DD found a recipe for sausage-rigatoni bake that she wanted me to try out. It was weird... Two cans of crushed tomatoes, 4 tsp salt, 2 tsp sugar, Italian spices, a pound of sweet Italian sausage, and a stick of butter go in a 9X13 pan in the oven, uncovered, at 350 for 45 minutes. Stir well, add 1 cup of water and a pound of uncooked rigatoni, stir well, cover, bake for 25-ish minutes. Top with mozzarella and put back in the oven to melt. It took forEVer and tastes just like it would have if I browned the meat in a frying pan, added it to the sauce, boiled up the rigatoni, and threw it all together, in about half the time. Everyone liked it, but I wasn't a fan of the texture of the noodles. Oh well... that, a bag of salad, and a loaf of sesame seed encrusted french bread and voila! Supper!!
[The stick of butter thing still throws me...]