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Where's the update of the fabulous party Mo?

Wait....maybe my computer is broken...let's see if this helps:

Nope...all that did was make a mess! :faint:
Hello, is anyone home????:coffee::coffee::coffee:

Mo come back before I drink anymore coffee if you value my life.
D~ thinks she is the master of suspense............

Oh no, you get us all excited about a party and then just disappear...pixiedust:

Not fair!!!:rolleyes1
D~ I think you are absolutely right about her avoiding us over here! She has been popping up on FB this morning too!

COME BACK MO!!! Your adoring fans are waiting!!!
But, I am...LOL Who do you think I learned it from? :scratchin


She's avoiding us... She's been posting all over the Dis this morning, but not here... :confused3


Yeah, I noticed that too. I really need to be cleaning up the house but keep checking in and still NO UPDATE!!!!
Yup... She is EVERYWHERE, except here...

Oh Mo.... Come out and play...

D~ <--- Who seriously needs to get upstairs to work... Having a rough commute this morning.
Just stopping by to wish a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Midgets!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to hear all about it on Monday!!!


thank you!

Happy Birthday to the kiddos!!!!

By now you are knee deep in the luau, I hope it is going well. I always overdo it for parties too but that is part of the fun!!!!

Can't wait to hear all about it next week!!!!

Very sweet thank you so much.

Happy Birthday to the coolest midgets I've never met...Zack, Meg and Matt!

I hope they had an awesome Luau/Poly party! Can't wait to hear all the details on Monday!​



Hope everyone had a blast!

you bet cha!

Your birthday parties look super fun - you are right they grow up too soon - so you are right to take advantage of it now. My son is 13 and his last birthday party was a nerf gun battle in the park with pizza and a cookie "pizza". It was still fun, but not the same as when he was younger.

Exactly! thank you i do try to do it over the top. just not enough time for them to just be kids.
LOVE Nerf battles!!! they are FUN!!! we try to do this as much as we can!

love the décor....and that rice crispy sushi was so cute I may have to steal that idea......lol

Yep! I don't remember where i got the idea. but rice krispies swedish fish and fruit roll ups!

Just stopping in to see how yesterday went...


it went... Hold on to your hats kids....

How was the birthday celebration? Inquiring minds MUST know. ;)

You thought other weekends were bad??? PFFT. that was nothing!

I know - I totally thought there would be an update by now... ;)



hummm... i guess i should write something...



Where are you Mo??? are you lost? :eek: :confused3


Yes. i am lost with an out of mind be back in 20 minutes.

Hello, is anyone home????:coffee::coffee::coffee:

Mo come back before I drink anymore coffee if you value my life.

do not drink while reading the party post.

D~ thinks she is the master of suspense............

Oh no, you get us all excited about a party and then just disappear...pixiedust:

Not fair!!!:rolleyes1

all about the suspense... Ninja Mo remember?!?!

But, I am...LOL Who do you think I learned it from? :scratchin

She's avoiding us... She's been posting all over the Dis this morning, but not here... :confused3


:lmao: :rotfl2: well had you all NOT posted 30 pages in your reports i could have gotten here a lot sooner!
Mo<-- good dis'er

D~ I think you are absolutely right about her avoiding us over here! She has been popping up on FB this morning too!

COME BACK MO!!! Your adoring fans are waiting!!!

i'm here...

Yeah, I noticed that too. I really need to be cleaning up the house but keep checking in and still NO UPDATE!!!!

:hourglass patience young padawan...

Yup... She is EVERYWHERE, except here...

Oh Mo.... Come out and play...

D~ <--- Who seriously needs to get upstairs to work... Having a rough commute this morning.

well i GUESS i should posting something... gonna take me a while to write it so keep your shorts on...

Honestly i love you guys and thank you for caring and stopping in.
I did read a lot of stuff over the weekend fro you guys and i DID show them their Happy Birthday's you all gave. which they of course smiled brightly said thanks and ran away to go and play with their friends... :sad2:

ok now the time has come.................... BA BA BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I left Work early to get the rest of the shopping completed and to clean the house which was MUCH needed.
I was a busy little bee. here is the kitchen clean.

then i went into the living room:
and tried as i might this THING wouldn't let me keep things clean:

because anytime i would clean or pick it up he would change things HIS way..

I think he wanted to watch a blue ray... finally i gave up. let him rip he will be in the cage most of this so let him go nuts.
I can guarantee you this is not the problem animal this weekend.. So i cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I have family and friends who are allergic to dogs. I TRY to keep the dander down.. key word? TRY i do have 3 dogs a ferret, and fish. i have brookfield south going on..
So while taking a break from cleaning over and over shopping completed then going to dog training i smell something...
WHAT IS THAT? smells like sewage... i smell everything... it's Logan...
Tom now smells it. He said he will give Logan a bath before tomorrow. :cheer2:
OK should i bring him to class or do it afterwards. Afterwards.. OK.
Off i go to training. BUSY night. very frustrating as people are not doing the training at home. :mad:
whatever. get home i am DEAD on my feet tired. Matt was still up waiting on me to start decorating. Zack and Meg went to bed. Meg has the start of a cold. :sad1: Talking Matt out of it and promising to wake up early I went to bed with the intentions of getting up early to start on the house, again.
next morning there isn't enough coffee to start the day! Yet it's PARTY DAY!
Tom has NOT giving Logan a bath. and plans on going to my parents house to pick up the dog dryer and the other stuff. OK.
I start. kids are now being difficult because they want the party to start:
"what time does everyone get here?"
i heard this every 20 minutes from 7am on... So i did what every mother would do.
I put them all to work. vacuum, windows rooms i started cooking. made the list for Tom WHO by the way has gone MISSING this entire time. Once they got bored with the tasks at hand i started them with bananas to be dipped in chocolate! YUMMM right?
once they did about 100 slices off they went again.
i took a break went outside to smoke came back in to find:
Lex (great dane) conveniently tall enough that his head can lean over my table without any issues (like without jumping)... found it necessary to EAT EVERY LAST ONE of the bananas. :eek:
this is the culprit of the weekend:

this is him sitting on Zack's head. He is about 6' on his hind legs.
::yes:: i really hope you are picturing this.
Text Tom who is no where in site.. to get more chocolate and bananas.
he came home with chocolate chips... :headache: oh good heavens.. are you KIDDING ME? now there isn't anything completed. the party is about to start in an hour nothing is coming together. Suzi and D have been informed of my insanity at this point. they being good friends try to calm the savage beast.
there is no calming.. i am NUTS. i find white chocolate for the fruit. kids are back at work. now down to an hour the bounce house is not here...
Time to find tom bring him out of hiding. Find him... HE IS GIVING LOGAN A BATH! In my clean house. in my clean bathroom.. now drying him outside. Where the tables are set up. Where the decorations are. where people will be eating.
It looks like it is snowing outside. :furious:
i look on my couches. apparently after the bath Logan jumped on the couch and now i have white hair stuck to the couch... :idea:
Zack! He looks.. shakes his head. says I GOT THIS.
I love that kid. Finally the bounce house has made it's appearance and we are off.
first people start showing up.. thankfully i took 15 minutes away from prep time to get myself together, and able to get Meg's hair under control!!
Once the first person shows you know what time it is right?
:drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1
everything that i can do is DONE.

Stay tuned! for the next installment.. Same bat time and same bat channel

the question remains Was there cake?
You know what, Mo? I think you're my hero. Really - 3 kids, dogs, a ferret and MIA husband? I think you need more than 5 pints of Guiness. You need, like, an entire blender of marguaritas made ala a friend of mine: 2 parts rum to 1/2 part lime juice.

Hope everyone had a good time at the party, though!
I'm sorry. I kow I shouldn't, but I am having an attack of :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Seriously, if it's going to happen, it's going to happen to Mo. I think I woul dhave started hitting those :drinking1 long before the company came.

Your kitchen is spotless! I wish mine looked half that good.

I hope there is :cake:
You know what, Mo? I think you're my hero. Really - 3 kids, dogs, a ferret and MIA husband? I think you need more than 5 pints of Guiness. You need, like, an entire blender of marguaritas made ala a friend of mine: 2 parts rum to 1/2 part lime juice.

Hope everyone had a good time at the party, though!

THIS, ThIS, THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mo is my HERO. there is NO WAY I would have survived that... I would have been a total disaster...

I stil LOL at your ferret - he is too funny... :rolleyes1

And yikes about the bananas/chocolate incident - is Mr. Great Dane OK?

Glad you found Tom - I bet he felt your love shining through that day....

And finally - the midgets... Gotta love those little ones... way to help their momma... Wish the girls and I could have made the trip down to help you too! :grouphug:

D~ <--- Who seriously needs to get upstairs to work... Having a rough commute this morning.

:lmao: Oh D :lmao:

Yeah, I want to know about the great Dane too.....is he okay after eating all that chocolate?? Not to mention the bananas...but I thought choc was bad for dogs???

I can't believe you survived that! The whole time you were texting, I was thinking "holy cow...I would be a wreck! What can I say to make it better??" Hopefully we helped just a little :hug:

Can't wait to see pictures...oh wait...I forgot....
Sounds like a very crazy weekend and the party hasn't even started yet. Too funny about the bananas but I hope your dog is OK.

Your Tom sounds like my DH. No sense of urgency. He always starts a major project about 2 days before we have a house full of guests for Thanksgiving. :crazy2:

At least the dog was clean. :thumbsup2

Can't wait to hear about the fun.
Yes, you are superMOM, for sure! I am such an uber planner, I would have been hyperventilating with all that going on so close to party time!!! :eek:

OMGoodness...the dog eating all the chocolate bananas! And the story followed by a picture of him sitting up so straight and tall on the couch, like..."ME? Why, I would NEVER do such an uncivilized thing!! I am sure it was the weasly little ferret you brought home few weeks ago... You know, he is ALWAYS going places and getting into things he shouldn't... ":rolleyes1


Let's get this party started!!! popcorn::


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