Wk of Mar 19--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Oh, one thing I did do today, was buy "Marathoning for Mortals" and A book on running by Runner's world.

I guess if I can't actually run, at leastI can read about how to approach it correctly.
Kevin - I totally had that post-marathon invincibility thing going on too! Now I'm signed up for the 50miler :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: Forget post race massage, we needed post race counseling!!! I'm so pathetic I can't let go. Since goofy, I've done a 50k and another marathon and am doing the one this weekend. So sad :confused3
lizdotcom99 said:
Speaking of the dogcatcher.......she is on her way to my house at this very moment!!!! :thumbsup2

See what happens when you DON'T put the steps in? :lmao:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: I found her.


A great time was had by all for sure. We were quite tired after putting in all those steps and now it will take me a few days to get back to "normal" whatever that is.

Papa, good book. Get well. Don't give up.

Whoever spoke of being last. Don't worry about that. Be proud you are out there and doing it. I've been last whilst walking with a friend. It was fantastic!

Happy training everyone.

Welcome new WISH Team members! You will absolutely love it here.
Lily - Great pics. I'm so glad you posted them!!!!

Liz - You look great! I love the b/day cake picture!!!
Jen - Wow! Great mile run on the track!

Maggie - Congratulations on your 5K - that's a great time. Hope my first is that good!

Judy - Hope your ear problem gets diagnosed and healed soon.

Krista - My vet told me to expect puppy behavior for about 2 1/2 years, and that's about the time my lab/chow finally settled down and started acting like a dog! And I LOVED Bobby Hurley - Duke's new point guard, Greg Paulus, reminds me a little of him and it's fun to watch him play.

I need real spring weather, and fast. It's cold and raining, and tomorrow is supposed to be a total rainout, and I don't have a treadmill or a gym, and I need to be able to get outside to run. Friday night was my last run, and it looks like Wednesday will be the next decent day. Even though I'm a newbie, I already get grouchy when I can't run!

magslite said:
Today was my first race!!! :cool1: My time for the 5k was 36:26. That makes my pace 11:45. :thumbsup2 I am so excited. Oh and I wasn't last! My goal (besides finishing) was to finish in less than 40 minutes. :cool1:


Congrats Maggie! Which race did you run? The reason I ask is that I thought you were doing the Shamrock Shuffle which is this coming Sunday. Did you do the St. Paddy's Day Run at Diversey harbor? If so, I was there and walked the course.

Your pace was really good! Congrats.
Hope everyone had a good weekend and wishes for a good upcoming week.

:wizard: for those fighting through colds/injuries.

Don't think I'll be checking in much the rest of the week. Have a real busy week at work and then will be leaving to visit family in Texas.

Will try to get my steps in somehow and will check in when I get back.

Work hard, play hard, train hard!

Just had to share my good news.....our house was put on the market Sturday morning.....we had a showing Sunday morning and then another tonight. We got two offers....and our house is SOLD!!! We will close on the 28th of April.

Also, not sure if I mentioned the job that I really wanted that I came in second place for....well the first place person didn't work out....I start my new job Monday!!!! I go and get my physical tomorrow....and will start first thing Monday morning. :thumbsup2

I am a HAPPY girl but exhaused from the weekend and the whirlwind of emotions..... :banana:

Oh and one last thing before I crash...have I mention that I am pooped? About my abrupt post this morning. I had this funny little feeling that I should do a 2 part post...so I posted part one and then went on to compose part two...we guess when the post monter decided to visit...part two...and that was longer than part one. So, happy thoughts to those who were mentioned in part two but will never know it :rolleyes2 I really did addrss everyone.

I will have to try again tomorrow cause I am too pooped to pop!

Morning Everyone,

Just a quick post for now - last night I did some treadmill work, ran/walked 3 miles: for 5 minutes I walked at 3.7 and for 30 minutes I ran at a speed of 5.3 - my DH said that it was a 11.41 min/mile. Woo hoo - I finally broke the average of the 12 min/mile (not by much but I did it!).

I still can't wait to start running with the Garmin (I should be receiving it tomorrow). All of you have talked about it so positively - I just can't wait to see how I improve with that. I have to get more used to running on pavement. It is a little bit harder so I doubt that I would be able to keep it under a 12 min/mile but that just gives me something to work at.

I just hope that I do well at my upcoming races/walks. I have the MS walk on the 23th and then a breast cancer 5k on Mother's Day weekend - I'm a little nervous about the 5k - but no use in worrying about something that is 2 months away.

Okay - I have to and check everyone's posts......I will be back later! Have a good day everyone,

Congrats Maggie! Which race did you run? The reason I ask is that I thought you were doing the Shamrock Shuffle which is this coming Sunday. Did you do the St. Paddy's Day Run at Diversey harbor? If so, I was there and walked the course.

Your pace was really good! Congrats.

Celeste - I realize that i got the two races mixed up! Oh shoot, you were there and we didn't even meet. Bummer. Did you have fun? It was a beautiful day outside for March.

WISH TEAM - thanks to all of you for the congrats. I will try to catch up with everybody soon. Things just move to fast around here to keep up.

Cam - I hope things are getting better/calming down with your dd, your internet story sounds very similar to what we went through with our dd.

Puppy stories - I have heard that most puppies calm down after about 2 years or so, but the only thing that worked for us was getting a 2nd dog. Now they have each other to keep them busy. However, when it is yucky outside I sometimes wonder what I was thinking as I am wiping 8 paws. :)

Accountability - I went to the gym yesterday, and asked to be shown how to use the rowing machine. It was fun, I only did it for 10 minutes and then switched to the bike and biked 7 miles. If they have room in the babysitting area, I will go back and row longer today. Then maybe walk a little.

Here is to a great day :wizard:
Does driving 15 miles in an hour and 10 minutes count as cross training? We're getting a snow storm right now, it started right around 7:00 this morning and it took me an hour and 10 minutes to drive the 15 miles to work. My knee is sore from riding my brakes--I hope I don't have to take another week off!! :teeth: I had another great workout last night, I did the bike for 30 minutes, keeping my rpm's 80-85, that was great because it worked out the soreness in my booty! After the bike, I did my usual leg presses and leg extensions. I was irritated with all the teenage boys in the weight room, I didn't get to do any of my arm weights because they were lifting barbells on the benches. Okay, fine, but then they would lay the barbells down on the benches and stand and talk. :rolleyes: I finally just left because I was tired of waiting around. When I got home, I did 4 different ab exercises (my legs are in okay shape, my abs--not so much) and then I stretched all my muscles. Stretching felt REALLY good. I think today I'm going to walk 3 miles on the treadmill, I'll walk 3 miles on Thursday, and hopefully by Saturday I'll be good to run. Crossing my fingers!!

Liz--That is wonderful about your new job! What will you be doing? I can't believe your house sold so fast. You must have a beautiful home for it go off the market that quickly. You are building your next house, right? When will that be finished?

Kevin--Good for you for going back to school and finishing your degree. No wonder you are busy all the time, between working full time, getting your degree, and training for marathons. Do you work year round or do you get summers off?

Jen, Maggie, and Jackie--Thanks for the dog advice! We've had Hines in obedience school since August (when he was 4 months old) and personal protection since December. He has calmed down quite a bit, but he still reverts to his puppy ways sometimes, like getting on the couch and jumping on people. I think our next major purchase for him is a shock collar. :teeth:

Carrie and Sunny--Are you around? Are you just busy?

I better get back to work. Talk to you all later!!
I'm here. I'm a slug, but I'm here. Last week was a loss due to work, but I was going to jump back on the wagon Saturday. Nope, nasty cold/flu thing oging on. :( I HAVE to get back this week or I start losing muscle. I had to sit down twice while getting ready this morning. Running tonight will not likely happen.

Kevin - Yes, the marthon gives us amazing confidence. I'm glad it got you going again. :wizard: For the long road ahead.

Cam & Howard - WTG on the PRs!

Maggie - WTG on getting that first one under you belt!

Liz - Grrrr... I'm on teh other side of the state the weekend of the 22nd. It's a birthday party, but will be more like a family reunion for us too.

Well, back to work. I may have another emergency project keeping me away again.
Ok, I am just popping in to post my run for yesterday, but I promise I will come back when I get back to the gym and catch up with everyone.

Yesterday I ran 3 miles in 29m10s. Not half bad. I have had a bit of pain in my shin/claf area, but I think it is a muscle. It started after my 4 miler on Friday. I could jump up and down on it and it didn't hurt, but when I walked and my leg moved a certain way it did. So yesterday I just ran through it, luckily it doesn't hurt anymore today. Here's to hoping that it stays gone!!

Today I am going to the gym with my Mom. I have some strength training to do, and my Mom wants to start the Couch to 5k, so I will wog with her when I am done. She had a gastric bypass a year and a half ago and has gone from almost 300 lbs to 165, I am so excited for her. She has said that if she can get the hang of this running thing, then maybe 2008 she will run the half marathon!!

Anyway, I am rambling and should be heading out the door. So I will catch up with all of you later.

Take Care,

I lucked out and don't have to fly down to Arkansas until Friday morning. I really need the extra time to get some other things taken care of, so I'm pleased.

I got my crosstraining in this morning-- weightlifting, 10 minutes on the stationary bike and 20 minutes on the Versaclimber (ugh). I'm a little stiff from weights yesterday, but my legs feel fien after running, which is a good sign.

Mel- 50 miler?? :crazy: Noooooooooo thank you.

Jackie-- FOR SHAME! I can't believe you used the D-word on this board!! :mad: (A little joke... big time Maryland fan here..... pirate: )

Krista-- I work year-round, though some times are busier than others. May through July tends to slow down a lot, while mid-August through December is nuts. Luckily I've been here almost five years so I've learned all the tricks to get stuff done faster.

Carrie-- :wizard: Feel better soon! That cold/flu thing swept through here a couple weeks ago and we all had it for a while. :(

OK, back to work-
Happy training all!
Kevin (Solotraveler) :earsboy:
Thanks Krista & Kevin!

Sorry about the whining. I am a bad sick person. Plus, I've been looking forward to this weekend and gettign away with a good friend for months. I have to get better!

Also, forgot to say:

Welcome back Helen!!!
Maggie- yes, I had a good time. I walked it and it was the first time I used my Garmin forerunner- what a great device! Don't worry about not meeting me- I had not even showered that morning so you weren't missing much! I'm sure we can meet another time. I was hoping to walk outside again today- but it is a little to windy and cold for me.

Liz- congrats on selling your house!

Everyone have a great day!
Whew...I can finally catch a breather....at least for a moment. It has been a CRAZY week. I have a few errands to run this morning, have to go and fill out employment paperwork and get a physical and then I think I am going to do a little clothes shopping and just get a few new things for work. I think while I am at the mall, I will get a few miles in as well as the weather is really crappy here today!!

Krista, our new home is not even started yet! They are breaking ground on Monday..and have told us it will take about 4 months to build. We will be homeless for a little while...but we knew that was a chance we would be taking. We thought it better to be homeless than to have to pay on two mortgages. We NEVER thought we would sell this quickly though. Sorry about your travel woes this morning! I am hoping we are through with the "S" word here!

Carrie, too bad you wil be on teh other side of the world! One of these days we are going to have to hook up! We are jsut too close...and next time Lily is in town...she will have to give us better notice and maybe we could meet halfway somewhere.

Maggie, WTG on being accountable and getting to the gym. I need to work on my accountibility a bit myself....think the dogcatcher will come a little more often?

Jodi, you will LOVE your Garmin!! SOunds like your workouts are going great! Keep up the good work!

Terri, enjoy your family visit! Where in Texas are you headed! Hope it is nice and warm for you!!

Celeste, too bad you and Maggie missed meeting eachother...I wish we knew you were racing too!! I would have loved to stop by to say :wave2: August is not that far away.....can't wait til then!!

Jackie, I too am ready for spring...what happend to all the pretty weather? Hope things are getting better with you. You have been on my thoughts!!

MelR, thanks for saying I look great! You are too kind. I have to admit I was just glowing though....I have to be the luckiest girl in the world. It was such a thrill to be around GREAT friends for a day that I was dreading. I really was expecting the worst for the big 40.. I have such a hard time dealing with those monumental birthdays. I have to say though...40 is great! I never thought those words would come out of my mouth!! Of course it was not the day or the number that made the day...it was the sincere well wishes and company of the great friends that I have that made this such a special day..and weekend. I am so proud to have the friends that I have. I lvoe them dearly!! Thanks for the info on the onion...I will have Kathy look into that!

Lily, come back! I miss you!! :grouphug:

Papa, you have some great reading material there! Enjoy!! Good luck on getting out there too....slow and steady wins the race. You can do this...one step at a time!

Kevin, you really like to keep busy!! Good luck with all of that....If you are ROOS...I have to wonder what I am :lmao: I don't think there is or should be an acronym for that :rotfl2: Good luck with all you have to do. I got tired just reading about that!!

Well, that is all I have time for now....off to get some new clothes for work...don't need much, but a new blouse of two might just do it for me.

Have a great day and keep warm. I am not sure where spring sprung too!!!

Still totally congested, but otherwise I feel OK, not great. I did "run" today..... got in my 300 feet + or -....... and I started reading the books last night.
I am breaking in from my self imposed lurker status (u guessed it still no exercise to report) for this:

Solo - From one adult college student to another - YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! Last summer after many wrong turns and stops and starts I finished my BS in accounting at the age of 30. I am now a 31 year old Masters student (MBA program) and should have this completed by the end of next year. I wish you the absolute best in juggling work and school. I am a single parent, work full-time, and are going to school full-time and I know just how tough it can be. But it is SO WORTH IT!!!!!!!! Good luck :cheer2: :cheer2:

aladdinsgirl - I did the same thing you did this morning. My normally 45 minute drive turned into over 1 1/2 hours. We got a ton of this white stuff. Where of where did Spring go :confused3

To everyone else :wizard: for all those that are sick or dealing with life's problems :grouphug:

Hope everyone is doing well!!


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