Three Things...Gratitude Thread

My Friends who stood by me during my hard and difficult times in my life that is when you find out who your true friends are and I’m extremely grateful for them ! I am also grateful I found out who wasn’t my friend

My Boss - as I have stated before - he can be the devil but he is also one of the most generous people you will ever meet - he has been extremely generous to me during a very difficult time and I am very grateful and thankful for his kindness and support
That came with no pressure and offers of continued support.

My third today is a grouping - it’s the people who held me when I was growing up - who supported me by getting me out of my house finding things for me to do to earn some money just being there for me ! These were adults who saw a bad situation and stepped up to help without causing more problems I’m forever grateful to them for their help and kindness!!
My beloved late grandparents Sam and Dolores. I am beyond grateful to God to have loved and been loved by them. Also by God's Grace to get to still go through life with and for Him together with my dad who I sure do love.

I'm grateful for my friend Glenda and also the kindness of a friend I don't know as well, Richard.

Sincerely I give thanks to God for all of you:grouphug:
Good Wednesday Morning! :wave:

Not including my family, which will always be the main people I’m grateful for ❤️….

#1 - My Boss/Friend - He gave me my job when I closed my store 13 years ago, and he never gave me a hard time about all the time off/leaving early for DD20’s softball schedule. He’s the best!

#2 - My Neighbor - He is always available to help when needed

#3 - My DD20’s BF - It’s always comforting for me to know that he’s with her when she’s away at school. They are getting an apartment together this August and I’m happy, that he makes her happy, and that he is so supportive of her goals. He may be my SIL one day - we’ll see.
1. All of the bosses I've had over the years - they have all been such good people, and I'm very grateful for them. Now that I'm a boss, I hope that when I leave, my employees will think the same of me

2. My various social media groups that I'm a part of (like this one) - They help me to see many various points of view and I'm very grateful for that. I basically only stay in positive groups, but I am grateful that there are places to find people with similar interests to be able to share about things we have in common.

3. My church family - they helped me provide a home away from home for my kids as they grew up and I'm so grateful for that.
I think like most of us...immediate/close family goes without saying. So, I'm shouting out the tops of everyone else...

1. My work family- I've been with my company for nearly 3 decades and I've been on my current team for a little over 10 years. We're not perfect, but we each have our strong points that help us work well together. Obviously, we can't all be out at the same time, but this team's management is also pretty good about honoring time off requests and understands that life happens.

2. Our softball family- It's grown and changed a bit over the years, but it's a great community of people.

3. All of the medical people that have helped our lives- The doctors, nurses and therapists are the first ones that come to mind, but you've also got all of people that have helped create the medications and treatments that also keep us well.
3 favorite cheeses:
1. Asiago
2. Mozzarella (fresh, regular, and string cheese)
3. Melted combos, like provolone, fontina, and Parmesan.
HM: Ricotta salada, which I only have on holidays in an antipasto

3 people:
It goes without saying that my DGD, DD, and DH are my 3 favorite people in my life, but here’s 3 more :)
1. My sister-in-law and I have a relationship that has only gotten better and stronger over the years.
2. My college best friend, who after me not being very good at keeping in touch during my first marriage, offered to drive over 2 hours to come rescue me when that marriage ended.
3. This one is not specific, but I am always grateful for the kindness of strangers, whether in the grocery store or online. Unsolicited acts of kindness and compassion always restore my faith in people.
1. We have excellent tenants in a commercial building we own. It’s been almost 9 years now and the relationship has only grown over the years. I wouldn’t quite say we are friends, but I trust them and that is invaluable to me.
2. Neighbors—we have many excellent neighbors many of whom we have known over 20 years. We raised our kids together and they were my village. Many of us are still close.
3. Dentist—we switched a few years ago and I am very happy where we are now. Billing is straightforward, we are seen quickly when something comes up and I never feel like they are pushing us to do things we aren’t sure we need.
Always grateful for the men & women who fought the evil trying to take over the world and all the horrible things things they were doing - both in the Service and those helping nit in the Service - great sacrifices were made to win this battle and I’m eternally grateful for them !! My opinion but I agree they are the greatest generation ever !! To go from the WW1 to Great Depression to WW2 them and their parents covered some very trying times and I’m grateful for their sacrifices !
Good Morning!

Definitely thank you to the greatest generation that served in our military? I love seeing the videos of those in France today.

My Grandpa was not a veteran, but he did contribute to WWII in another way. All I will say is….the movie Oppenheimer. We didn’t know this until after he died and found his info on this in his office. He was working at the University of Chicago at the time. In fact, he worked there his entire adult life.
I am also always so grateful to all who have (and currently are serving) served and their families. Extra prayers for and thanks to them all today.

Tomorrow for me is an Anniversary of sorts. Grandpa Sam will be celebrating his 107th birthday with Grandma Dolores, Champ, and most of all God in Heaven. Grandpa wasn't in the military. He did kindly serve through his faith and the way he chose to live. Grandma was very patriotic. She often also wore red, white, and or blue. She was a true blue friend and loyal advocate to me that is for sure.

Grateful for a positive church summer camp memory. Several years ago I worked and volunteered at a muical theater camp. The kids put on a tribute to those who served as a fundraiser for Wounded Warriors. Meant a lot to me to be part of that and to see kids grow in patriotism, too.
I'm so grateful for all of the people that have blessed our lives that have served to help safeguard our freedoms. While we have a lot of WWII veterans on my side of the family, we also have a lot of friends who have entered our life in more modern times that have served in some capacity or another. We have three right now in our circles that are active (Army), a couple of retirees (Air Force), and an old friend who left her private sector nursing job to be a military nurse (Navy).

As for my two random things...

1. I'm grateful for Facebook Messenger. While I've been using it for years for messaging with my mom and some friends, I completely forgot that you could make calls from it and play games. I've accidentally hit the call button a few times on there and given a few people a good laugh. So maybe I should be grateful for those mistakes? In any event, DD17s boyfriend left last night for his family's annual trip overseas. They're in London right now with some family, but will be flying to Italy in about a week to spend the rest of the summer at their summer place in southern Italy near some other family. They're not used to being apart, so there's been a lot of moping around in the last 12 or so hours. They were hoping to use WhatsApp to communicate since we've successfully used it for international travels in the past, but it kept glitching. They look at all things Facebook as "old people social media," but through Messenger, they can talk and video chat, as well as play games...kind of like they would using GamePigeon over text. He landed about 2.5 hours ago and I can hear them talking right now. He's a sweet kid and treats her really well, so I'm happy to see them finding a way to communicate while he's away. It's going to be the first big test for their relationship, so it's kind of good in a way. Either way, I'm grateful that I remembered that Messenger could do what they needed.

2. I'm grateful for getting in some early morning exercise. I've been trying to get myself back into an early morning routine. I need it for general health reasons, but I need it even more because of the stress. I'll spare you the bulleted list of everything that's keeping me up at night, but exercise helps. I had been using some of the stuff in my home gym this past week, but this morning I was feeling especially stir crazy and needed to hit the trails in our neighborhood.
I'm grateful for those who served and for the folks now who organized a trip for veterans back to Normandy for the 80th Anniversary Ceremonies. It must be so special for them to get together with peers who really "get it" and hopefully they all see how much they are still appreciated.

Random Things:
1) That it's supposed to rain today. Everything here is covered in icky yellow pine pollen (Exhibit A):
and we really need a good rain!

2) Grateful for the flexibility I have over my daily schedule. Sometimes I feel like I need more structure in order to get stuff done, but mostly I like that I can rearrange chores toward whatever suits my mood, and can be available to help family whenever they need it.
1) That it's supposed to rain today. Everything here is covered in icky yellow pine pollen (Exhibit A):

It's funny...I saw that and I knew it was a pollen accumulation pic before reading. Our oak pollen looks like that as well. It gave me a flashback though because our pollen season is mid February to mid March.


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