First WOW

I have,a sibling like that. My sibling would come home to visit at my parents' house, and my folks would jump through hoops. And when she finally leaves you think peace and quiet NOPE, for the next several months my Mother would complain how hard it was for her and how she had to clean the whole house every day and if the grass was cut my my sister allergies would acted up. And if dust from the dirt road got on her car, you never heard the end of it.
This went on for several years. My Mom called me the next time my sister was coming home, and I thought great.
So I called and told her that if you love the rest of the family go to a hotel during your stay because I'm the lucky one that gets to hear how hard you made Mom's life when you come home. She said Mom and Dad never said anything to her and she doesn't make them jump though hoops, I said yeah you do.
She was angry, call my parents. Then my Mom calls me, wants to know why I told my sister to stay at a hotel. I tried to explain but my Mom doesn't wanted to hear it puts my Dad on the phone(this is not going great or good at this point), I explain to my Dad what happens every single time when my sister visits this happens.
My Dad who hardly ever says much, finally told my Mother he had enough and he loves my sister but he not going go through what they been though and its stopping now, he called my sister to let her know it was better if she stayed hotel.
The problem was that my Mom believed that my sister would never come back for visit if she couldn't stay with them. In the end her last visit home was much better.
Peace rains when you have boundaries.