The Widow, Spinster, Missus and her Boy Toy celebrate new beginnings at WDW - Completed! 7/4


Lovely photo of you two. :)
Thanks, it took me a while to find one where she had a nice smile. So often she always had a funny look on her face.
Glad you posted this one. I really like this photo of the "two" of you. :)
Thanks! Me too!
Nice shot of the happy couple. :)
I like the fact that in all the pictures introducing us, we are all with "celebratory beverages". :laughing:
Heh. Few can... many do.
Yeah, just, no.
I had forgotten, but... ::yes::
How quickly we forget!
:eek: No. Way! Wow, that's great!
I like my luxury accomodations.
Working remotely from WDW... I could get behind that!
Oh, no! But I'm glad she's (seemingly?) landed on her feet.
Yeah, it's been a long time in the making, and finally after lots of writing on the wall, the wall fell over.
Whoa. Pretty darned good savings!
::yes:: As one must.
We didn't get as much as we had wanted, but we gave it a try!
Handy boy toy. :)
That's why he got to be a boy toy and not a Ball and Chain. :lmao:
ooohhh... very nice. I really enjoyed doing that.
We did too! :teeth:
Very nice as well.
Oh! I knew you were going, there'd been a few hints. Didn't know when you were going to do that. Now I know. :)

Soon! I need to get my packing list together, it's going to be here before I know it!
Great introduction! I am sorry that you had such a hard time missing Fran just before the trip. Hopefully you get to enjoy it a lot still.


It hits at the most random time, but we ended up having a good time. It was just very different.
I'm very sorry for your loss, and glad you're able to visit and enjoy with your friends.


Thanks for your condolences. It was definitely a different trip with all sorts of new experiences. And we did have a good time!
I'm just beginning to dabble a bit on the DIS again after some years away and noticed your thread. I'm so sorry to hear of Fran's passing, and can only imagine what you've been through. Sending my condolences.

And thank you for your condolences. It has been a very difficult year. Lots of ups and downs.

I'm not sure how much reading and commenting I'll be doing, as I'm in a weird place in life/health stuff/etc., but I'm really looking forward to reading any of this TR I can! It sounds like the setup for an amazing adventure! :lovestruc

:hug: I hope you are hanging on with your challenges. Life always seems to throw curves at us, and we make it through!
Well you know I’m here!!


Sure were, pretty sure I made comments when I read TR's that didn't include chunks of meat lol!


I sure do remember this one! Taking the kids!

Good memory!

:hug: you've been so strong, this is going to happen xx

Yeah, I know. But I think I got it out of my system before the trip because I didn't have any major breakdowns on the trip, just a lot of small epiphanies.

time off is such a hindrance for sure!
She totally had to see the NnN though!

NnN ??? :confused3:

:laughing::laughing: generally we still find something to complain about though!


Always better with special bevies 👌👌

We didn't turn out to have as many as I thought. More in the owner's locker for later!

Aww man, can't wait for these parts!

There's sort of a lot before I get there! For a trip that was supposed to be mostly relaxing we ended up packing quite a bit in there.

Looking forward to reading about this as well!

All in due time.....

Welcome home, I hope you had great kitty cuddles!

Yes, I was covered in kitties when I woke up this morning.
Day of Departure

My alarm went off at 5:30AM. It's so weird taking these trips when it's just me now. I get a full night's sleep, no staying up until 2AM packing. I'm all packed the day before. Although on this trip I had to add a second checked suitcase at the last minute.

For the past couple months I've set aside all the things I want to take; clothes, jewelry, bath salts, meds, vitamins, condiments, etc. And two days before the trip I finally put them all into the suitcase. I got out my handy dandy little travel scale and weighed my bag. It weighed 50.6 pounds, and I still hadn't added the two pounds of coffee beans that have been in the freezer ever since Fran passed (purchased for our last trip.) Nor had I added the steaks we planned to grill for dinner the first night in the cabin.

So the day before the trip I got out another suitcase, the size that fits in the overhead bin. And moved everything of a food related nature into that suitcase. I had mini Tabasco sauce bottles that I stole from room service trays in the halls of the DL hotels, ketchups of similar provenance. Plus some other things of a non-perishable nature that were supposed to come along with Fran and I last year.

So having both bags packed and near the front door by about 2PM was relieving. I made dinner around 7PM and after that, packed up my computer into my carry-on and went to bed. So when my alarm went off I was ready to go.

I basically needed to get dressed, feed the cats and make coffee before leaving. Naked Jim was scheduled to pick me up at 7AM and he was right on time. I put the steaks in the small bag and we were on our way. I hadn't had a chance to eat anything, so we drove through a Starbucks and I got a lemon loaf. I bought him breakfast as well. Some kind of sandwich and a coffee.

I fly out of Long Beach airport which is super close to my house. I can actually see the planes coming in for landing from the window when sitting in my bed, or the kitchen sink while I'm washing dishes. The airport was fairly packed, but I had reserved a Business Select ticket on Southwest Airlines (still on Fran’s SW points) which included Priority Check-in. While the bag drop off line for ordinary passengers was out the door, did I mention that it had been raining for the last two days in Southern California? Priority had no wait. I dropped my bags and headed for Pre-Check. There was even a line for that!

Security was a breeze and soon I was waiting at my gate. The rain let up for a few minutes, but it started raining hard again soon after. It didn't stop for the whole time that I was still in Long Beach. Because I had splurged for Business Select I was #3 for boarding. I had to walk in the rain the whole way up to the plane, because Long Beach has outside boarding. At least they have a ramp for the front of the plane. They use stairs for the back of the plane, but due to weather, they were only boarding from the front.

I did not luck out on this flight and ended up with a full row, but both of them slept the whole time so it wasn't so bad. Business Select comes with free WiFi and a complimentary adult beverage so I logged on to the internet and ordered a Bloody Mary from the flight attendant.


And they served us these little graham crackers. This is my least favorite Southwest Airlines snack.


About halfway through the flight, I got a text from Jill that our plane was delayed from 2:15 to 3PM. She was on her way to the airport and it would be a race to see who got to the Amex lounge first. By the time I got to Denver our flight had been pushed back to 3:30. In the meantime Jenny's flight took off from Long Beach. They were connecting through Austin.

About a month ago I applied for a Platinum Amex card. One of the perks is that you get access to Centurion Lounges all over the world. No more $100pp Vino Volo bills for us.

There's a lounge at the Denver Airport and Jill visits it every time she flies. In addition to this trip, I can use mine on my next international trip. Jill actually made it to the lounge before me and she snagged a table. I met up with her and we both snagged a couple of glasses of adult beverages.


Then we grabbed some of the free food. I had some salad, chermoula chicken, potatoes, a roll and some cookies. It was all very decent.


We hung out in the lounge until it was almost time for our flight to board. I enjoyed a few more glasses of wine and then we finally boarded our plane and got on our way to Orlando around 3:45. Jill and I were lucky enough to have an empty middle seat. Meanwhile Jenny & Michael were enjoying some Texas BBQ airport style. And soon they were on their way to Orlando too!

Jill and I each ordered a glass of wine as our complimentary beverage, but it was not the best white wine and she gave her glass to me cause she didn't want to drink it, that bad. I was OK with drinking it, even if it wasn't good! Sorry no pics.

We landed at 8:43, and were off the plane super quick since we sat up front instead of in the back where I usually go. We hopped on the fake o rail, and soon we were on our way to the main terminal and baggage claim.


Our luggage took forever and at one point Jill thought she might have to go naked, but her suitcases eventually turned up. While we were waiting we ran into Jenny and Michael at baggage claim. While we were exchanging pleasantries, I checked the “meat suitcase”. The steaks were still in there, and they were also still frozen.

Jenny and Michael were staying in a Studio at Copper Creek tonight so that they didn't have to Uber twice. We said that we would meet them the next day and said goodnight. Luckily Jill's bags showed up moments later.

Then we went to pick up our rental car. That took forever. There was a line inside the terminal and then the guy at the counter who helped us was a jerk. We finally got to the outside part where you pick your car. It was confusing and we walked to the end of the row before we found someone who could tell us which cars we could choose from. We walked past all the cars before we realized which cars we could pick from. I wanted to take a red Ford Escape just like mine, but at that moment we realized we could grab it, another family snagged it before we could. We ended up with a Black Escape. Jill was not happy with Dollar Rent a car. It was a 5 year old car, and she wanted a newer car, but she consoled herself that we were only paying $50 for the week so it was OK.

Then it was off to find dinner and our hotel. We realized that being Easter Sunday and now 10PM that we were probably relegated to Fast Food Drive through. We passed on Mickey D's, Taco Hell, and Checkers, finally coming across a Wendy's that we decided would be decent. We chose poorly. Although as Jill pointed out none of our choices may have worked out well at that hour.

We got our food and headed to our hotel. As you can see the food does not look very appetizing, but we were hungry. The fries were cold, so was Jill's burger. At least mine was relatively warm.


We threw the fries away, They were just gross.


And then we got ready for bed. We tried to take as little as we could out of the suitcases since we would be checking into our real hotel the next day. We made a plan for the next day and both of us fell asleep almost instantly.

We set the alarm for 6:30, but I woke on my own at 6:16, so I decided not to try and sleep, and just caught up on my TR notes. I queued up the page for the Guardians ILL and just waited.

I was afraid that I might not get the option to purchase ILL since technically I was not checked into a Disney hotel. I had done online check in, so It stood to reason that it would work, and it did! I was able to secure an ILL for 1:20-2:20 for our party of four.

Once we had accomplished that, we got dressed, repacked our suitcases, and headed out. We picked up some morning beverages at Starbucks and then drove through Panera. I got the four cheese soufflé and Jill got the bacon spinach soufflé.


Then we were on our way To the UPS store which happened to be right next to the Publix where we planned to shop. The night before we left, Jill sold a purse. It was listed for months, but of course it sold the day before we left. She could have dropped it off in Denver, except for the fact that we left on Easter Sunday and no place was open where she could drop it off and get a receipt.

That accomplished, we went to Publix to get our groceries. It was a quick shopping trip, and pretty soon we had nearly everything we wanted. Except for Jill's Diet Dr. Pepper. We ended up hitting two formerly Hess, now Speedway, gas/mini marts at Disney, but they held to Disney's “Coke Products Only” policy. So Jill took it as a sign from the Universe that she's not supposed to drink Diet Dr. Pepper this trip. Because I forgot to take the steaks out of the suitcase and put them with the refrigerated items when we loaded the car at Publix, I did this at the second gas station. Don’t worry readers, those steaks were properly refrigerated for about 95% of the time.

Soon we were driving through this wonderful sight!


Just after we passed by the guard shack, I got a text. Jill had stopped at the Stop sign for the bus lane. I saw that the sender of the text was Disney and got so excited that I let out a loud shriek that scared the patootie out of Jill! Turns out it was the notification that our room was NOT ready.

For historical accuracy (from Jill): It was as I was stopping for a bus, when I heard the shriek, and thought I was about to get hit by a bus! I had a minor heart attack.

When we arrived, we texted Jenny. She replied back letting us know that she and Michael were already at Epcot. We unloaded the car with Bell Services, telling them which bags needed refrigeration, etc. Then we self parked the car.

I’ll be back in a bit with the rest of the morning!
Such a long first travel day! I'm with Jill that anything at 10PM on Easter Sunday would probably suck. At least it made you not hangry.

Can't wait to read all about the cabin. I've been tempted to splurge points for one but haven't yet (we decided to splurge for a 1 bedroom for Aulani instead)
Well this year he is a junior, the trip is to WDW/US/IOA, and not only is he marching, but his sister is marching as well! Jill couldn't miss out on that!
I can't believe the kids are in HS and this is Lucas's last band trip! So glad I got to see them together for the one and only time!
Finally this past January the HR department gave in and let the company go remote.
Well, just my boss and I but its about time! I'm excited for the flexibility!
This is a great new beginning for Michael too because now he won't have to listen to Jenny complain about her job, her boss, or her hours.
Well, if Jenny does complain going forward he can remind her she is her own boss and sets her own schedule. :rolleyes1
Thanks, it took me a while to find one where she had a nice smile. So often she always had a funny look on her face.
I think you just called me funny looking! LOL I take terrible pictures!

Jill in CO
There's a lounge at the Denver Airport and Jill visits it every time she flies. In addition to this trip, I can use mine on my next international trip. Jill actually made it to the lounge before me and she snagged a table. I met up with her and we both snagged a couple of glasses of adult beverages.

Love the Centurion Lounge! I was glad I snagged a table as the lounge was super crowded and tables were at a premium!
We passed on Mickey D's, Taco Hell, and Checkers, finally coming across a Wendy's that we decided would be decent. We chose poorly. Although as Jill pointed out none of our choices may have worked out well at that hour.
It was truly awful!
Once we had accomplished that, we got dressed, repacked our suitcases, and headed out. We picked up some morning beverages at Starbucks and then drove through Panera. I got the four cheese soufflé and Jill got the bacon spinach soufflé.
We chose wisely!
hat accomplished, we went to Publix to get our groceries. It was a quick shopping trip, and pretty soon we had nearly everything we wanted. Except for Jill's Diet Dr. Pepper. We ended up hitting two formerly Hess, now Speedway, gas/mini marts at Disney, but they held to Disney's “Coke Products Only” policy. So Jill took it as a sign from the Universe that she's not supposed to drink Diet Dr. Pepper this trip. Because I forgot to take the steaks out of the suitcase and put them with the refrigerated items when we loaded the car at Publix, I did this at the second gas station. Don’t worry readers, those steaks were properly refrigerated for about 95% of the time.
I should have just gotten the baby bottles at Publix but oh well...I survived! Oh, and I filled out the survey Dollar sent...I wasn't complimentary!

Jill in CO
It weighed 50.6 pounds, and I still hadn't added the two pounds of coffee beans that have been in the freezer ever since Fran passed (purchased for our last trip.) Nor had I added the steaks we planned to grill for dinner the first night in the cabin.
Adding on the coffee and steaks, if the limit was 50lbs, you probably wouldn't have got away with it
I had mini Tabasco sauce bottles that I stole from room service trays in the halls of the DL hotels, ketchups of similar provenance.
Hehe I remember you pocketing those, pretty sure I came home with one, you taught me well :thumbsup2
I basically needed to get dressed, feed the cats and make coffee before leaving.
Me on work days 👌
headed for Pre-Check. There was even a line for that!
Wowzas, that is busy!

They use stairs for the back of the plane, but due to weather, they were only boarding from the front.
Pretty sure at our little airport, it's only stairs 🤔
This is my least favorite Southwest Airlines snack.

Not so delicious hey!

No more $100pp Vino Volo bills for us.
Thinking ahead, well done! Makes sense to me!

This looks quite tasty!

I was OK with drinking it, even if it wasn't good!
Taking one for the team 👌👌
Then we went to pick up our rental car. That took forever.
I seem to remember crappy experiences getting rental cars at that airport
and Checkers,
I don't know this FF chain (can't find the "don't know" emoticon I want to use)
I had done online check in, so It stood to reason that it would work, and it did! I was able to secure an ILL for 1:20-2:20 for our party of four.

and then drove through Panera.
I know Panera is a thing, I have never tried it (not sure if we have them in the bigger cities here now)
I saw that the sender of the text was Disney and got so excited that I let out a loud shriek that scared the patootie out of Jill! Turns out it was the notification that our room was NOT ready.
Glad you didn't crash!

Thanks, it took me a while to find one where she had a nice smile. So often she always had a funny look on her face.
I hope you have that one framed, then. It really is a very nice shot of the two of you.
I like the fact that in all the pictures introducing us, we are all with "celebratory beverages". :laughing:
:laughing: I hadn't noticed that!
How quickly we forget!
Oh, Lord... you have no idea. It's been a real struggle lately to keep track of things. :sad2:
I like my luxury accomodations.
I do too... but I'm also happy camping in a little tiny tent... for short periods.
Yeah, it's been a long time in the making, and finally after lots of writing on the wall, the wall fell over.
That's why he got to be a boy toy and not a Ball and Chain. :lmao:
We did too! :teeth:
Soon! I need to get my packing list together, it's going to be here before I know it!
It's so weird taking these trips when it's just me now. I get a full night's sleep, no staying up until 2AM packing.
Silver lining, but...

I have a hunch that at the time, you would've given just about anything to have to stay up until 2am packing...

Although on this trip I had to add a second checked suitcase at the last minute.
I really wondered at this (until I read the reason... which made total sense.)
So the day before the trip I got out another suitcase, the size that fits in the overhead bin. And moved everything of a food related nature into that suitcase.
And there it is. :)
So when my alarm went off I was ready to go.
Naked Jim was scheduled to pick me up at 7AM and he was right on time.
Good to have a dependable friend. :)
I bought him breakfast as well. Some kind of sandwich and a coffee.
And I'm sure he appreciated being rewarded for his help. :)
I can actually see the planes coming in for landing from the window when sitting in my bed, or the kitchen sink while I'm washing dishes.
I don't remember seeing any, when I was there, but... that was a while ago and I may have just forgotten.
included Priority Check-in.
Love priority.
Security was a breeze
Great! Always a crap-shoot there.
I had to walk in the rain the whole way up to the plane, because Long Beach has outside boarding.
Ugh! Did you get soaked? Or was there some kind of cover? Or it was short enough that you kept relatively dry?
I did not luck out on this flight and ended up with a full row, but both of them slept the whole time so it wasn't so bad.
As long as it wasn't like this:
I logged on to the internet and ordered a Bloody Mary from the flight attendant.
For a second, I was thinking "Why did she have to order her drink off the internet?"

And they served us these little graham crackers. This is my least favorite Southwest Airlines snack.
Yeah... that looks... not so great.
I got a text from Jill that our plane was delayed from 2:15 to 3PM.
Not too bad.
it would be a race to see who got to the Amex lounge first.
Ooohh... did you place bets?
By the time I got to Denver our flight had been pushed back to 3:30.
Again... not too bad.
About a month ago I applied for a Platinum Amex card. One of the perks is that you get access to Centurion Lounges all over the world.
Nice! I should look into that, maybe. Then again, not doing a whole heck of a lot of traveling lately.
Jill actually made it to the lounge before me
Jill wins! 🥇
Then we grabbed some of the free food. I had some salad, chermoula chicken, potatoes, a roll and some cookies. It was all very decent.
Sounds not bad!
Jill and I were lucky enough to have an empty middle seat.
Meanwhile Jenny & Michael were enjoying some Texas BBQ airport style.
Where were they flying out of??
Jill and I each ordered a glass of wine as our complimentary beverage, but it was not the best white wine and she gave her glass to me cause she didn't want to drink it, that bad.
Can you imagine someone just giving you their glass just because they didn't enjoy it themselves?

I was OK with drinking it, even if it wasn't good!
I really like this shot. Fake-O-rail plus selfie all in one!
Our luggage took forever and at one point Jill thought she might have to go naked,
Wanted to be like Jim, huh?
While we were waiting we ran into Jenny and Michael at baggage claim.
The gang's all here!
I checked the “meat suitcase”. The steaks were still in there, and they were also still frozen.
Ah. I don't think I could do that. 1. I'm not sure if it's legal to bring uncooked meat into the country. Pretty sure it isn't. 2. Typically my flight times are a lot longer as there's often a plane change in Toronto.
Then we went to pick up our rental car.
May I ask why you decided on a rental? Was it because of the good deal Jill got?
That took forever.
Oh dear.
One perk (and there aren't many) that I get from work is membership in National's executive class. I never have to wait. I either skip the line and just go straight out to the car, or, where they don't have that service, go to the front of the line. It's saved me hours on a couple of occasions.
the guy at the counter who helped us was a jerk.
Not okay. What did he do/not do?
Jill was not happy with Dollar Rent a car. It was a 5 year old car,
Really? I'm very surprised to hear that. I wonder if that has something to do with a holdover from Covid and supply chain issues?
but she consoled herself that we were only paying $50 for the week so it was OK.
:thumbsup2 That's a really good deal.
Taco Hell,
:lmao: Please tell me this wasn't a typo, but intentional.
finally coming across a Wendy's that we decided would be decent. We chose poorly. Although as Jill pointed out none of our choices may have worked out well at that hour.
Oh dear. But... probably so
The fries were cold, so was Jill's burger.
Gross. :sick:
Looks pretty good. :)
I was afraid that I might not get the option to purchase ILL since technically I was not checked into a Disney hotel. I had done online check in, so It stood to reason that it would work, and it did!
Good to know! And... Good for you!
drove through Panera. I got the four cheese soufflé and Jill got the bacon spinach soufflé.
I have seen Panera, but never eaten at one. Sounds pretty decent.
So Jill took it as a sign from the Universe that she's not supposed to drink Diet Dr. Pepper this trip.
Don’t worry readers, those steaks were properly refrigerated for about 95% of the time.
Close enough. And... yes, I was wondering!
Soon we were driving through this wonderful sight!
For historical accuracy (from Jill): It was as I was stopping for a bus, when I heard the shriek, and thought I was about to get hit by a bus! I had a minor heart attack.
Such a long first travel day! I'm with Jill that anything at 10PM on Easter Sunday would probably suck. At least it made you not hangry.

Yeah, you're both probably right. I was hoping to actually make it to a sit down restaurant, but with the delays of the flight that wasn't happening.

Can't wait to read all about the cabin. I've been tempted to splurge points for one but haven't yet (we decided to splurge for a 1 bedroom for Aulani instead)

We are booking a 1 bedroom at Aulani for three nights before our cruise next year! Just a few more months until I can actually book it!!!!!
We are booking a 1 bedroom at Aulani for three nights before our cruise next year! Just a few more months until I can actually book it!!!!!
I need more details on this! Cruise to where!?!?!?

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