This Is A Poncho-Free Zone!--May 22-29, 2010 PTR (New PTR!!!! 5/31)

Trying to get caught up. I LOVE the outfits! Especially the "I Believe in Fairies" and the one your mom made. They are adorable. :love:

Awesome graduation gift idea. Congrats on Ally's solo and reader award - that's great! :thumbsup2

Hope you have a safe, dry & happy trip! Tell Mickey hello for me!
We're getting very close, Becky! :woohoo: In fact, since we're driving, we'll be leaving tomorrow evening.

I used to do the ziplock bag thing with my girls when they were younger, especially when they'd go to summer camp. I wasn't too sure about them choosing their outfits on their own. :laughing:
Claire's Mary Jane Crocs are sooooo cute, and I don't even like Crocs! (I know, a DIS sin.....)

Ally's Kindergarten recognition looked like fun. She must be tall, they always put the tall kids on the back row, Jared is always there too.

:worship::worship::worship: For your packing skills! You are one well organized woman. I love the idea of the separate baggies for each day's outfit, wish I would have thought of that when my boys were younger - genius!
Star Wars in Concert? How fun! Sounds like something we would like to do. My DH is a big Star Wars fan, too!

And the big Kindergarten recognition! Congrats to Ally! :goodvibes

What a great idea to pack everything in baggies. I usually just fold shirt with the shorts for the day. But my kids are dressing themselves now, so it doesn't really take that long...they are usually ready before me in the mornings!

Have a safe trip!

Oh! Then your DH would LOVE SW in Concert!! Thank you!! I'm so very proud of Ally!!

That concert sounds like fun! I remember when Memphis got it's HRC. We had one in Austin for a couple of years, but they closed it. I guess in Austin, everyone supports local businesses and doesn't like chains.

I love the outfits! And you are so organized with the packing! Have a fabulous trip!

It was a lot of fun!! Thank you!! Organization is my thing!!

What cute pics. Avery's school does not do any type of ceremony or anything. Cute outfits!!

Thank you! Really?! I'm surprised that they wouldn't do anything for K graduation?!

Great pictures Becky!

Happy Packing!

Thank you!! Is it weird that I enjoy packing?!
Hi love all the pictures from the events...

I will have to post Bekah playing the Star Wars Theme song on her cello for you and Brent to enjoy on my FB page...pretty good :thumbsup2

you have been crazy busy w/ a ton of stuff, not to mention leaving on a trip so soon. are you tired :faint:

the fairy outfit is beyond cute...was that a recent buy? and kuddos to your Mom on the very cute outfits for the girsl too.

You are a true Diser geek to pack in the ziplock bags...DH was trying to convience my friend who leaves on June 4th for the first trip back w/ her two little kids to pack in the ziplock bags :rotfl:

got to love them!

Thanks Julie!! Oh wow! I'd love to see the video of Bekah playing the cello!! I'm exhausted from everything! I actually fell asleep checking my e-mail and the DIS a few hours ago and just woke up! And I never do that! I actually bought that fairy outfit when I redeemed my Gymbucks a few months back and totally forgot I had it! Hee hee!! The ziplock bags! Love them! Hey--and they help keep the wrinkles out of the clothes!! :thumbsup2

Your Mom did such a great job on the outfits for the girls! Very cute!

Great idea to pack each outfit in a baggie and label it. I'll definitely be stealing that idea!

Congrats to Ally on her solo, graduation, and Top Reader award! Her gifts were wonderful! Love the carriage!

Thank you!! I'm very pleased with how they turned out! And they're even cuter on!!

My DH would love that concert! He loves Star Wars too. That "I Believe in Fairies" outfit is just precious. Ally and Claire have to be getting so excited! I love your idea for the zip lock bags. That way if anything would spill in your luggage your clothes would be safe. We don't have kids yet but I might do that with my outfits. Thanks for the tip!

I bet he would!! Any Star Wars fan would be in heaven!! Yes, the girls can't stop talking about our trip!!

Wow Becky - you are so organised! I thought I was pretty good but am seriously lacking compared to you! I did a spreadsheet the last time we went with a list of what we and Amber were wearing every day down to our jewellery and hair accessories! I must be honest though I am extremely tempted by the plastic bags! Did you think they took up more room in your case?? I have got to get 3 weeks worth of outfits in our suitcases!!!

Thank you!! I thrive on being organized!! No, they actually end up making more room in the suitcase b/c it flattens the clothing (takes all the air out)--especially the big poofy princess dresses!! I would definitely recommend using them!!
Have a fantastic trip!

Thanks Lessa!!

Love the idea of outfits in a bag! That is just so clever. I love planning out our outfits ahead of time (I have 4 months to go and I already know what we're wearing). Also, if anything were to burst or open in your suitcase (like hair product/lotion/etc) the girl's clothes will be protected.

Love all the pics of Ally at graduation and at the concert!

Thanks!! WOW! 4 months in advance is impressive!!

I'm so glad I'm not the only person who packs individual baggies with the day labeled on it for my kids. DH thinks I might be a little obsessive.

I think I'm being prepared.

The kindergarten ceremony looked so cute--I wish we did that here where I am.

I agree--it's better to be prepared!! And anything that saves time is a PLUS in my book!!

Holy cow! Spent all of naptime reading instead of sewing or cleaning! OOPS! I can't wait to hear more about your trip starting in 2 days! And the ADRS for Nov/Dec look awesome!!

Your girls are adorable! I love the customs!!

That happens doesn't it?! I do it all the time!!
That Cinderella carriage is SO cute. And great job to Ally! You must be so proud.

Have a magical trip! It looks like you are ready to go! :goodvibes
Aww, what cute pictures of Ally's graduation! That backdrop that you guys did is amazing! So pretty!

I am so impressed with the outfits packed in individual bags. I've read about people who do that here. I think we went through two outfits a day since it was so hot and we had to take midday pool breaks! At least it's more fun to do laundry on vacation since you can do a load and wait for it by the pool!

Have a fantastic time on your trip and I can't wait to hear about it!

Thank you!! I'm sure we'll have a wonderful trip!! I'm excited about sharing Disney with my parents and brother!!

Becky - you are the queen of packing! - that's so organised to put everything in bags.. I should start doing that then I wouldn't waste time deciding what to wear everyday in wdw! :rotfl:

The concert looks great! I love John Williams' music, I got to study the ET theme as one of my pieces in music A-level (exams we take in the UK when we're 18)!

Is Brent looking forward to Star Wars weekends at WDW?!
and Lou Mongello is going to be there this week! :goodvibes

2 more sleeps!!

Emma princess: x

Thank you, Emma! Yes, Brent is looking forward to SWW even though he might not admit it!! Yes! I read about Lou being there and doing his 24 hour podcast!! (He's mt friend on FB!!)

All caught up! Not a fan of SW like my DH and kids but the pics look really cool! The reception for Ally's graduation looks so sweet...wish they would do something like that here! You are so it! I need to have everything in complete order too...and you are right, it saves so much time!! Lastly, I friend requested you today on facebook because I have seen your links to pics posted and I so love facebook....slightly addicted! ha! 2 days for you!! so lucky :yay:

I'm not a SW fan like Brent either but I really enjoyed the concert!! I accepted your friend request!! Thanks for giving me the heads up! A lot of times I have no idea who I'm getting requests from!

Trying to get caught up. I LOVE the outfits! Especially the "I Believe in Fairies" and the one your mom made. They are adorable. :love:

Awesome graduation gift idea. Congrats on Ally's solo and reader award - that's great! :thumbsup2

Hope you have a safe, dry & happy trip! Tell Mickey hello for me!

Thank you!! Good to see you on the DIS!! I've been missing you!!
We're getting very close, Becky! :woohoo: In fact, since we're driving, we'll be leaving tomorrow evening.

I used to do the ziplock bag thing with my girls when they were younger, especially when they'd go to summer camp. I wasn't too sure about them choosing their outfits on their own. :laughing:

I know!! We're getting sooo excited--I'm sure your family is, too!! Oooh--good idea for camp! Ally will start going to Children's Camp with our church next summer--I'll have to remember that! Thanks!!

Claire's Mary Jane Crocs are sooooo cute, and I don't even like Crocs! (I know, a DIS sin.....)

Ally's Kindergarten recognition looked like fun. She must be tall, they always put the tall kids on the back row, Jared is always there too.

:worship::worship::worship: For your packing skills! You are one well organized woman. I love the idea of the separate baggies for each day's outfit, wish I would have thought of that when my boys were younger - genius!

Thanks!! You don't like Crocs?! They are sooo comfortable! That's all I wear to Disney!! Ally is extremely tall for her age! She is one of the tallest in her class but she's also one of the youngest in her class!

That Cinderella carriage is SO cute. And great job to Ally! You must be so proud.

Have a magical trip! It looks like you are ready to go! :goodvibes

Thank you!! I am VERY proud!!
Awww, what cute pictures from the kindergarten recognition! That's such a neat thing for the school to do! And I love Ally's gift :lovestruc Did you find that pick a pearl certificate here on the DIS or did you make it?
Great updates! I love all of the girls outfits! Where did you get the Cinderella carriage pearl holder and chain?! Congrats to Ally! That presentation is too cute! We had Emily's 8th grade awards night on Monday and you're right time really does fly! I just can't believe she's going into high school in August!!:scared1: Did you check the weather, I really hope they're wrong!
If I don't talk to you before Saturday then have a magical, safe, and dry trip. Can't wait to hear all about it!
Glad you enjoyed the concert!!
LOVE Claire's fairies outfit-- especially that skirt! It's darling.
Anything that saves time in Disney--and helps out your hubby-- is a good idea! Love the baggies!! If you don't get on the Dis again before you go-- have a wonderful time!!
Ha, ha my girls have the same panties.:lmao: Looking forward to reading your TR! Have a great time.:goodvibes
You have been very busy. I love all the pictures of the girls :thumbsup2. The outfits your Mom made are so cute.

:banana::banana:CAN YOU BELIEVE WE WILL BE IN DISNEY IN HOURS NOW? :banana::banana:

Awww, what cute pictures from the kindergarten recognition! That's such a neat thing for the school to do! And I love Ally's gift :lovestruc Did you find that pick a pearl certificate here on the DIS or did you make it?

Thank you!! Yes, I found the certificate here on the DIS--on the Creative DISign board! I'll post about that in a minute!!

Great updates! I love all of the girls outfits! Where did you get the Cinderella carriage pearl holder and chain?! Congrats to Ally! That presentation is too cute! We had Emily's 8th grade awards night on Monday and you're right time really does fly! I just can't believe she's going into high school in August!!:scared1: Did you check the weather, I really hope they're wrong!
If I don't talk to you before Saturday then have a magical, safe, and dry trip. Can't wait to hear all about it!

Thanks!! I got the carriage pearl holder on Ebay! I'll do a separate post in a minute b/c I've had a lot of people asking about it!! No, I have not checked the weather--too nervous. But my mom has and she said it was supposed to be hot and it showed a little rain for Wed?! I don't even want to think about the weather after what happened last year!

Glad you enjoyed the concert!!
LOVE Claire's fairies outfit-- especially that skirt! It's darling.
Anything that saves time in Disney--and helps out your hubby-- is a good idea! Love the baggies!! If you don't get on the Dis again before you go-- have a wonderful time!!

Thank you!! Yes--I'm all about saving time!!

Ha, ha my girls have the same panties.:lmao: Looking forward to reading your TR! Have a great time.:goodvibes

Hee hee!! Thanks!!

You have been very busy. I love all the pictures of the girls :thumbsup2. The outfits your Mom made are so cute.

:banana::banana:CAN YOU BELIEVE WE WILL BE IN DISNEY IN HOURS NOW? :banana::banana:

No!!! I can't!! It's so surreal! I cannot WAIT!!!
Hi Becky,
First of all, holy cow what a PTR. I found this early this morning,( actually by now ) yesterday morning and it took me all day to finish, but I am all caught up. I am really excited and a little bit jealous that you leave for Disney tomorrow, but I hope you guys have a great time. The outfits and bows are adorable and your girls are beautiful! I can't wait to read the TR and news about the next trip. DH and I are going for our first Christmas time in Disney on Dec 16 - 23! We are stoked to see the decorations! By the way my name is Kimi- 23 yr old recent college grad( like last week!! yay) and a dance instructor in NC. Love the girls dance costumes !! Have a blast with Mickey and the gang!!:banana: Thanks so much for sharing your memories with the rest of us!!
So I've had A LOT of people asking where I got the Cinderella carriage pearl cage so I thought I would write a separate post for those who were wondering! I read about the idea in my friend RinkyTinkyTinky's TR--she had done it for her daughter during their trip last November! Here is the link to her TR if you want to check it out! It's a fun read!!

I bought the Cinderella carriage pearl cage off of Ebay for only $3.50!!! It came with the cage, the chain, and a small gift box inside a gold jewelry bag!! It was so inexpensive that I bought one for myself and one for Claire for when she gets older!! Here is the link to purchase the pearl cage on Ebay:

The Minnie Mouse pick-a-pearl certificate is something I found on the Creative DISign board here on the DIS! It was designed by donatalie! Here is the link for the certificate:
Hi Becky,
First of all, holy cow what a PTR. I found this early this morning,( actually by now ) yesterday morning and it took me all day to finish, but I am all caught up. I am really excited and a little bit jealous that you leave for Disney tomorrow, but I hope you guys have a great time. The outfits and bows are adorable and your girls are beautiful! I can't wait to read the TR and news about the next trip. DH and I are going for our first Christmas time in Disney on Dec 16 - 23! We are stoked to see the decorations! By the way my name is Kimi- 23 yr old recent college grad( like last week!! yay) and a dance instructor in NC. Love the girls dance costumes !! Have a blast with Mickey and the gang!!:banana: Thanks so much for sharing your memories with the rest of us!!

Hi Kimi and :welcome: to my PTR!!! Thanks for reading along!! I'm glad you're joining in! Congrats on graduating college!! What was your major? How exciting that you are doing a Christmas trip this year!! My family cannot wait to see WDW all decorated for Christmas!! :santa:
I graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Dance Performance as well as a Bachelors of Science with concentration in Accounting!! lots of hard work but I am glad it's over.
I graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Dance Performance as well as a Bachelors of Science with concentration in Accounting!! lots of hard work but I am glad it's over.

Wow!! That's great!! Yeah--once I got my undergrad degree and then my Masters I told Brent that I was done for good!!


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