The Running Thread--2024

September Running
203.5 miles
7:52 avg/mile

I did the Pittsburgh Great Race 10k yesterday but got to experience it in a different way: as an official pacer. I'm doing Chicago in two weeks so I thought racing it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. I had emailed the race organizers back when registration opened if they needed any pacers for the 7:30 or 8:00 groups. Hadn't heard anything back until last Monday asking if I could do the 7:30/mile group. I had never paced a race before but I had a real fun time with it. Even carrying the stick wasn't noticeable at all like I thought it would be. I was a bit fast the first half (I knew the 2nd mile was going to be since it's downhill) but came in at 7:28/avg overall. One guy who started out with me and finished near me managed to get a PR so mission accomplished.
September Running: Activities: 14, Distance: 66.09 miles, Time: 12:35:54
Let's see...what did this month bring....The first three weeks I did two weekday 5ks and a weekend 10k, then in this past week I officially started my Intermediate Marathon Plan....week 1 of 16 complete which included a 15k today.
Thinking back on the month, I feel successful in my interim plan of ramping up from finishing a 5k training plan before marathon training starts. Looking forward to October, I think the slight drop in temperature will benefit my speed, and I'm hoping I can be successful in sticking to the training plan (4-5 runs per week).
I can’t seem to catch a break. I know compared to hurricane woes (best of luck with getting back to normal sincerely) this is nothing but this is my life apparently. I finally get over my allergic reaction only to end up sick.

Really glad my next full out race isn’t until Rocket City now. This freakin sucks.
Does anyone use bib clips? Been considering grabbing some to try on upcoming races. Not a fan of my bib hanging off my running belt. I also despise using safety pins. So I have been looking to order some bib clips off of Amazon to try in my race this weekend.
I use Race Dots and Bib Boards (the runDisney ones and a beer set) for shorter races. For longer ones, I use the elastics built in to my Naked running band that has my fuel in it because I'm used to racing triathlons with it, where you're required to wear a race number belt. Plus, with the running band, I don't have to put the magnet/dots on and off multiple times trying to get the bib centered and level. :rotfl:
September Running
75 miles
10:19 avg/mile

There's something magical about the first long run in cooler temps after months of unenjoyable, suffocatingly hot long runs. I felt like I could conquer the world!... or at least run longer than 8 miles without hating it! Bring on fall!

At the end of this month I'm running the Purdue Half and looking forward to some Boilermaker bling!
September 2024 Totals
Running Distance: 94 miles
Running Time: 16:04:32
Traditional Strength Training Time: 6:57:08
Pilates: 1:59:07
Yoga: 1:16:55

Covid absolutely upended my training. This feels like a game of chutes and ladders in which I felt so good at the beginning of this month and now I had my lowest running month since April. I took off the second week of September when I tested positive and I'm building my mileage back up while I wait for my aerobic fitness to get back to my pre-Covid state. I had previously read that it takes six weeks for your aerobic fitness to return and I'm on my third week of running. At this point, I'm solely doing easy runs and my longest run was a disastrous 8 miler last weekend. I was hoping to throw in some strides, but I'm uncertain when it would be best to do so since I believe that my heart rate is still elevated above normal. All in all, this is NOT the training that I had in mind for Dopey 2025.
Sept Totals: 32.3mi

Could have been better, but back-to-school (which also means back-to-work) schedule adjustments combined with something going on every.single.weekend. and getting sick kind of put a damper on things. The good news is that I had a great 1hr 45min run on Friday, and we are settling back into school mode.
September running totals:
Distance: 87.6 miles
Time: 16:41

Decent months considering the heat and so much travel! I actually forgot it was October today 🙄 Have the TC 10 miler next weekend that I am treating as a training run rather than a race as I am coming back from a cranky hamstring but the weather looks great!
This is great! Now, you can build on that great run and the positive feelings.
yep!! the biggest hurdle right now is just getting out the door for the miles because DD is suuuuuper annoying when I try to use the treadmill. DH has been refereeing a ton of football, DS2 has a boatload of homework (AP and honors classes) on top of not getting home from XC practice until 6:30 usually. I was pretty nervous about that run, but when I hit 75min and still felt great, it was a huge mental boost.
Does she want to use the treadmill, too? :P
YES. Or she bounces around on the exercise ball and she's almost crashed face-first into the belt multiple times. Or she tries to put things on the front of the belt. Or she suddenly needs me to do tasks or help her with things. Even if I put a show or a movie on for her, she wants me to change is 5 or 6 times in a 40min span.

OR she goes upstairs (our tread is in the basement) and gets into all sorts of things she's not supposed to. Some examples would include powdered lemonade mix, ice cream, glue, or out to the garage and bring her bike or scooter into the house.
YES. Or she bounces around on the exercise ball and she's almost crashed face-first into the belt multiple times. Or she tries to put things on the front of the belt. Or she suddenly needs me to do tasks or help her with things. Even if I put a show or a movie on for her, she wants me to change is 5 or 6 times in a 40min span.

OR she goes upstairs (our tread is in the basement) and gets into all sorts of things she's not supposed to. Some examples would include powdered lemonade mix, ice cream, glue, or out to the garage and bring her bike or scooter into the house.
This is all so eerily familiar. :P

Owen ALWAYS wants to use the treadmill with me. I have to negotiate that he can use it when I'm done. Or sometimes I let him use it for a few minutes at the start just to get it out of his system. :P

What's your "cutoff" for battery life before you decide to replace your watch? I have a vivoactive 4s that I bought back in June of 2021 that I'm starting to need to charge a lot more. What's the charging frequency that would motivate you to get a new/different watch?
ATTQOTD …If I was wearing it daily which I do currently I think every 72 hrs would be ok, once it gets to every 48 I would probably replace but I really hate charging things 😂😂
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September Running
Miles: 64.14
Time: 11:12:41
Avg HR: 144
Avg Pace: 10:38

It was an OK month - I took off a week for a Disney vacation (wow, September is still really hot in Florida!), so I'm just building back up.

September Walking
Miles: 12.49
Time: 4:08:40

Not bad.

Strength Training
Sessions: 1

Still haven't made it a priority. I really need to.
I think it would be when it starts to not have much percentage left after running a marathon - or my longest training run.
I don’t think I’ve ever kept a Garmin long enough for it to need to be charged that often, though.
I recently got the new AppleWatch. My previous one (series 7) would still last for a 5 hour marathon, but I had to make sure it was fully charged right before the start. I had been debating on getting the new watch, and had maybe decided to wait when my dog chewed up my second, travel watch charger - so I decided to get the new watch so I get get a new charger also. Ha!
(Yes, I wear two watches while I run.)


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