Wow! If they used the same pillows on the Fantasy (which seems likely), I have to report that I had a major reaction to them last month. And this was within a minute or 2 of lying back on them just to browse the Navigator!
I don't necessarily disbelieve the "non-allergenic" statement, but I wondered if the pillows were treated with fire-resistant chemicals, similar to how couches and mattresses are treated. I've been known to have some reaction to that stuff, so I concluded that it may be the same source for my reaction. Of course, with the pillows being so new, I think those chemicals are fresher and stronger.
Anyway, my allergy manifests as a squeezing in the windpipe, so we immediately removed the pillows and our Stateroom Host replaced them with those synthetic, foam, shaped pillows. My family wasn't thrilled with the replacement pillows, but there was NO WAY I could be near the regular ones.
Since the foam pillows were also likely fire treated, I don't know what to conclude. Bottom line, the regular "nice" pillows were a huge problem for me. (Maybe it's the micro-fiber fill after all???)
Just reporting my experience in case anyone else has this kind of allergy or sensitivity.