Welcome to the DIS Dads!!!!!

I am a father of DS10 and DS4 and have been to WDW on 15 different trips from childhood to having children of my own. Going through the list these are the ones that pertain to me.

1. Your passion for Disney equals that of a 7 year old kid.
2. You have a wife that thinks you are a big kid.
3. You get more excited than your kids when a trip to WDW is planned (or the excitement at least equals that of your kids).
4. You planned your next Disney trip the day after returning from Disney World.
5. Your eyes start to water with tears of joy when you see your kids having a great time at WDW (and you secretly try to dry your eyes).
6. You have friends and family that do not understand why you vacation in WDW every year (or at least talk about doing it).
7. You have Disney songs on your MP3 player.
8. You constantly watch disney movies.
9. You have trivia contests in the car with your wife like "name all the attractions at Epcot going counter-clockwise."
10. When you and your wife are reading the DISboards she asks you "what is ToT, RnRR, EE and BTMRR, and you know the answers.
11. You did your best to "brainwash" your kids early so they wouldn't have any problem ever wanting to go on a Disney Vacation.
12. You can't decide if you want to go on a Disney Cruise, to Walt Disney World, or to Disneyland for your next vacation (if you can afford it the Disney Resorts over seas are in the equation as well).
13. You have helped plan many Disney vacations for fellow employees in your department. Now you are getting phone calls from other departments asking, "Hey are you the guy I need to talk to about planning my Disney Vacation?"

Ok in the interest of space I need to stop. It would be easier to list what doesn't apply to me.

Looking forward to meeting like minded dads
WELCOME!!!! head on over to the main disdad thread (weres perry) for a proper greeting.:lmao:
While I was looking over the list of qualifiers I was laughing out loud because so many of them fit me. Where do I start? I went to Disney when I was 11 and than again when I was twelve. I didn't go back until I was 33, and that was when I fell in love with it. I made that trip with my girl friend (now wife). A little bit about us. We met in January 2006 (for the second time). The first time we met was in 1987 when our dads decided to drive to the Citrus Bowl to see Penn State play. They took their kids too, I was 12, she was 7. We went to WDW together and then met again 18 years later. After 5 years of dating we got married. Two years before we were married we went to Disney together using her parents DVC. I had never heard of DVC before but when I got to Disney it was all I watched on the TV while we stayed at SSR. Once we left all I wanted to do was go back. From our time in the parks to our wonderful meals, especially Victoria and Albert's I was hooked. The next spring I purchased at BLT and the rest is history. We used our DVC to go to WDW and the Dominican Republic for our honeymoon and now we are heading back to WDW the day after Thanksgiving with our son. He will only be 7 months but i need a Disney fix and he is never to young to start. I constantly find my self looking through the Disboards for new info on Disney. Although my wife isn't as big a lover of Disney as I am she understands because her father was. I hope you will accept me into the DisDads.

While I was looking over the list of qualifiers I was laughing out loud because so many of them fit me. Where do I start? I went to Disney when I was 11 and than again when I was twelve. I didn't go back until I was 33, and that was when I fell in love with it. I made that trip with my girl friend (now wife). A little bit about us. We met in January 2006 (for the second time). The first time we met was in 1987 when our dads decided to drive to the Citrus Bowl to see Penn State play. They took their kids too, I was 12, she was 7. We went to WDW together and then met again 18 years later. After 5 years of dating we got married. Two years before we were married we went to Disney together using her parents DVC. I had never heard of DVC before but when I got to Disney it was all I watched on the TV while we stayed at SSR. Once we left all I wanted to do was go back. From our time in the parks to our wonderful meals, especially Victoria and Albert's I was hooked. The next spring I purchased at BLT and the rest is history. We used our DVC to go to WDW and the Dominican Republic for our honeymoon and now we are heading back to WDW the day after Thanksgiving with our son. He will only be 7 months but i need a Disney fix and he is never to young to start. I constantly find my self looking through the Disboards for new info on Disney. Although my wife isn't as big a lover of Disney as I am she understands because her father was. I hope you will accept me into the DisDads.


Welcome DisneyInvader.
Just what we need, another Chris. :sad2:

(Sorry, just kidding about the Chris thing)

Hey friends-- checking in over here to see what Dis Dads are all about. Dad of three boys and working to adequately addict them all to Disney before maturity ruins them. Founder of Disney Family Man-- a blog by addicted Disney dads aka people just like the rest of us!
Hey friends-- checking in over here to see what Dis Dads are all about. Dad of three boys and working to adequately addict them all to Disney before maturity ruins them. Founder of Disney Family Man-- a blog by addicted Disney dads aka people just like the rest of us!

:welcome: Rob. Enjoy the clubhouse.

We also congregate at http://disdads.com/

I'm off to check out your Disney Family Man site now :)
Hi Gents,

Just found this. Up 'till now these boards had a decidedly estogen fueled vibe. Sign me up.

I'm the Disney nut in the house but my two girls are just about ready for full disney maniac status. My wife seems to think there is value in vacationing to places that aren't disney themed but we're not conviced. We've got a trip planned for Novemeber for the little one's 5th birthday (any excuse will do).

I look forward to talking with you guys. Thanks.
Hi Gents,

Just found this. Up 'till now these boards had a decidedly estogen fueled vibe. Sign me up.

I'm the Disney nut in the house but my two girls are just about ready for full disney maniac status. My wife seems to think there is value in vacationing to places that aren't disney themed but we're not conviced. We've got a trip planned for Novemeber for the little one's 5th birthday (any excuse will do).

I look forward to talking with you guys. Thanks.


Sit back and relax and enjoy the estrogen-less atmosphere!

Oh...and don't forget to check in over at the "father" thread....

click Here

Emma's Dad will be around to get you that magic disdads number too.
After reading the criteria for admission, sign me up. I am currently making plans for my first wdw vacation and the current disney freak in the house. Hopefully this will be the first of many wdw vacations to come.

After reading the criteria for admission, sign me up. I am currently making plans for my first wdw vacation and the current disney freak in the house. Hopefully this will be the first of many wdw vacations to come.


Ian, WELCOME SIR!!! You can check us out over at disdads.com and also download our podcasts from Itunes-search for disdads under the podcast tab. WELCOME AGAIN!!
Where you from IAn? Kids? When is the trip planned for?
Have read through and more than a few apply. I've recently been made the proud dad of a soon to be Disney loving little girl. Ever since the idea hit me I cannot stop reading the disboards and working on planning our first trip together (currently around Wine and cheese festival in 2012). She was too young to enjoy it but that didn't stop me from making Pooh her first movie!

Thanks for having me if you will.
a place i fit in. my wife definitely thinks i got disney on the brain and my ds knows that disney is always brought up when vacation plans come up. love to be part of the group!!!
After reading the criteria for admission, sign me up. I am currently making plans for my first wdw vacation and the current disney freak in the house. Hopefully this will be the first of many wdw vacations to come.


Have read through and more than a few apply. I've recently been made the proud dad of a soon to be Disney loving little girl. Ever since the idea hit me I cannot stop reading the disboards and working on planning our first trip together (currently around Wine and cheese festival in 2012). She was too young to enjoy it but that didn't stop me from making Pooh her first movie!

Thanks for having me if you will.

a place i fit in. my wife definitely thinks i got disney on the brain and my ds knows that disney is always brought up when vacation plans come up. love to be part of the group!!!


Come on over to the main thread and meet the rest of the regulars. Just give us a post there and we’ll get you officially signed up. You can get there either by clicking on the DisDads image down there in my signature, or by following this link here:

Ian, WELCOME SIR!!! You can check us out over at disdads.com and also download our podcasts from Itunes-search for disdads under the podcast tab. WELCOME AGAIN!!
Where you from IAn? Kids? When is the trip planned for?

I am from LA (Lower Alabama), a small town called Uriah, we have 4 kids(3 boys and 1 wonderful little princess) and we are planning on the first week of June 2012. This will be an anniversary present to the wife and a early birthday gift for the princess.
I am a DISNEY freak. First visit July 1972. Dvc member. wonderful wife and two disney loving daughters...
Can't believe it took me this long to find you !

I am from Southern NB, Canada, and have a DW, DS (17) and a DD (12).

We are going next Sunday. I am the planner in the family and this is our 4th trip. We've done Christmas (my favourite), Summer (HOT) and early fall (still Hot).

My son is a horror show freak. I thought aboyt taking him too MNSSHP (done that b4 as well), but somehow he found out about HHN. Guess where we are going? ;)

He's graduatung, I am 40 and feel 60 (darn arthritis). Love to golf, but only get out occassionally. Daughter is in that " Daddy can I have..." stage. (I will resist, I will resist, I will resist..I never resist :confused3 ) Easier toi give in then deal with demon daughter. :sad2:

Hope to be able to join the club!

I am a DISNEY freak. First visit July 1972. Dvc member. wonderful wife and two disney loving daughters...

Can't believe it took me this long to find you !

I am from Southern NB, Canada, and have a DW, DS (17) and a DD (12).

We are going next Sunday. I am the planner in the family and this is our 4th trip. We've done Christmas (my favourite), Summer (HOT) and early fall (still Hot).

My son is a horror show freak. I thought aboyt taking him too MNSSHP (done that b4 as well), but somehow he found out about HHN. Guess where we are going? ;)

He's graduatung, I am 40 and feel 60 (darn arthritis). Love to golf, but only get out occassionally. Daughter is in that " Daddy can I have..." stage. (I will resist, I will resist, I will resist..I never resist :confused3 ) Easier toi give in then deal with demon daughter. :sad2:

Hope to be able to join the club!



If you haven't done so already, stop over in our main thread and join the conversation!

Hi Dis-Dads. I want in!!!! DVC member since 2007, but have been going to the World since the year it opened.

Does anyone remember the covered area in Epcot at the entrance to the World Showcase where they had video phones to make dinner ressies?

Likely going back next August with DW, DS, DS and DD.


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