When will you go back to normal?

When will you return to your pre-Coronavirus daily routine and habits?

  • As soon as restrictions are loosened

  • Summer 2020

  • Fall 2020

  • Winter 2020

  • 2021

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IThere was even an agreement between KS and MO on jobs as it was quite common for a long enough while that companies would switch back and forth either in headquarters or office buildings in our metro between the two states based on whoever would give the company more tax incentives.
Those of us in Missouri rolled our eyes at that deal. We call that closing the barn door after the cow is out.
Those of us in Missouri rolled our eyes at that deal. We call that closing the barn door after the cow is out.
Right!? It was already going on long enough not like it's going to change the behaviors of the companies OR the cities/areas.

*Side note back in Feb 2018 John Oliver (from Last Week Tonight) featured this issue (he's done a few other segments over the years on KS including one about our budget crisis (so did Seth Meyers). Was interesting hearing it described from an outsider's perspective. Although they still lump KCK and KCMO as if there isn't anything outside of those though that's normal. AMC didn't go to KCK from KCMO, it went to Leawood..a completely different area :laughing:
You need to look up herd immunity.

I've been reading the research on this right from the start. And the fact is, we *don't know* what percentage of the population has already been exposed. Without knowing that, it is impossible to say that we need a vaccine for herd immunity or to gauge whether controlled spread might be the better strategy, considering that taking the vaccine route likely means we'll be in some degree of lockdown for the rest of this year, most of next, and perhaps even into 2022.

States already running low on unemployment funds due to such large numbers of people filing.


Yep. Michigan's fund will be exhausted in 2 months. And that was based on last week's data - the real picture is probably worse. Unemployment claims (not a total measure of unemployment, of course) have reached 25% of the state's total workforce and are expected to rise still further as more people get through the overloaded systems and the medical system layoffs, which are just starting to pick up steam, start to hit. Between the current overload on the system and the projected permanent loss of so many businesses, the current thinking is that businesses that do survive will be hit next year with a massive tax hike to make up the shortfall and repay the federal stabilization loan (because only corporations get no-strings money, right?).
Isn’t the point of social distancing is to not overwhelm the healthcare system. If the healthcare system is ok can’t we just go out at your own risk. Yes people will die from covid but people die from all kinds of ailments everyday. Not to be callous but people die everyday. We can’t prevent that. I’m a believer in when it’s your time it’s your time.

eventually people are just going to have to take the risk or not. I would prefer to take my chances once hospitals aren’t overwhelmed. I can die on my way to work tomorrow. If it’s my time I can’t prevent it.
This is my thing. I was 100% board with restrictions in place to flatten the curve. But once it’s flattened we need to resume life. When stay at home orders began it was said it was to not overwhelm the healthcare system. Now they’re saying Til there is a vaccine. That is absolutely ridiculous.
This is my thing. I was 100% board with restrictions in place to flatten the curve. But once it’s flattened we need to resume life. When stay at home orders began it was said it was to not overwhelm the healthcare system. Now they’re saying Til there is a vaccine. That is absolutely ridiculous.

Did JBE say we are waiting on a vaccine? I missed the press conference yesterday. He seemed very reluctant to close school.

ETA: I am watching the conference now and he said we won't be waiting for a vaccine here.
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Did JBE say we are waiting on a vaccine? I missed the press conference yesterday. He seemed very reluctant to close school.
He said we won’t go back to “normal” until there is a vaccine & even talked about school looking different in the fall. Not online but that we may stagger when kids go.
Did JBE say we are waiting on a vaccine? I missed the press conference yesterday. He seemed very reluctant to close school.

ETA: I am watching the conference now and he said we won't be waiting for a vaccine here.
Wait did I misunderstand or is that what I saying today? I swore he said we won’t go back to “normal” til there is a vaccine although that could mean anything.
This is my thing. I was 100% board with restrictions in place to flatten the curve. But once it’s flattened we need to resume life. When stay at home orders began it was said it was to not overwhelm the healthcare system. Now they’re saying Til there is a vaccine. That is absolutely ridiculous.

Exactly. Several governors are saying as much now, while others aren't putting it in those words but are setting the bar there nonetheless. Meanwhile, hospitals are laying off staff and warning they may not be able to remain open at all - exactly the opposite of the "increase medical capacity" leg of an ideal response - because of the prohibition on non-essential procedures and visits. So by the time the real economic and human costs of a "not until a vaccine" approach becomes undeniable, we may not have any opportunity to change course because we will be even more constrained by an even more stressed medical system than we had when the virus first hit.
Did JBE say we are waiting on a vaccine? I missed the press conference yesterday. He seemed very reluctant to close school.
There's been a lot of talks that we would possibly need to do these measures for a much longer time period, some thinking intermittent stay at home orders (which IMO would be disasterous to have a "you can stay open for 3 months, now close for 1 month, open again for say 6 months then closed for another month, etc you get the picture).

Most recently the other day researchers studying the numbers said: ""Intermittent distancing may be required into 2022 unless critical care capacity is increased substantially or a treatment or vaccine becomes available"(advised by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health) "The study acknowledged that prolonged distancing would most likely have profoundly negative economic, social and educational consequences."

My concern is officials, both national and local, will launch onto this viewpoint and run with it. Already that's been seen to be the case where flattening the curve changed in the main goal. Can you imagine the craziness if one day you're allowed to hug your relative and then for the next several weeks you're not for example, or your businesses can be open for several weeks and then closes again. We think the unemployment is a nightmare now I can't imagine how and up and down schedule would look like.
So today he said we WON’T wait for a vaccine? That’s good to hear. He might have gotten some push back after yesterday.

I can’t comment about yesterday. I missed the entire thing and they didn’t mention that on the news.

Apparently they are having a meeting with the White House task force today about reopening.
There's been a lot of talks that we would possibly need to do these measures for a much longer time period, some thinking intermittent stay at home orders (which IMO would be disasterous to have a "you can stay open for 3 months, now close for 1 month, open again for say 6 months then closed for another month, etc you get the picture).

Most recently the other day researchers studying the numbers said: ""Intermittent distancing may be required into 2022 unless critical care capacity is increased substantially or a treatment or vaccine becomes available"(advised by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health) "The study acknowledged that prolonged distancing would most likely have profoundly negative economic, social and educational consequences."

My concern is officials, both national and local, will launch onto this viewpoint and run with it. Already that's been seen to be the case where flattening the curve changed in the main goal. Can you imagine the craziness if one day you're allowed to hug your relative and then for the next several weeks you're not for example, or your businesses can be open for several weeks and then closes again. We think the unemployment is a nightmare now I can't imagine how and up and down schedule would look like.
If be ok with intermittent vs indefinite closures as it would give at least a little break.
The problem is that is what the virus is going to do to us anyway whenever we open up. We will open up and one business will be infected, close for awhile reopen. Next week 2 businesses. The original business opens back up but 6 months later, more employees get it and they have to close again. So the virus will do this to us whenever we open back up. Pick your poison. Regardless, it will not be normal.
There are several different kinds of people out there right now but here's two kinds:

1) Those that will not accept that any presence of the virus is allowable
2) Those who accept that the virus will likely be around us (it's already strongly suggested it will be seasonal) and make decisions from there

I never said "normal" in this context. Our systems are not designed for millions of people to sign up for unemployment for several weeks at a time, our businesses as a whole are not set up for their livlihoods that they can simply close up shop, then reopen, then close, then reopen nor would employees even want that, there's no steady stream of income, our social construct of being able to touch someone is not set up for it's ok to be close, touch one another, hug one another one day but then halt that behavior for a defined time period, then back up again, our school system is not set up to be in person for a while then online for a while nor do we have it set up on a mass scale for online; there's online schools but they represent a minority in how our school system is set up. That is what I was referring to and that is what they meant when they spoke of the negative consequences to such intermittent social distancing.


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