Who Knew We Were Virginians?


Mommy to Claire
Oct 28, 2006
Hello! Welcome to my newest trip report ….one that is NOT about Disney World or Disney Cruise Line, or anything Disney related for the most part! I took a step on the wild side this Spring and went to Williamsburg, Virginia.

Some of you have read my previous reports over the years. You have traveled with Me, Claire and Skip, you have traveled with Me, Claire and my Parents, you have traveled with me and several of my friends and co-workers, and most recently you have traveled with me, Claire, my parents and my sister Gail and her family, My Aunt Mary and Geoff and extended cousins. This time you will be introduced to my other sister Amanda (though she has been mentioned in other reports). This is our first trip together as adults. Claire, of course is along for the fun, as are my parents again.
Let me introduce myself. I am Jen. I am a HUGE Disney fan. I have traveled there over 10 times now. 10 used to be that magic number I was trying to achieve. Something about that number just made it sound like a seasoned Disney vet, and I am past that number now! Woohoo! I have also sailed on Disney Cruise Line 3 times and I am hoping to take many more in the future.
I am the wife of Skip, who is what many people call a resistor. He enjoys Disney, but he doesn’t see the need to go there or anywhere for that matter that often. I love him very much, but I need to get him turned around on that idea.
I am the mother to 3 children …..Michael, who is 24, Paige, who just turned 21, and Claire, who is 8. Claire is my travel partner and she enjoys it just as much as I do.

This trip came about last fall. My Mom has a timeshare through Marriott. She decided that this year she would like to go to Williamsburg. My youngest sister Amanda usually travels with my parents as well. They both agreed this was the place they would like to go. My Dad on the other hand said there was no way he would be going. He also said it would be the start of his busy season with his work, which is a lawn service business. Mom mentioned to me that if Dad didn’t go that perhaps Claire and I could come along. I thought that would be wonderful. Colonial Williamsburg is a place I had wanted to visit for years. Actually I have wanted to go for over 20 years. We came close to going a few times, but in the end, we always headed to Florida instead.

Months passed and it was talked about here and there, but nothing really came of it. Sometime late January my Mom called and said it was official, Dad was not coming along. I told Skip about the plans and he of course made a face about it, but I went in with the fact that if I went with my Mom he would be off the hook. I knew this wasn’t a top spot he wanted to go to and he knew I wanted to get there someday. Basically he didn’t say yes or no, but he just said for me to keep it quiet, as his family and friends tend to be anti-travel and they seem to get upset and think I go too often. I am not sure why they care, or why he cares what they think, but I agreed and didn’t mention it to too many people.

Now for the planning. The dates were April 13-20. I am a planner, but it soon became clear that my sister did NOT want to do much planning at all. It got a little heated at times, as Mom would tell me one thing and she would tell me another and I felt stuck in the middle. I decided that I would just go with the flow. That is very hard for me, but I actually did a pretty good job. I did have a list of a few things I wanted to do, and I also said that I was not sleeping in and wasting days, nor leaving early to come back to the resort. I mentioned renting 2 separate cars, but I was assured it would all be fine. We did work things out, but in the future, I WILL be renting my OWN car.

I booked our flights out of Columbus, OH, where my sister lives, reserved the car, and got us tickets to Bush Gardens and the rest was going to wait till we got there.

I did a little research, but not like I would normally do. Luckily I have looked into Colonial Williamsburg over the years more than once, so I was slightly familiar with it.

The plan was to go to Bush Gardens on Sunday the 14th, only because the park was only open limited days while we were there. The rest of the plans were to do at least 3 days at Colonial Williamsburg, and spend one day going to nearby Plantations. The rest was going to be on the fly. That is so not like me at all, but I managed.

Once the plans were made we just had to wait for our dates to arrive.

I would like to say I took fantastic notes, but I didn’t, so most of this is going to be from memory. I also didn’t take as many pictures as I normally do. Now don’t get me wrong, I took a lot of pictures, but there are periods of time where I took absolutely none.

Now, this is going to be very slow going as I am also still working on my last trip to Disney as well ......
April 12, 2013, Friday

April 13, 2013, Saturday, Day 1
Surprise, guess who else is coming
The Marriott at Fords Colony
Touring the Marriott, Dinner, Swimming and Our Late Arrival

April 14, 2013, Sunday, Day 2
An Early Morning Walk
Touring the Property
Off to Busch Gardens
The Not So Exciting Boat Ride
Time for Lunch
A Cheesey Twist on Snow White
Dancing Queen
The Maypole
Roaming Around and Some Animals
Pottery Project
Another Ride and The Clydesdale
Horses, Sheep, and Italy
Snack Time and Our Evening

April 15, 2013, Monday, Day 3
A Morning Walk and Then Off to Colonial Williamsburg
The Visitor Center and Our First Glimpse of History
Exploring Williamsburg and the Hunt for Lunch
Exploring the Capitol
Finishing up With the Capitol and on to More Fun
The Streets Of Williamsburg and Our Evening

April 16, 2013, Tuesday, Day 4
The Palace Gardens
Martha Washingtion and the Maze
The Palace Grounds
Touring the Palace with Mr. Brat
The Palace Rooms
Trying to Find Lunch
The Church and Armory
Resting and Ghost Hunting
The Ghost Walk 1
The Ghost Walk 2

April 17, 2013, Wednesday, Day 5
An Early Start at Colonial Williamsburg
A Show and a Walk Around Town
Shops and Oxen
More Shops and Lunch
Exploring More of Town and a Hidden Mickey
William and Mary
Squirrel! Swimming and Dinner Time
Christiana Cambell's Tavern

April 18, 2013, Thursday, Day 6
Jamestown Settlement, Powhatan Village
Red Headed Indians, Chickens and Pocohantis
The Fort
The Church and the Spy
The Ships
Finishing Our Day

April 19, 2013, Friday, Day 7
Dad's new Buddy
Shirley Plantation
Shirley's Beautiful Grounds
The Last of Shirley
Berkley's Grounds
Berkley's Tour and on to Westover
Walking Around Westover
Westover's Gardens
Sherwood Forest and Kings Arm Tavern
The Red Coats and Dinner

April 20, 2013, Saturday, Day 8
Flying Home

Final Thoughts
My Thoughts

An American Girl Adventure

I'll be following along. My family & I visited Williamsburg back in 2009 and loved it!
Yeah! :cool1: Can't wait to see it brought to life with all your gorgeous photos!
Looking forward to hearing all about CW.

Jill in CO
Your trip report caught my attention because I live in Virginia! I'm in Virginia Beach, about 45 minutes or so from Williamsburg. We are season pass holders to Busch Gardens, we go there all the time. Can't wait to read more of your report!
Checking in. This is an area that I never considered visiting so I can't wait to read all about it.

I'm in and I solemnly swear I will do my best to keep up!!! I am really interested in hearing about this trip- I know Ben would love the historical portions and Nate would love the thrill rides at Busch Gardens.

Can't wait to follow along and see your awesome pictures!

Love the title!
I'll be following along. My family & I visited Williamsburg back in 2009 and loved it!

We enjoyed it, but it surely is not like Disney. But we had a good time and it triggered a lot of American History I had forgotten about.

Yeah! :cool1: Can't wait to see it brought to life with all your gorgeous photos!

Hi Janet! I enjoyed taking different pictures.

In for your TR! :)


Can't wait to see what I see everyday thru your pics! :)

You can correct me when I give wrong info. LOL. it took me a while to get in the swing of things.

I'm here!

Hi Carey!!!! :)

Your trip report caught my attention because I live in Virginia! I'm in Virginia Beach, about 45 minutes or so from Williamsburg. We are season pass holders to Busch Gardens, we go there all the time. Can't wait to read more of your report!

Well I will say I am no longer a thrill ride seeker, so we did a tamer day, but still had fun.

Checking in. This is an area that I never considered visiting so I can't wait to read all about it.


It is a very interesting and beautiful area.

I'm in and I solemnly swear I will do my best to keep up!!! I am really interested in hearing about this trip- I know Ben would love the historical portions and Nate would love the thrill rides at Busch Gardens.

Can't wait to follow along and see your awesome pictures!

Love the title!

Busch has a ton of Big rides! More than I realized.

Hi Lisa!!! :thumbsup2
Hi Janet! I enjoyed taking different pictures.

I know what you mean. My true love will always be with Disney photos. But sometimes it's just a lot of fun to have new things to photograph! :)
Joining in for the ride. Has been many years since I have gone to Williamsburg. Looking forward to it.
Ohhhhhhhh...I was in Williamsburg/Jamestown April 22 and 23rd for my daughter's 8th grade class trip! Then we spent the rest of the week in DC. We flew from CA, so by the time we landed in DC, then had what seemed like a forever bus ride to Williamsburg, I had a POUNDING migraine that did not go away for a couple of days. My time there is remembered somewhat in a painful haze, so I REALLY look forward to your TR. Maybe it will refresh some memories I know I have but can't remember!:confused3
Can't wait to hear how it went. We love going there.

It will be slow going, but I'll get it all posted eventually! ;)

I know what you mean. My true love will always be with Disney photos. But sometimes it's just a lot of fun to have new things to photograph! :)

It was so much fun to take things that are so different than our normal vacation photos. Some were great, some were blah.

Just had to subscribe to this TR! I've been enjoying the pictures on Facebook.

I am betting that you might know what my title means. :thumbsup2

Joining in for the ride. Has been many years since I have gone to Williamsburg. Looking forward to it.

Hi Pat, Glad you made it over.

Hi Scott!

Ohhhhhhhh...I was in Williamsburg/Jamestown April 22 and 23rd for my daughter's 8th grade class trip! Then we spent the rest of the week in DC. We flew from CA, so by the time we landed in DC, then had what seemed like a forever bus ride to Williamsburg, I had a POUNDING migraine that did not go away for a couple of days. My time there is remembered somewhat in a painful haze, so I REALLY look forward to your TR. Maybe it will refresh some memories I know I have but can't remember!:confused3

Oh I have been there before with the migraines too. It really can make things not as enjoyable.
I hope this does refresh your memory too.


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