Toystoryduo’s Journal: Baby Steps are the Key... Celebrate Each Victory!

Good bargains! Have fun highlighting your book :teeth: and a great rest of the weekend!
Good morning,

I can't believe it's Monday already! Where did the weekend go? :confused3
We had a really good weekend, but I'm not feeling prepared for the week ahead.:( At some point today, I need to sit down and make out my to do list.

Today's Plan:

* 5 factor (week 5)

* eBay (3 items minimum)

* Clean, clean, clean

* Call DD5's homeschool advisor...

* Plan the week ahead

* grocery store?

That's it for this Monday. Hope everyone has a great day! :sunny:
Hi Tracy,

Looks like you had a great weekend!!! Good for you on getting a good night's sleep...that is always nice :)

Keep up the good work and have a great day!

Happy Monday
Hi Tracy,

Just wanted to pop in and say hi :wave:
Hope you are having a great day!!!

Keep up the good work!

Happy Tuesday :)
Good morning WISH buddies,

How is everyone doing today? Today has been a mixed bag for me so far... I've not been getting enough sleep lately and so I've been kind of grumpy. :( However, I did get my workout in and I felt somewhat better after that. :goodvibes

I managed to get everything done on my list except eBay yesterday. I was having some issues with my computer and I was trying to get it fixed.

Today's Plan:

* No clue! I am really kind of tired and not feeling motivated to do much. I think I will take a hot bath and read a book for 20 minutes and see how I feel from there.... At least my workout is done! :thumbsup2

Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday! :sunny:
Hi Tracy!

You are really doing great. And you always accomplish so much every day! That in itself is amazing to me!

Keep up the great work, and thanks for stopping by my journal & giving me encouragement! I really appreciate it! :thumbsup2
This is SO WEIRD!!! Three different places, including here, that I posted earlier today, the posts are INVISIBLE!!!!!

Anyway.....hope you had a good day and got the bath & book - those usually help!

Have a great week!
Bath sounds heavenly right now. What a good idea! It is great you got a workout in even though you were tired. Hope the rest of your Tuesday was restful.
Good morning everyone,

Weigh-in was this morning and the scale read 215.4. I am happy with this because it is the same weight I had at last weigh-in which means I am holding steady. I'll take that as a victory after 4 weeks of gaining! :banana:

I've been reading the Weigh Down Diet by Gwen Shamblin and the information in her book is really different from what we've been taught about dieting and nutritional needs our whole lives. I'm going to finish the book and then go back with my trusty highlighter to highlight the important stuff. It seems like a good plan, but again, it's very different from what we've been taught.

I am currently in week 5 of the Five Factor Fitness program. According to the book, I am supposed to have a celebrity body by working out less and eating more in 5 weeks. Well.... I'm not quite there yet. to be fair to the program though, I haven't eaten on the 5 Factor Program at all. Also, I think that only 10 minutes of fat burning cardio is not enough so I will be adding in some extra cardio minutes daily. :yay:

Today's Plan:

* Clean my bedroom

* Put laundry away

* Vaccum

* Eat only when I am hungry

* Go to the Disney Store for some Disney Dollars

* eBay? (I've been having issues with my computer... Not sure if this will happen or not.)

I think that's all for today. Today is a rest day on 5 Factor, but I hope to get a nice walk in at some point in the day.

Have a great Wednesday! :sunny:
Hi Tracy!!!

Good news that you didn't are holding steady :)

Hopefully you can get your walk in and your ebay!!!!

Have a great day! You are doing a wonderful job!
Hello Tracy!

I just read your journal and want to say good job!! I admire your planning for each day...must give you a good feeling of accomplishment when you cross everything off of your list. Nice work on the bath & book, too!! Gotta have some relaxing 'me time' every once in a while.

I noticed that you are going to WDW on Sept 16th....we (DD and I) will be there Sept 17-23, staying at POP Century (woo hoo free dining again!)....maybe we'll get a chance to say 'hello' and congratulate each other on our WISH goals! Oh yeah, did you notice that there is a MNSSHP on the Friday of that week?

Anyway, great job so far and keep up the good work!
Hi Tracy!

Great job on the "no gain". You are doing really well....keep up the great work. I am so impressed with your organization! I am trying SO HARD to stay organized in my home and with my volunteer work. It's so hard.

My next goal is to get back to my Ebay selling! I've got SOOO many clothes set aside in containers to DH is getting frustrated LOL! Maybe that will be my new goal for next week!
ScoJo15 said:
Hello Tracy!

I just read your journal and want to say good job!! I admire your planning for each day...must give you a good feeling of accomplishment when you cross everything off of your list. Nice work on the bath & book, too!! Gotta have some relaxing 'me time' every once in a while.

I noticed that you are going to WDW on Sept 16th....we (DD and I) will be there Sept 17-23, staying at POP Century (woo hoo free dining again!)....maybe we'll get a chance to say 'hello' and congratulate each other on our WISH goals! Oh yeah, did you notice that there is a MNSSHP on the Friday of that week?

Anyway, great job so far and keep up the good work!

Thanks Scott! :goodvibes

We are going to be in WDW from September 17th-24th and we're staying at POP with free dining! That is soooo cool! :thumbsup2 (We're driving from Ohio on the 16th.) I didn't realize that there is a MNSSHP on Friday! :Pinkbounc We have never been to MNSSHP party before, but we have gone to MVMCP and loved it! Thanks for the heads up!!! :banana:
Good morning fellow WISHers!

I just realized that I am behind on my schedule... I should have started working out about 10 minutes ago.... I'll make this quick.

Today's Plan:

* Workout 5 Factor (Lunges! :faint: )

* Eat ONLY when hungry (Easier said than done. ;) )

* Laundry

* Disney Store for Disney Dollars

* eBay?

* Book a vacation for a client (waiting on an e-mail)

* Homeschool (Get DD5 ready for kindergarten readiness test.)

That's all for today. I think. ;) I will try and get to journal either later on today or tomorrow morning. Have a great day! :sunny:
HI Tracy,

Just wanted to pop in and say hi!!! Hope you are having a great day. You are doing great!!!

Keep up the good work!

Happy Thursday :)
Hi Tracy,

I hope everything is well and okay!

Have a great day and a wonderful healthy weekend :)
Hi Tracy!

You're doing so great! Keep up the good work, and have a GREAT weekend! :wave2:
Hi Tracy,
I am catching up on journals this evening. Congrats on no weight gain :cheer2: You are turning things around now! Good Job! As others have said, you are super organized. That is great!

It is hard to eat only when hungry (and also not eat poorly just because your hungry!) My biggest problem times are snacking in the morning while making DD's lunches when I haven't eaten my own breakfast yet, in the evenings while making dinner, and after I have gotten everyone to bed ice cream always sounds so good. It helps me to just remove the temptations and not have them in the house.

Keep up your good work and have a great weekend!
just catching up tracy--you are doing great--its great not to gain weight!!

i stayed at POP two times now and we enjoyed it! Also did MNSSHP and had a great time..i liked that better than MVMCP!


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