The Widow, Spinster, Missus and her Boy Toy celebrate new beginnings at WDW - Completed! 7/4

I can't believe the kids are in HS and this is Lucas's last band trip! So glad I got to see them together for the one and only time!
They grow up so fast!
Well, just my boss and I but its about time! I'm excited for the flexibility!
Yes, it is about time!
Well, if Jenny does complain going forward he can remind her she is her own boss and sets her own schedule. :rolleyes1
I think you just called me funny looking! LOL I take terrible pictures!
No, that comment was aimed at Fran.....Your was that pkondz really liked the picture of the "two of us" when we were toasting through the pass thru on the plane, and I commented that I liked that picture too. And you have a very nice smile in that picture! :flower3:
Love the Centurion Lounge! I was glad I snagged a table as the lounge was super crowded and tables were at a premium!
Yes! I'm so glad you were able to get one!
It was truly awful!
We chose wisely!
I should have just gotten the baby bottles at Publix but oh well...I survived!
Oh well......
Oh, and I filled out the survey Dollar sent...I wasn't complimentary!

Good for you!
Niece and Nephew was what I was going for :thumbsup2

Never would have guessed! :lmao:

Adding on the coffee and steaks, if the limit was 50lbs, you probably wouldn't have got away with it

I'm sure I wouldn't. They are very strict!

Hehe I remember you pocketing those, pretty sure I came home with one, you taught me well :thumbsup2

Fran taught us well :thumbsup2:

Me on work days 👌

Me on every day! Just not as early!

Wowzas, that is busy!

I know! I usually never have a wait at Long Beach!

Pretty sure at our little airport, it's only stairs 🤔

Yeah, evidently you don't have the Americans Disability Act which requires stuff to be HA accessible. She could not have flown into Kamloops.

Not so delicious hey!


Thinking ahead, well done! Makes sense to me!

You know me!

This looks quite tasty!

The lounge had some decent food!

Taking one for the team 👌👌

You know I will!

I seem to remember crappy experiences getting rental cars at that airport

Thus guy was just too cool for school.

don't know this FF chain (can't find the "don't know" emoticon I want to use)

They're Rally's in CA. Fran used to really like the one near us. It's decent.

I know Panera is a thing, I have never tried it (not sure if we have them in the bigger cities here now)

I actually love Panera for Fast Food. It's mostly natural food and super good. Way better than your Mickey D's etc.

Glad you didn't crash!

Me too! Although it wasn't a thing. I get excited. It used to freak Fran out too. I think I need to reign it in.
We are booking a 1 bedroom at Aulani for three nights before our cruise next year! Just a few more months until I can actually book it!!!!!

Oh that will be amazing! That's the right amount of time to just unwind there. We're there for a week so we're balancing relaxation and exploration. At least this time Shaun isn't a vegetarian.

I posted my trip plans on one of the Aulani planning groups on facebook and man - some people get very offended that you leave the resort at all.
I hope you have that one framed, then. It really is a very nice shot of the two of you.

I reluctant to put up any more pictures. It's bittersweet to walk past the wall in the hallway with the pictures of us from our various escapades. I'm wondering whether to keep it there or take it down.

:laughing: I hadn't noticed that!

I didn't either until I was posting the update.

Oh, Lord... you have no idea. It's been a real struggle lately to keep track of things. :sad2:

I know what you mean. I am constantly making lists.

I do too... but I'm also happy camping in a little tiny tent... for short periods.

I'm done with camping. The closest I'm going to get to it was that Bedouin tent in the desert.

Silver lining, but...

I have a hunch that at the time, you would've given just about anything to have to stay up until 2am packing...


It's so hard because I miss her a lot, but the more I get doing things on my own, the more I realize how difficult my life used to be. It's certainly not simple now, but so many things that I did were so labor intensive, and now it's much easier.

I really wondered at this (until I read the reason... which made total sense.)

Yeah, bringing all that stuff gets heavy!

Good to have a dependable friend. :)


And I'm sure he appreciated being rewarded for his help. :)


I don't remember seeing any, when I was there, but... that was a while ago and I may have just forgotten.

Well we were chit chatting, and drinking.....

Ugh! Did you get soaked? Or was there some kind of cover? Or it was short enough that you kept relatively dry?

This is Long Beach on a good day.


I guess I just kind of briskly walked, I can't run anymore. I didn't get soaked, but I wasn't dry either.

As long as it wasn't like this:

:eek: certainly not!

For a second, I was thinking "Why did she have to order her drink off the internet?"


I even reworded that sentence before posting because initially it TOTALLY sounded like I ordered my drink off the internet.

Yeah... that looks... not so great.

They're just blah.

Nice! I should look into that, maybe. Then again, not doing a whole heck of a lot of traveling lately.

Yeah, you need to travel a lot and use the perks to make it worth your while.

Where were they flying out of??

They were connecting through Austin Texas.

Can you imagine someone just giving you their glass just because they didn't enjoy it themselves?


Happens All. The. Time.

I really like this shot. Fake-O-rail plus selfie all in one!

Didn't even realize that I did that!

Wanted to be like Jim, huh?


Ah. I don't think I could do that. 1. I'm not sure if it's legal to bring uncooked meat into the country. Pretty sure it isn't. 2. Typically my flight times are a lot longer as there's often a plane change in Toronto.

Yes, there is that issue with the border and such. My connection was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be.

May I ask why you decided on a rental? Was it because of the good deal Jill got?

Jill wanted to rent a car instead of taking the Mears shuttle or an Uber. I guess also since we were staying offsite the first night. I just went along with it.

Oh dear.
One perk (and there aren't many) that I get from work is membership in National's executive class. I never have to wait. I either skip the line and just go straight out to the car, or, where they don't have that service, go to the front of the line. It's saved me hours on a couple of occasions.

We will remember this experience next time.

Not okay. What did he do/not do?

He just sat back in his chair, like he was too cool to actually deal with us. He spoke so softly that we kept having to ask him to repeat himself, and he seemed like he was troubled by the fact that he even had to help us.

Really? I'm very surprised to hear that. I wonder if that has something to do with a holdover from Covid and supply chain issues?

No clue, but it was a pretty beat up car.

:lmao: Please tell me this wasn't a typo, but intentional.

Yes it was intentional. :teeth:

Oh dear. But... probably so
Looks pretty good. :)
Yes the room was nice!
Good to know! And... Good for you!
I have seen Panera, but never eaten at one. Sounds pretty decent.
It's quite good. I like their roast beef sandwich at lunch with a side of Mac n Cheese.
Close enough. And... yes, I was wondering!
:lmao: There's always someone!
I need more details on this! Cruise to where!?!?!?

Well the one that I was referring to is the Honolulu to Vancouver next February 2025, but if you don't know about that one you may not know about the West Bound Transatlantic (WBTA) cruise that we are booked on in October this year from Southampton to Fort Lauderdale.
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Yeah, evidently you don't have the Americans Disability Act which requires stuff to be HA accessible. She could not have flown into Kamloops.
Hmm, I'm curious now, they must have a ramp they can bring in, as everything has to be accessible as you mention, I'm probably just remembering stairs
I actually love Panera for Fast Food. It's mostly natural food and super good. Way better than your Mickey D's etc.
As far as I've always seen/heard, everyone loves it, I wonder if they will try to break into the Canadian market...
Oh that will be amazing! That's the right amount of time to just unwind there. We're there for a week so we're balancing relaxation and exploration. At least this time Shaun isn't a vegetarian.

I'm not sure that will be enough time for everything that we will want to do, but for sure we will have a spa day!

I posted my trip plans on one of the Aulani planning groups on facebook and man - some people get very offended that you leave the resort at all.

That's weird. We are going to have a rental car, and I'm sure we will leave the resort a few times.....
Hmm, I'm curious now, they must have a ramp they can bring in, as everything has to be accessible as you mention, I'm probably just remembering stairs

You probably don't have as many folks there who need the ramp, so they only pull it out as necessary. Long Beach has those ramps set up at every "gate".

As far as I've always seen/heard, everyone loves it, I wonder if they will try to break into the Canadian market...

So I looked it up since you got me curious. They are all over Ontario, but no farther west than Mississauga.
When we last left off, we had just purchased our groceries, left our bags and food items with Bell Services and parked the car. Jenny and Michael were already at Epcot. We headed to the boat launch via the gift store. We had one stop to make before we were on our way to Epcot.

Now the boat transport was definitely something new for me. I may have done it at some point twenty or more years ago, in fact I know we did. However, the last time that Fran and I tried to take the boat from Wilderness Lodge to anywhere we were turned away because the boats were not scooter accessible. It’s just amazing how easy it is for able bodied people to get around, so many options as opposed to just the bus!

So back on the boat. We sailed past some of the Cascade Cabins at Copper Creek! We might have been staying in one of these. However it turns out we did not stay in these cabins. These were part of Cabins 8000-8012, we were in the 8013-8026 section on the opposite side of the resort. But it gives you an idea, just how close to the water we were!



We took our first selfie of the trip!


We wanted to see the Easter Egg display at the Grand Floridian. The display started on March 4, and today was the last day. Jill really wanted to see it.

They were super detailed and neat to see. There was this little Easter treat shop set up in the middle of the lobby.


There was this cute little display of the Angry Coconuts from Moana.


At this station, they were evidently demonstrating how they painted on the eggs with real life images, but since this was the last day, there wasn’t anyone staffing it.


This egg was honoring Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railroad, so cute!



This Princess and the Frog egg was really neat! I love the Bayou!


And we’re Almost There!!!!!


I guess the best way to describe this one is Daisy’s house. I love the little carrot garden in the front yard!


The Sword and the Stone….


There were these little mischievous looking woodland creatures.


I’m not exactly sure what this one represents, but it’s pretty!


A few more self evident pretty ones…..





[Continued in Next Post]
[Continued from Previous Post]

This Beauty and the Beast egg was pretty amazing. It was on a slow rotating base, and had beautiful elements all around.




This one is pretty cute.


Here is a completed version of the egg with the characters painted on it.


Another super one!


Shout out to Elemental


Here’s a tribute to Onward….I still have to see that movie.



This egg is inspired by Yzma from the Emperor’s New Groove.


More cute little bunnies, although the two in the back look kind of like hired hit men about to take out the unsuspecting cute little white one for his Brussel Sprout he’s carrying!


An egg dedicated to treats in the park!



This Baby Dragon is hatching from an Easter Egg in an “Easter Inspired” Garden.



Don’t worry people, we are almost done here……I don’t think this one needs any explaining.



And the last one, inspired by Alice in Wonderland. This one had a fully functioning clock inside of it! The hands turned and everything!



I'm glad we made the stop here, because it was really neat. After we viewed the eggs, we got back on the monorail and headed to the TTC where we transferred to an Epcot monorail. By this point Jenny and Michael were in Italy.
I really enjoy the boats....It's so less crowded and you get a different viewpoint. I realize how privileged I am not to have mobility issues after traveling with Fran.

The Easter egg display was really cool! Disney employs so many really talented artists.

Jill in CO
The studio at Copper Creek on arrival night was absolutely perfect! I’m so glad we did not stay off property that first night so we didn’t have to Uber twice! The Uber driver was so nice and the drive went by quickly as he and Michael chatted about fútbol.

That next morning we had breakfast at Whispering Canyon Cafe. Their steel cut Oatmeal is quite delicious and the breakfast is a bargain. It came with oatmeal and berries on top, a big muffin, and then a large side of fruit. We could’ve easily shared but we also wanted protein and ordered eggs with bacon; the cook was extremely generous and I think we ended up with at least eight pieces of bacon.

Love the chocolate eggs! Cute selfie too!
I reluctant to put up any more pictures. It's bittersweet to walk past the wall in the hallway with the pictures of us from our various escapades. I'm wondering whether to keep it there or take it down.
I can understand that. Do what feels best for you. And what feels best for you now may change later. And it's all okay. I personally feel that the only right way to grieve is the way you (collective you/anyone) is doing it. Some cry, some don't. Some act out. Some are still. It's all right for that person. And it's all perfectly normal. The only time it might not be is if someone is considering self harm or harm of others. And there are different levels to that as well. Otherwise... one does what one needs.
I know what you mean. I am constantly making lists.
I've been too stressed to even do that!
I'm done with camping. The closest I'm going to get to it was that Bedouin tent in the desert.
It's so hard because I miss her a lot, but the more I get doing things on my own, the more I realize how difficult my life used to be. It's certainly not simple now, but so many things that I did were so labor intensive, and now it's much easier.
And I understand. We had a bit of a similar journey with my Dad.
Well we were chit chatting, and drinking.....
We were! :)
I guess I just kind of briskly walked, I can't run anymore. I didn't get soaked, but I wasn't dry either.
Not far... but not super close, either.
Happens All. The. Time.
You said Jill might have to go naked... So I said "Like Jim"... Naked Jim.
He just sat back in his chair, like he was too cool to actually deal with us. He spoke so softly that we kept having to ask him to repeat himself, and he seemed like he was troubled by the fact that he even had to help us.
Not okay.
It's quite good. I like their roast beef sandwich at lunch with a side of Mac n Cheese.
I'll keep that in mind. :)
Well the one that I was referring to is the Honolulu to Vancouver next February 2025, but if you don't know about that one you may not know about the West Bound Transatlantic (WBTA) cruise that we are booked on in October this year from Southampton to Fort Lauderdale.
We need to talk! I want details!
However, the last time that Fran and I tried to take the boat from Wilderness Lodge to anywhere we were turned away because the boats were not scooter accessible.
So are they accessible now?
But it gives you an idea, just how close to the water we were!
::yes:: I remember seeing them and wondering what they were like. I'm about to find out!
Nice shot of you two.
Love Jill's shirt and your necklace. :)
They were super detailed and neat to see.
I won't comment on all the shots, but I really enjoyed seeing them all. :)
There was this cute little display of the Angry Coconuts from Moana.
As long as I don't have to eat them...
Here’s a tribute to Onward….I still have to see that movie.
I actually have seen it, but... I don't remember much about it now. I guess I need to rewatch.
More cute little bunnies, although the two in the back look kind of like hired hit men about to take out the unsuspecting cute little white one for his Brussel Sprout he’s carrying!
I'd gladly give away any Brussel Sprout!
This one had a fully functioning clock inside of it! The hands turned and everything!
Okay... so... you didn't say, but I presume all the displays were made from edible components? Or maybe just chocolate? If that's the case, then this is even more incredible!
Here’s one of the last pictures we took together on one of our Big Nights Out before she suffered the injury which eventually led to her passing. Mardi Gras!
Love this picture of you two. ❤️
Since her passing, my besties have had my back. This is Jill, The Spinster. We met on the DIS and have been friends for over a decade. Last year she invited me to join her on a monumental “zero” birthday trip she had planned (solo). Once Fran passed, she thought I might enjoy coming along. I did! This picture was taken on our flight home when we were exhausted, overloaded with history, but still not wanting to kill each other after two and a half weeks of grueling mornings and touring! You can read about it all here.
Nothing better than great friends.
Longtime readers will know my cat sitter Jim (aka Naked Jim), and if you remember the TR where we took him and Alberto to WDW, we stayed in a Poly Bungalow. Ever since the Copper Creek Cabins opened I wanted to find an excuse to stay there. Since over 350 points were credited back to my account last year and I already have a crap ton of points, we were well on the way to spending 124 points per night on a swanky room! At this point I did not care one bit if it were just Jill and I alone in the cabin, however, we extended the invitation to Jenny and Michael to join us, and they were more than happy to accept!
I am jealous of the cabin stay! I could swing one night with my measly 150 points, lol!
So back to the plans, as I mentioned it was a lower point season but that began April 1st. Our plan was to fly on March 31st, Easter Sunday. Since we knew we would get in late, and we didn't want to pay Easter week point prices, we booked an offsite hotel near the airport for the first night. Jill wanted to rent a car rather than rely on Disney transportation. This way we could also do our own shopping instead of a grocery service. We don't have a lot of park time planned, but we are staying at resorts that are serviced mostly by busses. Jill doesn't like busses. Originally the car was going to run us around $350, but Jill found an unused travel credit on one of her credit cards and was able to apply that to a new reservation bringing the cost down to $50!
Now the boat transport was definitely something new for me. I may have done it at some point twenty or more years ago, in fact I know we did. However, the last time that Fran and I tried to take the boat from Wilderness Lodge to anywhere we were turned away because the boats were not scooter accessible. It’s just amazing how easy it is for able bodied people to get around, so many options as opposed to just the bus!
Boat transport is always my favourite.
We wanted to see the Easter Egg display at the Grand Floridian. The display started on March 4, and today was the last day. Jill really wanted to see it.
The Easter Egg display was fantastic!
There was this cute little display of the Angry Coconuts from Moana.
This was adorable!
And the last one, inspired by Alice in Wonderland. This one had a fully functioning clock inside of it! The hands turned and everything!
My favourite of all!
I really enjoy the boats....It's so less crowded and you get a different viewpoint. I realize how privileged I am not to have mobility issues after traveling with Fran.

It was really cool riding on those small transport boats. We were really close to the water!

The Easter egg display was really cool! Disney employs so many really talented artists.

It was super cool! I'm glad you suggested we see it!
The studio at Copper Creek on arrival night was absolutely perfect! I’m so glad we did not stay off property that first night so we didn’t have to Uber twice! The Uber driver was so nice and the drive went by quickly as he and Michael chatted about fútbol.

I'm glad it worked for you. That first night, DVC points were still sky high, so we didn't want to spend points for a room when they dropped to nearly half the cost the next day. Plus it allowed us to do our own shopping and save the delivery cost.

That next morning we had breakfast at Whispering Canyon Cafe. Their steel cut Oatmeal is quite delicious and the breakfast is a bargain. It came with oatmeal and berries on top, a big muffin, and then a large side of fruit. We could’ve easily shared but we also wanted protein and ordered eggs with bacon; the cook was extremely generous and I think we ended up with at least eight pieces of bacon.

I'm sure it was good. I'm just disappointed that you guys did the quiet ketchup and didn't get put in jail, with Mr. Ketchup sneering in your face! :laughing:


Love the chocolate eggs! Cute selfie too!

I can understand that. Do what feels best for you. And what feels best for you now may change later. And it's all okay. I personally feel that the only right way to grieve is the way you (collective you/anyone) is doing it. Some cry, some don't. Some act out. Some are still. It's all right for that person. And it's all perfectly normal. The only time it might not be is if someone is considering self harm or harm of others. And there are different levels to that as well. Otherwise... one does what one needs.
I've been too stressed to even do that!
And I understand. We had a bit of a similar journey with my Dad.
I'm sorry. I know it's difficult.
You said Jill might have to go naked... So I said "Like Jim"... Naked Jim.
No, actually you said.......
Wanted to be like Jim, huh?
And I said, :confused3 because I had no idea of Jill's motivations. Perhaps she wanted to be like him, or perhaps her greatest fear is being stuck somewhere and luggage lost with no clothes to wear.
I'll keep that in mind. :)
I get what's called the

You Pick Two®​

Select any two of the following:

  • Cup of Soup or Mac
  • Half Salad
  • Half Sandwich
Along with a FREE side choice of Chips, an Apple, or a French Baguette.

My favorite is the Half Roast Beef, a cup of mac and chips.
We need to talk! I want details!
Well....what do you want to know, send me a message!
So are they accessible now?
No, I'm not using a scooter any more. Started walking at DL back in May, but didn't realize how different WDW is!
::yes:: I remember seeing them and wondering what they were like. I'm about to find out!
Well, not just yet, it will be a couple updates until you find out!
Nice shot of you two.
Love Jill's shirt and your necklace. :)
I won't comment on all the shots, but I really enjoyed seeing them all. :)
I'm glad you did!
As long as I don't have to eat them...
Nor should I! :thumbsup2
I actually have seen it, but... I don't remember much about it now. I guess I need to rewatch.
I've never seen it, but it's on my list.
I'd gladly give away any Brussel Sprout!
I'm sure you would! :laughing:
Okay... so... you didn't say, but I presume all the displays were made from edible components? Or maybe just chocolate? If that's the case, then this is even more incredible!

I didn't see a sign that actually said that, but I'm pretty sure that they are. Normally when they do Gingerbread houses or similar they have a sign with a list of ingredients. I didn't see anything here, but I'm sure they were made from edible materials. Otherwise why would the chefs be making them?
Love this picture of you two. ❤️
Thanks! :goodvibes
Nothing better than great friends.
They have been invaluable!
I am jealous of the cabin stay! I could swing one night with my measly 150 points, lol!
I get that. I am lucky to have a TON of points!
Boat transport is always my favourite.
I can see why!
The Easter Egg display was fantastic!
Yes it was! I'm so glad I went to see it!
This was adorable!
So well done!
My favourite of all!

It's so hard for me to pick a favorite, but I think I might be partial to the Beauty and the Beast egg.

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