*~The Official Off Topic Thread~*


Not sure on the dates yet. I won't let DH book a flight until the inspections go through. Not worried since the house is 9 years old, but I guess I am a worry wort.

DS birthday is June 22 so it will around there somewhere. DD has Girl Scout stuff the 14-16 and then she goes to Choir camp on the 30th so I guess it would fall between the 16-30 but hit the 22nd somehow.

When are you going and where are you staying? We would stay at a DVC resort as we are members but not sure where. Maybe we can meet up if we are down at the same time.
Can I put in a small vent? ;) I had the worst margarita tonight. They made it with LEMON JUICE. I ordered a strawberry margarita. It's partly red when I get it. I take a drink and it's pucker time! Picture my face. lol So I read the drink menu - supposedly tequila. triple sec, lime juice, orange juice, and lemon juice, with a couple strawberries thrown in. I think it was mostly lemon juice. Gahhh....

No wonder I prefer to make my own! :crazy:
:wave2: Hi all! We are on spring break right now. Didn't go anywhere, saving those extra $$ for our June Disney trip. It's supposed to be around 65 today here. EEyore74, I just love your dog picture in your post! That is just too cute! Monday, my 2 DDs and I went up to the outlet mall and did some major damage!!! It was OK though, because it was clothes for our trip! We always have a way of justifying shopping!:p
WDWMom...that would be great if you are there around the 22nd. We leave that day, but will be there from the 13th, so we are sure to overlap one of those days!! I would love to meet up with you if it all works out...Keep me updated as J&D is a really good possiblity of being there the same time and I believe Rafikimom will be there as well! :) We are staying at my parents house in Clermont, so I am totally flexible about when and where if this comes together! Just sent me a pm or email letting me know if/when you book so we can throw something together! LOL

eeyore74...that sounds really yucky! I hate anything bitter/sour like that! I definitely like to make my own now...they taste the way *I* want them to!:p

Rafikimom...we are on spring break next week! Not going anywhere here either...saving for our June trip as well! :)

I hope everyone has a great day!! :)
Our spring break is next week, too. We don't have plans to go anywhere, but my mom is coming to visit next Tuesday and if DH goes out of town we can go with him. That's always fun!

Lori, I can so relate to that...I just love going out of town with my DH...it is always fun! :)

Just want to say "Bye Mal!" since she is leaving today for Disney!:wave: Have a wonderful vacation and drink plenty of Margaritas for the rest of us who are stuck home slaving away! ;)
(Nothing like a good case of the guilties before you leave, huh?):p:p
Hi Everyone,

I know I haven't been a big presence on the boards lately. Things are crazy! The baby has been sick on and off all winter, and we're going nuts keeping her on the nebulizer, running her to the dr., and dealing with the usual house stuff.

We were going to go to Disney for Christmas but it looks like we're going to cancel. I can't afford two trips and I'm booked for January for the 1/2 Marathon.

My only rewards stuff lately has been shopping thru Mypoints - and I am still fighting with them over Christmas points. Every time I finally get credited for something I forward another email confirmation to start on the next round, lol.

I'm sick of the cold weather! I'd move in a heartbeat if I could talk DH into it. Mom is thinking of moving to florida, but I don't know if she's going to go through with it.

All the best to everyone!
Originally posted by Baileymouse
I know I haven't been a big presence on the boards lately. Things are crazy! The baby has been sick on and off all winter, and we're going nuts keeping her on the nebulizer, running her to the dr., and dealing with the usual house stuff.

Baileymouse, I know exactly how you feel about that...My daughter has Severe Asthma and Gastroesophageal Reflux all together. She practically lives on a Nebulizer in the winter because the cold makes her so incredibly sick!:( Her bed posts are up on books at the top so that she is elevated when she sleeps. It is the only way she can without choking!:( I am hoping beyond hope that she grows out of this because as you know, it is a 24 hour job by itself! Big hugs to you!!! Please let me know how the baby is doing occasionally and please feel free to PM/email me anytime!!

That being said, it is great seeing you here again!! We have missed you!! I hope you can check in every now and then!! :wave:
Welcome back Baileymouse. Sorry to hear your little one hasn't been well. I know how difficult that can be.

Just had to share that I have finally, just minutes ago finished putting together my Disney photo album from :eek: 2002 :eek: . I'm sooooo excited.

Would love to meet up with everyone since I doubt I'll make the Hersey Meet.

This will be a no parks trip. Just water parks and pool hopping. Maybe we can get together at DD or you all can come swim at OKW or where ever we end up staying. DH is looking for airfare, so I should know soon when the exact dates will be.
My daughter also lives on a nebulizer. It is nice to see that someone else really understands what it is really like. People don't understand that a little cold to them could end up having a child like ours in the hospital really easily. They also don't understand if that doesn't happen they are still on the nebulizer for hours a day. I hope that you both have good luck with your children and here's keeping our fingers crossed for the day that they grow out of it.
Thanks for the support, everyone! What really ticks me off is that Haley is in Daycare, and she keeps coming home with these colds that turn into catastrophes! We had 4 nights in the hospital in January, and if we didn't have the nebulizer we'd probably be running back there all the time. Kids pass these things back and forth. UGH.

On a very bright note DS was accepted to the Broadcasting Dept. at Montclair State University - it's a great program, and he really wanted it. He's going to need a laptop - I can see the mypoints adding up now, lol.
Congratulations to your DS, Baileymouse!! :) What a wonderful accomplishment, you must be so proud!! :)

Originally posted by mrsboz
People don't understand that a little cold to them could end up having a child like ours in the hospital really easily

I couldn't agree more! When my son comes home from school with the sniffles, more than likely my DD will have a full blown 24 hour flu before the week is over. She has had pneumonia more times then I care to remember and all because of someone coming into the house with a cold or sickness! :( I had to eventually ban people coming in the house who were sick (people who didn't live here that is!)...it was the only way to prevent her from being sick constantly.
I hope everyone is enjoying their Easter with family or friends or whomever you share it with!! :)

It has been a great day here, the Easter Bunny left me some goodies too!! :)
Hope everyone had a very happy Easter. It was a low-key day for us, but that's a good thing after all the excitement we've had!
Happy Easter All! :sunny: It was quite a hectic day for us. We have to make our family rounds visiting everyone!
odddog -- AKL Concierge is my favorite! And we've done concierge at Poly also. The staff is wonderful and the lounge is very comfortable. DS5 says he likes AKL concierge the best also, because they have fruit loops! LOL!

Kids are a hoot.

I hope everyone's Easter was great. I had an awsome day even though I only spent about two minutes at home the whole day!

Thanks for putting my DW mind at ease about AKL concierge, although she has talked to a few CM's they do seem very nice!
Our DD is 5 and we were hoping that she will enjoy the resort also!
I don't know if my DD likes fruit loops (her taste changes daily!) but I'll eat em!!!::yes::
Do you think our DS3 would "get it"??

Hope everyone had a happy easter!!


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