Two Home Resorts, Which One & Why?


Nap Aficionado
May 12, 2018
If we pass ROFR we will have a Feb UY at SSR. We know we want to add an additional contract with the same UY but at a different resort at WDW only. We don’t have a favorite and like them all (that’s the problem ). Which home resort did you choose as a second and different contract and why? Thanks in advance for any advice, info and suggestions, they’re all appreciated.
We own at Boardwalk and are currently looking to add a 2nd contract at Boulder Ridge. For us- we wanted a complete different location, close to MK and we like the current resale price range of Boulder Ridge. (We also love Wilderness Lodge in general) Good luck!
We are in ROFR on an AKV contract. DD loves it there. We're also thinking about adding a MK resort (probably BLT or VGF). BLT for cost effectiveness. VGF because it's gorgeous!
I would pick somewhere hard to get at 7 months, depending on when you travel. If you travel in fall, those SSR points are unlikely to get you anything but SSR, save maybe OKW or AKV. So I'd look at an MK or Epcot resort, depending on how you feel about end dates and unit size needed.
I would pick somewhere hard to get at 7 months, depending on when you travel. If you travel in fall, those SSR points are unlikely to get you anything but SSR, save maybe OKW or AKV. So I'd look at an MK or Epcot resort, depending on how you feel about end dates and unit size needed.
Yep, if you are into Food & Wine (or will be in a few years), consider an Epcot resort for your other one. It's hard to book these at seven months out for F&W. If you prefer one bedroom or larger, forget about Polynesian, since they only have studios and bungalows. If you love MK, try BLT, VWL (BRV), CCV, PVB, GFV. If you think you'll want to go to Hilton Head during the late spring or summer, buy there.
I just closed on my 2nd contract. 1st contract is VGC as I am out west and take about 3-4 trips a year to DLR. My 2nd is same UY but at the Poly. I plan to do one trip to WDW about every 4-5 years and I would want to stay there (or AKL). It also gave me enough points to get 1 bedrooms instead of studios when we go to WDW or even at VGC if we happen to book at 7 months since I cant use the Poly points at 11.
We made the mistake of getting caught up in the buying excitement and didn't take the time to try the resorts first. I suggest that you take your time, learn the system, experience the resorts, then buy where you love to stay.

:earsboy: Bill

If we pass ROFR we will have a Feb UY at SSR. We know we want to add an additional contract with the same UY but at a different resort at WDW only. We don’t have a favorite and like them all (that’s the problem ). Which home resort did you choose as a second and different contract and why? Thanks in advance for any advice, info and suggestions, they’re all appreciated.
As a rule it's best to buy one and try the system for a couple of trips. But assuming you have a full sized SSR contract of 150 or more AND you're going to buy another full sized contract, you might end up with a different UY at the other home resort. I'd say adding something that gives you options you don't have is always a plus. AKV & BLT are often the best choices to do so if you have some flexibility. BLT is likely the best because it will be cheaper than AKV long term but IF one would use the value rooms at AKV periodically, that might affect the decision. The other issue is you should be able to get into AKV routinely with the SSR points but not value. For others reading, if you know you're going to need 2, usually buying the other first is better than buy SSR because matching up contracts would be much easier.
Since you like all the resorts I would focus more on the location. We own both BLT and BWV since we like the MK area with family/kids trips and EPCOT for our F&W adults trips.

If resort and location really aren't important I'd then choose value and cost as a deciding factor. BLT is the most affordable MK resort and BWV will be cheaper than BCV. Standard views at both are some of the best values in the system. If you do decide to buy one of those resorts, I would buy enough points to get the lake view (BLT) and pool/garden view (BWV) and if you get a standard view it's like extra points.

I would at the very least spend an afternoon/evening at the resorts you are considering to help make the choice.
We own at 2 resorts and have 2 different UY. And we a good reason for doing so. We have Boardwalk that we use for Food and Wine for a 7 day trip. Absolutely wonderful location for that. We also have AKL Kidani for the spring during the Flower and Garden show. We love AKL and only spend 1 day at Flower and Garden so being close doesn't really matter. This is a shorter trip.
If we pass ROFR we will have a Feb UY at SSR. We know we want to add an additional contract with the same UY but at a different resort at WDW only. We don’t have a favorite and like them all (that’s the problem ). Which home resort did you choose as a second and different contract and why? Thanks in advance for any advice, info and suggestions, they’re all appreciated.
There are a lot of things to consider for another resort. How many years are let on the contract? How much room do you need? Some studios sleep 4 at one resort and 5 in another. How much are the maintenance fees ? What Park to you plan on going to the most ? How many points does it take to stay in the size room you need ? Some resorts it takes less points than others. If you really enjoyed one resort over another that would narrow your decision. I'm in the group that thinks you should buy where you want to stay. I just made an offer on Beach Club because I have young kids and want to stay there. In around 5 years I will probably look for another resort with a longer contract. I hope those questions help you figure what resort will be best for you ! Good Luck !
If we pass ROFR we will have a Feb UY at SSR. We know we want to add an additional contract with the same UY but at a different resort at WDW only. We don’t have a favorite and like them all (that’s the problem ). Which home resort did you choose as a second and different contract and why? Thanks in advance for any advice, info and suggestions, they’re all appreciated.
My first contract was a small AKV purchase. I added BWV with a different UY. We added VGF with the same UY as BWV. And most recently, we added more points at AKV. This gives me home resort advantage at a monorail resort, an Epcot resort and one near AK. If I were to add more points (and someone please stop me before I do it again!), it would be SSR to use the "cheap" points at 7 months. I don't own there now because, frankly, I really don't care that much for the resort.
I can ride a bus at home so I don't need to do so at WDW. Owning a MK resort and a Epcot/DHS resort was the best resorts that we bought. One vacation we do the MK, next vacation we do Epcot/DHS.

:earsboy: Bill
And AK is dead to you.
We started with OKW resale in May 2006. By 2012 our three kids were teens and we needed to bump up to a 2BR. We had stayed at HHI one July and had a tough time getting the exact dates we wanted at 7 months so we thought HHI would be a great second home resort...not to mention buy in was super cheap at $50pp. That's what swayed DH. Then, we did our first sans kid trip to F&W in 2013 and loved it so much that we started to think about an Epcot resort. So, in 2014, we added BWV as our third resort (went with that over BCV because of the standard view at BWV which could save us points). We will add more and DH was pushing VB for the cheap buy in but I showed him the math where, in the long run, SSR is a better buy. So I am guessing we will add there but if I had it my way we'd add CCV for Dec trips.
We started with a small BWV for it's walk to 2 parks appeal. Think we will buy a MK resort soon-ish. Probably BLT or CCV or BRV....or - still undecided. Then I think we will also consider some points (3rd contract) at SSR or OKW.

We only have a small BWV contract and will likely do the MK resort as a small contract, too. Just enough to get us what we "need". For us right now that is 4-6 nights in 2 studios. Any SSR or OKW points we purchase would be used as a supplement for 7 month transactions...switching to resorts that require more points, adding on nights, split stays or for the occasional desire to stay in a OKW grand villa or a treehouse villa etc. with friends or family.

If I had to place a bet today, I think we will end up with BWV, BLT and SSR. I think the draw of "walk to park" resorts will win out over any of the other appeal at the others. Even with SSR - can't say it was my favorite resort stay ever, but the walk to DTD carried a LOT of weight in my overall satisfaction with my stay.

WL was always our "where we want to stay if we can ever part with the cash for a deluxe" resort and we tend to enjoy a lot of the activities, restaurants, etc there. So, it keeps coming up as an option. Maybe I'll lose my own bet with myself. Ha ha.
We started with a small BWV for it's walk to 2 parks appeal. Think we will buy a MK resort soon-ish. Probably BLT or CCV or BRV....or - still undecided. Then I think we will also consider some points (3rd contract) at SSR or OKW.

We only have a small BWV contract and will likely do the MK resort as a small contract, too. Just enough to get us what we "need". For us right now that is 4-6 nights in 2 studios. Any SSR or OKW points we purchase would be used as a supplement for 7 month transactions...switching to resorts that require more points, adding on nights, split stays or for the occasional desire to stay in a OKW grand villa or a treehouse villa etc. with friends or family.

If I had to place a bet today, I think we will end up with BWV, BLT and SSR. I think the draw of "walk to park" resorts will win out over any of the other appeal at the others. Even with SSR - can't say it was my favorite resort stay ever, but the walk to DTD carried a LOT of weight in my overall satisfaction with my stay.

WL was always our "where we want to stay if we can ever part with the cash for a deluxe" resort and we tend to enjoy a lot of the activities, restaurants, etc there. So, it keeps coming up as an option. Maybe I'll lose my own bet with myself. Ha ha.
The walking to things is definitely a draw. For a MK resort I'd love CCV but the walk from's very tempting. Plus then you can get the standard view BLT to save some points.
We bought AKL direct in 2011, and just bought Aulani resale in January of this year. We haven't had a problem getting into Aulani at 7 months, but down the road want to start going over Christmas and we wanted the 11 month advantage for that. Our AKL and Aulani are two different UY, but we figure that's okay as we will use AKL for WDW and Aulani for Aulani.
I agree with buying at an Epcot resort, or perhaps Poly since it is pretty easy to get to Epcot from Poly DVC.

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