock-absorbing heel in them?

BTW: What's the deal with the Fergilicious song? I don't remember hearing that during the marathon.
Dave--I don't run in the 4-inch heels! I wear them to work and then when I get home I run in my running shoes, but sometimes I get pain in my feet from wearing the heels all day. The Fergielicious song was playing as we were walking to the corrals on marathon morning.
Dave--I don't run in the 4-inch heels! I wear them to work and then when I get home I run in my running shoes, but sometimes I get pain in my feet from wearing the heels all day. The Fergielicious song was playing as we were walking to the corrals on marathon morning.
Oh, OK, I was picturing you running on the TM backwards in 4-inch heels.

Seriously, boy, I don't remember that Fergilicious song at all while walking to the corrals, but that's the time I was incredibly nervous. I remember standing around with Christa and Melissa waiting for Colleen to get through the port-a-potty line, but I don't remember any music at all. Wierd, huh?
Kevin - Glad you were able to do something on the TM. I hope that it is nice enough for you to get outside for your next run.
:lmao: Not highly likely, but maybe by the weekend! OK, Kevin's toughter than me, so it's possible, but it's darn cold here! Weekend should be better.

Jen - Sorry about the stonker!

Krista - Show off!!!! :( ;) Running backwards on the TM? yeah, maybe I'll try that when I'm training for teh Goofy. :rotfl2:

OK, I whimped on my run, but did XT at Curves for teh first time in a long time. I'll hit the TM tonight. :( Can't wait fro teh weekend. Supposed to get to the 40s. 50 for next week! :thumbsup2
Carrie--I definitely was NOT running backwards!! I was walking at like 50:00 pace!! When I first tried it, I had the mph's at 2.5, I had to jump off the side of the TM or risk sliding off of the back (or would it be the front? :confused3 ). I'm excited to try it again, and eventually go for longer and faster!! I hope you guys get some nice weather soon. We're supposed to get snow flurries tonight and tomorrow. I want Spring!!!!! :flower2: :flower2: :flower2: :butterfly :flower2: :flower2: :flower2:

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