Where In The World 21. We are now completely legal!!!

Is it a kiosk type place or an actual restaurant?


This WAS an actual quick serve restaurant. This particular one is now closed and combined with a 2nd restaurant of the same name. This crop is from the one in the Marketplace area. :tink:
Fun couple of days but exhausting and had a few "bumps" but we all made it home safely and enjoyed turkey and trimmings tonight! Nice dinner with 2 other couples & sisters of fellow Dora's Wednesday night. Went to bed early since alarm was set for 5:30 am; woke up at 4:30 with a terrible tummy ache! Made it to parade seating area early and got a front row seat...only to have a TV news camera "park" right in front of us as they were sitting up for the parade. Moved to another area; TV station broadcasting the parade hands out these stupid reindeer ears that got in our line of view so we moved again. Parade begins and rude people in front of us decide to STAND up blocking our view 😡 so we moved AGAIN. Ended up standing on a short wall so we could see over the "gate crashers"....I'd be willing to bet half of them didn't have tickets to the seated ticketed area since they all filtered in AFTER they stopped limited access! 🤬 Got a few nice pictures but a lot are blurry....camera kept focusing on those stupid ears or the light pole in front of us! Light rain started during the parade; not much just enough to make the streets slick. During the performance...at mid-center in front of the TV camera one of the Dora's "busted her backside"...BIG TIME! :blush: SHE was fine but a little further down the street another Dora twisted her ankle and had to leave the group with the Director so EMS could check her out....she was directed to get an X-ray when she got back to Bellville! Got back to the hotel and waited for the group; they looked like the "walking wounded" 😄 when they walked in cold and wet...injured and "pride was injured" and she was crying harder than the girl with the busted ankle! 😉 But then...as Katie and 2 of her friends were watching David's recording of the performance a lady walked up to them and explained she was tourist in Houston from Singapore and wanted to take a picture with the 3 girls. She LOVED them in the parade and told Katie..."the best part of the parade and I loved watching YOU"! THEN....David goes to valet parking to notify them we'd be leaving shortly but needed to finish packing first. THEY told him our car would be ready in ABOUT 3 MINUTES! :faint: There was a 10 minute wait for the elevator :faint: so we quickly threw our things together and got back down to start for home. Now it's a good nights rest and a TOUGH football game tomorrow evening! Keeping our fingers crossed the team is ready to play!

7AM in the lobby...
Fun couple of days but exhausting and had a few "bumps" but we all made it home safely and enjoyed turkey and trimmings tonight! Nice dinner with 2 other couples & sisters of fellow Dora's Wednesday night. Went to bed early since alarm was set for 5:30 am; woke up at 4:30 with a terrible tummy ache! Made it to parade seating area early and got a front row seat...only to have a TV news camera "park" right in front of us as they were sitting up for the parade. Moved to another area; TV station broadcasting the parade hands out these stupid reindeer ears that got in our line of view so we moved again. Parade begins and rude people in front of us decide to STAND up blocking our view 😡 so we moved AGAIN. Ended up standing on a short wall so we could see over the "gate crashers"....I'd be willing to bet half of them didn't have tickets to the seated ticketed area since they all filtered in AFTER they stopped limited access! 🤬 Got a few nice pictures but a lot are blurry....camera kept focusing on those stupid ears or the light pole in front of us! Light rain started during the parade; not much just enough to make the streets slick. During the performance...at mid-center in front of the TV camera one of the Dora's "busted her backside"...BIG TIME! :blush: SHE was fine but a little further down the street another Dora twisted her ankle and had to leave the group with the Director so EMS could check her out....she was directed to get an X-ray when she got back to Bellville! Got back to the hotel and waited for the group; they looked like the "walking wounded" 😄 when they walked in cold and wet...injured and "pride was injured" and she was crying harder than the girl with the busted ankle! 😉 But then...as Katie and 2 of her friends were watching David's recording of the performance a lady walked up to them and explained she was tourist in Houston from Singapore and wanted to take a picture with the 3 girls. She LOVED them in the parade and told Katie..."the best part of the parade and I loved watching YOU"! THEN....David goes to valet parking to notify them we'd be leaving shortly but needed to finish packing first. THEY told him our car would be ready in ABOUT 3 MINUTES! :faint: There was a 10 minute wait for the elevator :faint: so we quickly threw our things together and got back down to start for home. Now it's a good nights rest and a TOUGH football game tomorrow evening! Keeping our fingers crossed the team is ready to play!

7AM in the lobby...

You sure did have to move a lot to find a seat for the parade 😂. I love their costumes 😍
You sure did have to move a lot to find a seat for the parade 😂. I love their costumes 😍

And it was STILL a horrible place to be with that stupid light pole in the way! We're the "designated" grandparents to sit on that side :rotfl2:; they'll have to find someone new for next year! The side we were on is the "performance side"...it faces the TV cameras and commentators sit behind us so we can take "front on" pictures of the girls. All the other parents sit in the grandstand on the other side of the street but just see the "back side" of the girls unless they turn around. It's a MUCH easier side...the hotel we stay in is on that side of the street...only 2 blocks away and SO easy to walk down and back. WE have to cross the street and have to wait until the parade ends to start back. Then we're walking through the staging area and around security barriers...and begging :rotfl: the security people to let us through! The only grandstand ... elevated seating on our side is reserved for VIP's so it's always been a hassle to get a good spot to see clearly. It would have been fine this year if those rude people would have stayed seated. I "politely" :rolleyes1 requested more than once for them to sit down but that lasted about 3 minutes! And, of course, all he ushers had disappeared by the time the Dora's performed. It is what it is and between my photos and Sara's we do have a few nice ones of Katie...and the recorded performance by David and on TV. Another "last" in the books...and now just hoping the football game tonight doesn't fall in that column! :rolleyes: I'm afraid it will though; we're ranked #6 in our region in the state but the team we're playing is ranked #2...but a LOT of #1 & 2 teams have lost in the playoffs already so hoping for the best...but expecting the opposite! 🥺:tink:
For the first time since my Godson was quarterback for the Brahmas...in 2002...they have made it to ROUND 4! Another unbelievable victory tonight as they defeated the #2 team in Class 4A, Texas football by a score of 61-7 with the 7 points coming a couple of minutes before the game ended with our "2nd string" on defense. They've scored 177 points to 14 in the playoffs! :faint: Fun halftime show with our Superintendent, Principal and 2 Assistant Principal's joining the show as the 2 Christmas trees, snowman and gift. :faint:

One of the holiday storytellers or Santas?

Stayed focused this evening and got a lot done outside! :cool1: Our giant Mickey and Olaf are up as well as my new little Stitch...our Disney "theme" this year is "Stitch Stole Our Time" :rolleyes: since we won't put out ALL of our outdoor decorations. Just no more time; this week is devoted to Christmas trees! Hope to get at least 2 of the 4 trees up by the end of the week...or at least get them started! :faint:


BINGO....this is from a Storytellers display. Tell me which country. :goodvibes:tink:
Stayed focused this evening and got a lot done outside! :cool1: Our giant Mickey and Olaf are up as well as my new little Stitch...our Disney "theme" this year is "Stitch Stole Our Time" :rolleyes: since we won't put out ALL of our outdoor decorations. Just no more time; this week is devoted to Christmas trees! Hope to get at least 2 of the 4 trees up by the end of the week...or at least get them started! :faint:


BINGO....this is from a Storytellers display. Tell me which country. :goodvibes:tink:

I’ll start with American Adventure?


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