What color is pixie dust?

That is so cute putting footprints in the pixie dust!

I have to say that I love that there is a 2 page discussion on the correct color of pixie dust. Only on the Dis boards, right? :thumbsup2

They loved the footprints!!!!! The first morning they didn't even notice but the next day they did and man they loved it!! so much in fact that now when the tooth fairy comes she leaves glitter behind as well. :) Oh and she leaves Disney dollars instead of cash, the girls prefer that as well. :) LOL

And yes, I'm loving this DIScussion as well, it works great with the DISboards and DISneyland doesn't it? LOL
gold. At least thats teh color from the movie (both Tinkerbell and Peter Pan..Peter Pan is better IMO)
Well I went to Hobby Lobby today and they had Fairy Dust (glitter) in all colors.
So I got iradescent (sp.?) and green and mixed them together since I already had the green. Great idea on the polly pocket shoe prints! I am going to steal that idea!!!


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