The funeral is tomorrow


<font color=blue>Miracles are amazing!<br><font co
Mar 23, 2000
I posted this on Saturday, but I'm not sure how many saw it. There was a terrible accident on I-25 late Friday night, and three teenage girls (all 16) died instantly. Somehow they crossed the median and hit a semi head on. It's surmised they hydroplaned with all the water around here, and lost control. There was no sign of alcohol or drugs involved. I knew two of the families well. Their older siblings were very close to my girls (one was Kimmi's best friend through high school) and spent many hours at my house during their high school years. They are both in college, one in Fort Collins and one in Greeley. My heart just breaks for these families. Kimmi will be going with the family today to pick out flowers for the service. One funeral is today and the other two (the ones I know) is tomorrow in a dual service at my church.

It will be a hard day for many people. Please send prayers and pd for these famlies (and a little for me). Thanks.
I'm so sorry to hear. That's horrible. P & PD for you and the families.
I am so sorry tc. My prayers are with their families.
Oh My, Kelli! That is just too sad! Prayers and thoughts to you, your girls and the families affected.

My DD (17) just left this morning for her first trip to the beach (about 30 miles away, but still) with some of her girlfriends. I know that anything can happen anywhere, but it's unfamiliar territory and I'm very preoccupied at work today because of it.

Take care,
VAL (Mama Rose)
It definately makes you think of things differently. Kimmi was home when we heard the news, but had to go back to Keystone and now she's back. With the avalanches and snow melting, I was a nervous wreck knowing she was driving I-70 so much. I am glad she's home for awhile. It's so hard to let go, because you never know what might happen.
There is nothing sadder than the funeral of a young person, tc.... this is a tragedy.

God bless the families and may they heal completely.

What a sad situation for all involved. Your family and the families involved will be in my thoughts.
How horrific, Kelli. :( So terrible. My very best and prayes for those families.

We had a similar, 3 young girls, accident a few years back, Vince's group. Driver hit a tree, 3 girls dead. So sad. {{Hugs}}
Oh Kelli, I'm so sorry, that is awful. I must have missed the original post. My thoughts and prayers are with their family and friends.{{hugs}}
Oh how horrible! Im so sorry for the tragic loss you and your community are dealing with.
Prayers & Pixie Dust on the way!!!!
Prayers said for the families involved and for you and your girls on this tragic loss of life.
It is so sad to see their families. They are so confused and helpless. Kimmi's friend's mom has been in bed since the news. The pastor has been at her house non-stop since Saturday. She just can't accept it. He has finally talked her into going to the funeral. Initially she said she wasn't going. She is just so devastated. My heart just breaks for her.
Prayers and PD on the way to all the families and friends. What a tragic loss of such young people. :(
So very sad Kelli :( My prayers are with all affected by this tragic accident {{hugs}}
How terribly heartbreaking. I will keep the families in my thoughts and prayers....and you and your daughter also.
How tragic. My heart breaks for these families. My prayers and sincere condolences are with them all.


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