**** What Is Your Favorite Disney Memory? ****


Earning My Ears
Feb 4, 2008
Being a Disney fanatic and having so many woderful memories at DisneyWorld, I was wondering what were some other peoples favorite memories?
When my sister (Andrabell) and I were kids we went on our first family vacation with our new Step-Monster and Dad. Well, my step monster got sick and puked on right on Main Street! We found this to be hillarious! We just laughed right in her face!
Well my DS was 5 when we were last at Disney. That was when he was obsessed with Woody and Toy Story. My dad gave him a life size Woody doll. He LOVED that doll to death. The doll was so big, he didnt take it on our trip to Disney. I remember, he was so nervous about meeting his idol, he was thinking for hours on what he was going to say to Woody when he finally met him. I just told him to say the first thing that came to his mind. Well, we walked over to Al's Toy Barn, and there he was, Woody. My DS walked over and held out his hand. And I will never forget the words that came out of his mouth, he said, "I Have A Big Woody" The Woody character shot straight up and looked at me. My husband and the others in line was laughing. I mean, out of all the names, why in the world did they name that character Woody?????
I have so many wonderful memories of WDW but my absolute favorite happened in 2000. We were in EPCOT watching the Tapestry parade and my then 3yo DD was sitting on DH's shoulders so she could get a good view of the parade. One of the puppets (remember the giant puppets?) came down and touched her on the shoulder. I will never forget the look on her face. She was mesmorized!
I have to pick two,as I can't choose between them. They both have to do with the Candlelight Processional. The first was when I saw Robert Urich as the celebrity narrator just as he went into remission from his cancer,and the next time was when Jim Caviezel was the narrator.
My favorite memory is when we went on our Make a Wish trip. We were watching Wishes and Austin was so excited then he looked at me all serious and said " Mom I made a wish to come here so I know wishes come true."
He was 7 at the time and it was so touching. I still tear up during Wishes.
One of my favorite memories from my son's first trip for his 5th birthday was going to MK on his birthday and getting there for the opening ceremony which I had never seen before. It was so beautiful with the music, and the characters coming in on the train, and seeing it all through his eyes was just the best. We ended that day at mgm for the osborne lights, and he crashed in the stroller, my niece did too, and my dbro + dsil got an egg nog and sat on a bench enjoying the atmosphere.
Before the changes at CRT, dd (3) met Cindy and there was no one else around. Cindy danced with dd, taught her how to swirl her dress and even sang wheels on the bus while they sat on her throne. It was so magical and special. One of those moments that can never be repeated.
Seeing my DD (10 months) face was we went through IASW! My DH and I both cried. We had been to WDW many times as a couple, but to see the World through my DD's eyes was the most magical experience!
Definately watching Wishes and the Electric Water Parade with my DBF on the Poly beach during our first night at WDW. It was so beautiful and romantic! :cloud9: :love: :hug:
I think it was when I was around 7 or 8. The boys in the family had gone off to enjoy a different park then the Magic Kingdom (can't remember which one). My mom and I were taking our time enjoying everything, when much to my surprise I learn that you can actually eat in the castle!:lovestruc My mom warns me about how reservations fill up quickly, and doesn't promise me anything. We walk up to the podium, my eyes wide with anticipation, and my mom asks the lovely CM behind it if by any chance we can eat in the castle. The CM takes a look at me, than looks at my mom again, "If you go up right now there's a table open!" I'm over the moon with happiness :cloud9:. The lady hands me some mickey head confetti, telling me to put it somewhere magical (which later turned out to be the IASW waterways). I will never EVER forget that magic.:wizard:
We have so many good memories from trips with our three kids.:lovestruc

My favorite is from the first time we took our oldest son when he had just turned 1.
Two of my sisters and their husbands were also with us, so a big family trip.

DS had been cruising the furniture for a few weeks and had been taking steps while we held his hands.

We were on Main Street one afternoon in MK waiting for the parade to start. We were all sitting on the curb. DS was standing next to DH and took his very first steps on his own to me. We were right in front of The Emporium.

He never stopped walking after that. He is very proud of the fact that he took his first steps in the Magic Kingdom. I still get teary eyed when I think about it or walk by that area when we are there.

He is 10 now! :lovestruc
My favorite memory is of my father and me leaving the parks at night and walking to the parking lot hand in hand. It was after putting in a full day at disney, the parks closing and we walked to the car. He was in his 80's at the time, I was in my 40's. Everytime I leave a park now at night, I think of him and the great times we had. He was my best disney buddy.
I remember when I was little we would rent a camper and stay at Fort Wilderness and back then you could swim in the other resorts pools. So, my favorite was swimming at the Poly, because I loved for my daddy to put me in some little cave area by the pool. I haven't been back to the pool there since then, so I'm not sure what that little cave area was. It seems like it was somewhere under some slides. I also remember getting to swim in the water around the beaches of the Poly and the Contemporary. Oh, and I remember going to River Country, now that was fun!
Although I have many treasured memories of WDW, the best memory I have is of me when I was a young teen and my cousin (who was an adult) going to DLR and riding the "fast" rides like Matterhorn and Space Mountain. He also like the Peter Pan ride and we would just laugh and laugh on those rides.
My favorite memory would have to be at the very beginning of my family's first ever trip to WDW last year. We entered the Magic Kingdom right in the middle of the Family Fun Day parade, and as we walked out onto Mainstreet, my youngest son looked up at me with this giant smile on his face and said "Mommy! My dreams are coming true!!!" It was just such a mooshy, wonderful, cheesy family moment that I still get a bit teary just thinking about it.
Wow...there are so many to choose from. I guess it would have to be the year that I won a raffle for a free steak dinner for my entire family - all 11 of us! They were having a circus type show at the resort we were staying at and one of the things they did was a raffle. I NEVER win anything so I was not expecting to win this and when we did - everyone was freaking out! :banana: :yay: Especially my grandparents who usually picked up the tab for all 11 of us! Anyway, we got the steak dinner with the works...dessert and all. We we so excited and everyone :love: me!
When my DS was about 5, he was flat out in LOVE :love: with Cinderella! During the MVMCP one night, he met her at her coach behind Cinderella Castle and got his picture taken with her. She chatted with him for a few minutes and for the next HOUR he gushed and blushed. "She's SOOOO nice!! And her hair is the same color as mine!! And her dress is my favorite color!! And this, and that!!" His brother was asleep in the stroller, so he was able to go on and on about it for at least an hour without being interrupted. He was on :cloud9: it was sooo adorable. I only wish I'd have captured it on video.
My favorite memory happened in the Fall of 2006. My 7-month pregnant sister and I took her other 4 children to WDW for the sole purpose of going to MNSSHP (yea, I don't know what we were thinking either :confused3 the children were 8, 6, 4, and 2). They were so excited and dressed up as Tiger Lily, Wendy, Peter Pan and my littlest (at the time) niece as Tinker Bell. We were coming back through Fantasy Land after the parade when a CM stopped us and said "stay right here, I'll be right back." When she came back she was accompanied by none other than "The Real Peter Pan." He ooohed and aaahed over all of their costumes, complimenting my nephew on how good he looked, but he paid special attention to the little tiny Tinker Bell. My sister has this great picture of him bending down so she could kiss him on the cheek. She's going to be 4 in March, but she still remembers how she met "The Real Peter Pan" when we went to MNSSHP.
One on the most magical memories for me was arriving at Disney World, getting on a bus, and seeing Spaceship Earth for the first time. What makes it so special, is that this was my first true Disney moment with my boyfriend :) I was so excited.

But the most memorable moment was when we got to open up Disney-MGM Studios on our first full day the next day! We got to ride down Sunset Blvd. to the Tower of Terror, got to ride all by ourselves, and they gave us a free ride photo! It was amazing!

Ok, I swear this is my last favorite memory:

MEETING JACK SPARROW AND HOLDING HIS HAND! *swoon* Oh, now that was a dream come true.


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