The Running Thread--2024

Does anyone here volunteer at races? Do you enjoy it?

I've volunteered at the NYC marathon (in the finish area) for the last few years, and while I do enjoy it, the last few years I've loved it less and less every year. I'm signed up to volunteer again this year and I'm really not sure I want to. Last day to cancel is apparently Monday so I need to think about what I want to do. (I'm also signed up for the expo, which most years I actually enjoy more, but I have more time to decide if I want to do that)
Does anyone here volunteer at races? Do you enjoy it?

I've volunteered at the NYC marathon (in the finish area) for the last few years, and while I do enjoy it, the last few years I've loved it less and less every year. I'm signed up to volunteer again this year and I'm really not sure I want to. Last day to cancel is apparently Monday so I need to think about what I want to do. (I'm also signed up for the expo, which most years I actually enjoy more, but I have more time to decide if I want to do that)
I have no experience volunteering. I am here to say thank you, we appreciate the volunteers more than they will ever know!
Does anyone here volunteer at races? Do you enjoy it?

I've volunteered at the NYC marathon (in the finish area) for the last few years, and while I do enjoy it, the last few years I've loved it less and less every year. I'm signed up to volunteer again this year and I'm really not sure I want to. Last day to cancel is apparently Monday so I need to think about what I want to do. (I'm also signed up for the expo, which most years I actually enjoy more, but I have more time to decide if I want to do that)

I volunteer. I have done it for the local races that I have run, along with Boston and (before they stopped incentivizing) Disney. I enjoy it--although that depends on the assignment. I will admit to being more selective in what assignments I put in for with the bigger races.

I get the idea of "volunteer fatigue", though. The big races can be pretty overwhelming. You've contributed in the past, and if you just aren't motivated this time, then give it a pass. And you would be doing it by the deadline, so no problem there.
September total-
4 miles. 2x1 mile last week and a 2 miler today. I can still feel a lil sumpin’ in my hip, but not overtly painful.

This has overall been a great month for me.
My daughter ended up sticking with BJJ after being very disheartened. I think the instructors have finally accepted that she is six and not an older child I am trying to pass off as younger, which I recall from my own childhood.

My car is now driving 20 months after the motor blew. And today we sign a LOI for a restaurant space in SLC.
Does anyone use bib clips? Been considering grabbing some to try on upcoming races. Not a fan of my bib hanging off my running belt. I also despise using safety pins. So I have been looking to order some bib clips off of Amazon to try in my race this weekend.
September Totals


Runs: 25
Miles: 200.39
Time: 28:21:53
Avg Pace: 8:30

YTD Miles: 1,605.68
Last 12 months miles: 2,197.39

I recorded at least 200 miles (barely!) for the third time in the last four months and the fifth time overall in 2024. I haven't missed a training run during this cycle as I am now less than six weeks from the Harrisburg Marathon in mid-November. In addition to performing well at the marathon, I have a secondary goal of reaching 2,000 miles this year. As long as I remain healthy, I'm in pretty good shape to get there.
Does anyone use bib clips? Been considering grabbing some to try on upcoming races. Not a fan of my bib hanging off my running belt. I also despise using safety pins. So I have been looking to order some bib clips off of Amazon to try in my race this weekend.
I have used Bib Boards a lot and like them. I also recently got some bib magnets at a runDisney expo (not race dots). I can’t remember the brand, but the magnets have a plastic covering that helps prevent them from sticking to anything metallic (like door frames) that you might walk by or sticking to each other like Race Dots tended to do. I like these little magnets.
Does anyone use bib clips? Been considering grabbing some to try on upcoming races. Not a fan of my bib hanging off my running belt. I also despise using safety pins. So I have been looking to order some bib clips off of Amazon to try in my race this weekend.
I also use Bib Boards and recommend them. Got them as a gift two or three years ago and have used them for several races. Super easy to get on and off, and I haven't lost one yet!
Does anyone use bib clips? Been considering grabbing some to try on upcoming races. Not a fan of my bib hanging off my running belt. I also despise using safety pins. So I have been looking to order some bib clips off of Amazon to try in my race this weekend.
I have generic bib clips I got at one of the expos. I like them a lot more than safety pins, especially when I'm wearing outfits that cost a ton of money. :D
September 2024

Running: 37h 9m, 232.9 miles
Strength/mobility: 7h 43m
Total: 44h 54m

Two whole miles more than last month 🤣

September also included my first-ever 60+ mile weeks, one really great workout, one really terrible workout, a bunch of just fine workouts, some lovely weather, some miserable weather, new and heavier dumbbells, and a lot of naps.
Does anyone use bib clips? Been considering grabbing some to try on upcoming races. Not a fan of my bib hanging off my running belt. I also despise using safety pins. So I have been looking to order some bib clips off of Amazon to try in my race this weekend.
Add me to the list of Bib Boards users. I've been using them for years, and have never had an issue.
September running:

Total distance: 68.3 mi
Average pace: 11:19/mi

Can't seem to get traction on my fitness this whole year. Had a few weeks on track, on my recycled DopeyBadger plan for WDW Marathon, and then I got Covid. It really knocked me back: I had a fever 3 nights in a row, resting HR elevated for longer than that, a full week off of running and then this past week tentatively coming back at reduced intensity. Trying to start back on schedule this week. This is what I get for letting my vaccinated status lapse I guess. I'll get the shot as soon as my doctor says it's ok.
Race Report: Clarence DeMar Marathon Keene, NH 9-29-24

(Side note if anyone would wants to look him up, very interesting read on a determined and accomplished runner)

The weather: of course it can always be better but no complaints about near perfect conditions. 52 with a dew point of 40 according to my weather at the start and 62/52 when I finished with complete cloud cover just enough to block the sun but not make it damp.

The course: a first time for me on this one but it looked decent with rolling hills but nothing major and a net downhill on a point to point starting in Gilsum NH and ending at Keene Sate College. A couple of short out and backs made the distance official, one running over spillway dam offering spectacular views of the area. The entire course being in rural NH in autumn in itself leads to great views and most likely great weather. The race started at exactly 7AM (and it was exact) and had parts shared with the half which started farther down the road at 8 with both finishing at the same line. With 372 full finishers and 356 half finishers I did catch up to some but there was never any crowding that I saw or felt. The signage was fantastic with large arrows on signs as well as arrows on the ground, and a volunteer and cones at every turn. Even better was a couple hundred yards before every aid station was a sign telling you it was coming up and what was there. And there were aid stations at about every two miles, sometimes even closer.

The organization: hands down the best local race I’ve been in (though that’s only a handful) They had bib pickup on Friday or Saturday (with a pasta dinner that I didn’t attend) as well as morning of before getting on a bus. I chose morning of and it was easy and extremely friendly to park at the finish, get my bib, and hop on a bus to the start. At the start, they opened the elementary school gymnasium for runners to stay out of any weather, stretch, sit, or just hang around and meet new people instead of milling around in the dark or sitting on blacktop. There were more than adequate portapottys at the start, finish, and on course. There was always someone on hand if there was anything you might need, and something I haven’t seen before - the college gymnasium at the finish was open and available for any runner who wanted a hot shower! If I had to nitpick and find fault I’d say the finish was lacking a large choice of food. There was plenty of water, Gatorade, fruit, and snacks, but no local vendors with more if you wanted something more, and the real sad part - no beer tent. No matter, that’s literally looking for a downside and I will do this race again.

Like most races I can’t say enough for the volunteers, they were everywhere, as well as local law enforcement stopping traffic at any of the few road xings. Medical staff was on course at tents with bike riders checking anyone that looked like they might need help. It just seemed like everyone knew their job and was doing it well. I would highly recommend this race.

This was like Disney training with the morning bib pickup and me living almost an hour and a half away I got to set my alarm for 2:30AM, yay!
So let’s go right to the numbers for this one. I was only 5 weeks out from my last marathon which beat me up pretty bad, so my goal was just a solid sub 4 marathon and an easy recovery. My original plan was to shoot for a 3:45 and see how I felt after a few miles. Usually I run 4 and walk :30 so I decided to slow down I would cut the run back to 3:30 and see if I could recover better and not beat myself up. Turns out that makes a huge difference, I actually started a little faster than intended, but not too fast this time. Planning on 8:30/mile but usually trying for 8:00 I clocked my first mile at 8:05 and my second at 8:14. I couldn’t believe how good I felt now that I was into it and just kept doing what I was doing, now ignoring my watch except for the timer and going by feel, slower up hill, make it up on the downhill. At mile 10 I looked and saw my average was better than planned and still felt great! Well you know there has to be a hiccup in there, and I found it around 11.5, normally I can eat or drink anything without issue but I do feel on the edge sometimes in a race so I try to be careful and stick with proven food and drink. I did have an extra cup of coffee on the drive and an extra PB&J half when I got up, so I have to think that was an issue. We won’t go into TMI land, I’ll just say I had to stop for a couple minutes in mile 12. Ok, crisis averted back to it and again feeling good at the halfway point. The next few miles ticked off nicely without problems and I started thinking wow, today could be far better than planned, but without dwelling on record times as there were some hills coming up. Miles 19-22 slowed a bit because of said hills and I was starting to feel it. Then it was like throwing a switch, I quite literally ran out of gas. I almost expected it as I was taking a gel around mile 18 thinking whoa, keep that stomach in check, I really needed fuel and felt that I just couldn’t. It was either eat and get sick or push through on empty, I chose the latter. 23-25 saw my pace plummet but I know it wasn’t just lack of fuel, there is some psychological effects at play here as well, because even slowing up I passed someone I was talking with earlier and he sped up, then I sped up, then he said hey let’s run the last mile together. YES and we caught another who joined our parade of misery, it was fantastic, I did exactly what I originally intended to do finishing with a 3:54:07 and as I write this today I have already been up and about the yard getting things done and I feel great, much better than my last race. Now I’ll take a few days then get at it prepping for Wine and Dine! Thanks for reading.


Going to leave the numbers here in case @DopeyBadger or anyone else cares to have a look at what it’s like to run full speed into the wall



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