What is your fave time of year to visit?

WDWfan uk

<font color=red>.... but you can call me Shirley :
Aug 21, 1999
We can't decide when to visit this year!

What do you think is the best time of year to go to DLP?
Hi Shirley :wave:

IMO, there are 2 'best' times to visit DLParis.

The First is Christmas/New Year
A few years back we visited from about 29th December to 2nd January and it was wonderful. OK it was very cold, rained a few times and was pretty busy, but the atmosphere was brilliant. All of the Christmas decorations were up, there were lots of great Xmas shows and there was 'snow' on Main Street USA, plus the fantastic Tree Lighting Ceremony - it was amazing and something to look forward to after Christmas Day. New Years Eve in The Disneyland Park was also incredible - we were all crammed in near the castle, but the fireworks and atmosphere was just wonderful. I would definitely visit at this time of year again. One memory is sitting in Walt's Restaurant on the second floor of a building in Main Street USA, and looking over the street on New Years Day, with snow falling down over all the people and characters.

The Summer
This is a nice time to visit weather-wise, but crowds will get high on weekends. There is the benefit of Summer opening hours with the park open late and fireworks etc. However, you cannot 'guarantee' sunny, warm, rain-free weather.

Richard. :)
I agree with Richard that summer or Christmas are the best times. A mid-week visit during the summer season (with long opening hours) is probably my favourite. This is closely followed by Christmas, although I woud say before Christmas rather between Christmas and New Year (decorations start to look 'tired' the longer they stay up). We've done New Year's Eve at DLP several times now, but the last couple of times were just too busy so a pre-Christmas trip is better IMHO.

If you've not been during Halloween I can also recommend that time of year. Frontierland is re-christened 'Halloweenland' and is decorated wonderfully - well worth making the effort to see. The hard-ticket Halloween soirees are also very good, with many guests making a huge effort to dress up in their best halloween costumes.


We've only ever been in December or November - I hate going when it's really crowded!

The last three times we have been early to mid December to enjoy the decorations - but boy, can it get COLD. Our very first visit was in early November which, looking back on, the weather seemed positively balmy by comparison!!

Anyway, although my DH and I don't really mind it getting so cold as we just wear loads of layers, now that we have our DD to think of I'm planning my next trip for November again. DLP put their christmas decorations up so early we can enjoy those and, hopefully, some very slightly warmer weather!!
I have to agree about the summer - I love it!

I also like the spring as, although the park opening hours are shorter there are not such big crowds and you are in with a fighting chance of decent weather (planning a trip in May this year).

Although we enjoyed seeing the decorations at Xmas, I wouldn't go at that time again with children. The memory of the blizzard we encountered is still too strong!

Agreeing with Rob on Halloween. It was late October the first two times I went to DLP and the next time I went, I felt rather disappointed with how empty Frontierland looked without all the pumpkins! Plus that music really gets into your head!
.......A mid-week visit during the summer season...... yes, I've done this and had hot beautiful weather! We were crammed into the area in front of the Castle for the fireworks, but somehow it didn't seem to matter. I loved the amount of time we could spend enjoying the park at night-time........... the only time the Swiss Family Robinson Tree is really a great attraction, LOL!! Just for the views!!!

That said, I've also visited Summer off-season when the park closed at 8.00pm and we enjoyed the lack of crowds.

I've been really lucky with the weather when I've visited too. DH won't consider December because of the weather - the last couple of Christmasses have been very wet. I must admit - I'm very tempted to go at Hallowe'en this year.
I think up to a point the best time of year to visit varies with your own particular circumstances. For example, my DD is only 8 and cannot keep going until 11.00pm anyway, or at least not for more than one night and would have to sleep in the next morning so some of the advantage of the long opening hours is lost. So the lower price and smaller crowds make spring attractive t us. 8 o'clock closing followed by a meal and maybe a swim at the Ranch and then bed and a fairly early start work well for us.

But if it was just the 2 of us, or if all the kids were older, then the extra cost and crowds would be worth it for all that the summer has to offer. We tend to visit summer one year and get an annnual pass, then visit spring the next year while the pass is still valid, but I think ifthings were different we would stick to summer.

On a different note, I am sure that the first time that we visited the park closed at 6.00pm and that was in late September. That was a few years back but it does seem very early. Does anyone remember it closing that early or am I imagining it?

Karen :)
Yes, closing at 6pm was the norm for weekdays during the off season. It was two years ago that DLP changed its opening hours policy so that the earliest the Disneyland park will close is 8pm.


Our fave time of year to visit is June when we've always had lovely weather.

But saying that, we had to wait till we went for a day visit one August before we saw the electric night-time parade & fireworks.

With younger children I'd def. rec ommend May/June, & the queues are much lighter.,


:earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy:
Yes, favourite times to visit can vary quite a bit! Paris in the spring truly lives up to its reputation given half-decent weather (which is not guaranteed, obviously, but is usually better than here!), and DLP is just as stunning at that time of year. Summer obviously gives you longer hours and more attractions/activities (although we were there last July when the temperature hit 37C, and, staying at the Sante Fe - with no a/c :eek: - made for some uncomfortable nights), while the Halloween season is truly wonderful to see, and highly recommended, IMHO. It really is a tough call to try to nominate a 'fave' time, and I think ultimately, as long as it stays dry ( :rolleyes: ), it is a good time to be in DLP :teeth:


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