Top Secret Pixie Dust! A Surprise 13th Birthday PTR! NEW! TRIP REPORT LINK PAGE 220!

Yesterday was pretty painless since it was a teacher workday. Today the students are back, and it will probably be a whole different experience.

You'll appreciate this being a New Yorker. This morning, Connor and I are layering on the clothes, coats, gloves, etc. (It was 17 degrees.) Chelsea comes waltzing out saying, "I don't know why you two think it's so cold. It's this cold all the time in New York City and the people there don't put that many layers on."

I looked at her and said, "Oh, yes, they do!"

To which my darling responded, "Yes, but they do it me." :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:


I should send some photos of the not so stylish things I've seen :scared1:

A 4th grader showed up for track practice this morning wearing track pants and purple UGGs. Yes, UGGs, not Nikes, for running track.
Okay, "stylish like me" made me almost spit coffee!!! :lmao: What a precocious girl comment !!! HA!!! didn't we ALLLLLLLLLL say something like that at one point??? :rotfl:

TOOO cute. I am all for the Valentine's day party! I would! seems like it could be fun! Theme-y! No spin the bottle and you will be okay!!! :thumbsup2

I love that you are still flip flopping about the resort.. stick with the GF! It will be the ultimately girly surprise, and we will help you to keep the secret -- the DIS was my outlet for all my surprises! That way I didn't spill it to them! But boys are clueless... so I had it easier!:laughing:
I'm here Jackie, don't think I'm not following along in all the secrets, I just don't get to post often... Hope it stays a surprise!
I guess I better keep following along with your PTRs and TRs. I'm getting a lot of good info about teen girls - I can be more prepared! My DD8 is already sassy - it's so hard to deal with that mouth! I just can't wait until she's a teen. Ugh.

I had a good laugh at Chelsea's comment about NYers being stylish!! She'd cringe if she saw how we dress in MN when it's cold! We're like the little boy in The Christmas Story - "I can't put my arms down!"
This morning, Connor and I are layering on the clothes, coats, gloves, etc. (It was 17 degrees.) Chelsea comes waltzing out saying, "I don't know why you two think it's so cold. It's this cold all the time in New York City and the people there don't put that many layers on."

I looked at her and said, "Oh, yes, they do!"

To which my darling responded, "Yes, but they do it me." :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

Too funny!! Gotta love that teenage mouth. I'm battling with Justin right now too with the cold. It's frigid here, much colder than we are used to, and it looks like it's going to be that way for awhile. Justin doesn't have a proper winter coat, he hates them, so all he has are hoodies. I wanted to take him to the mall yesterday to buy him a coat and he preceeded to tell me that just because I think it is cold doesn't mean that he thinks it's cold. He doesn't want a coat... :headache:
I'm obviously way late but I'm in too! Chelsea is a really lucky girl! What a good mom you are. :) This will be a fun one to read. I have two girls, ages 10 and 9 so it's good to know what's coming down the road for me. The sassiness has already started unfortunately. Fortunately, it's not too bad yet. ;)
I have to comment on the sassy mouth thing. My youngest is 10, but because she has a sister that is 9 years older she has always acted older than she is. She thought she was 16 when she was 5. So of course the sassy mouth started too early. I'm wondering when it will end. My older daughter is now 19 and has gotten over her sassy mouth and is actually really fun to be around. Hopefully Danielle the youngest will follow in her footsteps.

On a better note she did get her first AG doll this year for Christmas.
Hi Jackie, can't wait to read what you have planned for your gorgeous girl, she's so lucky you're taking her to the GF, she'll love it :goodvibes
Haha! I was laughing at Chelsea coming into your class with her friends smelling like Christmas perfume! Ugh! I am sure they all got their own favorite fruity strong scents and haven't yet realized the less is more concept! I had a vision of them walking the halls with this big cloud enveloping them! :laughing:

She better be. :rotfl:

I so remember doing this!!! I always felt so stylish and Cleopatra-like -- rings of eyeliner said "sultry seductress" in my teenage mind. :rotfl:


I saved three vacation offers over on the Disney website, and they sent me an email with the pin code. I just knew I needed to use it.

It is because American Girl still has the cutest stuff -- so much more fun to buy stuff for Molly than Ugg boots. :sad2:

Emily is a funny girl. :rotfl: Chelsea had her little friends down in my room this morning before homeroom -- they came in a cloud of Christmas perfume. I don't think I would be able to breathe in the car if I let her bring friends. :laughing:

That's one of the many reasons that I would like to buy DVC -- then when the kids are older, they could invite friends to come with us.

As far as the clothes, as long as no unseemly body parts are hanging out, I am okay with most of her clothes. Not fighting that battle.

I was thinking of taking Chelsea to the Clinique counter. I used to wear it all the time, and I also like their skin care system.

I know my 7th grade pictures are frightening with the eyeliner!

K had her makeup done and it really helped her tone it down on her own. The perfume does get better, I agree with PPP on that one!

My biggest struggle is actually in the summer with the short shorts. I can deal with the skinny jeans but the shorts can be borderline! I think I banished all of hers, we'll have to start over this summer, BLEH.

American Girl seems soo long ago! UGG's not so much. :rotfl:

That's how we got our PIN code too! Although I really hope to switch to Free Dining...

Yesterday was pretty painless since it was a teacher workday. Today the students are back, and it will probably be a whole different experience.

You'll appreciate this being a New Yorker. This morning, Connor and I are layering on the clothes, coats, gloves, etc. (It was 17 degrees.) Chelsea comes waltzing out saying, "I don't know why you two think it's so cold. It's this cold all the time in New York City and the people there don't put that many layers on."

I looked at her and said, "Oh, yes, they do!"

To which my darling responded, "Yes, but they do it me." :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:

Hi Jackie! I am here - late to the party, but I am here!! :cool1:

I can't wait to here all about the plans for Chelsea's birthday - how fun will that be?! She is going to flip out!!

Let me know if you need anything from me in the way of crafty-type items, and I'd be glad to contribute! Take care and have a great week!
Code names.....
Maybe Dawn could come up with them.....

ME??????? maybe you're referring to another dawn. at least i hope so. :rolleyes1

i did google a spy code name generator because i thought it was such a cute idea and got several results. but i'm in court right now and all the sites are blocked. i will try again when i get home!

just take lots of pictures of her "stylish ways" can't be as bad as say being 13 in 1987 (like I was) will either come back and haunt you or make you have 1 good laugh :lmao: later in life.

my DSis, future DSIL and I were going thru my Mom's old pictures looking for pic's of my younger brother for his Wedding slide show...and there were quite a few doosies of me in there ...

but I guess your only 13 once huh?

I have 3 girls to live the pre-teen years w/...I told my oldest Aldine (turning 11 this yr) sorry kid, your the oldest of 3 girls...and I'll probably make all my Mom of a Daughter mistakes on you...;)

Don't change resorts...if GF is her dream resort, only once can you do it huh?

but do consider DVC...we bought in last march and can't wait!

i found a code name generator. it's one for the secret service (yeah, right!). just click on "secret service code names" next to the picture of the mouse and a new window will open. then click on "play the game", then "get my code name" and it will announce your code name. it's totally random but still fun.

i will now be known as "tumbler" as it relates to this thread. :rotfl:
i found a code name generator. it's one for the secret service (yeah, right!). just click on "secret service code names" next to the picture of the mouse and a new window will open. then click on "play the game", then "get my code name" and it will announce your code name. it's totally random but still fun.

i will now be known as "tumbler" as it relates to this thread. :rotfl:

This is neat! I'm "Dusty".
i found a code name generator. it's one for the secret service (yeah, right!). just click on "secret service code names" next to the picture of the mouse and a new window will open. then click on "play the game", then "get my code name" and it will announce your code name. it's totally random but still fun.

i will now be known as "tumbler" as it relates to this thread. :rotfl:

I'm wisdom. :rotfl:


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