Who here is not in the "clique" like me? Part 2

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Good morning everyone!

Donna-- as always, thanks for breakfast. Stay warm!

Linda-- :rotfl2: x-ray :rotfl2: metal on undies :rotfl2:

Ashley-- hugs to you and your grandma :grouphug: I know you said he is on medication, is he going to counseling as well? I hope so. I don't really know what to say except that I'll be praying for your grandma and grandpa.

Well, I'm almost done making the Christmas cards. My goal is to send them out next week.

Have a great Friday everyone! :woohoo:
Good Morning!

Donna- Thanks for the french toast! Those are some very cute ornaments!

Linda- That's too funny about the xray! And please don't take this the wrong way, but I like your choice in undies. My sister works at Fredrick's.

Dznyfan- A pm is on it's way. That's sweet about the bear. I collect the Nikki bears. They are my favorite color (purple) and have my name. It was meant to be! :teeth:

Lin- That is very confusing! You sent a very good letter.

Ashley- :grouphug: I don't have much advice to offer. I hope he starts taking his medication if he isn't. I am kind of dealing with something similar too. My grandparents (on my dad's side) are in major debt. They pay 2 of my uncles rent. And my uncles are in their 50's. :sad2: My uncles just take advantage of them. It makes my parents sick. They have tried talking to them but nothing works. So last week they talked to my dad's uncle who lives out of the country to try to get him to talk to my grandparents to see if they would listen to him, but the must have figured something was up. They claimed my grandpa was sick. Something needs to be done soon. They just don't listen. Again, :grouphug:
Ashley: wow that was fast with your computer! Who did you send it to? Sorry to hear about your grandpa. I agree that someone needs to get the guns out of the house, especially if he is acting irrationally. I know the medication does take a long time before it is effective, and someone needs to make sure he takes it every day. It is very common for bipolar people to say they are taking it when they are really not. Both of my kids' fathers were mildly bipolar, but they were both more on the depressive side and neither one was medicated for it. It can be a very difficult thing to live with. I hope he gets it under control, and soon. The owls on those shoes are very cute! I don't think I personally would wear them though, just not my style.

I have no idea what I was dreaming about last night, but I woke up with the song "Eye of the Tiger" stuck in my head. Not only have I not heard that song in the longest time, I don't even really like it that much!! Very weird.

Donna: those ornaments are adorable!

DznyFan: your bears sound very cute! How sweet of your DH to make one for you.

I am so happy, yesterday I took a different route home so we could stop at the KFC drive through, and I saw on the sign outside the Walgreens right behind my house that Santa will be there for pictures tomorrow morning! So we don't have to go to the mall!! YAAY!!

ETA: It has warmed up here since yesterday... it's all the way up to 17 degrees!!
Rhaine78 said:
Rhaine78: Is it ok if we call you Jessica? It sounds like you're going to have a wonderful time at WDW - what a lovely time of year to go! I would love to go at Christmas time said:
You bet! I wouldn't have put it in the msg if it weren't. :thumbsup2
I am very excited about this trip. Even more so than the first time we went. I think it's because I know what it's like now, and I fell so madly in love with it... ahhh it's my 2nd home... and my plan is to make it my first home by retirement age lol! I have looked through many threads but never registered until a few days ago. I am hooked! LOL! Everyone here is great, and I really appreciate the info, laughs and cries thus far! I'll be at the ASMo from Dec 10-27th. If anyone's there I'll have my LGMH's on the door, and on my person! Hope to run into some of you there!

Rhaine78 - Jessica - a belated WELCOME :welcome: to our cliqueless clique. We are a fun group.

Also, congratulations on your upcoming wedding and honeymoon. My DW and I had our honeymoon at Disney (along with a short cruise) as well.
lindakmonty said:
This is so embarassing but I have to share w/you guys...you should get a good laugh... today I went to the dr. I tell him my lower back has just been killing me :guilty: he says he wants an x-ray...ok...I go to the imaging place for an x-ray..no biggie right...I dress in those dorky scrubs and lay down...the lady does the x-rays then she comes back w/this confused look on her face...she asks me...do you have anything metal on your underwear... I start blushing :blush: ummm yeah, actually I think I do :lmao: woops... apparently those little charms on Fredericks underoos are metal and she had to do the x-rays again :rotfl: :lmao: boy oh boy....that's just bad!!!
Okay.....since I'm not privvy to other people's skivvies.....your skivvies have metal charms on them? :confused3 Isn't that a bit, um....uncomfortable? :confused3

Funny, nonetheless.... :rotfl:

(I'm laughing WITH you Linda....)
lyzziesmom said:
I gave the girls an early Christmas present today: the movie Elf. I figured, since it's a Christmas movie, it only makes sense to watch it now rather than after Christmas. So we watched it this evening - I told the girls it would be done about 10 minutes after bedtime, which is 8:00, and it was over at 8:11. That was a good guess!!
Elf was a pretty funny movie. We bought it last year after it came out. The kids love it. :thumbsup2
pozey said:
Okay.....since I'm not privvy to other people's skivvies.....your skivvies have metal charms on them? :confused3 Isn't that a bit, um....uncomfortable? :confused3

Funny, nonetheless.... :rotfl:

(I'm laughing WITH you Linda....)

:rotfl2: well... if it were uncomfortable, maybe I would have remembered it and thought just maybe I better remove them just in case. Nicole knows what I'm talking about, thank goodness. I'd post a pix but I can't go to sites like that here a work :rolleyes: sensored :confused3 ... on the front at the top they just have a little cut out w/a little charm hanging that is of an "x"... they're cute. imo anyway ;)... and Mikes of coarse... :teeth: wow... you know way too much about my skivvies... sorry pozey :rotfl: They're tasteful...I promise :smooth:

lyzziesmom...Elf is cute! I had to let Kenny open a movie so I could watch it w/him too :rolleyes1 I forget already which one it was.. :rolleyes1

Dznyfan... yes a ton of pix, but it did look so awesome!!! Some really good pix of Erin princess:

Ashley...yay! that was great to get your computer back so fast :woohoo: It does sound like maybe your grandpa isn't taking his meds... maybe they can watch him a little closer. Good luck and I'll keep them in my prayers.

Nicole... your sister works at Fredericks...that's awesome. I wish we had a store close. Some things are just better to see in person instead of a catalog...

Welcome Rhaine78!! Congrats and good luck! You will have a fabulous time. Come join us anytime!!

Donna , those ornaments are so adorable :cloud9:
DznyFan -- Saw the pictures of Erin's play! They are fantastic!! :thumbsup2 Erin looks Great!! :thumbsup2

Looks like it was an awsome play as well.
Both Colton and Chase got invitations to the District-wide Reflections contest reception to be held tonight.

This is the contest they entered their posters in titled "My Favorite Place". Both of them reached the district level it seems.

Hopefully, both of them will win something tonight and move on to state level.
pozey said:
Both Colton and Chase got invitations to the District-wide Reflections contest reception to be held tonight.

This is the contest they entered their posters in titled "My Favorite Place". Both of them reached the district level it seems.

Hopefully, both of them will win something tonight and move on to state level.
Good luck Colton and Chase :cheer2: pixiedust: :cheer2:
DisneyGirl4188 said:
pozey, good luck to Chase and Colton. Lots of :wizard: for them.
Thank you.

It was kind of tense Wednesday on the way home from school. Colton received his invitation that day at school. I asked Chase if he received an invitation. He said no, he didn't. And he was very sad and disappointed that his drawing did not make it to the district level.

I told him that it was alright, that we thought it was excellent and that we are going to frame it and put it up somewhere.

Then, yesterday, when I picked them up, he was bouncing around and was so excited to tell me that he had received his invitation yesterday. :Pinkbounc :woohoo: :yay:
I need to vent before I explode.

I work at a bank. One of my duties is to pay our appraisers. Here is what is suppose to happen. The loan officer receives the bill. They send it to me (usually with money from the borrower). If they do not have the money for it, they need to tell me if it OK to pay and be reimbursed later. If I can't pay it right away, I put it into a seperate file until I can. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I send the invoice to AR/AP and then several days later I get a check along with the invoice. I then mail the check out.

There is one appraiser that sends bills directly to the bank, forgoing the officer. These loans are always paid by the bank (it is a line of credit; lines of credit are paid by the bank). These invoices aren't sent directly to me, but instead to our main branch. They don't have my name on it (even though I have tried), so it takes a while to filter down to me.

One loan officer (newer) was not giving me invoices, but instead filing them. He thought I was just suppose to know to look into each loan file. :confused3 So, since I have been back, I have gotten several angry calls from appraisers wanting to know where there money is. I explained the situation to them, and all was well.

Then, I get a call from the appraiser that sends bill direct. They had not received payment, but I explained that I never received their bill (since, duh it didn't have my name on it). I asked for the bills to be faxed over and I would expedite them. That was the 5th. I get a call again today asking where the money is. I told her I would check AR/AP and get back with her. AR/AP tells me that the check would be sent today, but then gets an attitude with me.

The complaints:

1.)Why were they given the invoices on the 5th and not a month ago? Because, I never received the bill.

2.) Why were they sent several invoices that were due months ago? Because the loan officer never gave them to me.

3.) Why do I send a stack of invoices, instead of a couple at a time? Because, AR said to only send invoices on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, a stack builds up. Don't they think it would be easier on me too if I could pay a couple bills each day, instead of 20?

Nothing was said about several weeks ago when I kept sending invoices over and never getting anything back. Apparently, the boss was on vacation, so the guy in AR/AP didn't feel the need to do anything.

This guy got yelled at yesterday, so now today he needs to take it out on me. My boss is aware of the situation, but it doesn't change the fact that the AR/AP guy emailed all of this to me AND other people not even involved.

I am so furious right now :furious: . I am so glad it's Friday, because if I had to deal with another day, I might strangle him.

Thanks for letting me vent. I just needed to get all of that out. On to happier things.
pozey said:
Thank you.

It was kind of tense Wednesday on the way home from school. Colton received his invitation that day at school. I asked Chase if he received an invitation. He said no, he didn't. And he was very sad and disappointed that his drawing did not make it to the district level.

I told him that it was alright, that we thought it was excellent and that we are going to frame it and put it up somewhere.

Then, yesterday, when I picked them up, he was bouncing around and was so excited to tell me that he had received his invitation yesterday. :Pinkbounc :woohoo: :yay:

Awww!! That's awesome! Congrats to your children!

2 more sleeps! eheheheh :cool1: :banana: :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :dance3: :bounce:
Heheh I hear ya Amber! I used to work for 5 lawyers....and somedays I swear ...... :furious: (going to my happy place now) ahhh.. it's frustrating when others put you in a situation and make you look bad because they had their heads up their :eeyore: 's heheh.. try not to let it bug ya... I know it's hard sometimes! :)

DisneyGirl4188 said:
I need to vent before I explode.

I work at a bank. One of my duties is to pay our appraisers. Here is what is suppose to happen. The loan officer receives the bill. They send it to me (usually with money from the borrower). If they do not have the money for it, they need to tell me if it OK to pay and be reimbursed later. If I can't pay it right away, I put it into a seperate file until I can. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I send the invoice to AR/AP and then several days later I get a check along with the invoice. I then mail the check out.

There is one appraiser that sends bills directly to the bank, forgoing the officer. These loans are always paid by the bank (it is a line of credit; lines of credit are paid by the bank). These invoices aren't sent directly to me, but instead to our main branch. They don't have my name on it (even though I have tried), so it takes a while to filter down to me.

One loan officer (newer) was not giving me invoices, but instead filing them. He thought I was just suppose to know to look into each loan file. :confused3 So, since I have been back, I have gotten several angry calls from appraisers wanting to know where there money is. I explained the situation to them, and all was well.

Then, I get a call from the appraiser that sends bill direct. They had not received payment, but I explained that I never received their bill (since, duh it didn't have my name on it). I asked for the bills to be faxed over and I would expedite them. That was the 5th. I get a call again today asking where the money is. I told her I would check AR/AP and get back with her. AR/AP tells me that the check would be sent today, but then gets an attitude with me.

The complaints:

1.)Why were they given the invoices on the 5th and not a month ago? Because, I never received the bill.

2.) Why were they sent several invoices that were due months ago? Because the loan officer never gave them to me.

3.) Why do I send a stack of invoices, instead of a couple at a time? Because, AR said to only send invoices on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, a stack builds up. Don't they think it would be easier on me too if I could pay a couple bills each day, instead of 20?

Nothing was said about several weeks ago when I kept sending invoices over and never getting anything back. Apparently, the boss was on vacation, so the guy in AR/AP didn't feel the need to do anything.

This guy got yelled at yesterday, so now today he needs to take it out on me. My boss is aware of the situation, but it doesn't change the fact that the AR/AP guy emailed all of this to me AND other people not even involved.

I am so furious right now :furious: . I am so glad it's Friday, because if I had to deal with another day, I might strangle him.

Thanks for letting me vent. I just needed to get all of that out. On to happier things.
:grouphug: Sorry.......just hugs for you.
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