Where In The World 21. We are now completely legal!!!

I'm not gonna lie; emotionally and physically exhausted! :faint: Not only was internet connection awful yesterday (they even announced at the convention their "live feed" was gone so there must have been a major issue somewhere), I just didn't have the heart to post anything. 😢 They're final competition number earned double platinum and I think earned a 2nd Overall but, after the performance, Katie was so upset she wouldn't even come out of the dressing room for a group picture. 🥺 We "let her be" and Allie came with us to eat lunch before Awards when they found out 3 Center Stage dances had made the "Ultimate Showcase". Katie had been selected a couple months ago to be part of the opening number, along with 9 other Center Stage dancers, and she was in a much better mood for that 5:30 show. They're small group contemporary, Praying, had been named as one of the "ultimate performances" after having compiled the 8th highest score, over all groups and categories, in the entire competition. 😊 Beautiful number so "technically" that was her final FINAL performance on stage and they really put their heart in it. There were 4 seniors out of the 6 dancers in that group and it was beautiful. Shortly after that the Seniors were called on stage and introduced...and it was done. 😭 We've all been "struggling" today...even David. Ended up with probably 1500 pictures (mainly since we haven't been allowed to take photos during previous competitions); I wanted her to have as many as possible to remember each dance. Started going through them on the way home 🥺 but only halfway through. Stopped and had lunch with BFF on the way home and finally made it about an hour ago. Now to unpack...water my plants (it's been 100+ real feel temperature EVERY day both here and in Port Aransas/Corpus area 🥵) and start our "boring life 🥹 without dance OR soccer"!


No Ma'am, not from HS. :tink:

Epcot or AK?

What are you going to do without soccer or dance. You’ll have to take trips to visit. What an emotional day you all had 😞 maybe after college she can pick up dance again.
Epcot or AK?

What are you going to do without soccer or dance. You’ll have to take trips to visit. What an emotional day you all had 😞 maybe after college she can pick up dance again.

I have SO many projects but just can't get motivated to start on them. I HAVE to start working on Christmas decorations repairs but it's not something I enjoy doing! :rotfl: So many of my smaller decorations have lights that need to be replaced and that's such a "pain" to do! It will take me all week to get caught up again after being gone 5 days! David's garden is still producing despite the lack of rain and heat and he came home with a lot of vegetables that need to be cleaned and frozen this evening. With the kids leaving Tuesday for Europe I'll have plenty time....especially since David will be staying at their house to take care of the dog and cats...BUT...that means either cooking and taking dinner out there or cooking at Sara's house :headache:; it will be a hectic couple of weeks. I'm still missing Boo and that routine too which is one reason I can't get motivated. Just need a couple of afternoons in the pool to relax and think about what needs to be done first. Katie will still basically be in "dance class" but they won't have all the competitions...just classroom work and their years end project will be a production but that's quite a difference from 8 dance studio competitions plus Friday night football games and Brahmadora competitions! She IS doing choreography for solos both for the dance studio and the Brahmadora's spring show and, of course, we'll go watch her students! 😊 Some of the Dora mothers have asked me to continue taking pictures of the girls, which I'll do, but we won't be traveling to all the "away games", etc. And Allie is just going to be to far away to stay to involved! 🥺 She got her release from Howard Payne athletics so she's now free to speak with the Florida Tech coach. She knows she could never keep up with "the team" since she's now older and her knee injury has slowed her down but she's HOPING he'll let her be on the practice squad. They have a squad of volunteers that come in and assist with the team, playing mock games during practice times. Really hope she's allowed to do that; she would love to stay involved and be able to help in a volunteer capacity. We're just going to be making more "non-Disney" trips and explore the east coast of Florida. We extended our October trip to spend time in Melbourne and make a trip down to Key West to begin with. Talked to BFF today and she's checking her schedule to see if she can join us a few days. It will just all be SO different!


This is from Epcot. :tink:
Still working on the dance photos but here are a few scenery and food pics. We ate SO much Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I had to switch to tropical salads I was so miserable. :rotfl: Fresh seafood is SO good! :cloud9: Couple of the pics are of some of the "grand houses" along Shoreline Drive. Oh my goodness, some of those were beautiful!

DID have some laughs this weekend...ALLIE trying to pose in front of one of the picture banners! Thought the security guard would fall off his chair laughing :rotfl2:...

I have SO many projects but just can't get motivated to start on them. I HAVE to start working on Christmas decorations repairs but it's not something I enjoy doing! :rotfl: So many of my smaller decorations have lights that need to be replaced and that's such a "pain" to do! It will take me all week to get caught up again after being gone 5 days! David's garden is still producing despite the lack of rain and heat and he came home with a lot of vegetables that need to be cleaned and frozen this evening. With the kids leaving Tuesday for Europe I'll have plenty time....especially since David will be staying at their house to take care of the dog and cats...BUT...that means either cooking and taking dinner out there or cooking at Sara's house :headache:; it will be a hectic couple of weeks. I'm still missing Boo and that routine too which is one reason I can't get motivated. Just need a couple of afternoons in the pool to relax and think about what needs to be done first. Katie will still basically be in "dance class" but they won't have all the competitions...just classroom work and their years end project will be a production but that's quite a difference from 8 dance studio competitions plus Friday night football games and Brahmadora competitions! She IS doing choreography for solos both for the dance studio and the Brahmadora's spring show and, of course, we'll go watch her students! 😊 Some of the Dora mothers have asked me to continue taking pictures of the girls, which I'll do, but we won't be traveling to all the "away games", etc. And Allie is just going to be to far away to stay to involved! 🥺 She got her release from Howard Payne athletics so she's now free to speak with the Florida Tech coach. She knows she could never keep up with "the team" since she's now older and her knee injury has slowed her down but she's HOPING he'll let her be on the practice squad. They have a squad of volunteers that come in and assist with the team, playing mock games during practice times. Really hope she's allowed to do that; she would love to stay involved and be able to help in a volunteer capacity. We're just going to be making more "non-Disney" trips and explore the east coast of Florida. We extended our October trip to spend time in Melbourne and make a trip down to Key West to begin with. Talked to BFF today and she's checking her schedule to see if she can join us a few days. It will just all be SO different!


This is from Epcot. :tink:

WS or FW?
Still working on the dance photos but here are a few scenery and food pics. We ate SO much Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I had to switch to tropical salads I was so miserable. :rotfl: Fresh seafood is SO good! :cloud9: Couple of the pics are of some of the "grand houses" along Shoreline Drive. Oh my goodness, some of those were beautiful!


Pretty pictures. Lots of good food
I’ll start with the new Creations Shop?

🥹 Just had dinner and said our "goodbyes". I think Katie is actually getting excited about the trip and Allie has been ready to go since she graduated in May. 😊 Going from 100+ temperatures to anywhere from the 40's in the Swiss Alps to 80's in Paris :cloud9:. Tomorrow night about this time they should be flying over New Hampshire :goodvibes (I'm SO jealous)!


No Ma'am, not in the Creations Shop. :tink:
🥹 Just had dinner and said our "goodbyes". I think Katie is actually getting excited about the trip and Allie has been ready to go since she graduated in May. 😊 Going from 100+ temperatures to anywhere from the 40's in the Swiss Alps to 80's in Paris :cloud9:. Tomorrow night about this time they should be flying over New Hampshire :goodvibes (I'm SO jealous)!


No Ma'am, not in the Creations Shop. :tink:

Is it a gift shop attached to one of the attractions?


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