Tomorrow's Show


Grand Administrator
Jun 1, 1997
Hi everyone:

The show may be a little delayed this week - I'm hoping that it won't be, but circumstances may dictate otherwise.

I had to bring Walter to the emergency room last night - turns out he has to have his appendix removed (actually, it's being removed as I type this). I've been up all night, and won't go home until I know he's settled. The Dr. said that if all goes well with the surgery, he'll be home tonight by 6pm!! Too bad that penchant for rapid care doesn't apply to the ER waiting room. We were there for nearly 2 hours before I went and complained that he was in a great deal of pain when I was told the next person to be called had been waiting for 7 HOURS!!!! If you think I can rant over a restaurant price increase, you can just imagine how I was when I heard that. Needless to say, he was taken in about 10 minutes later :)

I'm aiming to have the show up on time, but I appreciate your understanding if that proves to be too much a challenge. While I love all of you, I love Walter a lot more :)

Thanks for understanding,
Pete, Don't worrryabout the show, your attention to Walter is the most important thing right now. Hope all goes well with his surgery and that he has a speedy recovery.

You and Walter are in our thoughts and prayers. Take care and know that we are there for you.
Ah, Pete, don't worry about the show at all. As much as we love it, we know what really matters...:grouphug:
Walter's health is definitely the most important thing right now!! I know how stressful these situations can be...thank goodness he's now being taken care of! Hope he's feeling better soon (and that you'll be able to get some sleep soon, too!) :)
Podcast, Schmodcast! Peas and Rice! I'm amazed you even thought of us!! Way more than I'd do in your situation. Get him well! BIG hugs from all of us. :grouphug:


wish I knew where to send flowers...Mom'd kill me...I'll send prayers instead.

:flower3: :flower3: :flower3: :flower3: :flower3:
Hey, honestly, take a day or two and just get him home and relax. I don't care the show isn't up til late in the week. There's nothing more important than our loved ones!

You just take care of you & Walter of course!! :grouphug:
I will expect to be refunded the amount you charge us for the podcast. Oh that's right, it's free.

Take the time you need. Take care of you and yours and we'll be ok. It's amazing you think of us at all at a time like this.
Hey if they take it out you can prolly get a mint for it on ebay! Really though, good luck and take care. We'll be here when you get back.

Where that party hat....the boss is gone.....
I totally agree! Take care of Walter (and yourself) first!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys!:hug:
Hope Walter has a speedy recovery. And get some rest yourself.

Take all the time y'all need. Health is much more important than our sanity. ;)
No worries Pete! You take care of Walter...we'll still be here once the dust has settled! :)
Pete, please don't worry about us! We can live a few more days without a podcast, focus on Walter getting better!!

Sending you my pixie dust: pixiedust:

Get better soon Walter!

(I guess that meal to 'ohana's out now, no more reason to get bellyache!)
So sorry to hear that Pete! We wish Walter a quick recovery. Being with your loved ones in a time of need is most important.
Hope everything goes ok and walter gets well soon. In all your worry you could still think about the podcast it will be hard but I am sure we can miss one show be with your family and make sure walter is ok and comfortable :) all our thoughts are sent from England

sending love and best wishes to you come first Pete...too many people dont Prioritise the right way...

I am so sorry to hear about your terrifying experience! Please express our wishes to Walter to feel better soon. Pete, also try to make sure you get some rest!
Pete and Walter, take care of yourselves. You'll both be in our thoughts and prayers.

Pete, I know how you feel, I was in the same situation a few years ago with my ds, it's scary and frustrating.


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