Where? Who? How? Photography? Help! Triplets take on the World!

Ok I have missed a couple of days and I'm trying to catch up, then I come here and find out that Dee started her TR and I totally missed it!!!! Sorry Mo, must leave you immediately and find out about those surprises.......I know you understand :lmao:
Wow... One goes away for 10 days... and comes home to this... YIKES!!!

Poor Zack - but good for him for standing up for himself... And that kid better watch out now.

I totally agree about McD's... It's very rare that we eat there - we've never gotten sick from it, but it doesn't surprise me at all. I hope you are feeling better by now.

Happy to be back on The Dis... I missed all my Dis friends so much! But sad that our trip is over.

That's so awful about Zack and the little punk on his team. If Zack was my little munchkin I would be so proud that he stood up for himself and handled the situation. Even better...he did it in a funny way and didn't hurt the other kid...even though that little punk was trying to kick your Zack. UGH...the nerve of some kids (and parents) these days! Okay...off my soapbox now...sorry about that! :flower3:

I love helping other people plan their trips to Disney. I know what you mean though about them not being excited. I am ALWAYS SUPER EXCITED when it comes to Disney! I just don't understand what it is about other people...don't they know it's the most magical place on Earth?!? :confused3

I hope you enjoy your relaxing weekend with the munchkins. :thumbsup2
I say "Way to go Zack!" I love how you are teaching them not to start anything, but to stand up for themselves if someone else starts it. That is what a man is made of! Good job Mo :cheer2:

Too funny you are talking about Poly vs AKL. These are the two Sara is torn between for her next trip (she is taking her mother for her 50th in a few years). She is also considering Beach Club, and I am trying to slide POFQ in there as an option because I would stay there every single time if I only needed 2 beds. I think she is leaning towards AKL. It is so incredibly beautiful and the food choices are wonderful. But it is just so far out. Maybe once we don't hit the parks so hard and have a longer trip with more free time, but until then...it will be a closer option.

Have a great weekend and thank you for taking the time out to come visit my new TR ::yes::
Obviously, I was soooo far behind. I have caught up, but there is no way I can comment on all that I read.
But, have to comment on the pictures. They are all so cute. Enjoy, I look at my triplets in photos now and think, WOW weren't they 8 just last month.

School is tough. IMO always has been always will be. Friends, teachers, homework, extra curriculars. I love summer.

One of our resorts this trip was Jambo House studio at AKV. The view was beautiful with the animals roaming free. But, I agree it is a fair distance away from everything, especially in comparison to the Poly. My favorite for location is the Boardwalk. walking distance to Epcot, ferry to DHS. Plus all the activities on the BW itself.

Anyway, Thanks for the shout out for my TR. The biggest surprise reveal is up. Hope it doesn't dissappoint.

Good luck with the school year!
Love that Zach han handled the situation by himself and was able to tell the coach the whole story.

Hope it cools off for school and sports.
Ok I have missed a couple of days and I'm trying to catch up, then I come here and find out that Dee started her TR and I totally missed it!!!! Sorry Mo, must leave you immediately and find out about those surprises.......I know you understand

slacker. lets go.

Wow... One goes away for 10 days... and comes home to this... YIKES!!!

then stop leaving me. i missed you too much.

Poor Zack - but good for him for standing up for himself... And that kid better watch out now.

Right?!?! i am so happy with my midgets!

I totally agree about McD's... It's very rare that we eat there - we've never gotten sick from it, but it doesn't surprise me at all. I hope you are feeling better by now.

:sick: yep i am back to my normal self! thanks!

Happy to be back on The Dis... I missed all my Dis friends so much! But sad that our trip is over.

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad your back... Did you Read all my posts.. because i think you skipped over a lot...

That's so awful about Zack and the little punk on his team. If Zack was my little munchkin I would be so proud that he stood up for himself and handled the situation. Even better...he did it in a funny way and didn't hurt the other kid...even though that little punk was trying to kick your Zack. UGH...the nerve of some kids (and parents) these days! Okay...off my soapbox now...sorry about that!
I am so so proud of him... stay on that soap box i love what your saying!!! :hyper:

I love helping other people plan their trips to Disney. I know what you mean though about them not being excited. I am ALWAYS SUPER EXCITED when it comes to Disney! I just don't understand what it is about other people...don't they know it's the most magical place on Earth?!?
I KNOW!! it's killing me NOT to talk Disney with her all day!!! once she is there and the pixi bug bites her in the you know what i will have her fixed.

I hope you enjoy your relaxing weekend with the munchkins. :thumbsup2

I'll get to this. you should know better...

I say "Way to go Zack!" I love how you are teaching them not to start anything, but to stand up for themselves if someone else starts it. That is what a man is made of! Good job Mo :cheer2:

Thank you!!! :hug:

Too funny you are talking about Poly vs AKL. These are the two Sara is torn between for her next trip (she is taking her mother for her 50th in a few years). She is also considering Beach Club, and I am trying to slide POFQ in there as an option because I would stay there every single time if I only needed 2 beds. I think she is leaning towards AKL. It is so incredibly beautiful and the food choices are wonderful. But it is just so far out. Maybe once we don't hit the parks so hard and have a longer trip with more free time, but until then...it will be a closer option.

umm a brick just HIT ME ON THE HEAD.
my 50th birthday. the kids will be 20... :scared1: yeah reality just hit.. i HOPE they take me to Disney!!!!! :hyper:

Like you said AKL is just toooooooooooooo far removed from Disney. At this time i still want to go to a resort be happy and KNOW i am in Disney. i am SURE one year we will go to AKL and LOVE it. just not right now..

Have a great weekend and thank you for taking the time out to come visit my new TR ::yes::

Im just SO HAPPY your doing one!!! :cool1:

and i totally missed you.

Obviously, I was soooo far behind. I have caught up, but there is no way I can comment on all that I read.
But, have to comment on the pictures. They are all so cute. Enjoy, I look at my triplets in photos now and think, WOW weren't they 8 just last month.

but i am SOOOOO glad your back! i have missed you!
thank you on your compliments! i do love my little guys.

School is tough. IMO always has been always will be. Friends, teachers, homework, extra curriculars. I love summer.

YES! but when they are home.. they are bored and eat me out of a house and home!!!

One of our resorts this trip was Jambo House studio at AKV. The view was beautiful with the animals roaming free. But, I agree it is a fair distance away from everything, especially in comparison to the Poly. My favorite for location is the Boardwalk. walking distance to Epcot, ferry to DHS. Plus all the activities on the BW itself.

Oh my goodness i saw the pictures! A MAZ ING! i don't like being that far away! but if you can do it i am sure i can right?!?

Anyway, Thanks for the shout out for my TR. The biggest surprise reveal is up. Hope it doesn't dissappoint.

Good luck with the school year!

Of course!!! and the surprise was spectacular! so sweet and PERFECT!!!!

Love that Zach han handled the situation by himself and was able to tell the coach the whole story.

Hope it cools off for school and sports.

so far so good.. haven't heard anything so far. i am so very proud of them! :hug:

I have no idea where to start.. really. so we are going quick
Saturday: went to find my president a puppy. she wanted a doberman, my mom and a friend found one so out we went
drove up to this:

Nope no Cujo existed but i will say there were several of the sweetest dobes i have ever met.
thank fully it was a match and she brought home maggie, The president is an at home nurse aid, She need to make a run to a patients house so i got to babysit Maggie:

she loved me.

that is a bad picture but she just climbed on top of me and stayed there.:lovestruc
afterwards when she got back we took a run to Petco for food and i needed food for the ferret.
When we got home the kids went to go and get the ferret.
Guess what.

they didn't lock the cage correctly Stevie was not in the cage.. :scared1:
OK breath.. look everywhere kids are on the second floor looking i am on the first on the way to the basement. Zack and Meg are UNCONTROLLABLE crying. hysterics.
they now come down to the basement as i am looking around Zack is crying and saying he is afraid Stevie is in the walls... THE WALLS how would he get in there?!?!
remember Zack put the hole in there... I say OUT LOUD ohhhh yeah,. STUPID STUPID STUPID.. i didn't know i said it OUT loud i meant to keep that Inside MY HEAD. Now they are crying HARDER. Matt is standing next to me with all the commotion Matt looks over and said "there he is." in the most calm voice.
as Stevie walks out of the laundry room. :faint: well then crisis averted, I do not have to put large holes in my kitchen walls to help an escape ferret. again. :furious:

Sunday i don't remember.
that night we did have movie night! we watched Lilo and Stitch AND Stitch's movie (part 2? :confused3)
we made ourselves comfy on the floor with a camp out

darn dog were in the way...
Here they are!

i sat in the middle of all that! Can you see the great dane taking up the ENTIRE couch???
Monday: we met Jen and Chris with their kids to the local forest perserve and let them have a blast. Played soccer, hunger games, bike riding etc. it was so beautiful out!!! then over to my Parents for Pizza night. i was ready to eat my WEIGHT in pizza i was so hungry. and of course all the great places are CLOSED! ended up getting it from somewhere we normally don't
it was terrible. :(
on to home. kids needed to shower

and get to BED!
Meg told me NOT to put that picture on facebook. So i didn't,. i put it on the DIS!

so another:
yesterday while at my parents i receive a text that the animals in a facebook group i made are all acting CRAZY. and boy were they ever.. this is a group i normally don't go to because it isn't something i am interested in anymore i made others ADMINS and left it alone until yesterday. to the point it was still going on this morning until i kicked them all out of the group! :sad2:

Then to find out some of my Dis friends are not being treated correctly by others THEN work people are all crabby pants too!!!!
like really upset and really mad... :furious:

absolutely crazy day!!!


So yesterday i was able to talk to Jen a little bit about adrs and resorts. i think they are ON for the poly... and one thing is the CRT. other then that. nothing... :sad2:

OK i have to get something done here hope everyone is having a great day

Yep most the PTR that i read everyday and try to keep up with are THERE!!!

I am SO happy for all of them and cannot wait to hear how their trips are going!

It was very difficult for me to "leave you home" Mo... In the worst way I wanted you and your family to be there with us. Please know - in the bottom of our hearts, you were there and thought of lots by all of us every day. :lovestruc

In Disney Suzi met Kathy yesterday at the Poly!! i did get the live updates there and they are SO STINKING CUTE!!!

D~ right NOW is at the airport with the girls!! no coffee in hand. :rolleyes2
I know Dee leaves today along with Denovagirl as well!!!

I was so sad that Suzi got to meet Kathy... It seemed that no matter how we planned - Kathy and I just couldn't make it work... BUt in the end... You know what happened... I can't spill the beans yet though.

And the airport... It sucked. LOL You don't miss that part. :rolleyes1

i CANNOT wait to hear how everyone's trips went and if everyone was able to meet up!

and FINALLY able to see all the fun surprises Dee has for her DD2! the suspense is KILLING ME!

I am glad we are here and can keep each other entertained until we all hear from our crowd of Dis who's there!

I tried really hard to send you a few pictures through out the day... I hope it helped. :lovestruc

On my Disney front. I have been busily working on my planning book and getting all the information i need to keep it going and thoughts in place!
Still getting the Jen and Chris planning book together as well LOTS OF FUN!!
Need to call the Job today to find out my start date because this is getting out of hand.

Meg has cheerleading today and that is about all that's going on! so to me this is down time! :lmao:

Yay for all the planning books!!! I cannot wait to see them!!!

Hello WHOEVER is still reading!

I have to say yesterday was a lot of fun tears of joy and well, again busy.
My phone's battery was drained twice!
I have to tell you here and now i truly, TRULY love my dis friends.

We truly - truly love you too Mo!!! I am so lucky that I have THE MOST WONDERFUL Dis friends ever!!!!

I was texting with D~ all morning! making sure she was safe just like i did with Suzi! She and the girls landed SAFELY!!! She was SO THOUGHTFUL to send several pictures along the way including the WELCOME arch! here is where the tears of joy started. during this Suzi was also texting! making sure D was on her way to the resort Suzi wanted to welcome D and the girls home! i am here in Chicago and they included me in all this!!! Yep Suzi called me while D~ and the girls walked into the resort! again came tears of joy!!!

I am so glad you were there too, to welcome us to WDW!!!! IT was the perfect thing - and even though I was a nut case at that particular moment in time... The gesture was amazing and so thoughtful of both of you!!! :hug:

the rest is their story and i will let them tell it!

i was NOT lying when i said i am stalking all of them. I am! the pictures of Kathy and Mark on their Anniversary dinner is simply hear melting in how sweet it is!
Ok OK enough again it is their story to tell..

Hey... I missed those pictures... I need to go stalk now...

AROUND HERE I had some things to do for my BIL and football for the school. I fgeel bad for him as he is the President of the athletics kids school the football Coord AND the head coach for the varsity football team. the guy needs a bit of help. Last night i helped again with registration.. uniform pick ups, Had a friend take peanut to practice. once the registration was over i hustled it over to the field for meg. BIL asked to help with registration for cheeleading... (NO!) was in my head. Yes came out of my mouth.
Good news they have it on Friday.. I have Dog training on fridays so i can't if i wanted to! Then as i am NO WHERE near these two talking. I have been volunteered into the planning of HOMECOMING... WHAT THE!!!!

So add that to my ever growing belt i wear.

Yesterday i have found several sites i can use to plan a road trip! how cool is that?!? Even tells me the round about cost! i have been playing around with them so far it's telling me round trip 500.00 umm yeah that's a bit better then over 2000 in air fare!
the way home i hope to stop at a couple of cool places. we shall see! and time will tell!

Other then this i am working very hard on my planner!!! adding the route to take while driving. Poses with the characters for photography plus the I MUST photograph. i really want to do twilight walking parks. then i am REALLY hoping to get a lot of after dark shots.
I am still convinced we will be doing a split stay. i cannot bring myself to pull away from the poly.

i MUST clean my grubby office and get to work!

again my phone's battery was DEAD!

Wait!!! You are now driving to Disney??? Glad I went back to read! I admire you so much for that - WOW!!!

Charlie and I were talking about next years trip and we are planning for about the same time as you! So we will be doing the meets and posts and picture taking while everyone else sits home and reads about our awesome trips!

Hahaha... Crap... popcorn::

HA! i laughed so hard out loud at this!!
Are you really going about the same time?!?! THAT'S fantastic news!!!!

Oh no Suzi - it's our turn...

We just got home from mom's today and I have finished unpacking....just catching up really quickly on a couple ptrs before I am heading out to take the girls to the waterpark for an hour or two..... I will try to post my before and after pics tonight so you can see them in the morning!!!!! (hilarious :rotfl2:)

You are lucky to be in contact with everyone while they are at the world....I am just patiently waiting the TRs!!! I don't even know where to look on facebook to get my fix hahaha:lmao:

The kids pics are all so cute!! Still in awe of your hectic life!!!:)

Glad you had a wonderful trip!!!

Glad your home safe and sound. Boo on having to leave!!!
Did the girls have a good time at the water park?
Still waiting on the pictures of the van.. Just sayin...
I am IMPATIENTLY waiting on the TR.. I am mostly BOTHERING them so send my pictures now.. I think they did the wishes dessert party last night.. not too sure.
thanks i do like the kiddos. So precious! ALL children are. i really have as special place in my heart for toddler and kids. the babies you can have. :
Your life isn't so hum drum either there missy!!!

Band aide!!! fantastic!!!
I really do love being a part of it all! i will look at them ALL like they are INSANE for giving me more and more. in the end EVERYTHING i do is for the kids. better baseball better football. just better. :lovestruc i know they will look back and remember everything that i did to keep them happy..

YES bounceback! that's so exciting!!!
awesome! we will DEFINITELY meet up! especially for a few of these: a the poly???
yes girls trip. in the works!

now you know why i have the dizzy personality!!!
Yes i heard from them mostly on D~ first day. I can't bother them too much.. I do miss them BUT i have ALL OF YOU!!!

you were totally fine Mo - I loved texting with you - I wish I coudl have done more. :lovestruc Lord knows, I sent Josh lots of pictures and you responded more than he did... :laughing:

This is the CUTEST picture ever!!!!

OK - I must go back to work now... I will try to catch up on the rest over the next few days. Love ya - mean it!!! :hug:

That Doby is one big dog! and he thinks he's a lap dog apparently. :rotfl:
:rotfl2: Oh my gosh Mo :rotfl2: The Stevie in the wall story :rotfl2: Oh! Tears in the eyes laughing so hard! Thank GOD he was not in there!

And seriously now....hold on, let me stop laughing at Stevie...:lmao:

.......hang on......:rotfl:

.....almost there.....:laughing:

.....ok. So what D said about you not being there with us. She is right...you were there with us in just about every thought we had. I probably didn't "bother you" enough, but I am so glad we got to share our trip with you a little :hug:
Movie night looks like fun, we can see who is in charge at your house. :goodvibes

Glad that Stevie was not in the walls (YIKES) and hope the kids are recovered from that ordeal. I would say that they probably learned their lesson and will make sure the cage is always locked but you and I both know kids ;)

Wow D~ did all her catching up on your PTR today! But I am glad she reposted that picture because it is a great family shot and I loved seeing it again.
You would think by now I would be used to your crazy weekends? :lmao:

I can't get the thought out of my head of you thinking Stevie was in the walls. LOL I can just see you bashing holes in the wall with a sledgehammer! Holes in the couch, holes in the wall...what's next? :scared1:

That Doberman is PRECIOUS! Love that he thinks he's a lap dog. My 90 lb. Boxer/Mastiff mix thinks he's a lap dog. We rescued him from a woman that raised him with Chihuahuas. Hmmm....I wonder where he got the idea he was small?!?
It was very difficult for me to "leave you home" Mo... In the worst way I wanted you and your family to be there with us. Please know - in the bottom of our hearts, you were there and thought of lots by all of us every day.

Honest to Goodness.. see what great friends you become here?!?

I was so sad that Suzi got to meet Kathy... It seemed that no matter how we planned - Kathy and I just couldn't make it work... BUt in the end... You know what happened... I can't spill the beans yet though.

:thumbsup2 Kathy is an amazing person..

I tried really hard to send you a few pictures through out the day... I hope it helped.

You did GREAT!!! Loved everything!!!

Yay for all the planning books!!! I cannot wait to see them!!!

they are such a disarray!!! need to get some order before i show them to ANYONE.

We truly - truly love you too Mo!!! I am so lucky that I have THE MOST WONDERFUL Dis friends ever!!!!


I am so glad you were there too, to welcome us to WDW!!!! IT was the perfect thing - and even though I was a nut case at that particular moment in time... The gesture was amazing and so thoughtful of both of you!!!

it was AWESOME!!!!

Hey... I missed those pictures... I need to go stalk now...

Maybe off her facebook page!!!

Wait!!! You are now driving to Disney??? Glad I went back to read! I admire you so much for that - WOW!!!

Yup! driving down! probably leave Chi-town about 4:00pm and drive ALL the way. :drive:

Hahaha... Crap... popcorn::

my turn...

Oh no Suzi - it's our turn...

Nope you HAD your turn!!!

you were totally fine Mo - I loved texting with you - I wish I coudl have done more. :lovestruc Lord knows, I sent Josh lots of pictures and you responded more than he did...

I am sure i did! my entire week was upside down stalking ALL of you!

This is the CUTEST picture ever!!!!

Aww shucks! thank you!

OK - I must go back to work now... I will try to catch up on the rest over the next few days. Love ya - mean it!!! :hug:

Why do you get to do work?? :crazy2:

That Doby is one big dog! and he thinks he's a lap dog apparently.

She is only 6months old! still has lots of growing to do!!!

:rotfl2: Oh my gosh Mo :rotfl2: The Stevie in the wall story Oh! Tears in the eyes laughing so hard! Thank GOD he was not in there!
And seriously now....hold on, let me stop laughing at Stevie...:lmao:
.......hang on......:rotfl:
.....almost there.....:laughing:
.....ok. So what D said about you not being there with us. She is right...you were there with us in just about every thought we had. I probably didn't "bother you" enough, but I am so glad we got to share our trip with you a little :hug:

Yes it was amusing. I cannot wait for our next meet up and you can SEE ALL THIS FIRST hand!!!
i bothered you. Yet didn't want to be a pain!

Movie night looks like fun, we can see who is in charge at your house. :goodvibes

I like to think i am clearly i am not..
yep movie night was awesome and really needed after that weekend!

Glad that Stevie was not in the walls (YIKES) and hope the kids are recovered from that ordeal. I would say that they probably learned their lesson and will make sure the cage is always locked but you and I both know kids ;)

your SOOOOO correct! right now Zack is the only one who outs him away. He was so freaked out that day he ensures it is locked, glued, welded, or anything else you can imagine so the stinky stevie does NOT escape.

Wow D~ did all her catching up on your PTR today! But I am glad she reposted that picture because it is a great family shot and I loved seeing it again.

Thanks! yep she is a speed reader! :lmao:

Whatever was going on over on FB I totally missed. Thank goodness.

I was SO furious about all that. I was ready to remove the ENTIRE group. but why let a few bad apples ruin it for the rest??? there are still some jerks on there. and it is really making me mad. :mad:
there are people on there from "across the pond" and others who are PMing me telling me how much they appreciate and love that group. So i was kinda stuck. why are people so ignorant?!?
seriously I have come across some of the most RUDE and MEAN "Disney" people on Earth lately!!!

You would think by now I would be used to your crazy weekends? :lmao:

you and me both! I need a vacation... badly.

I can't get the thought out of my head of you thinking Stevie was in the walls. LOL I can just see you bashing holes in the wall with a sledgehammer! Holes in the couch, holes in the wall...what's next? :scared1:

i would have taken pictures to show you all... i am AFRAID to find out what's next!!!!

That Doberman is PRECIOUS! Love that he thinks he's a lap dog. My 90 lb. Boxer/Mastiff mix thinks he's a lap dog. We rescued him from a woman that raised him with Chihuahuas. Hmmm....I wonder where he got the idea he was small?!?

She is simply adorable.
you my friend have a BIG DOG!!! please post a picture of your puppy!!! love to see him!!
the bigger they are the smaller they think that are i swear!!!

I really hope you all read everything that has been written here. Because i am so touched by each and everyone of you and the friendship that i have encountered. I want each of you to know that you ALL mean so much to me. :grouphug: ::yes::

-----so i have come to the decision to allow the people in the facebook group to kill each other. I gave up.

boy oh BOY do i have a busy week!!! I know you are all rolling your eyes at me right??
First off this weekend Sunday i would have been going to Disney. :sad:
which i am still upset about... But ya know i have other things to plan here...

ya know what it is right?!?!


yep this went by way to fast............... the big 9!!! Sept 8th is their actual birthday we are having the party on the 7th this Saturday. we are having a luau. Poly style!
i bought all the decorations from oriental express and now have to get the food,
another hot dog bar theme.. I promise to post pictures i really need to go shopping i still need to get Meg school shoes which i totally forgot about thankfully the boys have their communion shoes.
Also she need white gym shoes for cheerleading :crazy2:
So i have to go get some work done then go out for lunch and get some stuff!!!


zack's favorite!!!
I read every single word Mo... I love ya - I truly do... You and Suzi (and so many others) have become such important people in my life - I am so very lucky to have found you!!! Thank you for being who you are and always being so understanding and truthful - that means so much to me. (((Hugs)))

Awwww....love you too D and Mo!

And I read EVERY word too...thats why my replys suck. By the time I read thru all I missed....I have no time left to reply :)

But rest assured, I am here just about every day.
:lmao: I'm so happy that you have your friends back! The party sounds like fun!

Hey your part of this too ya know!!!! can't get away that easily!

I read every single word Mo... I love ya - I truly do... You and Suzi (and so many others) have become such important people in my life - I am so very lucky to have found you!!! Thank you for being who you are and always being so understanding and truthful - that means so much to me. (((Hugs)))



Awwww....love you too D and Mo!

And I read EVERY word too...thats why my replys suck. By the time I read thru all I missed....I have no time left to reply :)

But rest assured, I am here just about every day.


Well yesterday was rather...... EASY!
Ran to payless at lunch to see if they had shoes for Peanut. THEY DID! :cheer2:
next on the list?
Football and Cheerleading...

Hold on a minute... the party is THIS SATURDAY.. as in 3 days... as in your don't have a darn thing in the house food wise for the party... are my thoughts all the way home. I was so deep in thought that i ended up driving home and got onto the darn Skyway (toll which is 4.00)
SON OF A NUT CRACKER i was so mad at myself. :headache:
oh well. Call Tom. Hey can you take the kids to everything today (he is the assist. coach for football) i really need to get some shopping done. Yes.
thank goodness!
Text Chunk. Yep he is willing to go to Sam's (i don't have a card)
grab the kids from school, homework, changed and we were off!
Once at sams he b-lines it over to costumer service. :confused3 asked the girl about a second card.. she said yes and for FREE!!!! :woohoo:
i love him.
running all over the store the deals there were A-MA-ZING!!! i walked out with everything (almost) i needed! i only need to run and get fruit tomatoes onion, etc.. Little stuff! I mean i have 80 hot dogs, a try of BBQ beef ($3.00) meatballs, candy for a pinata (that i don't have yet) i got TONS AND TONS of stuff. for 130.00!!!! i was so proud we stopped to eat and looked a couple of possible sites for photography made it home about 6:30. adn to my surprise my order from Oriental express made it in!!! Ohhhh im so excited!!! unpacked his truck and surprisingly i was able to fit all that stuff in my freezer. Next needed to tear into that delivery box! another awesome find for CHEAP! all the decorations i will ever need for a luau! i have tons or lei's, tiki garland. lanterns hair clips beach balls a couple of game like bean bag toss and a ring toss (ya know i need to keep a bunch of kids busy and OUT OF MY HOUSE. :rolleyes1
then i open up a blow up totem pole... yep. i did get that...
we all look at it likes it's some foreign being... How the heck are we suppose to blow that thing up?!?! my air pump doesn't work.
ugh oh.
then this happened:

are you nuts that thing it huge! your going to blow out your lungs...
well in about 20 minutes....

He blew the entire thing UP! Mind you Chunk is 6'4 and a heavy smoker! :eek:
i was amazed.

so it was the midgets turn to help:

Mini beach balls... There are TONS of them.
box o stuff

the lei's are all over because i was spraying them with Hawaiian Febreeze! which i of course bought from sams as well!
So far i will be having:
Hot dog bar: Cheese chili onion tomato sport peppers celery salt ketchup (should NEVER be on a hot dog) mustard relish, pickles, i don't think i am missing anything?
Meatballs with that sauce of grape jelly and chili sauce.
Chicken nuggets
BBQ beef tray (remember only 3.00!!!)
ALCOHOL! margaritas, malibu, vodka with lemonade!
Kiddie cocktails.
people bringing some stuff too...
As you can see nothing is really luau-ish. i need something to tie it together.
So of course i called the professional...
waiting for her to get back to me. popcorn:: i have lots of people over. it's pretty much an open house for the kids and our friends/ family. so if your in the neighborhood STOP ON IN!
i will post the Disney themed party we had back in 2011 to get the kids all ready for our second DISNEY trip!

my kitchen wall

my half of the kitchen

Pluto's dish:

filled with Chocolate covered peanuts.
Pizza planet

BEAST with our win selection


rice krispie sushi

my living room

luigi's house of tires:

I had my lap top up with all our pictures from teh year before and Disney music going..


Ok i won't bore you with the rest. But i was awfully PROUD of this party and as you can see i really do it up for my midgets... :rotfl2:

so this Luau means a lot to me. We normally decorate the night before. Well this time i figured they can help. Meg last night asked if we are going to decorate the night before with Uncle Billy... Umm NO you get to help this time!!! I think she was BOTH upset adn excited to help..


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