Wanna Know A Secret: January 2019 Pre-Trip Report

Fun! I brought it up to hubby when they were announced, but we can't justify the cost. We are already pushing to the edge of our comfort level on the budget with the 10 day trip, the switching to renting dvc for the deluxe hotel, and the dining plan. If we were going for a shorter trip, we'd be doing it, but it seems extravagant when we're already staying long enough to have 2 days of FPs at HS.

I've all but justified it. This is a longer trip for us, but if I had any more days, I might skip the EMM. I think it will be perfect to go with our one character meal and dessert party.
Good thing I justified it so quickly in my mind - it went live a little bit ago and I am sitting here now with a $300 reservation... OH EM GEE, please let it be worth it!

So as I promised myself, I canceled 50s Prime Time Cafe dinner. I am now considering canceling our Via Napoli reservation on our Epcot day to cut another $50 off the budget. Well, it would save $30 or so, maybe a little more since we won't have to worry about a tip or drinks since we would likely pick up a pizza at the resort and we'll have our refillable mug for a drink. Decisions, decisions... If I cancel Via Napoli, that would still leave us with a Character Breakfast that day, so the kids likely wouldn't miss it.
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I'm still on the fence about Via Napoli. I could get pizza literally anywhere and my kids LOVE the food court pizza. I'm not sure if the implication of it being "real" pizza would be lost on them or not, but we do need to eat in the park that night. I'm not sure I could really pull off Quick Service in the World Showcase for much cheaper than a cheese pizza, so we may keep it yet. With breakfast now at 7:45 in the morning, my kids will be hangry if we skip lunch AND dinner.

Now to the sad news. Peter Pan's flight will be closed the whole time we're there for refurbishment. I guess there is always a chance it may reopen a day or two early and if that's the case, we can catch it on our last night there before we check into the HEA dessert party. It'll be the big four park hop day, but the only ride my kids will "HAVE" to ride is Splash Mountain. They'll happy with anything else we do at that point, so there's always the chance to sneak it in there. They will be disappointed about Tomorrowland Speedway, but not devastated. As long as Disney doesn't put anything else under refurb, I think we can survive the trip without tears. They've already put the WDW Railroad, Peter Pan and Speedway under refurb though, so I hope we are in the clear for anything else. If Splash goes under refurb, my kids will FREAK. It's on our list literally four or five times because it is their ultimate favorite.
Now to the sad news. Peter Pan's flight will be closed the whole time we're there for refurbishment.

Oh no! I hadn't seen that news yet. That stinks for you guys.

Now that there's a date for Speedway going down, it and the railroad will officially be out of commission on our trip as well. I had hoped that they might shut down speedway later in the year and we'd just be able to sneak it in (TP had it marked down for refurb starting 3/1, so they guessed wrong). It would be great if they get PP open a few days early so you can get a ride.
Oh no! I hadn't seen that news yet. That stinks for you guys.

Now that there's a date for Speedway going down, it and the railroad will officially be out of commission on our trip as well. I had hoped that they might shut down speedway later in the year and we'd just be able to sneak it in (TP had it marked down for refurb starting 3/1, so they guessed wrong). It would be great if they get PP open a few days early so you can get a ride.
If they can open just ONE day early, we can snag a ride... *crosses fingers*
And just like that, my plans go to chaos. With the resort-wide price hikes in food prices, I'm reexamining the dining plan. It would be QS if we did it and I'd have to give up Trattoria Al Forno and EMM at Hollywood Studios, but all food would be covered and I could feed my MIL instead of the other way around. I'd keep the dessert party. We'd also be able to snack around the world during the Arts Festival whereas we wouldn't without the dining plan. Decisions, decisions... We'd absolutely get our money's worth on the dining plan, but Hollywood Studios will be more complicated.
And just like that, my plans go to chaos. With the resort-wide price hikes in food prices, I'm reexamining the dining plan. It would be QS if we did it and I'd have to give up Trattoria Al Forno and EMM at Hollywood Studios, but all food would be covered and I could feed my MIL instead of the other way around. I'd keep the dessert party. We'd also be able to snack around the world during the Arts Festival whereas we wouldn't without the dining plan. Decisions, decisions... We'd absolutely get our money's worth on the dining plan, but Hollywood Studios will be more complicated.

That's a tough one. Does snacking around the world for the festival sound more appealing to you than EMM at HS and Bon Voyage breakfast? You sounded pretty excited when you booked the EMM...
That's a tough one. Does snacking around the world for the festival sound more appealing to you than EMM at HS and Bon Voyage breakfast? You sounded pretty excited when you booked the EMM...
I know, which is why I'm so on the fence about it now. Financially, it's going to work out about the same. Snacking around the world is a big draw for us because it would actually eliminate the need for a sit down meal at all that day. We would literally just taste test things all day long. We'd probably use 40 snacks credits...

The EMM has a HUGE draw for us, but would be too much extra on top of the dining plan, so it's gonna have to be either/or. Now comes the hard part of deciding because it's just me to make the decision.

EMM means multiple rides on the Toy Story rides and longer with the Pixar stuff, all things we haven't done before.

Dining plan means more food and less stress about feeding hungry kids. Either way, I'm spending at least $600 on food. If I do the dining plan, with covering my MIL with some of our extra QS meals, I'd be spending over $300 the first day alone, well value wise. Plus, I get alcohol on the dining plan and I can't say that a couple boozy milkshakes don't sound appealing. They would likely take the edge off. We also do have hopper passes, so I am thinking we could maybe swing into TSL again on another day if necessary to catch any rides we might miss.

So hard to decide...
Plus, I get alcohol on the dining plan and I can't say that a couple boozy milkshakes don't sound appealing.

Are you seeing those at QS in the parks or Disney Springs?

There are a couple interesting boozy milkshake type drinks I've seen in the parks, but they're at places that don't have QS meals. It almost seemed like they were doing it on purpose and putting the most interesting drinks in places where you'd have to pay OOP because there's no meal to link them to.
Are you seeing those at QS in the parks or Disney Springs?

There are a couple interesting boozy milkshake type drinks I've seen in the parks, but they're at places that don't have QS meals. It almost seemed like they were doing it on purpose and putting the most interesting drinks in places where you'd have to pay OOP because there's no meal to link them to.
At our resort! Actually, all of the All Stars have one and we could rotate where we eat dinner each night. If we don't eat in the park, of course. But yeah... we're planning to eat at the resort a couple nights and they have Boozy shakes. So does a couple of locations in Disney Springs.

I think my decision is going to rest on if I can get a FP to a Toy Story attraction or not. If I can, EMM is out and Dining Plan is in...
FYI, easywdw just put up a detailed post about the EMM at HS. Lots of good info there, he thinks it's a bit oversold as you still end up having a good 10 minute wait for SDD, unlike the EMM at MK where 7DMT is a walk on for the hour.
FYI, easywdw just put up a detailed post about the EMM at HS. Lots of good info there, he thinks it's a bit oversold as you still end up having a good 10 minute wait for SDD, unlike the EMM at MK where 7DMT is a walk on for the hour.

As excited as I was about the event, with the increase in food prices, the dining plan is looking like our best bet. I am not gonna jump the gun in case I can't get a FP, but I really think we'll be cancelling our EMM.
So I did a thing... not really as ashamed of myself as I should be, but meh... I told the boys that we're going to Disney - in 2021! It's totally true of course. I AM planning an October trip for 2021 to see Galaxy's Edge, Tron, whatever else might be open by then? Plus, for the 50th anniversary. So I had each kid write down their top 5/6 attractions from each park that they want to make sure we see when we go (they're thinking in 2021) but I am using these lists to finalize THIS trip that's in just over 3 months! And when I told them about the 2021 trip, they were crazy with excitement!

Now to figure out how/when I'm going to tell them. The choices are either going to be:
A) The night before we leave, so hours before we go.
B) Right as we're leaving.
C) Halfway down there when we stop for breakfast.

No matter when they're told, they're going to find out by being told we're going to see grandma. That's the reason they'll be out of school for the week. They are going to assume in Tennessee or Pennsylvania (She lives in both, LONG story). However, she's actually meeting us down in Disney for the first two days, so it's not a lie. We ARE going to see grandma. So I am hoping to have her on the phone so she can be all, "I can't wait to see you, boys. Why don't you open your February envelope to see what we're going to be doing!" (Backstory: For Christmas, the boys are getting a trunk filled with a 'Year of Adventure.' February's adventure is Disney since it falls across the end of Jan/beginning of Feb.) And when they open the envelope, park maps and magic bands will fall out. I have taken the day before the trip off work so I can pack while they're at school.
And now I'm thinking about changing resorts. Was playing with numbers and if I cancel EMM, and switch resorts to All Star Sports on Stay, Play, Dine... I'll save $200 off what I'm going to be paying now and ALL food will be covered. Ahhh... somebody talk me down... before I call Disney!
And now I'm thinking about changing resorts. Was playing with numbers and if I cancel EMM, and switch resorts to All Star Sports on Stay, Play, Dine... I'll save $200 off what I'm going to be paying now and ALL food will be covered. Ahhh... somebody talk me down... before I call Disney!

I say go for it! With the food prices going up and the fact that there wasn't a dining plan cost increase for 2019 packages, I think it's just a matter of time before the dining plans go up. Do it now and lock in the savings.
I say go for it! With the food prices going up and the fact that there wasn't a dining plan cost increase for 2019 packages, I think it's just a matter of time before the dining plans go up. Do it now and lock in the savings.

I did it earlier! I cancelled EMM and my table service meals. I switched over to Stay, Play, Dine at All Star Sports and it will be just under $4000 for EVERYTHING, including the food. Just over with the dessert party. I have to figure out the details for sure now, but I have no regrets right now. The resort is largely just a place to sleep for us. With my previous reservation/discount, the EMM and dining, I was looking at $4500, so it's savings all around.
The planner in me is getting restless, so I thought I'd go in and do some detailed plans for the days that are basically decided.
This is all approximate and may changes, especially food choices. But this is the plan we're going in with and what we plan to happen each day. This is getting pretty close to final, with the exception of new things that may be added down the road/things that may close for refurbishment.

Day 1 – Saturday, January 26

Online Check In for All Star Sports/Drop Off Bags/Pick Up Stroller/Meet Grandma at Disney Springs
(Special Request: Touchdown Room)

Arrival - (Disney Springs) – 10 AM – 12 AM

Early Lunch: Polite Pig

3 Half Chicken Meals (3 Corn, 2 Baked Beans, 1 BBQ Waffle Fries) - $16.00 x 3 = $48.00

2 Brisket Meals (2 Mac and Cheese, 1 BBQ Waffle Fries, 1 Sweet Tots) - $19.00 x 2 = $38.00

1 Polite Punch - $11

4 Sodas - $4 x 4 = $16

Value = $113

5 QS Credits

PhotoPass Studios

Silhouettes and/or Caricatures

World of Disney/Lego Figures

Swimming at All Star Movies Pool

Dinner: World Premiere Food Court

2 New York Strip Steaks - $13.99 x 2 = $27.98

3 Double American Classic Burger - $16.99 x 2 = $50.97

1 Green Room Milkshake - $11.50

1 Curtain Call Milkshake - $11.50

3 Cliffhanger Milkshakes - $6.99 x 2 = $20.97

Value = $122.92

5 QS Credits

Buy 4 Refillable Mug at Food Court - $18.99 x 4 = $75.96 (Included in Dining Plan)

Bus to MK/Boat to Fort Wilderness

Chip and Dale Campfire at Fort Wilderness

Bus to Disney Springs/Bus to Resort

Day Value = $311.88

10 QS Credits

54 QS Credits, 64 S Credits
my MIL has confirmed that she will be joining us Saturday through Monday, which means she gets to enjoy all four parks with the boys. And I must admit, I've majorly front-loaded my Quick Service credits because I am covering all of her food, whether she likes it or not, LOL. That may make a couple of our Fastpasses a bit hectic, but hopefully I can find a single person FP somewhere in the time frame of when I secure ours. She's staying offsite, so I can't do he FPs until 30 days out. Most of the things we'll have FP for will either be rider swaps or easy enough for her to get on anyway with single rider, etc.

So now with 3 weeks until I book FPs, I am finalizing park plans and nailing down the itinerary. Here is our first park day, which will be split between Magic Kingdom and Epcot.

Magic Kingdom Half Day (Frontierland, Liberty Square) – (AM EMH) 9 AM – 8 PM

Splash Mountain Ears (Brown Ears, Blue Bow, White/Teal Flowers, Teal Droplets)


Breakfast: Intermission Food Court

3 Breakfast Burgers - $12.99 x 3 = $38.97

1 Fruit/Cheese Platter - $6.49

1 Banana Bread - $3.99

1 Orange Juice - $4.29

Value = $53.74

3 QS Credits

(The little guy won't eat eggs so, since we'll have our mugs, I'm going to swap out two of the drinks for the fruit/cheese platter and banana bread for his breakfast. And an OJ for grandma since she won't have a mug.)

8:00 AM – Go to City Hall to request DAS pass for Apollo

Castle Pictures

Big Thunder Mountain (7 Minutes)

Splash Mountain (18 Minutes)

Big Thunder Rider Swap (Middle son has issues with this one. The younger one did too last time, but he may decide to ride it. My oldest loved it, however, so since Grandma will be there, we're going to take advantage of being able to swap off)

Haunted Mansion (Skip Stretching Room) (10 Minutes)

Grandma and I may split up here. My middle boy cannot handle this aspect of the ride, so I may let her take my oldest and youngest through it since they didn't get to see it last time and I will ride with my middle boy. He likes the ride, but one of his main issues (and the reason we get him the DAS to begin with) is that some of his autism quirks are that he hates being crammed against strangers.

Hall of Presidents (23 Minutes)

This is a must-do for my president-obsessed middle son. He's legit obsessed. As in... Santa is bringing him a White House playset and a Dictionary of US Presidents.

11:00 AM – Move It, Shake It, MousekeDance It! Parade

11:30 AM – Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire

12:10 PM – Muppets Present!

Same vein as Hall of Presidents. Kids are obsessed with history, so this is a must-see. I just hope we see a different one this time. They enjoyed the Declaration of Independence, but I'm sure they'd enjoy another scene just as much.

Liberty Square Riverboat (16 Minutes)

Country Bear Jamboree (10 Minutes)

Have I mentioned my kids are weird? This was the one thing on our list last time that we missed and my oldest has not let me forget it, so I am going to make sure we see it this time.

Tom Sawyer Island (30 Minutes)

2:00 PM – Lunch: Casey’s Corner

3 Foot Long Mac and Cheese Dog ($13.49 x 3) = $40.47

5 Mint Julep Lemonade Slushies - $6.49 x 3 = 32.45

Value = $72.92

3 QS Credits, 2 S Credits

This was one of my kids' favorite meals last time. Nothing like the good ol standbys of mac and cheese and hot dogs. We're going to split these because we couldn't finish them last time. I will likely scrape the mac and cheese off and serve it as a side with the fries and then let them dress their dogs with whatever they want. I already know my oldest with drown his hot dog in mayo.

3:00 PM – Hop (Monorail) to Epcot (Future World) – 9 AM – 9 PM

Spaceship: Earth Ears (White Ears, Black Bow, White Flowers)

4:00 PM – Test Track FP (4 Minutes) (3:15 FP)

This ride is on the Top 3 of all three of my kids, so it's a no-brainer that we MUST do this. Hoping if we can't secure a FP for Grandma that maybe she can single rider it with us.

4:30 PM – Mission: Space FP (15 Minutes) (4:20 FP)

5:00 PM – Spaceship: Earth FP (16 Minutes) (5:25 FP)

Journey Into Imagination (6 Minutes)


Another absolute favorite of my kids'.

(Request Return Time for Soarin’)

Living with the Land (14 Minutes)

6:30 PM – Dinner: Sunshine Seasons

3 Oak-Grilled Rotisserie Chicken - $12.29 x 3 = $36.87

1 Fountain Drink - $3.29

1 Pomegranate Blueberry Tea - $4.29

1 Angry Orchard Hard Cider - $7.50

1 Caprese Salad - $5.49

1 Fruit and Cheese Plate - $6.69

2 Peanut Butter and Jelly Cupcake - $5.99 x 2 = $10.98

Value = $75.11

3 QS Credits, 4S Credits

Soarin’ (5.5 Minutes) – Ask for seats in Row B1


Turtle Talk with Crush (17 Minutes)

Living Seas with Nemo (4 Minutes)

Character Spot (10 Minutes)

9:00 PM – Park Closes

Day Value = $201.77

9 QS Credits, 6S Credits

45 QS Credits, 58 S Credits Remaining
She's staying offsite, so I can't do he FPs until 30 days out.

So, I'm like 90% sure that as long as a) you are staying onsite, b) she has valid ticket media on her account, and c) you have each other listed for Friends and Family that you can book her FPs at 60 days out. I really feel like a read a thread here about it, with people who were booking were staying onsite and booking for local friends who were going to hang with them for the day but weren't getting a room. She can't book under her log in, but you can include her on yours.


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