Wk of Mar 19--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Maggie - Congrats!!!!! Great job and good pace!!!

Kim - I've been amazed by the people who do the trails. I ususally come in w/ the 55+ crowds on the trail runs! I'm going to try to do my 1st 50 miler in April (it will likely be my last!!!!!!!) We can switch to the 50k during the race if we don't make the turn around cut offs, so......

Terri - I'm not going to do Goofy again. It wasn't that it was too hard to do again, but it took up so much time and basically 2 whole days away from Phil and the boy. I didn't really like the 1/2 course for the cost of the race either. I'd definitly like to do the full again!!

Rested all day today!!! yea!!!!
Krista - I'm with you on the walking being hard. I went w/ my neighbor b/c she did not want to run w/ me (she said I was too fast :rotfl2: :lmao: :lmao: ). Anyway, I was out of control w/ the garmin. I kept watching it trying to get us in the 13min/mile zone. She wouldn't go w/ me again for a long time b/c she said I killed her :teeth: I actually did it about this time last yr. b/c I was trying to recover from an ankle injury. It ended up that walking hurt my ankle too, so I laid off everything for a week! B/4 i decided to just stop and rest, I did a half w/ the ankle injury! It was really hilly (it's the same one as the full i'm doing next week)

Oh, yeah, I forgot, I'll try to post the race pics if our funny faces turn out good. Last year when we did the 1/2 (EC's husband and I) we tried to look really strong and buff in one of the pictures. We were both posing big time, but did it mutually exclusive of one another. This year, I want to plan the posing, it will give us something to look forward to. We probably will really be the last people on the course. Last year, only 7 women did the full and i would have come in near last w/ my best marathon time.
magslite said:
Today was my first race!!! :cool1: My time for the 5k was 36:26. That makes my pace 11:45. :thumbsup2 I am so excited. Oh and I wasn't last! My goal (besides finishing) was to finish in less than 40 minutes. :cool1:

I did r3/w2 intervals. The first mile stunk. I thought I must be insane for signing up for 2 halfs this year. But, by mile 2 I started thinking wow this feels okay. I tried to start enjoying the chicago lakefront view. At mile 3 I could see my husband (finished 29:09) and the finish line and I just started smiling. This felt really good!! :)

I can't believe how much you were all in my thoughts during the race today.
Thanks for the support.

Maggie, that was a great time! No way you were going to finish last going at that pace!

Helen, welcome beck. Glad you had a good trip, but the lines sure don't sound like much fun. Guess I am spoiled because I have gotten used to not waiting in lines at WDW.
Another week!! Ok first IRL my name is Tricia.

Liz - Hope you enjoyed the rest of your bday week.
Jodi - your personal training sounds interesting.
Amy - glad you are feeling better and glad you got a decent run in.
Crzy4Pooh - Wow 2 weekends in a row!! Thats great. Good luck.
Helen - What no Eeyore? How dare they?? Glad you had a nice time in Japan but the lines sound horrible.
Maggie - Congrats on your race and your goal.

I haven't been in the mood to wog lately. But I forced myself Friday, Sat and today. On Friday and Saturday I barely did a mile (actually yesterday I turned around early so I didn't even do a mile) Today I got in a mile but I didn't time myself so I don't know how good it was. I need to start doing 3 miles since my first 5k is in less than 20 days. I really need to do some strength training for my knees since they are starting to bother me. Does anyone have a good strength training tips for knees?
Good Morning Everyone: :surfweb:

Wow, I had a busy schedule yesterday - lots of events for everyone to go to including a b-day party for each princess to attend. I squeezed in a run outside on the roads and did 2.7 miles in 33 min with my warmup and cool down. It wasn't as far as I wanted to go, but I simply didn't have any more time. I'm taking a rest day today.

Mel - good luck in your training for the Minnie. That's great that your DD13 could run with you.

Jodi - you have been having great workouts! :thumbsup2 You have convinced me I need to schedule something with a personal trainer at my gym.

AmyBeth - Glad you are feeling better. Wow, your pace for 3 miles is impressive especially since you are recovering from being sick.

crzy4pooh :welcome: Good luck with training for the Minnie and Danskin tri.
Originally posted by RunningLilo: Dave- How was your learning to run group? That's a step I haven't had the courage to take yet. I would love to join up with a running club, but I'm so freaking shy. I'm so proud of you for going.
Thanks Dena - you're so kind. My group run on Saturday was great. I ran 2 miles at 10mpm pace with a group of about 4 or 5 at the same pace. It was nice to have the group to run with, and everyone was so very, very friendly. You should definitely run your 5K. Who cares if you are last. You are doing this for YOU, and that's the important part. Even if you are last, you are ahead of where you would be if you were not running. You should be proud of yourself. When I started my group run on Saturday for the AP Learn to Run program everyone took off and I was dead last, but I was fine with it because I was out there running. Just enjoy yourself - you'll be great!

Jen - Yahoo! on your 1 mile run! :woohoo: That is awesome!! My plan is that I'm training for the full marathon in January, but I still haven't told my family of my plans. :blush:

Kim - wow, 17.5 on the treadmill! Ouch, that's rough. I don't know if I could have done it. I ran outside yesterday, and it was cold and blustery. But I found I warmed up pretty fast once I started running. Where in Upstate NY are you? Maybe we could meet up for a race sometime.
Originally posted by perfectmatch300: Dave Great pace on your runs! You're already at a 10 min mile! Glad your training group went well. Sounds like you were right to move to the advanced group.
Thanks Nancy! Great job on your swimming and biking. Are you training for a tri? I can't remember.

Welcome Back Helen :wave2: - I'd love to hear more about your trip to Japan if you have time to share. How was the rest of the experience?

Yeah Maggie!!!! :banana: :cool1: :banana: WTG on your race. That is great! You rock! Keep up the good work! That was a fantastic pace too. You should be really proud of yourself.

Krista - more :wizard: :wizard: for your knee. I hope your recovery goes well so you're ready for the Flying Pig. Oh, that reminded me someone in my running group on Saturday was wearing socks with pigs with wings on them. I was thinking of you.

Hi TnTsParty/Tricia :wave2: - good for you for getting out there on Fri, Sat, and Sun when you weren't in the mood. That really says a lot for your committment. For me that was always the hardest part - getting out there when I didn't feel like it at all. Don't worry about your time, the important part was you were out there. Good for you! :thumbsup2
Good Morning!!

Hard to beleive it is already Monday....where did the weekend go? I have had the best birthday ever...and to think I was dreading 40. Friday, which was my actual birthday, was a quiet evening with Greg and Barkley. Very nice and the cake htey got me was yuumy!! Saturday we thought it would be fun to head into the city and try our hand at the Wicked lottery, lose and them go to lunch. As luck would have it...we actually won the lottery! We got 2 front row center tickets for $50! It was an awesome show and so much fun. Yesterday, the dogcatcher and her hubby came over. We started out in Chicago with a couple of my friends and had brunch at the *****ula. Is it too early to start carb loading for our race on the 1 of April? I think I did a good job of that yesterday!! After brunch we hit Michigan Avenue and walked and walked and walked!! I think we got a good amount of steps in. We went and hung out in Millenium Park for a bit then headed for the track back. I think between actual walking and shopping...we got a good 4 miles in. It was such fun. After a long but fun day, it was time to head home...but beleive it or not, we were hungry. SO Lily, Ted, Greg and I stopped and had a yummy pizza for dinner. All in all a great day! I think I am meeting up with Lily and Ted this morning for breakfast and then to wish them farewell and safe travels. We talked about going for a nice long walk today...Lily really wants to see the coyote...but it is freezing and VERY windy here. Not sure we really want to go coyote hunting today. Regardless, I am gonna go to the mall and get my steps in. We have another house showing today!! This is getting old quick...but I am hoping we can sell soon...I think.....we don't even break ground until the 27th on our new house. Anyway that is the news here.

Dave, sounds like you had a busy day! Good for you for getting out there regardless of what was going on.

Tricia, way to go on getting out there when you don't feel like it! I stuggle with that a lot!! Way to go!!

Hey Nancy! How are things with you? How is the training going? Hope all is well!

MelR, we were talking about you yesterday :teeth: One of the people we were with would LOVE to do your adventure racing stuff. You amaze me. I can't even imagine what a race for you is like. You are one :crazy: lady!!

Jen, when is your 5K? Good luck! Hope they can keep your puppy off the course....amazing how strong those animals can be when they need to be!!
Good morning from Atlanta!

confessional..... I haven't excerscised in three days... Did 3.5 miles at 17mph on Thur, but we were too slammed with house stuff all weekend. Went and bought new laminate floors - redid the garage ... blah blah....

So - tonight we have a 3.5 mile goal... I put together a crock pot meal last night to cook all day today with the intent of leaving my schedule COMPLETELY open for wogging.... (Don't you just love coming home to a crock pot meal - the house smells fabulous and you have nothing to do, but eat!)

See ya later! Dawn
Good morning all!!

Liz- I was remiss in wishing you a Happy Birthday before, so this is a bit late, but Happy Birthday!

Congrats to everyone on their fantastic races this weekend!! It sounds like everyone has done quite well!

Helen- Welcome back!! Interesting to hear your take on Tokyo Disney... I have plans to head to do two weeks in Japan in the spring of 2008, so it's good to hear reports. Note to self: in Japan lines are good things, plan an extra Tokyo Disneyland day.

My running has been in the tank lately. :guilty: I had fully intended to get a 10K this weekend but of course that didn't happen. I was going to run this morning to make up for it... I even went to bed at 9:30.... but no. My cross training and weight lifting have been going great, though. I'm going to try and get out of here at a decent time and get it in tonight. :wizard:

I really wish it were June already...and not just because I am sick of 30 degree temps in mid-March. Every weekend between now and May 15th is booked. I'm either out of town or working or working out of town or studying for finals. (Oh and a 5K on April 30...) :guilty: The remainder of May is totally up in the air... just depends on who is doing what. (Sigh) I have got to get better at juggling I guess. This whole marathon running thing while i full time student with a (very) full time job is new to me. I have no idea how you folks with kids do it.... (ok, Pity Party over)

Happy training all!
Kevin (Solotraveler) :earsboy:
Good morning everyone! :sunny:

I went to the doctor on Friday and apaprently I either have an inner ear issue...or something else. I am scheduled for an MRI of my brain and neck on the 28th. Until then I am on two kinds of meds, one for the dizzyness, which makes me more dopey then usual. :upsidedow

So I didn't do my LW yesterday. But I did do my usual 45 @ 3.8 @ 1% this morning. :thumbsup2

Finally stopping by that "Kilometers" store I wanted to check out. It's a very very tiny store, but they seem to have a lot of nice running clothes. Naturally my eye was drawn to a lime green outfit. :p

I did however get some info on a local event April 2. A Half and a 5K. Being inspired by Cam yet again, I might sign up for it. :yay:

BTW, Cam, EXCELLENT! on your 5K. I am very proud of you. You go girl! :cheer2:

Mel, thanks for the IRL/Location list! :goodvibes

Helen - Welcome back! :wave2:

Judy - sorry about your ear issues! I hope you are able to get them resloved soon! That would be very awesome if you signed up for the 5K. I always feel like such a strong woman when I do something new all on my own!

Kevin - It's raining and in the 30's here too :guilty: I think it is b/c it is spring break.

Liz - that is so cool that you have a friend interested in adventure racing. It is really fun. I like it b/c of the variety of activity and that it challenges me mentally and physically. There are several web sites w/ racing schedules on them. I know there are some really good one's in the Chicago area. I think nationals were in IL 2 yrs ago. Have your friend check into the wild onion. I think that is a chicago race and there is a shorter distance one called the scallion (i think)

I just did a 3 mile TM run. I actually had to stop for a bathroom break and slowed down my pace for about .75 miles to take a phone call from my MIL. It's not good to have a conversation w/ your MIL when you are panting!!!! :teeth: :teeth:

I have a babysitter arranged for Wednesday morning so we can practice some more navigation. We will probably cover about 6-7 miles of hilly wooded terrain (no trails) That is going to be my last big workout b/4 hogeye.
Happy Spring! :sunny: Now if only it felt like spring :rolleyes: . Here's to warmer days ahead!

Did my KBX class today. We did lots of upper body work and abs...body bar, push-ups etc. The cardio was too intense for me today....still in bronchitis recovery mode and I just wasn't quite up to snuff for this class. But I did manage to make it through...did things at a lower cardio level so I wouldn't pass out. :teeth: All in all I'm just happy I got out there! Tomorrow I'll run again...as long as I continue to feel good.

Mel: That adventure racing sounds like so much fun to me. But of course it also sounds brutally hard! You guys have me scared about my trail run in June....if all you experienced runners find it difficult, and slower, where will that leave me LOL! Hopefully I'll make it out of the woods before dark! ;)

Cam: CONGRATS on the 5K!!!! WTG!!! :banana:

Judy: :grouphug: Sending Pixie Dust that they figure out your ear problem :(. I give you so much credit...you've continued to exercise through the dizziness. You are one tough girl!!!

Kevin: WTG on the x-training. I'm sure once things settle down you'll get back into the running routine. At least your still exercising and building all those core muscles with the xt!

Dawn: Sounds like you got a workout doing all the house stuff. I just count that as cross-training LOL! Have a great run tonight!!! And I'm with ya'...those crock-pot meals are the best during the week! LOVE coming home to the smell of food cooking in the house :) .

Liz: I'm so glad you had an awesome birthday weekend!! :goodvibes It really seems like you had a wonderful time!!!!

Dave: Your run with the running group sounds great!! Awesome pace! And boy can I relate to that busy weekend! Seems like the girls are going to b'day parties left and right :). We had one of those weekends too! But heck...you got out there. 2.7 is great!

Tricia: ITA w/ Dave....you got out there and that is the most important thing! Don't worry about how long or far...you managed to exercise when you really didn't want to. That is a great sign of commitment. Keep it up, you're doing great :thumbsup2 .

Krista: Wow! LONG walk....great pace!!! Sounds like you got a great workout and burned loads of calories!

Tiff: Take care of yourself!!! Strep is nothing to mess with :(....hope you're feeling 100% better soon!!!!!

Dena: :grouphug: You just HAVE to run that 5K on 4/22. Honestly, don't worry about when you finish! The fact that you get out there and give it your best is all that matters!!! I really think you should do it....besides you are my running partner in spirit that day :goodvibes . Please don't worry about your time...you're doing really great!!!
I wish I could tell you that I was coming along nicely in training but I can't. I'm now in day 5 of bring down and out with bronchitis and sinus problems. I'm on 3 medications. The best I can hope for is to go take a walk later today.

I am getting better, but at the rate I am progressing, I can't see me jogging until at least Saturday at the earliest.

This stinks, especially since I was so pumped up about getting started.
Amy - don't worry about your trail run! I may be "experienced" but I'm very slow both on the road and trail. I am slower on the trails though. I trail at about 10:30 to 11:00 on my long runs (and appearantly marathons) and about 13:00 to 13:30 on the trail. If you like to get dirty, you'd probably love the adventure races. To be able to do them, you basically have to be stubborn!!!! If you have that "quality" you'd be GREAT at it. Many times about 1/2 the teams DNF. Some of the race directors set up the race to allow teams to reroute for a time penalty to get from the start to finish line.

Dena - I thought you would appreciate this story (it relates to finishing last). I called to see about getting a hotel room at the race start for the night of the race. I checked on late checkout b/c I wanted to take a shower after the race. They told me late checkout is a 1pm and they weren't flexible about the time. Talk about closing the course, I can't even get the hotel which is one of the race sponsors to let me keep a room long enough to take a shower!
I posted a couple of weeks ago that I don't think that I will make the 2007. I am hoping to prove myself to my husband by doing a half next APril here in NJ. Maybe if he sees that I am serious he will consider the DW half in 2008. My older son also will be going back to school this September and we need the money for tuition.

I will be lurking and watching with envy as all of you get ready for this 2007 journey and waiting until it is my turn.

Right now I am training to train. I am trying to lose weight and getting used to walking again (held off for a while because of bone spurs atatched to the Achille's tendon). I am up to an 18.5 minute mile and it keeps getting better every time I walk. I don't want to go out too fast because I have already had problems with my shins and I don't want any problems with those.

Good luck to everyone here and I will be watching.
We're all friends here, right? So I can be blunt for a second? Because I have got to tell you, my booty hurts REAL bad!! I'm assuming walking must either work a different set of muscles then running, or it works them slower because I have never had this problem before. This is not a pleasant feeling--I feel like Melissa!! :lmao:

Amy--I know what you mean about spring, it's really cold here today and we're supposed to get an ice and snow storm tomorrow. What is up with that?? Don't push yourself too hard tomorrow, if you start coughing or feel burning in your chest, stop!!

Dona--Don't worry, you'll be out there doing marathons before you know it. Just keep working at it, you're on the right track.

Melissa--Is this weekend your "training run"? Are you part of the marathon a month club? :teeth: Sorry the weather is so yucky for the boy's spring break. Hopefully it'll warm up for you.

Dave--I'm still working on that Terrible Towel therapy, seems to be working!! Did you hear we lost Chris Hope? That's 3 key players in a week. But on the good side, Deshea Townsend resigned. Congrats on your running group. That must be such a wonderful support group.

Judy-- :wizard: :wizard: hope you are feeling better soon!!

Jen--So, you're telling me I have at least 5 more years of puppydom? I have a 11-month old black lab. He is a good dog, but VERY much a puppy.

Kevin--How do you stay sane when you are so busy? What are you getting your degree in? Is your master's or bachelor's? Good luck with not going off the deep end!!

Liz--Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. I'm jealous that you got to see Wicked. I'm a big Broadway buff, my favorite is Phantom of the Opera and Evita. Can you tell I really like Andrew Lloyd Weber? Did you and Lily go coyote hunting today?

I better get back to work, I'm just here taking a break!
I have to catch up on all the posts....wow!!!!

Hope you all had a great weekend!!!!

I have a question, I have looked all through the internet and can not find out what my problem is. At the beginning of my walks I get terrible pain in the front of my shins....I have read up on shin splints but apparently then the pain would be inside the shin, this seems to be the shin it self??? Has anyone ever had that?? It last for about the first mile and a half.

I am just in the beginning of my training and have not progressed to running or even really jogging yet, just increasing my speed with my walking....

Help please????


Thank you for the warm welcome! Hope everyone had a good weekend! :wave:

To all those injured, bruised and/or sick…. pixiedust:

To those dealing with teenagers…. :grouphug: pixiedust: DS(19) has been a pretty good teenager & is turning into a pretty good young adult, but he has had & sometimes still has his moments.

Tricia – I am so very sorry about your cat. :grouphug:

Judy – I’m with you on doing the distance before the race. I figure I will be nervous enough at the start of the 2007 Half, I don’t want to be stressing about whether or not I can make it or not…I too want to KNOW I can make it.

To those have been posting their workouts…GREAT JOB I love reading about everyones workouts. It really helps me stay motivated. You are all a huge inspiration!

Cam & Maggie – Congratulations on your 5K !!!!!!!! :woohoo:

Last week I did 4 days (Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun) on the treadmill. Walked 3min 45sec at 3.7mph (16:12mpm) Ran 1min 15sec at 5.0mph (12:00mpm) for 30min plus a 5min warm-up & cool-down. Saturday we (myself, DH, DS & DSGF) went for a 5 mile bike ride around the reservoir. I haven’t biked in years….took it real slow & made a few stops, especially after some of the hills. LOL. Today I decided to do something different. On the treadmill I did 5min at 3.7mph (16:12mpm), 5min at 3.8mph (15:47mpm), 5min at 3.9mph (15:23mpm), 5min at 4.0mph (15:00mpm) all at a 2% incline, plus a 5min warm-up & cool-down. Then I did some exercises with resistance bands & a lot of stretching.
Krista, My dog is a little strange. I was told that after 3 years she would settle down. It's not like she is rambunctous like a puppy, she is just into everything and full of energy. At least she stopped chewing on the walls!! :rotfl2: She is not the greatest running partner because she likes to go go go... but I guess at 70 pounds, she can pull me along if she wants!
Well, it's official.....

I'm officially ROOS ....

Really Out Of Shape!

I got home and dutifully set out for my 10K. Stratch that... 5K. I finished in 28:55, or 9:20/mile pace, so that part I'm very happy with. What I'm not so happy with is the fact that I am WHIPPED. Boy howdy am I out of shape!! I just ran a marathon two months ago, right? I mean, that wasn't just a figment of my imagination..... right?

AmyBeth-- Thank you for reminding me that even when I'm crosstraining, I'm doing something. I tend to forget that right now what I need to be doing is getting in the best possible shape before crazy training starts. I think I forget that when I'm not running regularly.

Papa-- Get well sooon. Definately a good idea to take time off when you are really sick. Don't get discouraged... get right back on the wagon when you start to feel better.

Kim-- Sounds like shin splints to me. So long as your shoes are fitting you well, the only advice I would give you is to make sure and stretch that muscle well prior to running and then ice afterwards if you have any lingering pain. If it persists, I might consider seeing an athletic trainer or doc, just to make sure you don't have something that'll sideline you longer term.

Krista-- I have no idea how I stay sane. I think it's a combination of factors-- I let myself relax when I need to, I'm scheduled within an inch of my life and I let things slip a little. I'm working on trying to eliminate that last one. it's taken some time to get back into the routine with school, since it had been so long.

I am finishing my bachelor's degree in Psychology and I hope to go to graduate school and eventually work in a clinical setting. Going back to school was one of those "marathon side effects." I wish I could explain it to other people well, but one of the bonuses of training for the marathon is this bizzare (sometimes unfounded) self-confidence. Prior to really starting training for '06, I honestly never EVER finished anything.... and that was true for school too. Sometime in mid-October I just decided it was time--- and I was going to go back on my terms and study what I wanted to. I attend the University I work for, so work being supportive was not an issue. So when my advisor marveled at my midsemester grades when we met last week, she asked what made the difference this time, I said "I ran a marathon." I guess for me, it taught me how much I could accomplish if I put my heart and mind into something.

Ok, off my soapbox---
Happy training!
Kevin (Solotraveler) :earsboy:


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